Member Reviews

Missing White Woman is a stunning, suspenseful thriller with life lessons galore. A novel that has a lot to teach us if we’re open to listening and capable of introspection. Kellye Garrett has knocked this one out of the park!

Breanna is in Jersey City for a romantic weekend with her new boyfriend, Ty. Despite Ty having to work more than expected, they’re having a nice weekend checking out the sites in New York City and the sheets in their Airbnb. But it all goes to hell when Bree wakes up one morning to find a dead woman in the house and Ty missing. And it’s not just any dead woman, but suspected to be Janelle Beckett, a woman who disappeared earlier in the week and the subject of viral posts and videos on social media. With Ty the main suspect and Bree’s past something she wants to keep hidden, she’s forced to turn to her ex-best friend, who’s now a lawyer, for help despite their falling out over a decade ago. Together, they will uneasily search for the truth while trying to keep Bree from becoming another victim of social media’s cancel culture.

I’m obviously not a black woman nor someone who has had the same life experience as Bree’s character. So, it’s impossible for me to fully understand or appreciate how it would feel to be her in this situation. But Kellye Garrett’s writing is so vivid and storytelling so immersive that I was able to connect with Bree, strongly feel her emotions, and sympathize with her plight. And that connection is enhanced by the relatability of Bree through her relationships, whether it’s finding love with someone special or the difficult nature of a great friendship that ended abruptly. All of which put me on edge the entire time, nervous energy coursing through my body, urging Bree to figure out the truth and wishing hard for her to find peace and move forward with her life.

Additionally, the usage of social media as a central part of the plot is brilliantly done. How it’s deployed to shape the court of public opinion and convict people of wrongdoing without hard evidence is poignant commentary on the current state of the world. Highlighting that by being too quick to judgment and lacking intellectual curiosity, we’re causing undue or premature harm to others. And positing that the drive for a large number of views, likes and shares has the potential for great harm and impacts our humanity. Something we should all take a hard look at next time we log on to post or comment.

Missing White Woman is a fantastic book written by a marvelous author. A thriller that entertains, educates and holds up a mirror to society. One that demands your attention and stimulates reflection. Not to be missed.

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A fun, quick thriller. Nothing revolutionary about the plot or the writing, but it delved into some current topics in true crime coverage with a different perspective and I both enjoyed and appreciated that.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced ecopy of Missing White Woman by Kellye Garrett.

This was a fun and contemporary thriller sure to please a lot of readers. Garrett used social media throughout the book, making it seem like this was happening right now. Good story line, and good mystery.

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4 stars.

This book was a good time and should definitely be at the top of your 2024 TBR. Decently paced, cultural references that felt natural, a protagonist that I could root for and also want better for. Also TikTok was featured in a way that wasn't annoying. I could definitely see this being made into a movie or series on Netflix. Garrett is now a must buy author for me and has inspired me to dig more into Black thrillers and mysteries.

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I loved this thriller! Twisty and with something to say it's the best of this kind of genre. I enjoyed the narrator and this plot had genuine surprises.

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This was such a great, suspenseful thriller! I couldn't put this book down and I would love to read more by this author. You'll never guess the twist at the end!

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This book was not what I expected. The twists and turns of the story were very intriguing. I’ll admit, I thought I had things figured out but I would always be wrong. The characters were frustrating. Bree in particular seemed so unlikable. She made so many bad decisions and held a grudge against everyone.
Billie the influencer, while annoying, was a great addition by the author. It brought a freshness to the story that we don’t often see. Overall, I liked the story but felt like something was missing. The ending felt rushed and I would have liked maybe one more chapter.
Thank to NetGalley and Mullholland books for my ARC.

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This kept me so hooked throughout until the end. The ending lost me. I was expecting some big twisty end because of that setup but it fell a bit flat for me.

I was a huge fan of the writing and the characters!
The message behind the investigation was prevalent but I felt like the cops treated our girl way too nice. The cops in my city would never!

I'm definitely checking out more from this author.

Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Mulholland Books for this read. I found this one really good. I liked it better than Like a Sister. The book has good placing and was so interesting. There was one slow part at about 78% but I now see it was just to provide detail and information. The books was well written. I am smiling writing this review because it was a good time

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I literally read this book in on sitting!! Kellye Garrett is an amazing author who knows how to hook her audience and not let go until she is ready.

Breanna is on a weekend get away with her boyfriend Ty. She's bummed since he's working more than he said he would but that's not her biggest problem. She wakes up one morning to Ty gone and a dead woman in the AirBnB they are staying in. It can only be assumed that the dead woman is Janelle who has been missing for a week and all over the news.

I promise not to give anything away but if you love twists and turns and a strong kick-ass but relatable main female character... Missing White Woman is for you. I was literally down to the wire before it finally dawned on me exactly what happened. The psychological and Thriller twists and turns are perfect for any Thriller or mystery fan!!

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Missing White Woman by Kelleye Garrett releases April 30. 2024. Thank you to @novelsuspects for an ARC.

I wanted to love this book. I wanted to be jumping up and down and twisting my neck all around on a rollercoaster ride. How can you wake up in a house and a person be dead and you have no idea how, who killed them, or who the victim is! What a great premise!

Unfortunately the story fell a bit flat for me. I struggle with characters who don’t speak up or hide things from the people trying to help them. And that was Bree majority of the book. I was constantly frustrated with her and her choices until about 50% when she finally got it together. But even then, the ending anticlimactic and not at all what I had hoped for.

The best parts of this book were the scenes with Billie on TikTok and the commentary at influencer culture and citizens investigating crimes real time.

