Member Reviews

Fun book that I read curled up in front of the fire. Does not take itself too seriously. Enjoyable plot and characters

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I love books that celebrate women, female friendships and the power of being together. Cactus Lanes doesn't disappoint. It follows the story of Maggie who after losing her husband realises they were living as separate people long before Bob passed away. She joins a bowling club in search of friendship and fun and the story goes from there...
I really felt for Maggie throughout the book, I was rooting for her all along. Such an uplifting book I would highly recommend.
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I enjoyed this page turner book that has characters that you can relate to.

The author covers topics like starting again, Widowhood, friends who are always interfering, as well as romance and love.

I recommend this book.

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It was certainly the cover that attracted me to this novel, it's bright and looked like fun, and once I glanced at the blurb and saw the mention of Las Vegas, that was it, I knew i had to read it.

And it certainly lived up to those expectations and the cover is spot on, as this is a rather colourful novel, at least once Maggie starts to live her own life. After all she is attracted by the neon signs at the Cactus Lanes Bowling alley.

For this is a story of how life really can begin in your 70s. It took for her husband to suddenly die, for Maggie to bee freed from what was a stifling, boring, loveless marriage, not abusive, just indifferent, and for her to start discovering what it is she really wants from life.

And that includes re-discovering a love of bowling that she did a term of in school and enjoyed, until her friends talked her out of it. For Maggie is easily influenced by others, at least initially and even know she's ashamed that her daughter has got a lot of the same qualities as Bob.

I loved this look at life in Las Vegas too, for although there are some trips to the strip, mainly when Maggie is volunteering with a senior, we get to see past the gambling and see all the other parts to Las Vegas.

And i just could visualise everything so clearly, and I was loving how Maggie's confidence grew as she gains new skills and friends, and even clearly has a potential love interest.

I was less keen to see there still seems to be a class system in America, and stereotypical prejudices from thankfully not main characters.

This was the first book I've read from this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I just wish I had Maggie's bowling skills, as she is awesome!

Thank you to One More Chapter and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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This was a fun story revolving around a bowling alley and Maggie finding herself and love. The bowling side of it was fun as I had not read a story involving 10 pin bowling before. I loved the way Maggie evolved and the relationship with Frank and her new friends. There were some complex family relationships with Maggie and her children. Overall, fun, easy to read book for some light entertainment.

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At the beginning Margaret was rather a fun character with her view of life and humor, not holding back when two women were giving Frank the ojo. And I am not judging her (as if she is not a book character, but indeed a real human being) for sticking to her love less marriage, choosing the easier option.
However, just a few pages after she (not for the first time) mentioned disliking her own daughter for her arrogance or intolerance, Maggie described the pottery teacher and said he looked both 'sexy and silly.' That made me give up at 37%. Indeed, she (or perhaps she and Kyla both) might have changed their tune later in the book, I was no longer in the mood to wait for that.

You are never too old to live your best life... is a common theme these days and no matter how much I agree with it and enjoy reading life-affirming books, it is rather an able-bodied view of the world.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book.

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This talented author has written a page turner. Realistic characters keep the story moving quickly. Love and romance. Widowhood..overbearing children..interfering friends…starting over. I enjoyed this story. The main character is intriguing. I laughed and I winced at parts of the book. Thanks Netgalley.

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