Member Reviews

This book was right up my alley! Though a tragic accident leaves Scarlett dead, she is somehow still present. Given a chance to see the impact of her death on those around her, it's a beautiful story of friendship (and romance) that transcends time.

Left behind is Evie, Scarlett's best friend, who is struggling with a semi-recent MS diagnosis. And also Nate, the stranger who Scarlett blames for her death. I loved the way this played into the ripple effect of a single moment. It's an incredibly sad situation, yes, but it wasn't overpowering. There's a hopeful tone throughout, a collection of happy connections created by this one tragedy.

And what a clever concept to have Scarlett, now a ghost, experience her own journey of self-discovery. I loved the added flashbacks, seeing her acknowledge her mistakes, and ultimately ending in a very heartfelt yet bittersweet conclusion. Happy tears!

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4.5/5 stars

This one had all the feels…dealing with a debilitating illness, grief, forgiveness, resilience and finally finding joy and determination to live again and to the fullest.

Scarlett and Evie have been best friends since the age of seven…more like sisters and have grown up championing each other’s goals and dreams. After a devastating accident, Evie is left alone to deal with not only crippling grief but also a crippling disease that has caused her to give up her dream and retreat from the world around her.

Nate, a travel journalist, is dealing with his own pain over the accident and the lasting effects of his brother’s suicide when Nate was just 15.

Evie and Nate are drawn together as they learn to forgive and slowly move forward with their lives.

This book is a tearjerker but also a revelatory story for all three mains, Scarlett, who is caught in limbo as she watches and cheers on Evie (as well as seeing herself in new lights), Evie, as she begins to see herself living without the sister of her heart and Nate, as he faces insights into why he has always felt the need to move rather than stay.

It’s a very well-done story of friendship, growth and ultimately joy. Recommended.

My sincere thanks to the author, NetGalley and Forever/Grand Central Publishing for providing the free arc of One Moment for review. The opinions are strictly my own.

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Absolutely beautiful novel. Poured through it!! Very unique plot premise and appreciated the POV of Scarlett as another way to understand our heroine. Thank you so much NetGalley for the opportunity. Will be autobuying this author!!

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In one moment ANYTHING can happen and your life can change in an instant! What a debut this was!! Loved all the characters and how it was so well written! I really enjoyed it. Books NEVER make me shed even the smallest tear, but this one did at the end. Loved the ending!!Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this advance copy in exchange for my honest review. To be published March 2024.

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I don’t even know where to begin. This was one of the most moving and beautifully written stories I’ve ever read. I loved getting the perspectives of both Evie and Scarlett throughout, and seeing how they each navigated, but also flourished, through their grief.

This book had me sobbing, laughing, gasping in shock, and giggling and kicking my feet with excitement. This story was such a reminder of how even the slightest, most seemingly insignificant moments and decisions in our lives, have such a profound ripple effect. Even the most devastating experiences can lead to something beautiful. It was so moving to see each character on their own healing journey post-loss, and how deeply they’ve been affected, but ultimately are able to find the silver lining.

If you were given the chance to change even the smallest decisions you’ve ever made, would you? Do you think you’d still be exactly where you are today?

This is an absolute must read for anyone that has dealt with loss, grief, heartbreak, or has ever questioned their decisions or path in life.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever Publishing for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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WOW! What a fabulous book about love, family, friendship and loss. About how one moment can be viewed in many ways and how one moment can change everything. I loved this book! Thanks #NetGalley #GrandCentralPublishing #BeckyHunter

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Becky Hunter has given us a book that explores friendship, love, loss, profound grief, the transformative power of hope, and the impact of one single moment.

Evie and Scarlett have been best friends since childhood. Now approaching their 30th birthdays they find themselves at a crossroads. Scarlett is on the cusp of realizing her professional dream while Evie deals with a devastating medical diagnosis. In a single moment everything changes when Scarlett is tragically killed. We watch the fallout through the eyes of very much alive Evie and recently deceased Scarlett.

There is a great deal of heaviness in this book, but it’s balanced by the deep love between Evie and Scarlett. One Moment reminds us of the interconnectedness of life and the reverberations of a single decision.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for access to this ARC in exchange for my unbiased review.

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What a wonderful book!! I read it in one sitting from start to finish in only a few hours. I COULD NOT put it down.

The idea that “one moment” has the potential to change your life was the perfect theme for this book. I’m blown away at how much I loved the plot, the character development, and the beautiful writing!

The friendship between Evie and Scarlett was everything. This book had a slight magical realism element in that Scarlett is viewing the aftermath of her accident and reacting to how people move on after her death. There were also flashbacks to their lives before her death. The dual narratives worked extremely well in this book.

One Moment was poignant, moving, emotional, yet hopeful. I loved every bit of reading it!!

