Member Reviews

This thrilling novel completely caught me off guard with its unexpected twists and turns. Initially, I thought it might follow the predictable path of a domestic thriller, but by the third chapter, I was completely hooked. The story is far from superficial but rich, keeping you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

The protagonist, Breanna, finds herself in a precarious situation when her boyfriend Ty mysteriously disappears, and a bloodied woman's body is discovered in the luxurious Airbnb they rented in Jersey City. As Breanna becomes entangled in the investigation, her experiences as a black woman in a wealthy neighborhood make every move she makes so treacherous. Kellye Garrett expertly portrays Breanna's justifiable paranoia, inventiveness, and determination, making her a completely relatable character.

Soon, the case explodes, as these white woman cases often do. Breanna is exposed by a famous TikTokker and an army of amateur sleuths while trying to evade the police, who are hot on her trail. The story pulls us deep into Breanna's POV, showing every challenge and assumption she faces due to her race and backstory. What makes the book so good is that even if the situation is suffocating, it feels like a noirish hunt, with tons of people on the internet thinking Ty and Breanna are to blame; Breanna doesn't give up. This is a book about assumptions, masks, and double identity. Take, for example, Breanna's friend who comes to her rescue. She is a thriving black woman who learned to use the veil of success and money to become untouchable but hides her own secrets underneath.

Breanna is at a disadvantage the whole time. She is caught in the wrong neighborhood at a very wrong time, and she is not allowed the benefit of the doubt. But Breanna, due to all that has happened to her in the past, has grit and determination; she is a gem of a protagonist, and I can't wait for the movie adaptation.

Missing White Woman is a novel that completely immerses you in its world. It's a tense, clever, and utterly immersive experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This book is a must-read if you're a fan of thrillers that challenge conventional norms and feature strong characters.

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I can't remember the last time I read a thriller but I'm glad I ended up getting this ARC because it was a nice change of pace from my usual reading and surprisingly, I didn't find it too stressful.

Overall I found this was very readable and entertaining, if a little bit slow at times. I ended up listening to the audio - which was well done.

This was compelling and had a lot of depth with lots of subtle and not-so-subtle social commentary weaved in. I was surprised at the leisurely pace of the plot at time and in those moments, I found myself more interested in Bree and her story and relationships than the mystery and that was an unexpected balance. By about 2/3 in, I started getting more eager to find out how it was going to turn out.

There were things about the mystery that felt a little bit obvious to me early on but the total package was still sufficiently surprising with some little twists and turns.

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Ooof, I did not enjoy this. Ridiculous premise, annoying characters, needlessly dumb plot that could have been shrunk by 40% without losing anything — in fact, it would have been a tighter plot.

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Missing White Woman had me holding my breath at some points! This book pulled me in to the point where I wanted to ignore my responsibilities. 😂

The build up was so good, but I did feel like the ending flopped a bit ... It felt anticlimactic and like I was holding my breath just to say, "That's it?"

Regardless, it was still an enjoyable read.

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This was such a twisty slow burn, and it felt entirely too real for a fictional book. The whole YouTube true crime investigator doxing an innocent black woman was so unsettling, mainly because I knew something like this could happen in real life. Bree is not a perfect character, but she’s so strong and it was easy to root for her. I really loved how the plot unraveled and all the things that were presented as truths in the beginning slowly started to reveal themselves. I do wish that the book had a bit of a faster pace. I also wish we had more of Ty’s backstory, but these are minor complaints.

I really enjoyed this book and will eventually add it to my shelves.

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This is my first read by Kellye Garrett and it did not disappoint. It is a bit of a slow burn but that does not take away from its greatness. I really enjoyed the character development of Bree and I was rooting for her throughout. The book touches on the all too real fears that many women of color face each day. I definitely recommend this book!

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I can see why Kellye Garrett is recommended by other thriller writers. She knows how to sink her narrative hooks into a reader and force us to confront tough questions while keeping us turning the pages.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishing house and the author for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of this book in return for a review based upon my honest opinion.

A local woman, Janelle, a petite blond, is missing, an online influencer is folliwng the case and privide updates to the surrounding area,Bree and her boyfriend Ty are on a romantic getaway, when Ty ends up working more than he says he will, they agree to extend the getaway to enjoy some more time together. After a lovely evening, Bree wakes up thinking that Ty has already gone to work, but when she goes downstairs, she discovers a dead woman's body in the apartment. Bree panicks and runs outside, theneighbour calls the police to come. Bree panicks when she sees the police, an instinct as she has had trouble with the law in the past. Then Bree finds out that Ty did not go to work that day and she does not know where he is, leading the police to believe that perhaps Ty is the killer of the woman. Bree ends up in jail and is bailed out by her old university friend, Adore, who is now a solicitor, they havent spoken in years and Bree has a hard time accepting her help.

