Member Reviews

This was such a delightful surprise of a book. The characters were fresh and dynamic, the relationships felt three dimensional, the plot was so weird?
So Christa is a scientist, she is currently living on this tiny island studying snails. Until she gets a call saying her father, who went missing 25 years ago and was presumed dead - is back. Thus unraveling a family reunion nobody could have predicted. Unlocking things from her past she would really rather not deal with, people she had hoped she successfully ran away from, and a mysterious father figure that feels too good to be true?
Overall delightful! Surprisingly I could've done without the romantic subplot. Their connection was great but ultimately I would've like if this was more focused on the family and Christa dealing with her past fame / resubmission into the spotlight.

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I just finished Christa Came out of her shell by Abbi Waxman and here are my musings.

Christa Barnet likes her solitary life. She has her research, she has her sea snails, she has her peace. Her peace gets blown apart when her father, a man who was declared dead 25 years ago after his plane crashed, suddenly makes a reappearance. That’s news enough but her father also happens to be a famous naturalist and the toy company still has his name… This is hot, hot news. The reason he comes back? The lady who finds him in the wreckage, the one he left his family for, dies. Wanting to make amends to his ex wife and their 3 daughters, Jasper makes the flawed mistakes of appearing on Oprah before seeing his family in person.

Not wanting to deal with the fallout of it all, Christa begrudgingly returns home and the highlight being she gets to see her childhood friend and the sparks are flying. The more the media digs into her story, the more cracks develop not just in his story but in the darkness from the past that Christa has buried. Christa wants nothing more than to hide back inside her shell but she is forced to face the realities of the life she has been avoiding.

The book had a rocky start for me. It felt unsure at first. Like it was trying to find its footing but I wonder if that's what the author was trying to do because Christa starts out so unsure. The writing style was different from what I usually read. Lots of descriptive language which was nice but detracted from what I really wanted to get to the crux of. I wanted more about the dad and the mystery of his missing 25 years. There was a solid story there and it felt a bit rushed. I did enjoy the relationship between Christa and Nate but sometimes it was a little cheesy and it didn’t suit the overall tone of the book.

I am a big fan of family dramas and this one had it in spades. The dynamic between the sisters and the mom…. So good! Watching Christa develop in the face of everything that was happening was really quite beautiful and that should have been the focus that would have made this book a 5 star read. It was a real shame that the book didn’t quite find the perfect balance but I was entertained and I might have gone down a sea snail rabbit hole.

4 stars. If you love chick lit with a little substance, this book will hit all the marks for you.

Thank you @berkleypublishing and @netgalley for my gifted copy

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A quick and easy read. It did take me a little bit to get into the story but about midway I was really enjoying myself. Abby Waxman has a fun and quirky setting writing style that was refreshing to read. I would have liked to have seen a bit more build up to the romance part of the story. But overall a good book to get lost in.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an opportunity to read and review honestly an advanced digital copy.

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Thank you so much to the publisher for my gifted copy of this ebook. All thoughts are my own.

I love a quirky character and unique story so I was definitely drawn in by the first chapter. However, as the story progressed I just couldn't stay focused on the story and wasn't invested in the characters. Sadly i didn't finish the book.

Despite this, I do think this author is popular enough with readers that it will be popular. Her stories are well thought out and creative and unique. This one just wasn't for me.

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**Many thanks to Berkley and Abbi Waxman for an ARC of this book provided via NetGalley!**

If you're looking for a fresh, fun spring cocktail recipe, take one part Jack Hanna, one part Where'd You Go Bernadette, and one part Jacque(line) Cousteau...and you'll end up with a "Christa" that will knock your socks off!

Christa Liddle has spent the last few years trying to put fame behind her...and for good reason. Growing up as the daughter of Jasper Liddle, a sort of Jack Hanna/Bear Grylls hybrid, she and her sisters were constantly thrust into the spotlight...and as youngest daughter, she was giving the hideous nickname by one too many a talk show host: "the littlest Liddle." Her father's rise to fame catapulted the entire family into the spotlight, and even was the impetus for a Beanie Baby-esque line of toys ("Liddle's Liddles") inspired by the Liddle empire. The creator of these toys just so happened to have a gorgeous teen son...who coincidentally was Christa's unattainable crush, and sometimes she can't help but wonder what would have happened IF she'd had the courage to step outside her comfort zone...but that's all in the past now, right?

