Member Reviews

This story starts out with a bang, literally. We meet Lainie in the first chapter, then James. James offers to help Lainie figure out who is after her. We have many twists and turns, and they try to figure out if Adam is after her, or someone else, who knew Adam well. We meet a few others, including James friend and co-worker Cole. Both work with the Police department. Lainie grew up with James family as she is friends with his sister, Steph. Both Lainie and James deal with some PTSD and some stressful family situations, but learn to trust each other as the situation with Lainie escalates. Great start to a new series and one that won't be put down.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really like Lynette Eason's take on romantic thrillers is interesting. I like the way she writes her characters to make them believable and capable. Even though Lanie is a nurse, she is consulted on her perspective and makes a good partner with James in solving the mystery. James and Lanie's relationship evolution was sweet and done really well. I liked their shared backstory and how they leaned on each other during crazy times.

The thriller mystery of it all seemed crazy, but that was the point. Full of twists and turns that I truly didn't expect and didn't anticipate. I really like Lynette Eason's books and am excited to continue on with this series!

Detective James Cross has been honorably discharged from the Army Criminal Investigation Division due to wounds sustained when an IED blew up near him. Now with the Lake City Police Department, he's rooming with this good buddy and partner, Cole, while he figures out his family dynamics.
Physician Assistant Lainie Jackson is eighteen months out from an attempted murder perpetrated by her ex, which ended when she managed to grab the weapon and shoot him. When he appears to have survived and is back to finish the job he started, Lainie insists it's not possible. But someone keeps trying to kill her, and she keeps seeing his face.
Together, Lainie and James must work together to find out who, exactly, is after her and why he wants her dead. And failure is not an option.

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Wow. This is an extremely thorough take on a romantic suspense mystery. We go so much into detail and get so much depth on these characters and the situation. It had my mind tied in knots guessing and trying to make sense of it all. I loved the best friends brother trope through it. We have a medical worker heroine and a veteran hero serving as a cop. I loved these pieces from their jobs woven in and how much we saw of friends and family. This book was a whirlwind that I never wanted to stop and I’m sure the next books will be just as thrilling.

I received an eARC of this book from the publisher through NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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This is probably the most unusual review I’ve ever written. I started this book when I was home sick with COVID. Even though I had a headache and felt very sleepy, I still stayed up too late reading. Every chapter ended with a new cliffhanger that made me keep turning pages. I knew I had to finish the book so I could get some rest!

The characters were likable and believable, the plot suspenseful and fast moving, and the resolution? Satisfying. And the opening scene? Grabbed me and sucked me in. Well done, Lynette. And yes, I recovered from Covid and am heading out to buy another L.E. thriller.

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Double Take by Lynette Eason is the first in the Lake City Hero series. Imagine your life being turned upside down when you shoot and kill your fiance one night to save your own life. Fast forward eighteen months later, your car is run off the road by a driver who looks exactly like your dead fiance, and then you start seeing glimpses of this man everywhere. Are you hallucinating, or has someone returned from the dead? Eason has written a pulse-pounding series opener that will have the reader eager for the next installment that will expand on some of the minor characters in this book.

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I really liked this book - it kept me guessing. It was well written and the characters showed faith in God. No foul language and a wholesome love connection.
The mystery was suspenseful although a few elements seemed a bit far-fetched, like changing so many records. All in all though, a good read.

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Loved this romantic suspense, it was gripping from the prologue until the end. However, the best part for me was that the romance didn't blossom out of trauma and stress. It was an easy recommendation to my readers and viewers.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ FIVE STARS!

I knew going into this book because of the plot, that it would really need to be written well and the author would need dig a little deep to keep my interest.

She did!

This was my first Lynette Eason book and I’m so excited by what I read. The first line gripped me and it will grip you too! This was such an intense book emotionally and it was jam-packed with action that kept my adrenaline going throughout the book. There were no dead spots so this was truly a page turner. It was hard to put down because each chapter sort of ended with what felt like a cliffhanger. All the characters were well-developed with great backstories. This was both a character and plot driven book.

Thank you to Netgalley and Revell for this ARC!

