Member Reviews

This was delightful, if only a little bit long.

While it is a YA title, the writing is eloquent and timeless. I really enjoyed everything about it.

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Thanks to NetGalley & HarperCollins Children's Books for the early copy in exchange for an honest review. Sadly, I DNF'ed at 20% of the way through.

Ugh. I should've realized this heavily involved a love triangle. None of the protagonists were really appealing to me and they all read as incredibly immature kids. I would've liked the magic but it was more about the politics than the magic, so, snore.

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This is a long-overdue review of "The Hedgewitch of Foxhall”, a cozy fantasy book that I actually loved! The best way I can describe the vibe is if Merida was combined with A River Enchanted and The Last Unicorn. The story itself was super cute, easy to read, and full of mythological creatures. I enjoyed it from start to finish and had to buy a copy for my library.

This book is definitely worth checking out if you’re into:
🦊 whimsical, witchy fairytales
🦊 animal companions
🦊 historical fantasy
🦊 funny bickering as banter

Also, can we talk about this gorgeous cover art?? It’s giving The Unicorn Tapestries, and I want it as a wallpaper.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Unfortunately I did not finish this book, I didn’t realize it was a love triangle and I gave the book until 25% but I was not hooked. This is super sad for me as I loved the premise and this book was a really highly anticipated read!!
Thank you the e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I DNFed this book at 42%. I’m not sure if I just read it too close to Where the Dark Stands Still or what, but this book just isn’t for me. I could see myself coming back to it later on and possibly enjoying it, but I know my students would love it.

Multiple POVs, a quest, magic is dying. These are great qualities. I just found the one prince a bit insufferable (beyond the normal insufferablensess) and the hedgewitch wasn’t the most inspiring heroine to me.

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(I absolutely love this book, it has become one of my favourite cosy reads ever! That’s it, that’s the review)

If I could, I would give this book more than 5⭐️! I adored this book so much!

We follow Ffion and Prince Taliesin on this journey that will change their lives, through the ups and down of trusting and letting new people in, of love and family. Let me start by saying I absolutely love her standing up for what’s right - and not do things just because “that’s how it’s done”. Just like Ffion, I am a believer that you don’t need to step on anyone to achieve your goals, no matter how long it takes. She is absolutely lovely and it’s amazing to see her grow during the story and the outcome of her hard work. Prince Taliesin is a bit of a mischievous character but he definitely has a good heart and I felt that him and Ffion brought the best of each other and were needed in this journey not only to save the kingdom but also to find themselves and their place in the world. And then we have Prince Dafydd, who’s not interested in the throne and just wants to live a humbling life.

The way all these characters’ lives intertwined was magical. The writing was very lovely and easy to get into, the world was simple but interesting and easy to get yourself immersed. We have fantastic tropes such as found family, second chances, a well done love triangle, slow burn and a personal favourite, a one bed inn! I wouldn’t say there’s enemies-to-lovers as I don’t think they start as enemies, they’re simply strangers in need of each other help to achieve their own goals that slowly become friends and gently something more.

I super super recommend this book if you like YA witchy cosy fantasies with a sub genre of romance and family relationships. This was extremely heartwarming and beautiful and I am definitely reading it again next spooky season! I would say this is a lovely blend between Emily Wilde by Heather Fawcett, Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson, The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin and A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft!

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Such a great fantasy book, the world building is great and the character are likable, enjoyed every second of it and very exited about more books from this author . Definitely will recommend

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I enjoyed this read so much!! Not only is the cover stunning but the description of magic and the welsh lands were stunning as well. I loved the way magic was portrayed. It gave me a feeling of wonder & foreboding, as did the wildness & welsh lore! Ffion I was drawn, I liked her connection to nature & her unwillingness to let others judgements effect her! I can't say I was the biggest fan of Tal or the whole love triangle in general. I felt it took away from the main adventure & I just didn't connect or follow it well. Other than close proximity I didn't really understand their feelings for each other and once Dafydd was in the picture it just seemed like Tal wanted Ffion because he saw her first. It felt like he just wanted to claim her so his brother couldn't have her, it just didn't sit well with me. That was my biggest qualm with the book but the atmosphere made up for it and rest of the story made up for it! I thought the ending was wrapped up very nicely! I do recommend for cozy magical cottagecore vibes the book really fits the bill! 4/5 stars!!

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A Welsh fantasy novel that young adults will enjoy. I liked the characters and the setting. I will buy this book for our school library.

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This was such a fun cozy fantasy read! I loved the characters and I thought the whole thing was very unique and engaging. Will for sure recommend and will be adding to our library!

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This was such a cute team up of a novel! I enjoyed the characters and their adventures but honestly...I read this two weeks ago, saw it on Libby today and almost requested it because I had already forgotten about it. So it might have been a bit too surface level to be a remembered read but it was a fun palette cleanser!

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A delectable fantasy for fans of Juliet Marillier! I did struggle with the pacing a little bit, maybe due to the story jumping in POVs, but the book hit its stride halfway through.

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The first half had me entirely hooked, the banter between Ffion and Taliesin was some of the best I've ever read. They're both SO stubborn and fierce, but in a way that's tied to their honor and morals. They truly would do anything for those they care for, but it doesn't close them off to growth either, and we see Taliesin come around to loving magic again as well.

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Thank you to the publisher for my arc.

This story seemed super interesting to me but unfortunately, I just wasn’t engaged at all. It felt like many other books I’ve read before and didn’t stick out.

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3 stars, but DNF at 40%

I'll be honest I was drawn by the absolute gorgeous cover, however I was not able to get into the story at all. The love triangle felt really awkard the way it was done cause I could not compreend what Dafydd's role in the story was and where he was most of the time when his POV appeared. Overall I do not think it is a bad story, it just could not grasp me enough to care to continue at this point in time.

