Member Reviews

Now THIS is my kind of horror anthology.

If horror fiction was drinks, these are shots. Sometimes all you want are shots because you're not in the mood for long drinks.

I'm not a fan of long short stories. When I pick up an anthology, I prefer it to be shorter, less emersive (for the right reasons) experiences. This is in part because I can stay awake through a couple of different worlds of characters and adventures and often part because I like anthologies between bigger books.

EC Hanson does not muck about. They don't pull any punches. The stories are visceral and well executed, as are often the characters, and there's no shyness in showing you the horror.

I really enjoyd this collection of stories. There was quality writing, there was genuine differences between the themes (something often not seen in anthologies by the same author). Some stories are a few lines long and some only a few pages. Perfect horror anthology material. More of this, please!

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This book reminded me of an edgier Goosebumps, something I could see young adult readers being into if that's their taste. Most of the stories unfortunately felt rushed to me but I did find a few I liked. My favorite was definitely Backtrack.

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3.5 rounded to 4 stars

I liked this one, although some stories I enjoyed more than others. The majority of the stories I liked but a couple I just wasn’t all that interested in.

I’m a sucker for horror and anthologies, so anytime I can check them out I’m here for it.

So if you like the horror genre and/or anthologies you should definitely check this one out.

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Let’s be honest here, folks, this cover is gorgeous. This cover sucked me into its vortex and kept me entertained through 88 pages of short stories - some fun, some spooky, and some that gave me a chuckle.

The standout story for me was Salem Sightseers, a story about a witch and a werewolf in Salem during “peak” season. I actually laughed by the end of it and thought it was a nice touch on two well-known figures in the horror community.

If you’re looking for a shorter read that gives you spooky vibes (but not too spooky or graphic), this is one to try.

Happy Hauntings, friends!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for allowing me a copy in return for my honest review.

Unfortunately, this book was not for me. I really enjoy short stories and anthologies, especially if they're creepy. However, a lot of these stories felt rushed, not fully formed, lacking plot, build up or suspense. I struggled to get into a few, whereas there were others that were easy to read but not particularly gripping.

Not something I would recommend for people that want a more suspenseful short story.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting the book in exchange for an honest review.

I wanted - like truly wanted - to like this short horror anthology more than I actually did. This ended up being not for me and that was truly a bummer. The cover is truly captivating though and gif my attention.

To me this wasn’t necessarily horror as the story’s were not scary to me whatsoever. They all felt rushed and lacked solid storyline. I was confused at the beginning, it was only a couple of sentences long?

This anthology should be marketed towards young teens who probably will find joy in them. Maybe these stories twill sound scarier on a teens Halloween night slumber party - where all of them will sit together in a circle formation in the dark, reading the story’s on their phones one by one.

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This book is fine for what it is. It feels very much like a goosebumps story collection, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The only story I had a problem with was “fast friends” I found the little girl character (Lumi) lacking any form of humanity. The rest of the stories varied from great to meh. I just don’t think I’m the exact target audience.

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Fake Somebodies, Real Nobodies by E.C. Hanson is a great collection of horror stories.
Very well written anthology. Most of these short stories were intriguing and kept my attention.
The writing was great. Hanson I thought did an excellent job creating the characters and setting the scene.
These stories progressed at a good pace and kept me interested the whole time.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Big Swede Publishing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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(I received this book from the editor and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)
I am afraid to say this anthology was not for me.
I enjoyed the shortest stories the most, Salem Village got me good (was not expecting the twist, and in such a few phrases!), followed by Blood Silence and AK-47@11.
But sadly, as I said, mot of the stories just did not work for me; the endings were too rushed, or there was not a punch at all. I felt like they almost all had very good base ideas, but were not successfully carried out.

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most of these stories were pretty good. however I think I am not the right reader for short stories. I never have enough time to get into the characters so I don't like them as much as longer ones.

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What a nice, short read. I enjoyed most of the stories and I'll happily check out more from this author. The cover definitely nails the vibe of the book. Fans of horror would like this one a lot.

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"Fake Somebodies, Real Nobodies" is a captivating anthology curated by E.C. Hanson that delves into the complexities of identity and authenticity. With a diverse collection of stories, the anthology explores the lives of characters who navigate the blurred lines between perception and reality. From thought-provoking narratives to heartwarming tales, each story offers a unique perspective on the façades we wear and the truth that lies beneath. Hanson has skillfully brought together a range of voices, making this anthology a thought-provoking and engaging read that lingers in the mind long after the final page. Whether you're a fan of introspective fiction or simply intrigued by the intricacies of human nature, "Fake Somebodies, Real Nobodies" is a literary gem worth exploring.

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If you like short horror stories and have an extra hour to spare, try this book out.

I had fun, for the most part. The best story really hooked me to the very end. The worst story was rather meh, but that's as bad as it goes. The rest were fine. Clever, even, though some of the endings fell a bit flat. All in all, though, I liked the book as a whole and don't regret reading it.

Anyway, I don't have much to say about it other than this. It really is very short – just try it and you'll see!

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I'm not sure what I was expecting but I had to finish in one sitting.I feel like the shock factor was there and each story leaves room for imagination. I definitely picked up the book based on the cover. Would definitely recommend in the right circumstance!

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A Massive Thank You to the Author, the Publisher and NetGalley for giving me the chance to read and review this book prior to its release date.

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I was excited to get a chance to read this book and while some of the stories were stellar, there were a couple duds. I felt like a few seemed rushed or incomplete and, though I know they were short stories, were *too* short and had almost nothing to them to make them enjoyable. There also wasn't as much of a horror element as I expected, although I did find them fitting for spooky season.

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I liked some of the stories in this book but not all of them sadly. There was some horror aspects in some of the stories but not all of them. Some of the stories lacked a sense of motivation towards what was been written and they felt like the had been rushed so the author could realise the book. This book didn't scare me at all with the horror side I just read it and thought that’s not that scary. Xxx

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Was very excited to read this. Great set of short stories, straight to the point, all read really well and each so different. Would have like a little more horror but I still really enjoyed it!

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