Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book.. I love that this book kept me engaged and kept me in suspense but I did not like the main female character. I felt like she was so naive. This book was good but a lot of it was predictable.

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MISSING WHITE WOMAN is stunning. It’s a blistering insight into the day-to-day microagressions Black people deal with + a smack down of internet vigilante justice. It’s also a tightly paced mystery with lived in characters. She’s the urban twin of SA Cosby.

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Missing White Woman is fast-paced, full of well-timed twists and turns, and thoughtful in its exploration of Missing White Woman Syndrome and traveling while Black. The incorporation of Bree’s past, and how key events shaped Bree’s adult life, is perfectly woven into the story. Loved it!

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This was an excellent and compelling thriller from an author new to me. The uneasiness of the "how well do we really know anyone" set up, combined with an amazing portrait of female friendship, was executed brilliantly.

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Bree visits her boyfriend Ty for what’s supposed to be a romantic getaway. On their final morning, Bree wakes up to find a dead white woman downstairs and Ty is nowhere to be found.

Around the same time the two met up in Jersey city to spend time together, the internet is in an uproar over a missing white woman named Janelle.

Billie, a popular makeup influencer uses her platform to bring awareness, call for justice, and deliver details about Janelle’s case to her audience. Why? Janelle is one of her followers.

As Billie acts as an internet detective, she comes up with her own theory about the dead white woman being Janelle (even though police never confirmed identity) and suggests Ty is the one who murdered her.

What we read play out is the common real life story where time and resources are dedicated to finding missing white women and solving their murders; All the while easily vilifying Black people.

I liked the exploration of the missing white woman syndrome through the lens of a Black woman. The actual murder mystery journey was lackluster to me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Mulholland Books for the advanced eARC.

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Missing White Woman by Kellye Garrett is a page-turning Thriller. I couldn't put it down and finished reading it in one sitting. There were many points where I wanted to smack Bree in the back of the head but everything unfolded satisfactorily. The author has a wonderful voice, and the incorporation of social media and how fast news travels made me feel as if this mystery unfolded in real-time.
Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Kellye Garrett’s book, MISSING WHITE WOMAN is a gripping thriller that explores racial injustice, in particular the Missing White Woman Syndrome. This is when the media focus is primarily on reporting cases where the missing woman is young, beautiful and white.
Kellye grabs your attention is by creating a plot that involves a missing white woman, but the story is told from the perspective of the main character, Bree, a young, Black woman. Bree has travelled to Jersey City to meet up with her boyfriend, Ty for a romantic weekend.
Ty has gone all out to impress Bree. He has booked a high-end Airbnb in an affluent residential area with views of the Statue of Liberty. Bree is blown away by the luxurious house which is a big change from her little studio apartment back in Maryland.
Aside from moments when Ty is working, they enjoy their time in New York and in the house. The house is so large and sound proofed that when Bree comes downstairs on the final day of their vacation, she is shocked to discover a dead woman.
She is more surprised when she finds out that Ty has not gone to his office. He appears to have disappeared. Bree finds herself and Ty under the scrutiny of the police and social media. The woman in the house has been tentatively identified as Janelle Beckett, a missing woman.
It is at this point that Kellye introduces some subplots. One subplot is the introduction of Adore, an estranged friend of Bree. It is apparent that both women have buried secrets. Adore is a successful lawyer now and she reaches out to support Bree.
The other subplot has to do with Billie, a Tiktoker who is fighting for justice for Janelle and perhaps some more followers to boost her TikTok profile. Kellye moves the plot along quickly with TikTok posts from Billie.
The plot reflects how social media can create an environment where everyone feels like they are an expert, no matter what their actual experience, knowledge or level of credibility. When it comes to true crime cases, social media followers may assume the role of judge and jury.
Missing White Woman will engage you on multiple levels. There are interesting three dimensional characters along with a suspenseful plot. Kellye's superb writing will also give you insight into racial injustice, traveling while Black and the impact of social media.