So imagine Christa's surprise when her reclusive, snail studying ways that have kept her holed up on a private island (just the way she likes it!) are interrupted by unthinkable news: her long lost father (oh yeah, did I forget to mention he DISAPPEARED without a trace years ago?) has resurfaced...seemingly out of thin air! Christa is baffled, hurt, and curious...but she drops everything and returns to L.A. to reunite with her family and get to the bottom of this unexpected, life changing reappearance. But Jasper isn't the only unsolved mystery in Christa's life...and when she runs into Nate once again, the white-hot sparks she felt so many years ago come rushing back, full force. With a life now put on hold as she (and the nation) wait with bated breath to find out EXACTLY what Jasper's been up to....certain OTHER secrets Christa has been keeping also threaten to disturb her newfound peace...and also ANY potential for the friendship with Nate to blossom into something more.

But will Christa return to the island alone and as confused as she left it? Or is this reunion set to lead to consequences NOBODY saw coming...and an opportunity for Christa to use her (normally internal) voice to make the sort of statement she's been waiting an ENTIRE LIFETIME to make?

Ever since I absolutely fell in love with Nina in Waxman's The Bookish Life of Nina Hill, I made the quick decision that she was an auto-read author for me. There's nothing a bookish, somewhat quirky, introvert loves more than finding a kindred spirit (in between the pages, no less!) and between Waxman's warm and witty humor, the fabulous cast of characters, and the feel of her 'cozy prose', I have been eagerly anticipating getting through her backlist (and equally excited about each new release that pops up along the way!)

So it was somewhat of a departure picking up this book and realizing that my initial interpretation of the title and cover (which had something to do with mermaids; still have no idea where I got THAT idea from!) was a bit off...and this was a tale of tortured family dynamics and the push-pull between past and future, with some heavy discussion of SA and ALSO the romantic subplot, just to round out the trio of plotlines. A VERY different read than the 'straightforward' cozy prose of Nina...but one that always felt grounded, nonetheless.

It took a while for me to adjust to the style of this one, for starters...Christa loves footnotes, and there are plenty sprinkled throughout the book. They are always fun AND humorous rather than scientific, but there's something about flipping back and forth on a Kindle that really disrupts the flow of the read for me, and don't get me started on trying to get back to EXACTLY where you left off by clicking the tiny little links...but if you DO make it to the quips, each one is worth it. Christa is a charming narrator, once you get to know her...but just like in her 'real life,' it takes a minute for her to fully open up as she gets you the reader up to speed on the Jasper saga, so patience is key. Waxman also starts each chapter with ADORABLE illustrations of different creatures and their 'scientific names' (although this diverts into fun territory at chapter's header is "Coca Cola Bottle" - Potum Cokum and "Ferris Wheel" - Rota Ferrissia) so that was another element that I think would be more enjoyable in print rather than digital form. There are also little news article titles from different outlets along the way to give you the media's take on the Jasper Liddle saga as it moves along too which was a fun touch. At times there's also a feel of breaking the fourth wall, as Christa acknowledges that she is narrating her life in a very meta-ish fashion...but as per usual, it's all in her charm and all of these elements became truly endearing after a while...and I think by the end I would have missed them if they'd stopped!

Despite its sort of 'stiff' beginning, once you get through Christa's backstory, the book 'dives' into some deeper territory, as it becomes more of a bildungsroman story and also an exploration of Christa's dysFUNctional family and the consequences of Jasper's narcissistic behavior. I appreciated that Waxman was able to cover so much ground, from how Christa's mom moved on (or did she?) from Jasper after his disappearance, the Black Sheep syndrome Christa experienced in her younger years in comparison to her sisters, and also the way her romantic relationship was not at the foreground of the book, but sort of played on the side in a 'will they won't they' fashion, allowing Waxman to really dive into the dynamics of their FRIENDSHIP, which was needed in a story that already had so much drama going on. As with so many bildungsroman stories, the specific outcome is dependent not only on how MUCH the MC grows, but in what direction...and also leaves YOU to determine where you think the road will finally lead.

