Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and to for the ARC and ALC of Double Take by Lynette Eason. All opinions are my own.

Before reading this book, I had heard of Lynette Eason but had never read any of her books, but now I would love to read more.

I don’t typically read thrillers, but the premise that included a romance and the fact that the author writes Christian fiction intrigued me enough to give it a try.

I really ended up enjoying this book so much that I listened to the whole book in one day.

It’s the kind of story that you just can’t put down because you want to know what happens next. I also couldn’t guess the mystery aspect at all, so the reveal at the end was great.

The faith elements really added to the story, and I found them to be realistic and relatable.

The audiobook was excellent, and I definitely recommend it if you like audiobooks.

Overall, I would recommend this book if you’re looking for a fast-paced book with an unpredictable plot, lovable characters, and a sweet romance.

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Double Take is book 1 in this new series by Lynette Eason. Double Take was well-written with twists and turns, unexpected surprises, romance, and suspense and had me engrossed to the end.
The characters were great and likable. Lainie had family issues as well as personal issues that involve a deadly cat and mouse game. James was not only protective and helpful but also knew Lainie as she and his sister are friends.
If you like a well-crafted mystery and the hero falling in love with his sister's best friend trope, then Double Take will keep you on the edge of your seats.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A high stakes thriller meets a puzzling mystery in this romantic suspense book. A heart pounding story from the first page, the hits just keep on coming. Lainie knows her ex is dead, she shot him. Yet, she can’t explain how all the evidence leads them back to his being alive. In a dangerous game of cat and mouse Lainie is stalked and terrorized. This psychological thriller had me questioning everything. Action scenes, shoot outs, close calls, and unexplainable events lead James and Lainie down a rabbit hole of investigative avenues while they fight to stay alive. Their faith keeps them going, and a close proximity clean romance blooms but no one is safe until the mystery man is caught. Just when I started to put the pieces together the author throws a few curve balls into the mix. A solid mystery that will keep you on your toes and leave you fulfilled by the ending.

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This book starts out tense and really never lets up. Lainie goes through so much in this story in her own personal life and with a background of family issues. James of course is around to help her out with perfect timing. But how they get their HEA is full of twists and turns.

The mystery in this book was fairly unique and really keeps you guessing. The police work to find the bad guy keeps the story moving but not quite as fast paced as I was expecting with how the book opened.

Since this is Christian fiction the romance moves slow and never progresses past flutters and kisses but it was organic and realistic. James was the perfect protective guy. Lainie was in need of protection. We all know how that ends.

I will definitely grab book two to read when it comes out

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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This book started fast pace and didn't let up until the very end! I liked the idea of the main character seeing signs that her ex, the man she killed in self defense over a year before, is back. How is it possible? You will just have to read and find out!

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My thoughts: DOUBLE TAKE is ms. Eason's newest release. It does have a strong creep factor, but the story is engaging and held my interest I had to keep readig to find out what happens next. James and Lainie are both likeable characters, old friends who lost contact and both had issues too work through Lainie had more than usual with a ruthless stalker after her, one wo is not even afraid of beind seen. He thrives in it! I didn't wand to stop reading this book, and recommended it to several of my friends and family. If you like this type of book you must grab a copy of DOUBLE TAKE. Recommended. I was given a copy free and all opinions are my own.

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Well my 2024 reads are off to a fantastic start! This was a superbly crafted mystery with all sorts of twists and turns that kept me guessing at the outcome throughout the novel. The story was well paced and the mystery thread was fresh and exciting. This is one of Lynette Eason’s best! I am already anxious for the rest of this series, it promises to be one I will love!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.

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This book was so good! I couldn’t put it down. What Lainie thought she knew, turns out she didn’t. Another great book from Lynette Eason.

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If you are looking for: a fierce protector, a gutsy heroine who refuses to be the victim, a twisted crime, a plot rife with questions and false leads - then Double Take is for you.

If you read my reviews, you know I like my sleep. A lot. For me, the mark of an excellent book is one that hooks me on page one and keeps me up until I read the last page. This one totally did that. To be honest, I'm not sure what I wanted most - Lainie and James to solve the crime or... to finally kiss! I'm happy to report *spoiler* I was not dissapointed on either front.

This book has a strong faith message (Christianity), and the heros do their best to live in a manner that honours God despite being bombarded with darkness. A great story and I'm looking forward to book #2. Thank-you to Revell Reads for choosing me as one of your reviewers for "Double Take".