As the online influencer amps up the public with her Justice for Janelle podcast, Bree is trying to keep a low profile, lest the public get wind of the fact that she was at the scene and found the body, the public has already deemed Ty to be guilty. Bree doesn't know who to trust, and decides the only way to get answers is to find them for herself. Will Bree put herself in harm's way; will she find out what happened to Ty and will there be Justice for janelle?

This was a pretty good book. Great plot and some wonderful twists. I will definitely watch for more books by this author.

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This book was pretty solid for me. I’ve been getting more into suspense/mystery/thriller books lately and this one was satisfying. I wasn’t too thrilled with the ending though — I wish it had been different. Overall it was a good book and kept me intrigued!

Rating: 3.5/5

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This is the thriller I needed and wanted. ONE DAY. Couldn't put it down. So good. It had such a good pace. I was so invested in this story, it felt so real! i am going to need more from this author ASAP 🫴🏻

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I was really enjoying this book until the last few chapters. I thought it was written well and had me engaged and then it just fell flat. I wouldn’t not recommend this book, but I also wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend it. I will say that if the author comes out with another book, I won’t hesitate to read it because I thought the voice she gave the main character was really good. She really gave her personality even though I often disagreed with her actions. So, in terms of the writing, I liked it, but the plot just fell apart at the end and took some really weird (not even enjoyable) turns that I wasn’t a fan of.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was not what i was expecting and that was not a bad thing. There characters felt real and the plot felt familiar but in a good real world type of way. I would recommend this!!

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What was supposed to be a romantic in NYC with her boyfriend Ty, turns into a nightmare for Breanna. Ty took care of it all from the train tickets to the beautiful four-story rowhouse in Jersey City, but when Bree comes downstairs the last morning, she's met when an unpleasant surprise.

Ty is missing and there is a woman lying face down in a pool of blood. This looks to be Janelle Beckett which is the missing white woman whose story has gone viral. Being a black woman Bree tries to lay low and stay off the police and internet sleuths radar as she can. It's now up to her to find Ty, while keeping her own secrets buried. To do this she turns to her ex-best friend who is also a lawyer.

Missing White Woman is a fantastic book with eye opening social commentary for those who are not familiar with "Missing White Woman" syndrome and what it's like to travel while black.

Given that White Woman Missing came out in April, I'm truly sorry I wanted so long to read it. Garrett does a phenomenal job creating characters that are not infallible and yet they are still extremely likable. She also addresses the true crime/internet sleuth issues that come from social media, specifically TikTok. The social commentary and tackling of such hard subjects was done creatively and I was here for every minute of it.

Missing White Woman had an interesting set up for backstory and then once Janette was found dead, it was non-stop from that point on. I did not see a lot of of the twists and thought Garrett is a fabulous job tricking the reader.

I will be recommending this book to everyone I can and will definitely be buying a physical copy to keep on my shelf. Such a compelling read.

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I had sympathy for Breanna for the majority of the book because she had taken some hard punches in life through no fault of her own.
Garrett made me traverse many dead end roads while reading and trying to figure out what really had happened.
The only flaw is the ending. What happened to Breanna?? I was left in limbo.

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Another strong offering by Ms. Garrett! This murder mystery, taking place in an AirBnB and weighing heavy on its Black protagonist's shoulders, feels contemporary and important.

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A fun, quick mystery/thriller read! Constantly had me on my toes as I tried to keep up with everything that was happening (or get ahead and figure things out before they were revealed). I really appreciate the modern setting and issues these characters all faced.

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I really enjoyed this book. I thought the characters were well written and the book flowed and a good pace.

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This book was just okay, for me. I liked the twists of how the mystery was ultimately revealed, but it took a LONG time to get there. The MC’s inner dialogue if very repetitive.

I appreciate the opportunity the publisher and NetGalley gave to read and review this book.

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In Kellye Garrett's propulsive thriller, Missing White Woman, Breanna Wright has settled in for a romantic weekend with her boyfriend when a dead woman throws her plans out the window—and her into the spotlight. With her boyfriend suddenly missing and the murder fueling a social media storm, Breanna is caught in the middle. Garrett's thriller is a sharp look at "missing white woman syndrome" and what happens when internet sleuths get in on the action. The zippy pacing, examination of race and takedown of internet "investigators" make this a must-read.

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I didn’t enjoy this one quite as much as Like a Sister, but this is a solid contemporary suspense novel with thought provoking content that Kellye Garrett brings to the table like the pro that she is. I do wish we had a little more wrap up after the big climax, but I truly found this book difficult to put down and highly recommend it.

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