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One Moment is so much more than a romance. Yes, there is a burgeoning love between Evie and Nate, but the real love story here is the friendship between Scarlett and Evie. It is a deep exploration of grief, both for loved ones, and the reality of loss and change that accompanies living with an invisible illness. Evie and Nate are complex characters, and as a reader, you’re not always certain that they will (or should) end up together. Scarlett’s beyond the grave narration is a clever plot device, allowing for flashbacks and perspective that add depth to the overall plot.

Thanks to #Netgalley and #Forever for my gifted ARC

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I loved this book! It was both heartwarming and heartbreaking. A touching tale of friendship, love, family, grief, loss and so much more! I loved every single character. Each one brought something different to the story. The reader learns so much about the lives and friendship of Evie and Scarlett, as it was told seamlessly in the dual narratives of both main characters.

It is a thought-provoking story that I'm certain will stay with me for a long time. One moment truly can make a difference. Thank you to Net Galley for the opportunity to read the ARC. I can't wait to read Becky Hunter's next book!

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The day Scarlett dies was supposed to be one of the biggest days of her life. The story then continues with Scarlett watching the ripple effect of her death on the lives of those she loved the most, mainly her best friend and roommate Evie. Evie will never be able to forgive the man who is responsible for Scarlett's death. Except he keeps showing up unexpectedly into Evie's life.

One Moment has an interesting premise and one that is unique to any other stories I've read before. It truly begs the question of fate. There is a budding romance storyline, but it's also about the love and closeness of friendship. Scarlett realizes that she could go back and change the course of the event that caused her to die, but then that would change the future for her friend. It shows the beautiful love and sacrifice that Scarlett has for her friend Evie.

Thanks to Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I was so glad that I was selected on NetGalley to get an ARC of this book.
I loved it from the second that I started the book. The dynamic between Scarlett and Evie was just such friendship goals, there for the good and the bad.
It was such a good read and a book that had me laughing, smiling and crying all in one book, so incredible and so thought provoking, covering topics from friendship, to health to family and death.
It is still early in 2024 but I know this book will be on the top of my list by the end, I just wanted to stay in it and know what was happening next, I couldn't put it down, I was so invested in these characters.

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This is a challenging review for me to write. There were ups and downs to the story and I sometimes could not put the book down and other times I felt that it really dragged. Parts of the book were dark and depressing and others were uplifting. I have just finished the book I really liked how it ended. So I decided on 4 stars. This is a story about friendship and finding your way when your life does not go as you had hoped..
Thank you Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the digital ARC!

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Ahhhh!!! This book left such a lasting impact on me emotionally and has been so hard to review. I feel like anything I say could take away from a first-time reading experience, so I will keep it short and sweet so as not to spoil it. Through Scarlett and Evie, we see friendship and its impact, even in those small unremarkable moments. if you are looking for a book that will take you on an emotional journey in the best way, then this is it. I will be looking for more to come from Becky Hunter.

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One Moment it's dark and in the next moment there's light. One moment you're happy, the next you're sad. And in One Moment Scarlett is alive, but in a blink of an eye she's not. Mostly a "life story," the most poignant and profound passages in One Moment are Scarlett's musings on not only the future she's been denied, but the life she left behind. In between there's a not at all "meet cute" between Scarlett's roommate Evie, and Nate, the last person to see Scarlett alive. One Moment examines the terrible heartbreak of losing a person so young, and the never ending grief of those left behind. Using a "voice from the grave" technique could have come across as cheesy, but with Miss Hunter's thoughtful writing, it comes across as tender and touching. And it's amazing the things Scarlett learns, (and learns to appreciate!) once her earthly existence is over. It's a beautiful lesson for the young and not so young-live and learn while you can, because it all could be over in One Moment.

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This is as heartbreaking as it is hopeful. I love that it goes between the different perspectives as well as back in time. While that might be confusing, I found those transitions seamless and easy to follow.
Scarlett has died in an accident, retrieving a bicycle from the road for Nate who was also in an accident. That one moment changes everything for her, for Nate, and for her best friend Evie. Evie not only has to cope with the death of her best friend, but also her diagnosis with MS. We get a view of Scarlett watching over Evie and Evie learning to live without Scarlett and the people she meets along the way.
It’s a testament of how life is made of moments and choices and the ripple effect of those choices. It’s heart felt and beautiful. Highly recommend!
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel. All opinions are my own.

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Wow, what a read. I really enjoyed this book and I felt the comps (JoJo Moyes, Rebecca Serle) were good. This book was an easy ready but left me thinking about it for days afterwards. I always like books where the protagonist has a lot of self reflection and this was no different!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Have your tissues ready and be ready to cry and smile. This book was such a roller coaster ride, and I loved every second of it.

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I am so glad so many other readers enjoyed this book. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get into it. It I thank netgalkey and the publisher for giving me the chance to read it.

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Fairly predictable rom com but it was still a good read that I enjoyed it. It was also a quick read.

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