Christa's coming out of her shell isn't just a perfect metaphor for her snail friends, but is a gentle nod to her own journey to find her voice and more importantly, to find out how to USE it while remaining true to herself. This book is not fluffy necessarily, nor does it suggest that a man can solve your problems...and I continue to LOVE that about Waxman's writing. Much like Emily Henry (probably my overall favorite romance author) Waxman deftly weaves in family struggles, romance, and self exploration that feels like the book I NEEDED when I was a 20 something...but this story still resonates beautifully now, and was a gentle reminder that when Waxman truly plays to her strengths, the result is touching and thoughtful, while still being both funny AND fun.

And although this book seems to have served to remind me that maybe I need to read more books with mermaids in them (although I think I'll be skipping Hans Christian Anderson's classic, if you know what I mean!) I DO have one suggestion for a final illustration to close out this book:

Satisfied Reader - Satiata Lectorus

4 stars

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I love Abbi Waxman’s writing! It’s sharp and witty and just a good time.
Christa is an introverted nerd and socially awkward and highly intelligent and very quirky and I loved that about her. She also grew up in the spotlight as part of the famous Liddle family, with her dad being a media darling, and has been happily living her life as a scientist who studies snails while dealing with the celebrity that comes with her family and the father that went missing when she was just a little girl and is presumed to be dead after all these years. Christa doesn’t handle his death or the unwanted attention surrounding it well and when she’s old enough she runs to work on a tiny island in the Indian Ocean. But then one day, her dad turns up alive and Christa’s whole world turns upside down. Christa returns home for the first time in several years to find that her sisters have changed and the guy she has had a crush on all her life seems to have a crush on her now too.
This is pure chick lit romcom heaven and still managed to tackle family drama and loaded lots of science in and managed to be loads of fun. While I loved the Bookish Life of Nina Hill even more than this one, I can’t wait to see what Abbi writes next!
Thanks to Berkley and NetGalley for this eArc in exchange for my review.

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This was my second book by this author, and I'm sad I didn't love it,whereas I absolutely loved her other one. I failed to connect with the characters and never felt the pull when I was away from reading.

I did like the mystery surrounding Christa's dad, but i felt it, along with everything else, was wrapped up a bit too tidy.

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4.5 stars = I loved it! Would re-read.

I have been a Waxman fan since NINA HILL, and she did NOT disappoint here. Christa and her sisters and mother are outstanding characters. Each one is doing her work and pulling no punches in the emotional upheaval of the current situation. The romance is good, but it was this family that kept me turning pages. Christa's voice is excellent - she's sharp and funny and snarky. Everything I love in a protagonist. Tons to love here - don't miss it! (Language, sex)

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This was as much a story about family and healing old wounds as it was about love. I adore Waxman's quirky characters and Christa with her love of science, her dedication to snail research and her battle to overcome tumultuous teenage years definitely won me over.

The story itself was pretty out there - Christa's long presumed deceased father returns home after 25 years and thrusts them all back into the limelight, turning everyone's lives upside down. Then, add in an old crush with an undeniable current attraction.

I enjoyed this. At first, I was prepping for Steve Irwin/Bindi vibes because of the father/daughter animal show angle but this proved to be much more than that.

There was a lot of growth and self-discovery which is what l've really come to love about Waxman's characters. Plus, there was romance! Nathan was swoon-worthy and I am always here for a good HEA. This was a bit steamier than Waxman's previous books - the door was wide open. You already know I had no problem with that. Let the sparks fly and the steam sizzle!

If you enjoy books with quirky characters, out there premises, lots of family drama, romance and some steam you won't want to miss this one.