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Many authors write suspense novels, and this book proves why Lynette Eason is considered one of the best in this genre! She stole my breath away with the intense danger, the non-stop questions, and the topics that are relevant in today's society. Who says PTSD is limited to soldiers or police officers? Can a civilian who's been subjected to death and trauma suffer PTSD also? Is Lainie Jackson suffering hallucinations about the man she was forced to kill in self-defense, or is there someone truly trying to kill her now?

Eason gives us memorable characters and a well-crafted story filled with twists, turns, and non-stop drama. An intriguing relationship between Lainie and Detective James Cross, along with an inspiring faith thread, make this a perfect read for anyone who also enjoys Christian romance. I found it hard to put this captivating novel down and I can't wait to learn more about these Lake City Heroes. Do yourself a favor and grab a copy of Double Take today!

I received a complimentary copy from the author and publisher. There was no obligation for a positive review.

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Double Take by Lynette Eason is the first book in her Lake City Heroes series. Lainie Jackson’s ex tried to murder her! Now, someone is trying to finish the job. This book was so intense! I was so tempted to just flip to the end to find out how it ended, just so I could get some relief from the stress and suspense! But, I didn’t. This story will take you on a nail-biting roller coaster ride!

I received this book from the author for my honest review.

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Absolutely loved this story! I loved the characters, the way Scripture and prayer were woven naturally through the story, and the twists and turns. Such a great start to a series! I'm excited to continue reading about this group of people. Highly highly recommend!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Double Take
by Lynette Eason
Pub Date 09 Jan 2024
Christian| General Fiction \(Adult\)| Mystery & Thrillers

Revell and Netgalley sent me a copy of Double Take to review:

James Cross was honorably discharged from the Army Criminal Investigation Division after an IED blew up near him. Since he's now with the Lake City Police Department, he's rooming with his good buddy, Cole.

Physician Lainie Jackson is eighteen months out from her ex's attempted murder, which ended when she grabbed the weapon and shot him. When he appears to have survived and is back to finish the job he started, Lainie insists it's not possible. But someone keeps trying to kill her, and she keeps seeing his face.

Together, Lainie and James must figure out who is after her and why he wants her dead. There's no room for failure.

I give Double Take five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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Title: Double Take
Author: Lynette Eason

Ch: 28

Pg: 310

Series: Lake City Heroes book 1

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

Rating: 4 stars

Publisher: Revell

Another great Christian Romantic Suspense. Double Take is the first book in the Lake City Heroes series. Though this one is more psychological and twisty than previous books by this author. But it kept me turning pages because I just had to know what happened next. Though I will admit it was an emotional roller coaster of a read. And the faith content was perfect and blended in perfectly with the story. I loved reading Lainie and James story and watching their growth. Can’t wait for the next book in the series.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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Señor G and Mama Maria were such a warm welcome into the story along with Lainie’s care of them. I liked the way Lainie’s and James’ relationship started to turn romantic after having already been friends.

At this time, I have not read the full book. I like it, I really do, and I hope to come back to it soon. However, due to some topics being too similar to personal life things that have been dealt with, I have set the book aside for a time.

Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed the majority of what I read. I just don’t feel that at this time it is the best book for me emotionally and mentally. What I have read is completely deserving of the 4 star rating.

Negative Content | Graphic depicted violence in the prologue, domestic violence, past abusive romantic relationships, manipulative relationship with a past boyfriend, stalking.

Rating & Recommendation | Given the subject matters and my not finishing the full book, I do recommend 16/18 up. If you’re wondering about content, you can read this review for a full content review from Lindsey at Books for Christian Girls.

Content Warnings | Deals with PTSD, domestic violence, panic attacks.

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Very suspenseful and surprising. I had a hard time trying to figure out who the murderer was. The author did a great job with the twist and the murderer being one step ahead all the time. Lainie is being threatened and all fingers point to her dead fiaance who tried to kill her once. Laine and James are a great match and James does everything he can to keep her safe. Their friends are very supportive. The story will keep you engrossed.

