Member Reviews

Sybel is an enchantress who lives with no one but the company of her magical menagerie. When a soldier arrives to bring her an infant, the child of a relative, she reluctantly agrees to care for him.
This is one of those timeless, magical books that I should have read decades ago but I’m so glad to encounter it now. I’d categorize The Princess Bride and The Last Unicorn in this category as well. The language is remarkable– McKillip had a gift of painting a picture with few words and leaving so much unsaid. This edition is illustrated by the talented Stephanie Law, a marvelous match. Highly recommended.

I really liked this book. I knew it existed because of a Japanese manga adaptation called The Calling that I always wanted to read but, unfortunately, is unavailable.
It was a very beautiful read, with a style much different from the nowadays style in vogue but, nonetheless I was fascinated by it.
I really recommend this book and I hope someone will publish it in italian.

It's the first time I read anything by this author and was fascinated by the world building and this fantasy novel, a classic that aged well and I found engaging and fascinating.
Well developed world building, characters a bit on the grey moral spectrum of moral, a compelling story
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

By way of introductory remarks, let me repeat the statement I have made most often to friends while talking about having finished Patricia McKillip’s The Forgotten Beasts of Eld.
“McKillip makes me feel like I’ve taken something usually reserved for shamans with very strong livers”
That is a reflection of McKillip’s prose. She is one of that blessed group of fantasy writers who write in open emulation of the style of the fantastic tales of yore without feeling corny or wrong. More than that, she is an author who takes an idiosyncratic, textured, hypnotic approach to her words and story. There is a rhythm to what she does, a rhythm that lulls you in, until you realise later that you seem to have missed something.
You often have, and that is often deliberate.
Not that I came to such a conclusion all by my wee self. Oh no. I have the excellent forewords by Marjorie Liu and Gail Carriger to thank for that, this being a spiffy 50th edition and all. I have to note that The Forgotten Beasts of Eld feels old, but in a rather timeless sense. It could have been written a hundred years ago, it could have been written yesterday, but whenever it would have been a product of searching for a certain agelessness.
Which tells nobody anything about the novel, except for the most important parts. McKillip is an author to be swept away by, an evocative force of word and imagination that will irritate or enchant depending on the individual. Knowing which of the two you are for her particular style is more crucial for deciding whether to read her than any talk of character, plot or theme. She is like a psychedelic Le Guin, a hippie Tolkien. I am unabashedly in my happy place, even if I find such works hard and slow to read, but some of you may not be.
As for the particulars of The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, it is the tale of a sorceress named Sybel, content with her fabulous menagerie of powerful monsters until the arrival of a soldier with a babe. This triggers a set of events in which she is dragged slowly into the intrigues of warlords and the learning of love alike. If this sounds like a romance then it is to some degree, but that is more supporting act than anything. The main source of drama is always Sybel reckoning on the right thing to do with her powers, powers capable of calling and chaining man and monster alike to her will.
A lot of the narrative left me in a mood of pleasant bemusement, not quite connecting with the story but admiring it anyway. The beginning was beguiling, but the rest not so much. It was only at the end that I connected fully and emotionally with what McKillip was doing, at which point it all made sense. It’s a wonderful ending, although not as wonderful as it could have been if I’d connected all the way. It is my small criticism. The friendships Sybel builds are lightly sketched, and perhaps not initially as convincing as they might be.
That might be different for another read though and The Forgotten Beasts of Eld is more than enticing enough to suggest one some day. McKillip’s work might be turning fifty any day now, but it remains hard to forget never the less.
I got a copy of this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to them and Taychon Publications for this – and it’s such a shame McKillip never got to see this, may she rest in peace

This was a fantastic, beautiful story. Almost tragic, with some difficult things covered. TW <spoiler>a stand-in for rape - a rape of the mind, which was threatened but didn’t actually happen)</spoiler>
McKillip’s writing is gorgeous and has a fairy tale quality to it. She explores power, the nature of love, war, and betrayal. There are many difficult situations but ultimately our protagonists make it through all the stronger.

