Member Reviews

Hannah has planned to spend New Years Eve at a party with two of her former school friends, both married and wealthy, while Hannah is single and doing a job she doesn’t enjoy. The party takes place on a yacht in the south of France where Hannah begins to learn more about her friends as the party takes an unexpected turn.

While I really enjoyed the premise of this novel and appreciated the fast-paced twisty turns, I struggled to engage with the characters so did not find the story as impactful. However, I will continue to read books by this author.

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After reading Stranded by Sarah Goodwin you BET I was going to read this as well! And it did not disappoint! A bunch of friends parting on New Years Eve on a luxury yacht and go adrift. A bit of a different locked room concept but I loved it! Full of more twists and turns than a tsunami can throw at you! Such a fun book and it literally kept me gripped until the end!

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Amazing story. Just couldn't put it down. Scary and dark and makes you wonder about people more and more.
Great characters.

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I have read and enjoyed all of Sarah Goodwin's books and The Yacht is no exception. A brilliant murder mystery aboard a stunning mega yacht. Get lost in this beautiful world xx

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I've read all of Sarah's work and she never fails to keep the reader engrossed throughout her stories

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When Hannah and her friends rent a luxury yacht in an Italian marina, they party in style under the stars until they pass out. The next morning, they are horrified to find they have been cut adrift into the open ocean, with no sight of land and no fuel in the engine. And that’s when the first person goes missing…

This was a fun little murder mystery. I enjoyed the twists and turns. Well done!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for the ARC.
The non-stop action in this locked-room mystery was a real page turner.
Hannah has been invited to a New Year’s Eve party on a yacht with her old friends Maggie , Harry, and Libby along with Libby’s husband, and Maggie’s fiancé.
Hannah is the only reasonable person at this party as it gets out of hand with drinking and drugs.
One of the party’s members goes missing, and the finger pointing begins.
I found this book hard to put down, full of twists and turns.

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Thank you Sarah Goodwin Netgalley and Avon for allowing me the chance to read The Yacht that was published January 4th 2024. I’ve not read any other books from the author but after reading this one I will definitely be doing that now.

What a great way to celebrate New Year's Eve than on a private luxury yacht with your closest friends?! Even though a few of the party goers would prefer not everyone attend.
Six people are about to board the yacht for a cruise like no other. The next morning the yacht sets sail and one party goer is missing. Who can you trust? Who will survive?

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Can't say I enjoyed this one it dragged on a bit and bored me at times and the ending was pretty predictable

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Great thriller that had me on the edge of my seat until the very end

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I had high hopes for this book based on the description, but I should have known that this author might not be for me after giving another one of their books lower ratings.

This book unfortunately, ended the same. I was not connected to the story or the characters, and it would have been a perfect first read for the year, but it flopped for me. I think that I won't pick up other books from the author.

Thank you to netgalley & the publisher for the arc copy.

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A kind of locked room mystery, the locked room being a yacht stranded goodness knows where in the ocean and a group of not really friends battling for survival.

There was something brutally honest about this story that really appealed to me, it was definitely entertaining and whilst following a few fairly standard tropes it was still hugely addictive.

I really enjoyed it.

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A great page-turning thriller!

I got swept away in the luxury of the yacht and loved the way this unravelled throughout the story. Great characters, all of whom I disliked but for different reasons!

Took quite a gruesome turn towards the end so not for the feint hearted.

Thanks to Netgalley and Avon for the opportunity to read and review this brilliant book

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The Yacht is a tense thriller, the action for which takes place, unusually, at sea. Good, well rounded characters, the majority of whom were rather obnoxious.
I have a problem 'visualising' but this was so well written, with enough but not too much detail to keep me fully aware of what was happening at all times.
I can totally recommend this book and will be looking out for more books by Sarah Goodwin myself.

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I had troubles downloading this one so unfortunately I am not able to review at this time and the “not giving feedback” tool is not working for me.

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6 reunited friends’ on a luxury yacht for a New Years Eve party and nothing is as seems and none of the 6 are either, there are some total psychopaths amongst the group and ‘love to hate’ characters that the phrase could have been invented for… I loved the book and couldn't stop reading. Sure, the premise isn't original; this trope has been done many times, but its execution makes it shine. The book is written in the first person from Hannah's perspective. She was a great character, one I could relate to and root for, which is more than I can say for the other characters. The other characters, with the exception of Harry, were insufferable and thought themselves superior to less fortunate people. I was glad when Hannah finally grew a backbone and didn't bow to her friends.

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Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of the book for a honest review

‘The Yacht’ is a great thriller and I really enjoyed it and would highly recommended it

Rating 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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A great locked room thriller. A group of friends gather on a yacht for new year celebrations. When the yacht sets adrift will they make it back to shore?
The group of characters are all heavily flawed and unlikeable. I didn’t care for any of them, but I think that’s the point. Secrets which have been hidden come to light, arguments ensue and instead of working together everyone is pulled further apart. It was a taut thriller which moved at breakneck speed!
The twists weren’t all unexpected and I was left with a few unanswered questions. However, a solid, fairly quick read with plenty of tension.

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Remember the episode of Friends where all but Rachel have great jobs and lots of money to splash out leaving her feeling like the poor relation? That’s the situation Hannah the protagonist of this story finds herself into. Its New Years Eve and Hannah had been invited to party on a moored yacht with former Uni friends and their partners, none of whom are in any way likeable. It all gets a bit messy and the group awake the next morning to find themselves adrift at sea. Rather like small children; with huge egos and self-centred personalities it’s no wonder they’re all clashing one minute and forming awkward aligences the next. As time goes on and no sign of escape or rescue, secrets unfold as quickly as resources deplete. Who will make it out alive - quite literally?
This book - pardon the pun - didn’t float my boat. None of the characters had any redeemable qualities and I would have cheerfully let them all float off into nowhere without a second thought. Even the protagonist irritated me with her naivety of belief that the other women liked or respected her. Next minute this silly character is barking out orders to keep them all alive which seemed pretty unbelievable either that she either had it in her to take control or that any of her ‘peers’ would actually listen to her. If this is what passes for friendship in modern life frankly we’re all doomed!

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A hard read, full of implausible situations and implausible choices.

I do enjoy reading about people that I can't stand but this book couldn't hold all of these things to dislike.

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