Member Reviews

Eason does it again! A thrilling story that will keep you on the edge of the seat until the last page! Can't wait to see what else happens in this new series!

I received an ARC through Netgalley and all opinions are my own.

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"Double Take" is another great thriller by Lynette Eason. I believe this one is my favorite, so far. This book caught my attention from the first page. And there is so much mystery and suspense that I couldn't put it down! Lynette Eason continues to be one of my favorite authors. I highly recommend this book!

I received this book from NetGalley through the publisher for my honest opinion.

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Another fun thriller from Lynette Eason! I enjoyed the storyline, the fast pace and the characters. Sometimes it felt like the story was a little too fast paced. Something would happen and it would be resolved by the end of the page, I hardly have time for the tension to build. So, I would have enjoyed the suspense to be a little more prolonged. But I always enjoy Lynette Eason. I really enjoyed the faith aspects and the clean romance. It was a really enjoyable read and I look forward to the rest of the series.

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"To the hills for your lives!"
This is such a well written fiction novel solidly based on the true, horrific flood that nearly destroyed Johnstown, Pennsylvania on Friday, May 31, 1899. Candice Sue Patterson delves into historical records, researching the terrible tragedy and bringing information in a riveting fictional account of the flood and aftermath.
Pastor Montgomery "Monty" Childs has come to Johnstown to start a congregation and follow what he believes is God's call on his life to serve the Lord. He is physically swept up in the nightmare of the devastating flood, it's destruction of human life, property and business. He hears the screams, sees the loss of life. If anyone could lose faith, this could do it. The reader can understand the question, why would God allow bad things to happen to good people, especially children?
Red Cross nurse Annamae Worthington gears up and travels from Washington, D.C. with Clara Barton to help set up emergency care for the surviving victims. There is great depiction of the fledgling service which at the time was in its seventh year. Annamae is a stoic young woman who understands the horror of loss and pain.
I want to thank the author, Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for my advanced reader's copy of this book. I have read about the Johnstown flood and how horrible that day was. This book takes the possible life activities of survivors and Red Cross workers along with the true impact of days and months of the continuing disaster. My unsolicited opinion is that this is a meaningful story about faith, the struggle of forgiveness, heroics and the twisted souls of those who violate other human beings. This is a book with lives dedicated to God with a good message of hope, even in the worst of times. We are after all, human.
I look forward to the next book in this new series.

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The big question was, "Is he alive or is he dead?" When you seem to be terrorized by someone you believed to be dead, it can be pretty scary. The author addresses this scenario with great skill. In her comments at the end of the book, Lynette explains how hard it was for her to write this book. I can understand why. The book is complex, but it keeps your attention. Just when you think it's the end, something else happens. This is a great start to a new series.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced reader copy for an honest review.

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I think you would definitely start to do a double take if you started seeing someone that looked exactly like your deceased boyfriend. Lianie and James have their work cut out for them as she is targeted through this whole book by someone trying to get back at her. Lynette Eason is always writing a super page turner! Thank you for the ARC!

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**4.5/5 Stars, Rounded Up**

I never thought I’d thank anyone for interrupting my sleep schedule, but if I could hug Lynette Eason, I would. If I could send her a “thank you” note, it would have been in the mail yesterday. Double Take by Lynette Eason is spectacular, the pinnacle of the romantic suspense genre. It exemplifies a perfect balance between plot, romance, and thrill. Usually, I have no issues putting down a book to sleep. Even over a break from work, I go to bed early and wake up before the sun. I snuggled up under some blankets and settled in with my dog and Double Take…and I did not go to sleep. I couldn’t. Lynette Eason had me holding my breath until the final page.

Eason presents two beautiful, thought-out characters with James Cross and Lainie Jackson. Both battle PTSD. Both have complicated relationships with their families. But from the beginning, they support each other through every challenge, every briar patch, and every danger. Lainie had a childhood crush on James, as she has been friends with his sister for years. Only in adulthood does James come to see her as something more. I enjoyed their blossoming relationship and how Eason incorporated growth for both characters. The growth isn’t just with each other but as individuals and with their respective families. It was beautiful to witness. Though I know James and Lainie won’t be main characters during the rest of the series, I hope I can see the growth continue! I don’t want to leave them.