This was absolutely gorgeous. Beautifully written, beautifully plotted, and with really wonderful characters. Was there a little too much fire and stars and moon in the descriptive language? Yeah, sure, but you can do so much worse.
Tonally this strikes a really enjoyable balance between epic and cozy: a lot of magic and machinations (especially near the end) but also a lot of walking through the woods, looking up at the mountains too. Just a really wonderful standalone fantasy with an engaging protagonist: what more do you need? I definitely recommend this.

Descended from generations of wizards and unmagical women, Sybel lives on a mountain in the kingdom of Eld. She has the ability to impel others to come to her once she knows their names, and she uses this ability to call various amazing creatures (e.g., a boar, a lion, cat, swan, dragon and falcon) to her home. They live on the grounds, and spend their days in peace with Sybel.
There is, however, one mythical creature, the Liralen, that Sybel unsuccessfully tries to call to her for years, to no avail. This seems like a random thing to include, but does play a surprising and important part in the narrative and Sybel's growth.
One day, a young warrior, Coren of Sirle, arrives at her gates, holding a baby. He convinces her to take it in, saying Drede, the King of Eld, will kill the child if he finds it. Coren insists Sybel must take the child as the boy is related to her (Sybel’s mother was sister-in-law to Drede).
It takes come convincing, as she has no interest in the power games of rulers. As she knows nothing of babies, Maelga, a witch who lives near her, teaches her, and over years, the two become friends, and Tam grows into an adventurous, happy child who brings Sybel much joy and love.
Coren keeps returning, claiming he loves her, and is persistent in his belief that Sirle can use Tam against Drede. Sybel wants nothing of this politicking and warmongering, and convinces Coren to give up his need to revenge himself against Drede for killing another of Sirle.
This semi-idyllic state can’t last, as Tam grows curious about his father. Sybel calls Drede to her, and Tam eventually leaves with Drede to be raised as King’s heir.
Bereft, Sybel is unable to avoid a call from another wizard, where she discovers terrible cruelty. Sybel is transformed, full of revenge, and sets her path on one of war, moving people and resources into place like a chess match All the while, she knows she is endangering her closest relationships, as well as her own wellbeing.
Author Phillipa A. McKillip’s lyrical writing creates the feel of a fable as she describes Sybel’s isolation on the mountain and her existence with the beasts. Sybel’s conversations with Coren on the nature of control, violence, war and power, and what it does to a person are pointed and do more to expose the hypocrisy and stupidity of power games between people and nations than some essays I’ve read.
That Sybel is herself caught in the same sort of dark thoughts and plans as Coren had shows how easy it is to fall prey to these negative emotions and desires, and how damaging they are to the psyche. She is almost destroyed until she decides to forgive. It's a powerful message, and takes almost her destruction and the destruction of her relationship with Coren (easily the least credible romance I have ever read) for her to turn back to peace.
For a relatively short novel, this has a surprisingly profound effect.
Thank you to Netgalley and to Tachyon Publications for this ARC in exchange for my review.

I remember reading my way through every Patricia McKillip my library had as a young fantasy-obsessed reader, but The Forgotten Beasts of Eld wasn’t among them.
It’s probably a good thing I came to this book as an adult, however, so that I could truly appreciate the glimmering beauty of McKillip’s prose and the complicated and dreamlike, almost allegorical, symbolism at work here. This is a fantasy novel about all the standard fairy tale tropes: magic and forests and kingdoms and beasts. But it is also so much more than that.
It’s a devastating, haunting meditation on love and loss and vulnerability. It feels like an old ballad or tragic tale told round a winter fire, like an elegy for a world with the magic gone out from it. It is unutterably beautiful in both language and content, and I am so grateful to this reissue for prompting me to finally read it.