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In Christa Comes Out Of Her Shell by @abbiwaxman , Christa is the daughter of a famous naturalist (I pictured Steve Irwin!) who was thought to have been killed in a plane crash when she was a kid. Her life as a sea snail researcher gets thrown into chaos when said father suddenly reappears, not dead at all. This book was absolutely hilarious. It had everything, romance, humor, emotional family relationships, stories of forgiveness, self-reflection and resilience. And all the quirkiness of a dysfunctional family that had me cackling while I was reading it. There were some twists I didn’t see coming that were clever in how they played out. The characters were multi-dimensional with layers that were slowly peeled away, revealing strong and intelligent women (and a little nerdy which I loved).
And the writing was just so perfect with the sarcastic quips dropped at the perfect spots, like little mic drops. What an absolute pleasure to read.

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Christa is a researcher of sea snails on a remote Pacific island. . This suits her perfectly, she’s a private person because as a child, her famous father (think Steve Irwin) disappeared and she ended up on his TV show with her mother.

Now, suddenly after many years, her father has reappeared from Alaska where his plane went down. Christa doesn’t remember him at all but the media is desperate to talk to her, her mom and her two older sisters. The family wants to know where he’s been all these years and why didn’t he contact them?

Christa also meets a childhood friend who’s all grown up and gorgeous. Their chemistry lights up the page, but as they get closer and closer Christa gets further and further away from her precious snails.

This book is charming and funny, 4 stars.

Thanks to Berkley and NetGalley, I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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The Bookish Life of Nina Hill is one of my favorites so I was really excited to dive into Christa Comes Out of Her Shell!

Christa had me hooked from the start, and I love that we got to see her at the job she loves so much at the start of the book! I thought all the characters were well developed and well balanced. I really loved how baffled Christa was by her emotionally mature sisters and how they didn’t match up to the mean girls in her memory!

The thing I loved most about this story was that the romance was natural and almost easy. They had an instant reconnection and the romance developed with minimal drama, which allowed the family storyline to lean into the drama without the book feeling over the top!

I really enjoyed this book! It had Abbi’s great sense of humor and sharp writing style. I highly recommend it to romance fans!

Thank you to Berkley Romance for the eARC. All thoughts are my own.

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Abbi Waxman is a go-to author for me. This book did not resonate as much as some of her previous books however.

A famous father that disappeared 25 years ago suddenly reappears and Christa is called back from her research work on a secluded island. The characters are fun and quirky and the STEM storyline was a bonus.

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkeley Publishing for the advanced digital copy of the book.

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After traumatizing childhood in limelight, Christa, a marine zoologist now, hides away on a remote island studying snails…sea snails, in case you are wondering and not garden variety we are kind of familiar with. She is yanked away to the Hollywood limelight when her dead fatherless reappears. She meets with her sisters, childhood crush she didn’t see for a decade.

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I’m a huge fan of Waxman’s writing because she has a gift for creating the most wonderful characters. They’re charming, quirky, and just so lovable that you can’t help but root for them to overcome whatever struggles they are facing.

When we meet Christa, she is happily studying snails on a remote island in the Indian Ocean. That is, until she receives a phone call that rocks her world. Her father, a beloved TV star who was presumed killed in a plane crash 25 years ago, has suddenly turned up, alive and well. As much as Christa would love to stay on her little island, she knows she has to go home, both to meet her dad and to confront the demons of her own past.

I adored Christa right from the start and absolutely loved the journey of personal growth that she goes through in this story. Christa was so young when her dad went missing that she barely knew him but both his immense fame and the media circus surrounding his disappearance impacted her young life tremendously. There were people in her life who hurt and betrayed her, making her close herself off from people. I loved watching her gradually come into her own and confront those who had hurt her, which in turn allows her to more freely open her heart to those who would never hurt her. While it definitely takes a backseat to Christa’s personal journey, there is also a delightful second chance romance with a childhood friend in this story.

