Member Reviews

The Hedge Witch of Foxhall feels like a warm hug on a cold evening. Under-represented in the genre, the Welsh mythology and magic is refreshing and easy to understand and connect with. The motivations of each character are unique, yet relatable. While we have a love triangle, we are (so, so thankfully) not subjected to the kind of love triangle that leaves us rolling our eyes and frustrated at questionable romantic decisions. Recommended to any YA fantasy fan in need of a comfortable read to get you out of any reading slump.

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This was a lovely YA fantasy romance. I loved the welsh influences, and the historical references (Offa's Dyke!).

But I think the thing I loved best was shockingly the love triangle, and how well the author demonstrated that two people can be fairly alike in ways they think it counts, but when it comes down to it, they may not be right for you.

So fun and sweet. Loved it.

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3.5 stars

Ffion has refused to join the Foxhall Coven because she believes they’re power-hungry witches who take too much power from nature. When one day, they go too far, Ffion has to figure out how to get back when they’ve taken from her. And fast. Since the magic in Wales is disappearing.

Meanwhile, Prince Taliesin is looking for a witch to help him restore magic to his kingdom. Ffion begrudgingly agrees to help him–while also possibly working with his brother, Dafydd, behind his back. Will they complete their quest in time to save Wales?

Thanks to HarperTeen and NetGalley for an advanced copy of The Hedgewitch of Foxhall by Anna Bright to review! Standalone fantasy can be difficult to find in YA fantasy, so it’s always a breath of fresh air when you find one. Especially when it has a gorgeous cover like this one.

This is a historical fantasy based on Welsh folklore, which I haven’t seen a lot of in YA. The folklore/magic aspect is pretty well developed for the most part, as well as the world itself. Historical fantasies lend themselves well to that, immersing the reader into this magical world Bright has created.

Splitting the narration into three different voices took away from the overall story, though. The characters themselves felt a little flat, leaving me wanting more from each of them. Focusing on just one of the princes would have helped Bright to better develop the characters’ voices, and would have made me more invested in the novel itself.

Despite that, it was an enjoyable read, especially if you like learning about different kinds of folklore. There is a bit of a love triangle, so be warned of that. It will be a good fantasy to curl up with when the weather is cold outside!

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This was really sweet. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this, but it ended up being a pretty cozy read. I enjoyed the atmosphere and cast of characters we were introduced to, however I would have liked to connect to the characters more. The cover is also STUNNING!

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I loved this book. The fierceness and magic of Ffion was wonderful to read. I loved the historical mixed with the fantasy. This was a beautiful story. Lovely ending.

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Review (no spoilers):
What a change of pace to read a historical fantasy that had a minor romantic element to it. I loved that this story focused on Ffion and her growth as a person, as a hedgewitch, and in her relationship with others. There was a hint of a love triangle, but with only one kiss given to each of the men, it was definitely not a main focus of the story.

Ffion, Tal, & Dafydd each had their own personal struggles and pasts to work through and I was so excited to get 3 POVs so that I could understand their trauma, experiences, and marvel at their growth.

Ffion’s dedication to her beliefs about doing no harm was so impressive and commendable when that led to her living on her own at a young age and having to stay away from those that she loved. I was so happy to see her relationship with her family improve as her mother finally chose to understand her.

I was definitely surprised about Ffion’s parents and how their roles impacted the story and brought about some significant surprises.

Overall I would recommend reading this for a cozy historical fantasy with a minor romance element.

Thank you for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Welsh words like chocolate chips in a cookie add depth and mystery to the magic and love growing naturally in the story. I honestly expected Tal to be left behind. I imagined a completely different story than the one that unfolded. This made the book excellent. It was not cookie-cutter style or brash. It is beautifully written. You should read it!

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This has all the feelings of old Disney movies like Sleeping Beauty, The Sword in the Stone, The Black Cauldron.

I absolutely loved this and will recommend it to anyone who loves YA, a medieval setting, Welsh folklore, and the feeling of a unique fairytale.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to review this complimentarily ARC

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This is a cozy cottage fantasy based on historical events. I can see how it's comparable to Allison Saft and Margaret Rogerson- it has mythical creatures and lush nature and magic everything I love in a good soft fantasy. It had everything I love- just not quite enough of it. It fell a little flat in some places and really just left me wanting more.

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Want a feisty, headstrong FMC who is incredibly loyal and stands for what she believes in almost to the point of insanity? You got it. I love Ffion and all of her hard edges. You want a complicated competition for a throne between brothers? This right here. Tav has the biggest chip on his shoulder and Dafydd is straight running from responsibility. Both have a very toxic relationship with their father. Oh, and throw in a slow burn romance with a love triangle. Yes, it is messy. But the banter is incredible, just *chef’s kiss.

Now on to the world-building, which was done so well and was so easy to just dive into. The welsh forest-core setting just envelopes you in cozy, magical comfort. The politics and history of welsh kingdoms intermixed with coven politics and renegade, singing hedgewitches kept me interested. The vibes are full on Hobbit: walking, singing, sleeping outside, eating good food wherever they can get it. This story was so much fun, so cozy, and full of lore. I honesty want more of it!

Thank you Goodreads for a free digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC reader copy.