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld: 50th Anniversary Special Edition
by Particia A. McKillip, Introduction by Marjorie Liu, Foreword by Gail Carriger, Illustrations by Stephanie Law, Cover Art by Thomas Canty
Pub Date: 29 Feb 2024
Fifty years ago, the soon-to-be celebrated young author Patricia A. McKillip (the Riddle-Master trilogy) penned the tale of an iron-willed young sorceress. Brought vividly to life by McKillip’s gorgeously lush prose, Sybel is powerful and resourceful, yet headstrong and flawed. Sybel and The Forgotten Beasts of Eld continue to enrapture new generations of readers and writers.
Sybel, the heiress of powerful wizards, needs the company of no-one outside her gates. In her exquisite stone mansion, she is attended by exotic, magical beasts: Riddle-master Cyrin the Boar; the treasure-starved dragon Gyld; Gules the Lyon, tawny master of the Southern Deserts; Ter, the fiercely vengeful falcon; Moriah, feline Lady of the Night. Sybel only lacks the exquisite and mysterious Liralen, which continues to elude her most powerful enchantments.
But when a soldier bearing an infant arrives, Sybel discovers that the world of man and magic is full of both love and deceit, with the possibility of more power than she can possibly imagine.
#TheForgottenBeastsofEld50thAnniversarySpecialEdition #NetGalley

I had not read anything by McKillip in probably 35 years before reading this, and had high expectations. Alas. Perhaps because in that time, I've become accustomed to other kinds of fantasy writing, but whatever the reason, I found this dull. It's feminist, yes, and doesn't shy away from sexual and other forms of violence against women, and perhaps it would have been effective or enlightening if I'd read it when I was younger. But the characters begin and remain flat, and the story is predictable. There's so much Tolkien-esque naming and other conventions, as well as things out of English folklore that their ghosts are ever-present and difficult to banish from the room.

If you’ve never read The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia McKillip, you have missed out on a beautiful classic, full of lyrical language and a powerful story. If you have read this, re-visit this classic on the 50th anniversary to see new illustrations and a gorgeous introduction by writers who fell in love with this story long ago, like I did.
One of the elements I love the most about this lovely story is the powerful characters, the effortless power of Sybel and the haunting portrayal of humanity, both the bright, hopeful side but also the dark side of emotions. Sybel’s discovery of her human side is impressive and glorious to read. The words and ideas are still as profound as they were when I first read this novel.
I also love the intelligence of each of the beasts, how amazing they are and how each adds flavor to the story and helps Sybel. Each character has a purpose in the story. Best yet, there are layers and layers to the story. Each time you read it something new will unfold for you. In the past, I remembered the beasts the most. In this reading, I recalled the emotions between Sybel and Coran, with Tamlin, and how the writing of those emotions impacted me as a reader. The lyrical language is beautiful to read and the story will haunt you.
If you love a classic fantasy with a powerful female wizard, this is a story to read or re-visit. Trust me, if you haven’t read this in a while, it totally is worth a re-read, just to capture a different impression of the story. The novel's layers and emotions will still impress and the words will haunt you. And the characters will make you breathless.

McKillip's "Forgotten Beasts of Eld" is certainly a fantasy classic; it seems as fresh at age 50 as when it was published. The story is set in a sort of mythic reality, where the boundaries are all a little hazy and time itself is fuzzy. There is less a sense of cause and effect, as events seem determined as much by fate as by human decision. And, while it's less remarkable now, 50 years ago it was no small thing to overturn the standard gender tropes on which fantasy rests. The story is driven by the female protagonist's power, desires, and passions, leaving the male characters as satellites orbiting her sun, as she learns how to balance her power between her loves and her hates.
It's also a pleasure to find a great fantasy story that can be satisfyingly told without 10+ volumes. I definitely recommend the book.