While some of what Christa and her family faces veers into some heavy topics, Waxman keeps things from getting too heavy by infusing the story with her signature humor and warmth. I especially enjoyed listening to the audiobook because the narrators, Jesse Vilinksy & Jonathan Todd Ross, do such a wonderful job capturing both the heartwarming and humorous aspects of the story.

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Christa Comes Out of her Shell by Abbi Waxman
Christa is living her best life by herself on a small island studying sea snails. Until she gets a call she was not expecting and has to return home to LA to the chaos of her father returning from the (presumed) dead.
What I liked:
-Christa and her family were hilarious. I loved the snark.
-I could relate to the anti-social desires that Christa had. People-ing is hard. However, I loved all the conversations that Christa had with her mom and sisters.
-The flashbacks of Christa’s story were emotional and helped me understand how deep this family drama went.
-I loved how the story ended.
4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ For another funny and heartwarming story from Abbi! I love Abbi’s books, she is definitely on my auto-read list.

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This is a Romance/Women's Fiction. This book is slow to get going, and it had to grow on me. Once, I got into the story I was all in. I loved the characters in this book, and there were some fun twists in this book. I really enjoyed this book after I got pulled into it. The romance in this book did not really go anywhere until way into the book, but I found the romance in this book to be so cute. There were so many cute and fun times in this book. I received an ARC of this book. This review is my own honest opinion about the book like all my reviews are.

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Christa is a malacologist, someone who studies mollusks. She lives on a remote island studying snails when she receives word that her famous scientist father, Jasper has returned after a plane crash 25 years ago. She flies home to be with her family during this time and she’s not ready to be thrust back into the spotlight.

After her father disappeared, Christa had a hard time coping and began some party girl ways. She was often in the news for raucous behavior when she decided to live a quieter life. When she returns home, she reunites with an old friend that turns romantic. Between her new love and dealing with her father’s stories that just don’t add up why he was missing for so long.

Christa was an entertaining listen that did hold my attention, but I have a feeling it won’t be very memorable in a few days. It was also much longer than necessary. Jasper is a horrible person, and even worse dad. I cannot imagine how you just disappear from your family just to waltz back in and pretend nothing happened. He was a low point of the story.

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Christa's father disappeared and was presumed dead. What followed was a rollercoaster of emotional upheaval and ultimate stability in the job of her heart. Her father shows up and the world takes notice of the family. Being in the spotlight again seems to be a joy for only her father.
This was a pleasant surprise to read. I so enjoyed Abbi's Nina Hill but her recent two were not for me. However, this one carried more of the humor and quirky characterizations I would expect from Abbi based on her 2019 release. It did take me a few chapters to get that Christa is not in fact a mermaid (cue self-mockery) but I really loved the family drama and the appeal of an unrequited sort of crush turned into a he-fell-first on second meeting. Overall, I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys coming of age sibling dynamics and the bonds that push them to stick together through the storms of adulthood. Christa's ending was exactly what I love to see in a modern romance.
Thank you to Berkley Besties and Netgalley for the advanced copy. All thoughts are my own.

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When I read the description of this one I wasn’t totally sold, but I gave it a shot and I am glad I did. The description felt a little all over the place and unsurprisingly the book was all over the place too, but in a way that just worked. This is a rom-com story, but it is also and even more a book about family drama/trauma and healing. It is also a book with a female scientist as a main character and I have to love that. While the romance was fine, I thought the family drama and healing was a better story and I was glad it took more of the book. The love interest was lovely and I liked their sweet story, but I can see why some didn’t love the book if they went in expecting a more typical rom-com. Christa doesn’t remember her father, he disappeared when she was two. Her father had been a mildly famous naturalist and in the wake of his disappearance her mother took her along as she went on talk shows and ensured the conservation they had continued to help save the planet. Christa didn’t deal with her semi-fame well, but now she is an adult living on a remote island studying sea snails with no desire for anything else. Until her mother blows up her phone to let her know that after 25 years they have found her father and he is alive. This book was fun and I enjoyed it and read it in one day. Definitely will be looking for more by this author.

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