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This new thriller series begins with plenty of suspense and action. Lainie Jackson shot her former fiancé when he tried to murder her, but now he appears to be back and determined to complete his mission to end her life. This makes for a novel filled with drama and danger. The story keeps readers wondering and shaking their heads at the twists in this intriguing tale. The vulnerable characters and the compelling plots drew me in and I didn’t want to stop reading until all became clear in the surprising conclusion. It must have been difficult for the author to weave all the details and threads into a cohesive mystery. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Great New Series
Double Take by Lynette Eason will hook you from the first chapter. It is a roller coaster ride all the way through with equal parts suspense and romance. The plot kept me guessing right to the end with lots of twists and turns. She set up a cast of characters that I love and look forward to getting to know better in future books in the series. It’s a great read but be prepared to stay up all night!

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Double Take by Lynette Eason – Action Packed Suspense

I enjoy mystery and suspense novels and was excited to read Lynette Eason’s newest book Double Take. This is the first book in her new Lake City Hero series. This book will grab your attention from the get go.

Lainie Jackson is a physician’s assistant at a hospital in Lake City, NC. After stopping to check on a friend, Lainie headed to work on a rainy day. A driver behind her was intent on passing and clipped her car which sent her car over the side of the mountain. After calling 911, Lainie noticed a man peering over the edge of the road. A man that looked like Adam, her former fiancé who was dead. Or was he?

Detective James Cross and his partner, Cole Garrison responded to a domestic violence call. James wants to do whatever it will take to get the children out of a very dangerous situation, including putting himself in the line of fire. After sustaining injuries, James was taken to the hospital where he was treated by Lainie, his sister’s best friend. Perhaps they can reconnect and help each other.

There was a lot going on in this story. Lots of characters and relationships that were intertwined. Some healthy and some not so good. Both Lainie and James had a lot of baggage from their past, from family issues and PTSD that had left emotional scars. It seemed like there some “blame the imperfect parents” that caused their children to have issues going on. I don’t know any perfect families and life sure can be messy.

Yet, I liked how Lainie was honest, straight forward, and respectful. I appreciated how James evaluated how he had erred in his response to his father and how his father was willing to look at his own actions. I liked the main characters, they seemed like decent, kind, and caring people. They had good friends who were supportive and tried to be there for them, people they could trust. I appreciated that Lainie did not do stupid things that unnecessarily put herself at risk and she was open to receiving help.

The characters were likeable. The storyline was a bit of a stretch on believability. But I wanted to know whodunnit and why. I liked how the characters grew and developed during the story. There were some twists and turns, intense situations, and serious subject matters. Topics like domestic violence, attempted murder, suicide, and dysfunctional families. Faith was a small part of the story. I would have like to have seen faith, trust and dependance upon God, and prayer more fully developed in the characters.

If you like suspense and mystery, you may want to read Double Take by Lynette Eason. I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading future books in the Lake City Hero series.

I would like to thank Revell Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Double Take by Lynette Eason. I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.

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Wow, Double Take by Lynette Eason completely blew me away! It had me so stumped all the way through—completely doubting my sleuthing abilities as I tried to make all the pieces fit together in a way that made *any* sort of sense.

Lainie Jackson is being targeted by her ex-fiancé. The only problem with that…he’s been dead for over a year. So who is this man?? Did he survive, after all? Is this just an imposter who’s trying to scare Lainie?

Double Take is fast-paced and action-packed! You won’t be able to put it down at night. In all honesty, it takes a good mystery to stump me as much as Lynette did with Double Take! I went through sooo many theories in my head but they all fell short. All the wondering kept me turning pages, trying to puzzle it all out alongside Lainie.

If you enjoy contemporary Christian suspense novels by authors such as Elizabeth Goddard, Colleen Coble, or Dani Pettrey, you will not want to miss the thrilling start to this Lake City Heroes series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Double Take is a suspense novel written by Lynette Eason. It is book one in the Lake City Heroes series.

Summary: Physician Assistant Lainie Jackson made a bad relationship decision, and it’s haunted her for years. 

Now someone is trying to bring up the past-and destroy her future.

Can she figure out who is out to get her before it’s too late?

My Thoughts: This book has plenty of suspense and lots of twists and turns making for a pretty good mystery throughout the story. 

I also like that there are plenty of good friendships in this book that are going to allow for several spin-off books in the series, which is always nice.

It was more of a one-time read for me, but it was an enjoyable book (especially trying to figure out the mystery), and I would recommend it.

I would like to thank Revell for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for my review. Thank you.

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