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4.25 stars This one was hard to put down. The prose and flow of this book was so addictive. I flew through it without even realizing. An unpredictable yet realistic thriller. Super entertaining

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I am not even going to front like I didn't have a good time with one. The twists and turns in the story were unexpected and paced well. There was never a lull in the story, and it was hard to put the book down once I started. Breanna and Ty had only been in a relationship for like 90 days at the point we meet them in the story. I consider them still in the "Getting to Know You" phase, so Breanna was getting my nerves with how hard she was going for Ty. Like girl... y'all down know each other. But also it was understandable knowing Breann's past.
I like how race and social media were woven into the story. Breanna's distrust of the police again makes it understandable when she is reluctant to divulge certain information to them. But I think what was more damning than the police was social media and public opinion. The whole storyline with Billie had me frustrated but in a good way. it's been a while since I've picked up a suspense, thriller, mystery. I would recommend this one, especially if you're looking for a good black suspense/thriller.

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Kellye Garrett never misses, and her new novel does not disappoint.
Best friends Bree and Adore find their relationship shattered the night Bree gets pulled over after a party and weed is found in her car. Bree claims that she is innocent, but no one believes her, not her mom or her best friend. Years later, Adore has a career as a successful attorney, while Bree, who is unable to get her life together after her arrest, is barely getting by working as a store manager. A bright spot in Bree's life is her new relationship with Ty (Tyler) who invites Bree to spend the weekend at a posh rental house in Jersey City, It would be the perfect weekend if Bree can keep Ty away from his work. After promising to devote the next day to Bree after a brief pit stop at the office, Ty never comes back and even worse, Bree finds a dead woman at the bottom of the stairs after waking up and looking for Ty. Who is she, where did she come from, how did she die, and where's Ty?? This is how Breanna's nightmare begins, with unanswered questions, and suspicions of Ty who never showed up at work. Social media plays a huge part in this story as an influencer Billie says Janelle was one of her followers and takes up the crusade of "Justice for Jannelle " Bit by bit Breanna sees her privacy and Ty's reputation under attack after every post and as the view count rises.

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OMG just finished Missing White Woman and it was amazing! the thrills, the characters, the plot twists that kept on coming.... I already know it's going to be one of my TOP favorite reads of 2024, I loved Like a Sister and how I cared so much for the characters and it happened again here. Just amazing, couldn't put it down.

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Missing White Woman. Wow. I think Kellye Garrett gets better and better, and I adored Like a Sister. The social media pieces were really well done, making the story feel like you were living it NOW. As a Jersey native, I think Garrett nailed the feeling of the city and the different neighborhood vibes.

Breanna and her newish boyfriend meet at an AirBnB for a romantic weekend where he's been working, in Jersey City, just outside of NYC. Things go off the rails when Ty ends up working more than enjoying Bre's company. The tension building between Bre and Ty is laced with the undercurrent of neighborhood strain because of a woman who has gone missing nearby. When Bre wakes to find Ty missing and a dead body in the AirBnB, she struggles to make sense of what she knows about Ty, his work, the neighborhood, and her own identity while dealing with this tragedy.

This twisty, turny tale feels like it would be right at home in Shondaland. If you like mysteries, you're going to want to read this one. If you're into the impacts of societal pressures, social media, crime, profiling, or just a really fantastically told story, please read Missing White Woman. It's striking and terrific.

Huge thanks to Ms. Garrett, Mulholland, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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In the small, tight-knit town of Elmridge, the sudden disappearance of a beloved white woman, sends shockwaves through the community. As the investigation unfolds, secrets and tensions hidden beneath the surface begin to surface, revealing the complex relationships that bind the townspeople. Determined to unravel the mystery, navigates a web of deceit, prejudice, and long-buried resentments. The novel explores the impact of a disappearance on the community, shedding light on the intricacies of race, identity, and the quest for justice in a town forced to confront its own dark truths.

