Member Reviews

I believe there will be a lot of children(and adults) that will enjoy this graphic novel series. I also love the fact of Cobolt being an amputee, yes it’s sad how he lost his legs, but I think there will be many that can relate as you can never have too many books/graphic novels that have main characters with a disability.

Like every first volume of a good graphic novel it ends right when things start to pick up.

Its probably an idea to wait for the rest of the series if you don’t like it ending when things start to pick up.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy!

This was a great read reminiscent of those coming of age tales I grew up with out of Japan like Pokémon, My Neighbor Totoro, and Hunter x Hunter. I absolutely loved the full color illustrations on each page, and the art style in general. I also loved the story! The conflict was superficial at first but the addition of Grandpa’s past adventures is a great suspense and excitement builder. Cobalt is a fun MC who has a lot of room to grow. He definitely reminds me of Ash or Naruto or Goku, a goofy kid who has his head in the clouds but is about to discover the wonders (and horrors) of the real world.

Overall, this was a blast and I am totally going to be waiting on the edge of my seat for the next one!

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Interesting beginning to a series. The Inventor causes both good and bad things in the community of Mata. I found it intriguing for a middle grade steampunk graphic novel. I was able to read this with a couple of days because I just needed something to clear my mind. But the setting of the story is sometimes hard to figure out. Worth the read if you like graphic novels.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me an ARC copy of the book.

This middle grade fantasy graphic novel shows a lot of promise for a good series in the making. The artwork was fantastic as well. That being said, it is Volume 1 and it ends right when things start to pick up.

It would probably be better to wait to read multiple volumes at once.

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This was a great surprise!

The art was fantastic: the world revolving around turtles was present in every little detail, from the houses to the shoe above the door and the many fish people use to make the turtles do their bidding.
I also like that the turtles were not obedient creatures. They lived among the people, but they could be dangerous and had a mind of their own.
The inventions looked great too. The author/artist did a great job making all the inventions feel whimsical and vaguely sensible at the same time. Between the many cogs and cords, I did feel liek there was thought put into how these appliances function.

The story felt appropriately middle grade, even though there were some serious subjects like the main character losing his legs. Being a graphic novel. the seriousness of these injuries becomes visible, and I have to compliment the athe way the injuries were not downplayed.
However, it had some stock tropes like bullies at school, an enthusiastic protagonist and disapproving parents. I am still very excited to see what will happen next.

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I devoured this book. I can't wait to put it on display and see it checked out. It is a great addition to any graphic novel collection.

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Cobalt is a young boy who dreams of being an inventor like his grandfather. One day he shows up at his grandfather's house to see his grandfathers new invention; a flying car! Although it is only a prototype with a few glitches, he is eager to show it to his friend Linnea. When things go awry, Cobalt ends up as a double leg amputee, Linnea with a scar across her face, and his grandfather banished from the island for being the cause of this accident. 5 years later, Cobalt sets off on an adventure to find his grandfather after the technology goes crazy and they need his inventor skills to fix everything.

Wow! This story was a great beginning to a new series. First off, the plot was well done. I totally understood the world building from page one, and the characters were extremely engaging. I loved how each character had their own turtle companion (they were so cute!). I also loved the illustration style. The main character reminds me of Ben 10, and the illustration style is close to how characters are drawn in manga. I also love that this was fully illustrated.

I 100% recommend this graphic novel; I think middle grade readers would especially love this, but even as an adult, I am completely invested in where this story goes next!

Thank you so much to netgalley for the ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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