E-arc kindly provided by the publisher, Harper360YA and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I liked the setting and use of Welsh mythology. I don't know enough to determine if the author put her own spin on any of the creatures, or if they are standard representations but they were well done. A bestiary or even a simple glossary would be a great addition to the pronunciation guide rather than having to find previous mentions.

I liked the idea of Ffion as an independent young woman forging her own path in life. The descriptions of her connection to nature and the land were compelling. The contrast to the methods of the Foxhall coven were clear and I liked the parallels to environmental conservatism. She did suffer from being a bit of a brat although this could be partly due to her age as I think she is supposed to be about 15. There was a little too much secretkeeping and shouting at her family members even before we get on to the love triangle. But, away from that, I enjoyed reading about how she utilised her magic. However it seemed strange that she wasn't able to figure out the mystery herself through her sensitivity to magic, as I felt it was immediately clear to the reader what had happened.

I didn't enjoy the love triangle which felt forced, as did the resolution. There wasn't enough development of the characters and their relationships for it to feel authentic. The other characters suffered similarily from lack of development as we don't see much of them beyond acting as antagonists. Ffion's Dad, in particular, commits some very questionable acts, even after she confronts him about it. Then the ending suggests that all is forgiven which I was sceptical of. A little more exposition, or a scene showing how he was forgiven would have made the epilogue less jarring.

There were some aspects of the story that I wanted to learn more about such as the bonding, Mam-gu and Arianrhod's stories. I'd have loved to read more about that than some of the princes' actions or the love triangle.

Overall, I liked it but felt the romantasy aspect was too contrived and took away from what could have been a really good fantasy story.

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First I would like to thank Netgalley and Harper Collins Publishers for sending me this arc in return for an honest review.

I was jumping out of my seat when I got this arc, definitely one of my most anticipated reads of the year... And let me tell you it did not disappoint. I loved the different povs, and how it really helped to keep the story flowing and understanding why certain events happen the way it does, and just all the Welsh magic and lore was exciting for me. I love a good history book that is delved deep in ancient folklore and magic, and this satisfied that craving I have been having for a book exactly like this. This book will stand as one of my favourite books of the year, and suits for another reread in the future. I love it that much!

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Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins for the e-arc!
Look at this cover! Absolutely stunning, it definitely pulled in to check out the story and I am so glad I did. I was hoping for cottage-core romance vibes and that is exactly what I got. I also really enjoyed the perspective changes in the different kinds of POVs throughout the story. It definitely enhanced the storytelling and I didn't find it too confusing.
So my favorite things about this book I love the kind of magic and creatures throughout the story. I love seeing fantasy books with these ties as it just makes the book feels so much more real and full flush. Love triangles for me can be very hit or miss and I enjoyed this one especially because it is very clear when picking up the story there's gonna be a love triangle. Ffion was still my favorite character in this book; she is just so strong and compelling to read about.
Definitely going to check out any new works by this author!

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I loved the look of this book SO much - I knew I had to read it, it's got the cottagecore vibes DOWN. There's a huge emphasis on magic, the wild and Welsh lore. I loved feeling so immersed in it as the book went on, and I felt myself in awe at Ffion's magic and her connection to the earth.

The first half had me entirely hooked, the banter between Ffion and Taliesin was some of the best I've ever read. They're both SO stubborn and fierce, but in a way that's tied to their honor and morals. They truly would do anything for those they care for, but it doesn't close them off to growth either, and we see Taliesin come around to loving magic again as well.

I wish the book had just featured these two because the love triangle thing between them and Dafydd was one of the worst parts of this book. It absolutely took the spotlight from the atmosphere of the book and ruined it imo because it became front and center. I hated how her dad bonded the two of them, and I think she forgave him WAYY too easily.

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This was great!

Pronunciation was super difficult, but the chart in front was so helpful. After a while my brain kind of zoned out (wasn't actively translating/remembering perfectly) and had a general grasp or recognition of words, so the frequency of Welsh terms didn't bother me. I enjoyed the way the author shifted perspectives at just the right pivotal moments, to snap to a different character and experience how the other is reacting through a different lens aided much in the storytelling.

The main characters were likeable, their motives understandable albeit very different from each other. Fion is feisty, justice driven, and calls it like it is, Daffyd unwilling, hesitant, but loyal, and Tal is protective, flirtatious, and tactful. Their dynamic creates some tension, but ultimately a great team. The different magic systems were based in Welsh folk magic. I haven't read much hedge witch style novels and it was great to see it portrayed more positive than "hag magic". The overall story galloped along and was pretty fast paced, lots of cliff hangers at chapter ends.

Things I didn't like. The absolutely unnecessary pseudo love triangle. Ugh. Stop. In some circumstances I can get with it, but this was just weird and forced. I didn't like how it was used to kind of show one person "choosing" to have honor, instead of them just being true to their already kind and honorable character? There were a few other plot points and twists that were way too convenient. Which is why I categorize this as a cozy fantasy- the turmoil and conflict are generally easily resolved without too much strain or violence.

Fair warning- there is an incredibly heartbreaking event towards the beginning. Normally, this specific thing is a deal breaker dnf for me, but the rest of the book is worth it. The end had me in big ugly happy sobs.

Some good kissing, but not much else, so I'd grade this YA. I think it would be safe for Middle Grade too, but cussing is so engrained in my vocab that I don't catch it in books anymore. I don't specifically remember any happening... so parental discretion advised?

Thank you Netgalley for approving me for an ARC.

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