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This book gripped me from the first page of pulse-pounding action. Talk about an action-packed beginning!
This romantic suspense has all the elements that suspense readers love – red herrings and all! Just when I thought I had things figured out, another twist was thrown my way. This is one of those stories that keeps readers guessing until the very end.
And the love story that unfolds between sweet hero James and just trying to survive Lainie is a sweet romance between childhood friends. There’s a slew of secondary characters that bring a vitality to James and Lainie’s story that one can’t help but look forward to more romantic suspense stories for them.
I look forward to the next book in this brand new series.
(Some topics are dealt with in a sensitive manner but may be triggers to some readers: domestic violence, murder).
I received a copy of the book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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"Whoah!...wait!..what?!!" This book had me thinking that all throughout the story. I'm trying to think of ways to describe it. Romantic - suspense - thriller-mystery combination. I was on the edge of my seat and couldn't believe what was going on. From the very beginning, I was hooked. I loved the characters. Bless their hearts. Especially, sweet Lainie. And James is a true sweetheart hero. This book is a favorite of mine from the author. I'm so excited this is a series because I can't wait for the next one. I recommend to all romantic suspense thriller lovers who enjoy inspirational reads.
*I was given a copy of this book by the publisher, and this is my honest opinion.

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The whole is he dead or is he alive was well done and it kept me guessing until the end. I couldn’t quite figure it out. There were times when I thought he was alive and others when I thought he wasn’t and thought I knew who it was but then something happened to make me flip to the other or that it must be someone else. The suspense kept coming and the attacks and cat and mouse game were never far from mind even during the less suspenseful sections making this a riveting read that I couldn’t put down.

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Lynette Eason is a favorite author and she did not disappoint in her newest book Double Take. Double Take has an edge of your seat plot that kept me glued to the action. I definitely recommend this book. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance book. This is my unbiased review.

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I was given an ARC in exchange for my honest review. WOW!!! This book didn’t let up. From the first to last page the plot was intricate, suspenseful and kept me guessing. I love how Lynette’s writing makes all of the characters seem like real people . She doesn’t sugarcoat complex issues or relationships. God’s presence in the lives of her characters rather they believe in Him or not is a boost to my own faith and reminder that even in the most unimaginable circumstance I could find myself in, He is ALWAYS there. I am eagerly anticipating the next book in the series and will be rereading this one again.

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This book absolutely gripped me from the first page with pulse pounding action and suspense throughout. The novel unfolds in alternating perspectives between main characters Lainie and James. I found myself being convinced I’d figured the mystery out and then I would second guess myself as new information came to light.

In addition to the terrific suspense and mystery, Eason expertly points to gospel truth along the way. Both characters are dealing with past trauma which only makes the characters seem even more realistic and relatable. Many real world issues are addressed in the novel such as dealing with family disagreements, mental illness, and setting appropriate boundaries with toxic people.

I recommend this book for readers who love clean romantic suspense. This is a promising start to a new series by the author. Thank you to Revell Books for a digital ARC of this book. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Double Take by Lynette Eason was action-packed from the very start. Car crashes, explosions, gun shots, identity theft was just the beginning. She had me guessing who the perpetrator was nearly to the end. And then I was wrong. Go figure. Seriously, this was book 1 in her Lake City Heroes series and I can hardly wait for book 2.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions expressed are completely my own.

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The Lake City Heroes series is off to an explosive start with Lainie and James in Double Take. As evidence mounts, Lainie and James begin to wonder. Her ex boyfriend is dead. Isn’t he?

I received an advanced reader copy from the author and Netgalley. Opinions are my own.

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Double Take begins at the top of a rollercoaster. Or so I thought. Lynnette Eason kept ramping the tension. The twists and turns made for a wild ride. Poor Lainie got blindsided by her fiancé. The unique combination of her childhood and James' upbringing presented additional obstacles that only faith in God could overcome. Despite everything, I held firm in my belief that the fiancé was dead. Whether this is true, you’ll have to read for yourself. However, I must note, somehow Eason made sure that the status of his “heartbeat” wasn’t the biggest shocker in the story. Kudos for knocking this one out of the ballpark.

A big thank you to the author for sharing how this story came together. I’m glad she stuck with it.

Double Take is for fans of series-starters, whodunnits, cop procedurals, mysteries, romantic suspense, second chances, faith, Christian romance.

I received this book through Net Galley and was not required to give a positive review.

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This book hooked me right from the start and I was fully invested! The prologue was absolutely shocking and intense! The author did a really great job of creating doubt within the reader’s mind for the majority of the book. I literally could not decide if Adam was dead or alive. There was quite a bit of cat and mouse going on between the villain and Lainie. Lainie was absolutely Team “Adam’s Dead” and it became a little too insistent for my taste in light of the evidence. This book kept me turning the pages until the conclusion to see how everything played out, however I felt a little cheated by the way the author chose to wrap up this story. I won’t be giving spoilers so it’s hard to vaguely explain the things that disappointed me about this conclusion. However, I wanted details to be explained, I wanted situations to feel realistic, and things felt rushed at the end compared to the pace of the story overall. I still look back on this book and overall the story kept me guessing, I was invested in the outcome, and the concept of this plot was interesting and unique which I appreciate.

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Lynette Eason always has a way of amping up the twists and turns to keep you turning pages until the very end. The action ramps up in the first pages and if you find yourself holding your breath and doing your own double-take, don't worry--you're not alone! This story takes readers on a wild ride to follow the clues and solve the mystery of a deadman come back to life before the next fatal blow. Fans of Lynette Eason won't be disappointed in this winding thriller!!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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