Member Reviews

This book was so beautifully written. I could see it like a movie in front of me. It was heartbreaking but wonderful at the same time. I couldn't put it down because I had to find out what happened. All families have secrets and boy did this one deliver! Pick this one up you will not be dissapointed. Thank you Netgalley and Lifted Board Press for the opportunity to read this.

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Love this family drama. Love love!
Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the Kindle ARC. This is the first work I've read by Amy Smith Linton even though I read that she used to be a writer at my local newspaper, The St. Petersburg Times, now known as The Tampa Bay Times. What a fantastic writer she is! I was on the fence about whether or not to request this book and am so glad that I did. She Taught Me Everything is the story of sisters Viv and Nicola and their volatile childhood growing up with Jahn and Magda. As Viv and Nicola approach adulthood, they find out secrets about themselves and each other, including a secret about their parents and who they really are. I haven't read a story quite like this one and what makes it unique is that it is every day trauma - not a suspense/thriller. Not a murder, not a serial killer - just real life issues and things that people do to one another sometimes intentionally and sometimes without knowing. One aspect of the book I really enjoyed is that I truly didn't know how it was going to end. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys general fiction or literary fiction.

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This book slowly pulled me in as the author skillfully revealed details about the intricacies of Viv and Nicola’s relationship. Alternating between current day events that have put older sister Viv in a coma and flashbacks to the sisters’ chaotic upbringing and ultimate abandonment by their parents, the book succeeds in exploring the intimacy that develops between these two sisters through shared hardship. Ultimately, the book seems to ask how well we can ever really know someone else and how secrets kept and things unsaid impact the very special relationship between Viv and Nicola. I found it a satisfying read and would recommend to anyone who enjoys books that delve into family dynamics and the messiness that lies beneath the surface.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing the ARC!

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Finally finished another arc! Thank you NetGalley!

Lately I've been reading more character-driven books, and so I stumbled upon this one. I really enjoyed the way the book explored this special relationship between the two sisters through the youngest sister's memories. What I think the book did very well was how real these characters seemed. There were layers to them and even the smallest details could add so much to their individual stories. The dialogues also flowed very naturally.

The one problem I had was the pacing. It was incredibly slow. I found bits of Nicola doing mundane things very boring and perhaps the author wrote it that way on purpose, but it made me struggle to stay invested as I kept losing interest.

Overall, I would give it three stars. It's not bad, but it has so much potential to be a lot better!

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She Taught Me Everything absolutely blew me away with its beautiful portrayal of what it is to be sister and the different aspects of these relationships. I was completely absorbed from the first chapter and I didn't want to put it down as each reveal had me hooked even more. Although I did find some parts a bit slow this overall blew me away with its unique storyline and amazing writing and I really recommend.

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A beautifully written and poignant exploration of a relationship between two sisters. The story unfolds beautifully with flashbacks to Nicky and Viv's childhood adding depth and layers to the story. The characters were so well-developed, imperfect, and complex, creating a very engaging story.

Highly readable, the plot unfolds at a suspenseful pace without ever being overdramatic or unrealistic. This novel has really stayed with me.

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A story that really explores the relationship between two sisters. After an accident involving one of them things start to unfold in a mysterious way but the book is really about more than just untold things. A deep dive into family life. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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She Taught Me Everything explores the relationship of two sisters, Viv and Nicola, who raised themselves after their parents took off and left them on their own. They survived, finished school, got into college, and found their way in life. Their bond is unbreakable, but when Nicola rushes to her sister’s bedside after a car accident, the person she’d trusted her life with turned out to have kept some astonishing secrets from her.

I really liked how this story explored the relationship between two sisters. Viv and Nicola’s bond was implacably strong and there was so much love between them, that whenever Nicola revisited memories of her sister, I really learned to understand who Viv was to Nicola and what she meant to her. It was all incredibly subtle and beautifully woven into small details for the reader to pick up, and really done well. It was clear that the author put much thought and care into creating this sisters bond.

She Taught Me Everything had a nice flow and the story was compelling. I thought the execution was great, and the construction inventive. While the secrets revealed were quite astounding, Nicola was mostly doing very daily-life-ish activities like loading the dishwasher, calling a friend and talk, or cuddling three dogs (don’t be a dummy like me and do look up English mastiffs to visual the correct breed while reading, ha ha). Nicola being surrounded by all the domesticity, having realistic conversations, and so much normalcy, was the perfect setting for this story to unfold.

An exceptionally well executed novel with great eye for details, some suspense, and thoughtful exploration of how choices can change and redefine a family.

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"She Taught Me Everything" is an interesting read exploring the relationship between sisters. It is more thoughtful and more of a drama than a mystery or thriller. I would recommend this for readers who enjoy books on sisters and the what lies unspoken between them. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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She Taught Me Everything takes a unique and thoughtful approach to exploring the relationship between two sisters. Not quite a thriller but not quite general fiction, this novel stands out because it doesn't solely use the "who dunnit" method to propel the story forward; rather, uncovering Viv's secrets is second to Nicky unpacking her childhood and relationship with Viv. This novel would be for the reader who likes mystery, but is most interested in unique interpersonal relationships.

In terms of writing, I liked that the flashbacks to Viv and Nicky's childhood were woven throughout the story as present-day Nicky recalled something from her past rather than as clear chapters alternating between then and now. The author's writing style felt more organic because of this. There are a number of inconsistencies, redundancies, and grammar mistakes in this draft that I hope are cleaned up before publishing.

I wish we had explored more with Dr. Pete. I thought any attempt at a flirtation with Nicky was unnecessary and predictable. I think Dr. Peter's character could have been better used to explore Viv's status within her field considering she worked so hard to achieve it.

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