Let me take a moment to talk about the electrifying suspense in Double Take by Lynette Eason. Eason does an excellent job keeping readers on their toes and biting off fingernails. The prologue is all it takes to see that this novel is…well, un-put-down-able. Gunshots. Bombs. Attempted murder. And the apparent resurrection of a major threat once thought thoroughly dead. You name it, Double Take probably has it. Eason could teach a Master Class in writing the romantic suspense genre.

And don’t get me started on the book’s twists. Eason drops hints like breadcrumbs. I saw them, but I did not follow them because I needed to know what happened next. When I hit the “big reveal” moment, I suddenly saw all the foreshadowing I’d missed…and I went back and ate all the breadcrumbs as though I had fasted for three days.

My only (minor) complaints: I find it highly unlikely James Cross would make detective after only three months on the job, but Lake City is probably small. So I guess it’s possible. And secondly, James apologizes too much, especially about Lainie’s circumstances. Life is hard for her; I understand that. But “I’m sorry” loses its meaning after a while and becomes a space--and silence--filler.

Overall, though: Double Take by Lynette Eason is marvelous. I can’t wait to see what else Eason has in store.

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Lainie Jackson works long hours as a physician’s assistant at the Lake City hospital by choice. She’ll do anything to avoid the lingering nightmares of her ex-fiancé’s attack. Lainie’s trained to save lives, not take them—but to save herself, she had to kill Adam Williams. But Lainie questions her sanity when someone runs her off the road during a storm. The man who peers over the embankment looks just like her ex.

Someone wants her dead, and he looks like her ex. But how could a dead man come back to life and stalk her every move?

When James Cross receives an honorable discharge from the Army Criminal Investigation Division, he retreats to his hometown of Lake City and finds a job on the police force. James bunks with his good friend and fellow police officer while figuring out his messy family dynamics—a father who hasn’t spoken to him in years and an overprotective mother.

A dramatic hostage rescue puts James in the news and the hospital—two things he wanted to avoid at all costs. His family will know he’s home, and painkillers might spiral him into a violent PTSD episode. When Laine Jackson, his little sister’s best friend, shows up in the exam room, James hopes he can trust her to have his back.

When someone leaves a cryptic note in her pocket while she sleeps, he promises to have her back as they work to unravel the mystery of the man who wants her dead and looks like Adam.

Why I Loved This Book

This book counts as one of those thrillers that preempt cooking meals, scrubbing toilets, watching favorite TV shows, or feeding the dog. Ok, I’m just kidding about feeding the dog. Maybe. I couldn’t put the book down from the prologue to the final page. Not only has Eason crafted a page-turning thriller, but she’s also created relatable characters who struggle with family boundaries and forgiveness.

The suspense will keep you turning pages, and the relationships will make you pause and think about toxic people and how best to handle them with mercy and grace. Fans of Carrie Stuart Parks, Colleen Coble, and Nancy Mehl will love this book.

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I received a copy of this book.
Great Story and characters.
This book is full of action and plot twists..
You think that you have it figured out and wham a plot twist shows up...

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This psychological thriller grabbed me from the start and had my heart pounding throughout. What do you do when the person you know you killed in self defense comes back to life?

Lainie faces this problem as her ex keeps showing up. Someone is playing on her weaknesses. Is Adam still alive? Is she crazy, or is something else going on?

Her friend’s big brother James, and her secret crush, is in a unique position to help her after being sidelined by a gunshot. Can he deal with deep emotional wounds and also keep her safe?

As things heat up it takes trust, fortitude, and a big dose of faith to bring things full circle, and a big God is right in the middle of the action.

The romance was seamlessly woven into the story and I could easily relate to the emotions of the characters.

I was given a copy courtesy of Revell. This is my honest opinion.

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Double Take is a great start to Lynette Eason new series, Lake City Heroes. A lot of twists and turns that kept me engaged from start to finish. Five stars.

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Double Take, an edge-of-the-seat thriller, is author Lynette Eason's first book in the Lake City Heroes series and I can't wait to read the next ones. Eason is skilled at portraying characters who face difficult situations with depth and authenticity. I like her style of writing that keeps interest high and her honest and redemptive approach to realistic struggles that her characters have. Watching Lainie and James' relationship develop from long-time friends into romance was satisfying. Double Take is a captivating story that keeps readers spellbound until the exciting conclusion. I read a complimentary copy of the book through LibraryThing and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review; the opinions are mine.