I was so excited to read this book due to the amazing and beautifully drawn cover. The story was very fun and cute, a very cozy fantasy that you can enjoy at a leisure time. It was good overall but nothing that really made it a favorite. 3.5 stars

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I know we all try not to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes you see a book so beautiful you decide you need to have and read it before even reading the description and that was very much the case here. I'm not as much of a fantasy reader as I was when I was younger, so I'm not as drawn to them as I used to be, but I could not resist this one, and I'm glad I didn't because this book was a total delight. Wonderful worldbuilding, fantastic characters, really engaging plot. I loved it! Definitely lived up to the cover. Of course one of the main goals of a cover is to catch a reader's attention, but you also want to accurately represent what kind of a book this will be. It can be such a disappointing feeling to want to read a book BECAUSE of what the cover suggests to you, only to have the book feel like something else entirely. This wasn't like that at all. The cover does a wonderful job of capturing what this book is, and if you connect with the cover like i did, I imagine you'll connect with the book itself as well.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was immediately drawn to the gorgeous cover for this book! The book itself was enjoyable, but it wasn't my favorite. I love cozy fantasy and this certainly fit into that category. I had trouble connecting with the characters, and that really kept me from loving the story.

I will be posting about this title on my Goodreads and Instagram as we get closer to the release date! I am certain my audience will enjoying hearing about this title.

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First of all, I LOVE the cover. This has to be one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen. Just by looking at it, I wanted to read it immediately.

I loved the "cottage" vibes that this book gives and the little dragons. My experience reading this one was like a rollercoaster. There were slow moments and high stakes at certain parts but overall it had a very weird pace. I would've liked for the plot to be more consistent but it dragged at times and I had to forced myself to continue. I did liked the romance and the whole of premise of the kingdom and the love triangle situation. However, it was hard for me to connect with the characters, especially with the FMC (she was interesting and had a few anger issues that made me roll my eyes occasionally). Overall, it was and okay read. I was expecting more

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This story follows the witch Ffion, the snarky prince Tal, and his brother Dafydd as we get to watch as their stories entangle. The king sends both Tal and Dafydd on a quest to restore magic to the realm in a competition for the throne, but this requires destroying the Dyke: a wall spanning many miles long and the main cause of the loss of magic.

This book was such a cute, comfy, and cozy adventure story and was really fun! The world building at the beginning of the book was easy to understand, and I was immersed in the story right away. My only issue with this book was that the development of the characters seemed to lack, and I didn’t feel very attached to any of them. This could be due to the multiple povs, but I wish specifically Tal’s character was explored more; he had so much potential to be a deep and loveable character, from his fancy cloak to his cunning mind.

Overall, a really great read for autumn or early spring!

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No one else's cover holds a dime to this one, oh my god it's beautiful. As for the book itself, it was nice. It was fun and fast paced with a feisty and strong headed main character. A blend of charming and cozy-- I liked the quest, and prince tal (wink, wink). I did, however, think the story and characters needed to be more nuanced and developed. I would say this is very younger YA in terms of depth and niche, but overall, it was quick and easy.

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The Hedgewitch of Foxhall is that perfect blend of sweet and cozy while still having incredibly poignant moments that really convey the differing struggles Ffion, Tal, and Dafydd face throughout the book. Anna Bright builds a lush, imaginative world that feels straight from Welsh folklore, and I love that she actually used a lot of the Welsh spellings and names for the various creatures, places, and characters.

The story follows Ffion, one of the last remaining hedgewitches who has become estranged from her family after her father abandons them to serve the king and her mother follows the Foxhall coven, a group of witches that almost seem like the Welsh folklore equivalent of a commercial conglomerate who are destroying the environment. Meanwhile, brothers Dafydd and Tal, are pitted against one another to find a way to destroy a rival king’s dyke that is destroying magic and see who will inherit their father’s throne.

This story is a love triangle, and while I like that all three characters have a POV and both brother’s had distinct personalities, Dafydd’ character felt more like an afterthought at times compared to both Ffion and Tal, who easily outshined him. Tal was my favorite of the two brothers from the beginning, but part of that could have been because I didn’t feel like I really knew enough about Dafydd, and I wasn’t really a fan of his semi-creepy “insta-love” for Ffion.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book. Thanks to HarperCollins Children Books and Netgalley for the advanced copy!

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Thank you NetGalley and HaperCollins for an ARC of this book. I really enjoyed this sweet little magical tale of a hedgewitch and two Welsh princes out to restore magic to Wales and save the land from an invasion from Mercia. Although this is set in the 700's, there were a few turns of phrase that were anachronistic and did jolt me out of the story on occasion, but for the most part the time period felt believable. The love triangle did not bother me and I liked both love interests. I loved Ffion and her refusal to follow in either of her parents' footsteps, instead foraging in the Foxhall forest and helping the poor. And of course, who wouldn't love Cadno, her fox familiar, even though he spends most of the novel offscreen. I got quite choked up at the ending. :) I don't know a great deal about Welsh folklore, but I'd love to learn more based on the creatures mentioned in this book. This may be intended for a younger audience as the main characters are between 17 and 19, but it's an enjoyable read for any age.

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I loved this book. It had witches, dragons, nobility and magic. I couldn't get enormous of this book. I will be purchasing this book to place on my keep shelf. I absolutely loved it.
I just reviewed The Hedgewitch of Foxhall by Anna Bright. #TheHedgewitchofFoxhall #NetGalley
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This book absolutely SHINES. I loved it desperately and inhaled it in two days flat. So lovely. I love the magic and heart in this grunge-core tale that made me care about absolutely everyone.

I just want to give the whole book a warm hug. And can we talk about the cover? I LOVE this cover, and was delighted to find the contents matched the beauty outside.

The Hedgewitch of Foxhall was my first book by Anna Bright and it 100% made me want to read more by her. Lovely lovely, warm and comforting.

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