Member Reviews

I really like this author. I feel he writes in an authentic and relatable way. He does give you the medical information and reasoning but it’s not dry. As someone who is pushing 50, I found the information useful and interesting.

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I enjoyed this book overall but I lost interest in the end of the book which is when Dr. Youn goes into great detail about cosmetic procedures and surgeries for the wrinkles and sagging skin that are a natural part of aging. For me, the interesting and informative part (and why I read the book) is finding out what can be done to optimize our health as we age. However, other folks may be most interested in the cosmetic procedures and how our appearance can be improved!

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An exceptional read! Good health means a good life.

The book's strength lies in its ability to distill complex scientific concepts into accessible and engaging narratives. He skillfully navigates through the intricacies of aging, explaining the physiological processes with clarity and relevance. By combining medical expertise with a conversational tone, he ensures that even those without a background in medicine can grasp the essential principles behind his recommendations.

One of the standout features of "Younger for Life" is its emphasis on holistic well-being. Rather than focusing solely on external appearances, Anthony advocates for a comprehensive approach to health. From nutrition and exercise to stress management and sleep hygiene, the author addresses various facets of life that contribute to the aging process. This holistic approach sets the book apart, offering readers a roadmap to not just looking younger but feeling younger and more energized

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I have received a copy via NetGalley, and am providing an honest review.

I would recommend this book primarily for readers interested in cosmetic medical procedures. While much of it is devoted to healthy living, there really wasn't any new information there. Essentially, eat the way your great great grandparents ate, exercise, meditate, get off your phone, moisturize. The only new information to me was in the descriptions of different types of medical interventions (because nothing can stop wrinkles from eventually happening, sorry charlie).

I also have to say, the ramble at the beginning about folks living hundreds of years in ancient tales did not lead to any particular credibility in my mind...

It's a celebrity self-help book. Less annoying than most, i honestly don't know what else I expected.

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Younger for Life. Well, who wouldn’t want to be? In this well-organized guide, Dr. Anthony Youn, a plastic surgeon and social media megastar, shows you how to be Younger for Life. There are the expected references to diet and exercise but there is much more helpful and insightful information. Dr. Youn refers to Jimmy Buffet’s song “Growing Older but Not Up” for inspiration. He urges you to stand up straight, move like a younger person, learn new things, keep moving, stretch, love and more. You’ll look and feel happier and younger. There is excellent advice to treat and improve aging skin. He mentions botox and different fillers but there are also recipes for holistic, homemade facials. Dr. Youn reviews skin care products and mentions the ingredients to avoid and why. There is a list of the products he recommends, including his own line. Younger for Life is a serious guidebook to looking and feeling younger. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Anthony Youn, M.D. for this ARC.

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Challenging the notion that aging inevitably means decline, this groundbreaking book offers a step-by-step guide to naturally turning back the clock through simple diet, lifestyle, and skincare changes. Providing straightforward tips from intermittent fasting to establishing an effective daily routine, it outlines a 3-week rejuvenation program for a youthful look and feel.

This is an extremely useful book for anyone wanting to develop their personal habits to live a longer, healthier life. Empathetic and easy to read, it communicates the science behind the recommendations, as well as the author’s experience and expertise.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of Younger for Life.

I deplore social media so I'm not familiar with Dr. Youn nor have I seen him on social media. Apparently, he's a big deal.

Getting old is a blessing, but most people don't want to look old as it's happening.

Dr. Youn offers lifestyle and holistic methods to aging gracefully; manage stress; exercise, eat well, get plenty of sleep and hydrate with water, not booze.

As a plastic surgeon, he doesn't deny that holistic methods is the cure-all for more serious aging concerns, but he does believe most issues, such as aging skin and bad posture, can be rectified with a healthier mindset and lifestyle, dubbing his process Autojuvenation™.

His approach isn't groundbreaking, it's matter of fact and straight forward. Simple changes in diet, activity, skin care, and paying mindful attention to your stress levels and mental health is all key to living longer and healthier, the crucial difference between health span and life span.

Most of the tips and advice Dr. Youn discusses was nothing new to me, but I'm always looking for ways to improve my health and well-being and exercise routine.

I did learn some interesting facts, which is always a plus when I read nonfiction books and will revamp my eating habits to reflect the new information I've learned from Dr. Youn.

I also appreciate his personal and professional feelings on certain invasive and non-invasive procedures like Botox, microneedling, and red light therapy, just to name a few.

It was incredibly useful to read about a professional medical opinion and why he advocated some cosmetic procedures over others.

I enjoyed the tone of the writing; it flowed, it was comfortable and humorous without being snide or sarcastic. I can see why he's a hit on social media. He's relatable, likable, and knows how to speak to his target audience.

I've been looking to shake up my routine so I'll definitely be incorporating some of Dr. Youn's tips into my lifestyle.

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The title "Younger for Life" caught my eye because, like most people, I am looking to age gracefully. The author, Anthony Youn, is a plastic surgeon and someone I have seen on YouTube and Instagram. I was intrigued by this book because of the holistic approach he has to aging. He provides a comprehensive guide to addressing aging including aspects of diet, stress, and lifestyle. He also provides recommendations for skin care and information about procedures that can make you look younger. I found this to be an enjoyable book and I am looking forward to starting his three-week program to look and feel younger.

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I love watching Anthony on Tiktok and was really excited to see a new book by him!
Admittedly I am shocked how thoughtful and thorough it is! I think I feel this way because a lot of "influencers" use their fame to be mediocre.
I look forward to picking up a copy for myself. I find a lot of the time, the recipes in these types of books are either disgusting or way too expensive. I think Anthony has shared some yummy sounding and at least somewhat realistic recipes.
I think this is a must for anyone who wants to explore looking and feeling younger (or maintaining youth)

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