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I wanted to love this but unfortunately I only kinda liked it. This was such a good premise, a couple goes on vacation and then someone dies in their airbnb but ugh, Bree the MC absolutely drove me crazy. Also I feel like we went around in circles so many times I cannot tell you how many times we were told that Bree went and went into a hotel like ??? Idk I am sad.

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was so excited when I was chosen to review the prerelease copy of Missing White Woman. The book’s description sucked me in, as I felt like it was a very believable premise, and I really enjoyed reading!

Bree and her boyfriend Ty are enjoying a weekend getaway together until she wakes up one morning to her boyfriend missing and the woman whose disappearance has been all over the news in a pool of blood in the foyer. This sets off a whirlwind of media attention, TikTok accusations, and character assassination pointed towards Bree. In the midst of it all, she is able to connect with an old friend who helps her navigate through the mess that her life has become literally overnight.

I really liked the unique yet realistic premise of the book and how it examined missing white woman syndrome from the perspective of a black woman. It had a slow start and a bit of a rushed ending, but overall I enjoyed the story and would definitely recommend picking it up when it is released in April! This thriller had the twists and turns that I craved, and kept changing directions when I least expected it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Mulholland Books for this digital ARC. All opinions and this review are my own.

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Great thriller with good social commentary! At times I feel as though the Main char Bree is a little flat, but all in all I totally loved this one. Thanks for the arc!

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Thanks to Mulholland & NetGalley for providing a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I wanted to read "Like a Sister" when it came out but I never got to it, so I jumped on this ARC. Overall, I think it was very well done, although I do have a few quibbles here and there.

Bre is meeting her boyfriend, Ty, at an Airbnb for a long weekend in Jersey City where they can hang out in the city but he can still do some work if necessary since he has a demanding finance job. Bre hasn't had much luck in relationships after a traumatic experience in college where she was arrested after the cops found weed (that wasn't hers) in her car at a traffic stop; she's kind of closed herself off and hasn't let anyone in to her past, so this weekend is a big deal.

Unfortunately, Ty has to spend a lot of time working, and one morning he has to go in very early to his office to knock out some work. That's the morning that Bre wakes up to find a bloodied, dead white woman in their Airbnb and Ty nowhere to be found. Is it Janelle, the missing blonde dogwalker who everyone has been talking (and posting, and livestreaming) about?

The story is great, and Bre is a great character. She was relatable and her trauma from her run-in with the police didn't feel overwrought; it felt very real. <spoiler>Where things kind of fell apart for me was at the ending, where Bre susses everything out AND runs into the exact person she needs to (hmmm). I would have liked to see more about the murder (other than <i>The hair. The hands. The jeans. The blood covering it all.</i>) and more about the particulars of the crime plot. Like if Bre was capable of figuring it out, she should have been able to expound on it (rather than just saying she doesn't understand how it works, but she figures out the crime anyway).</spoiler>.
3.5 stars rounded up.

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*Review based on ARC* This book follows Breanna who is visiting her boyfriend, Ty in Jersey City which just so happens to be the same city where a white woman has recent gone missing. Breanna wakes up to fine Ty missing and a bloody body and their Air BNB. This is where the mystery begins. This story has so many twist and turns and kept me engaged the whole time. I would definitely recommend this novel!

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I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review an advance copy of this book. The author highlights the disparity between when a white woman, particularly a pretty one goes missing versus when a woman of color goes missing.
Breanna and Ty, who are in a fairly new relationship, are in New York City on a quick getaway. On day 3 Breanna wakes up to Ty gone and a deceased white female in the living room.
The story follows Breanna, who is left to be questioned by police and so called YouTube detectives/internet sleuths.

The author did a great job bringing attention to this issue while also creating a twisty, thrilling story.

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I didn't really like the writing style, so I ended up DNFing this book. I think it just isn't for me specifically.

Thank you NetGalley and Mulholland Books for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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