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Loved it!! I thoroughly enjoyed Double Take! It's everything you want in a romantic suspense story, it's addicting, I couldn't put it down, a great whodunnit story, and of course romance and suspense! Highly recommend!! I cannot wait for the next story in this new series!

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read an early copy. All opinions are on my own.

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Lynette Eason’s new series starts off with a fast paced, suspenseful thriller in Double Take! The nonstop action kept me on the edge of my seat while the twists & turns of trying to figure out who was after Lainie kept me guessing. This book was extremely difficult to put down and sets the bar high for the series!

This book had wonderful characters in both Lainie and James. While each of them struggled with both PTSD and family issues, their individual struggles shed light on just how different each of those things can look for different people. I felt Ms. Eason did a wonderful and respectful job of presenting those issues.

Lynette Eason’s books never disappoint and I am extremely excited for this series! I hated to see the book end and look forward to the next one.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

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You had me at the first line, Lynette Eason!

What you can expect from book 1 of the Lake City Heroes series:

✔️GREAT title that reflects the theme of the book
✔️a gripping first line
✔️emotional intensity and action-packed sequences of events that unfold like dominoes
✔️each chapter ends in a compelling note
✔️strong female protagonist, Lainie Jackson
✔️equally formidable force, antagonist, Adam Jackson, husband
✔️fascinating backstories of characters with external/internal conflicts
✔️great secondary characters who propel the plot
✔️escalating mystery that carries through to the final quarter
✔️power-packed police chases, man hunts, sabotage, stalking, explosions
✔️family drama, setting boundaries, bonding, reconciliation, clean read with Christian themes
✔️well-developed character arcs/growth

I love the feeling of anticipation and hope that comes with starting a new series. Eason delivered more than I was expecting and now I can’t wait for “Target Acquired” to read about Cole and Kenzie’s story.

This is my third book by this author and she’s now an auto-read author for me.

This romantic suspense with great emotional depth is one you’ll want on your reading list!

I was gifted this copy by Revell and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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It’s very refreshing reading something that doesn’t drop the F bomb every 3rd word. The story is very interesting with wonderful characters that you can really get attached to. You feel their pain and frustration. I liked that Lainie is a strong successful person you can look up to but in the end she learns some valuable things. The book is intriguing all the way to the end! There were a few story mistakes but the best take away is we all should be getting “Prayed up”.

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Lynette Eason is always good for suspense combined with a nice love story and Christian message that isn't too preachy. Believable characters make the story relatable and I'm looking forward to the next book of this new series.

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Physicians assistant Lainie survived a brutal attack by her ex fiancé which resulted in his death. Now she keeps seeing him and attempts are made on her life. Is he dead? Evidence points to him being alive, but Lainie knows it’s not possible. Former neighbor and high school crush police detective James enters the picture. James is determined to help her but begins to wonder if it might be her ex behind the attacks. The suspense starts from the beginning and doesn’t let up. It will keep you turning the pages to find out who is after Lainie. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Double Take by Lynette Eason is jam packed full of edge of your seat crazy.
Former Army CID officer James Cross is now a detective with the Lake City Police Department. His time with the Army has given him the courage to face all kinds of things head on and intervene when there is someone in danger.
Physician's Assistant Lainie Jackson is finally feeling like she's thinking clearly after her killed her ex when tried to kill her eighteen months before. So why does it seem she's seeing his face everywhere she turns?
Lainie ends up teamed with James to sort through what's truth and what's fiction. Together they must figure out who is trying to take Lainie out.
Eason does a remarkable job of engaging readers in this story whose title indicates it's full of twists and turns. Will you be able to sort through, along with Lainie and James, and figure out what's real?
Thank you Revell and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book. To offer my honest review I read an e-ARC provided by the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Double Take kept me second guessing until the very end! I really enjoyed the suspense and the building intensity. The opening scene is a little intense but this is a classic cozy romantic suspense from Lynette Eason. Definitely recommend!

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