Overall, it was a middle of the road for me and I recommend as an introductory thriller.


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"Missing White Woman" is a riveting mystery that navigates the complexities of race, privilege, and societal expectations. Garrett deftly tackles these issues through the lens of a gripping plot, keeping readers engaged from start to finish.
This story presented a chilling portrayal of how social media can be manipulated, leading to a rapid escalation where potentially innocent individuals are unfairly stigmatized, becoming targets of focused outrage. This, in turn, prompts unqualified actors to inflict harm or become victims in their misguided pursuit of justice. Kellye adeptly integrates a myriad of themes, ranging from racial dynamics in everyday encounters to significant interactions with law enforcement, issues of trust, family dynamics, and the enduring impact of our past on the present.

*Thank you to Netgalley and Mulholland books for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review*

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Missing White Woman is one of those books that you won’t want to put down with the irrational fear of not finding out just whodunnit. As a Black woman, I felt that the nuances of Black womanhood were spot on and believable. Breanna was a character who I didn’t always agree with, but could certainly understand. There are choices she made I wouldn’t have made myself, but given the cards she was dealt with, I couldn’t fault her. The writing was straight to the point and engaging, and surprisingly, the mention of social media didn’t bring about eye rolls and a flood of annoyance. I’m Gen Z, and honestly, the use of social media in books is often something I avoid, but this author managed to make even TikTok bearable. **Thank you so so much NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!!!**

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Suspenseful and surprising, will keep you reading past your bedtime! Highly enjoyable and also insightful. Recommended for readers of The Girl on the Train and Gone Girl.

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A romantic escape to explore NYC, turned into a nightmare. Ty decides to swoon his new girlfriend Bree with a promised luxurious weekend away. He books an Air BnB in Jersey City (my hometown 🫶🏾), and Bree is expected to just be present and enjoy, as her newfound lover boy takes care of the rest. They enjoy the city views and each other, but not for long. Ty is somewhat of a workaholic and ends up being consumed with a client, which leaves Bree to explore the area - alone. The neighborhood is filled with pink flyers of a missing dog-walker and Bree goes down a rabbit hole. On their last morning Ty was supposed to go to work for a few hours and come back before she woke up. Instead, Bree wakes up in this four-story row house alone, Ty missing, and a mysterious white woman dead in the foyer.

Hysterical and shocked, she runs to a neighbor and they call 911. Her immediate thoughts are Ty and his whereabouts, along with a past that’ll soon come to the light during the twists and turns of this law enforcement and social media-led investigation. Her ex-best friend Adore shows up as her wealthy attorney, all the while they haven’t spoken in over 10 years. Their past unravels just as this case unravels. Where is Ty? Who is this mysterious white woman? How will social media play a part in this case? Who can Bree trust?

Kellye Garrett does a great job with highlighting the disadvantages that Black women face compared to their counterparts. White woman syndrome isn’t something she’s shying away from with this novel. I loved the use of the current social media culture - it was evident how it can be used for good and the disadvantages of people and their influence that can cause harm. I felt the beginning had a slow start, with a lot of detail. A great plot, but an underwhelming ending - I definitely wanted more and it felt a little rushed. Overall, I think it was a good read and I would recommend. Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for an advanced readers copy.

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Excellent page turner. Bree goes for a weekend with her new boyfriend. Luxury apartment to die for and someone did. Bree tells the twisted story as she finds a murdered woman in apartment, her boyfriend goes missing and a long lost friend reappears as a lawyer to help her with the police.
Read in two sitting, recommend for award.

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this book very much emulates the missing white woman syndrome, and we follow the story of exactly that in the perspective of a black woman. i could’ve finished this book in a day if i allowed myself to do so. the plot is original, the entire storyline is gripping. i haven’t read anything like it. every little detail connected in the end and that’s a major key for me. the mystery was well-written and the suspense was something serious man, i was on the edge of my seat the entire time. there are so many twists and turns, you won’t even know what’s what until you get there. a big highlight for me was the way the author implemented very realistic depictions of racial injustice. her writing made me feel everything the FMC felt, and i believe there is a lot of power in bringing that reality to all readers. i would’ve liked to see more in the end, especially more for the FMC. she was such a relatable character and you can’t help but to root for her from start to finish. overall, this was an incredible read! i would highly recommend it to those who enjoy a good suspense / mystery book or even to those who are looking to get into the genre.

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Romantic vacation turned murder suspect! Excuse me, what!? This is a book that kept me guessing and second guessing any future stay in an AirBnB.

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MISSING WHITE WOMAN is a thoroughly enjoyable weekend read. Realistic scary premise: You wake up in an AirBnb to discover your boyfriend is missing and there's a dead body in the entryway. The main character is awkward, flawed, and someone you can't help but root for! Original and page-turning all the way the satisfying conclusion. Plus the writing made me feel like i actually spent the weekend in Jersey City.

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Imagine you think you’re on a quick little vacation with your new babe. Everything seems amazing and he’s so affectionate .One day you wake up to find that your boyfriend is not there and there is a dead woman lying on the floor. WHHHAT!! You are a black woman and this is a white woman dead on your floor at that. This story follows Bree as she tries to figure out where her boyfriend is ,but also how did this white woman end up in her Airbnb. Kellye you did a great job of making the story engaging to the point where I stayed up to finish the book. I had to know what happened myself. I wish the twist at the end was more but over all I really didn’t know who did what until it was revealed . I can appreciate that . If you enjoy a book that will have you fussing at some of the characters , while also trying to figure out who did what , this is a great read. I would definitely recommend .

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