A fantasy romance that will delight modern readers with its depth of characters and nostalgic tropes. Women's sovereignty is key to understanding the plight of our main character Sybil, who is asked to choose between a widowed king and a youngest prince of feuding kingdoms. When she denies both of them, they make the choice for her,

Astounding writing, poetic and magical. I could not put this book down.
I surely want to read more books by this author!
I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I went into this not knowing much about the story (just really loved the title and premise, haha) and I'm so glad I picked this up.
The WRITING is my favorite kind of lyrical prose that borders on poetry – I want to get a physical version to reread and annotate and absorb.
This is a beautiful, unexpectedly poignant story set in a fantasy setting that absolutely grips you with human truths. The themes really were a tug of war on "good for her/female rage" and "even here there is room for healing and love" which – oof. Sybil's initial desire to live in isolation with her beasts and become a powerful sorceress? Relatable.
"How did you hate? Did you nurse revenge from a tiny, moon-pale seedling in the night places in your heart, watch it grow and flower and bear dark fruit that hung ripe—ripe for the plucking? It becomes a great, twisted thing of dark leaves and thick, winding vines that chokes and withers whatever good things grow in your heart; it feeds on all the hatred your heart can bear—That is what is in me, Coren. Not all the wondrous joy and love of you can wither that night plant in me."
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld is for you if you love fantasy, fairy tales, and complex/emotional stories.
Content warnings around sexual violence.
Arc received by the Publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
#TheForgottenBeastsofEld50thAnniversarySpecialEdition #NetGalley

Wow this is without doubt a story that stands the test of time. Im in awe of the authors writing skill and this book was in so many ways ahead of its time because when I consider the recent rise in popularity for “romantasy “ then this fits right in ! Yes it’s a fantasy setting with a hard won romance and whilst not typical enemies or even friends to lovers it has all the elements that keep the reader eagerly turning the pages and hoping for a happy ending.
This latest edition contains glowing forwards by authors who are today leaders in their field and their comments are undeniably justified. The writing has prose that made me stop and think, there are moments that resonate almost as if the author realised humans make mistakes but there’s always possibilities down the line to do better. The characters are not perfect and nor should they be. It’s a story that leaves me with a sense of hope. So why a four and not a five ? For this reader if I never want it to end and cling to every page jealously that tells me how immersed I am but here I wanted to know how it all played out and I got the happy ending my old romantic heart wanted and I thoroughly recommend this book .
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

To celebrate its 50th anniversary of The Forgotten Beasts of Elm the publisher (Tachyon Publications) are releasing a special edition of the book with many beautiful illustrations by Stephanie Law.
I haven't read anything by Patricia A. McKillip before and this book intrigued so much that I will definitely read more of her works.
This book was really magical and with very beautiful and powerful writing. It feels like you are reading a fairytale but a modern one. There is no much world building but that does not matter. We have magical talking animals and powerful wizards.
It is an atmospheric and character-driven story, a story of love, revenge and forgiveness.

My thanks for the ARC goes to NetGalley and Tachyon Publications. I'm voluntarily leaving a review.
Genre: Fantasy, High Fantasy, Traditional Fantasy
Subgenre: Romance
I cannot believe it's been 50 years since THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD was originally published! This is such a blast from the past for me. I love Patricia A. McKillip's work. It was a staple in my house growing up.
If you haven't read this, you're in for a treat. This novel has layers! There's the surface story, but it's also somewhat allegorical to look inward and see what you find. Themes include justice, regency, love, forgiveness, and mercy. This is what I think of as classic fantasy.
Things I love:
- Strong female protagonist
- Beasts
- Moral dilemmas
- Side romance
- Themes
- Nostalgia
- EVERY page has something interesting!
If you're a fantasy reader, you're going to love delving into this world.
Happy reading!
Content warning:
Some violence to women

I was given an ARC by the publisher in exchange for an honest review
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A McKillip is a classic fantasy novel where Sybel, a young wizard, is given Tam, her nephew and a young prince, to raise. When Tam is twelve and taken in by his father, several men fight over Sybel’s affections and to control her.
This was my first time reading Forgotten Beasts of Eld and I wasn’t expecting how dialogue-heavy it would be, but McKillip is a master at keeping it crystal clear who is speaking. Each sentence is intentionally crafted so the information within carries who is saying what without dialogue tags. It’s very easy to picture how to dramatize a reading of this, which is great for parents of young readers looking for a more recent fairy tale to read aloud.
Sybel’s arc was a new favorite of mine. She keeps her feelings close to the chest, can hear the beasts of the Eldwold through telepathy, and she loves her nephew as if he was her own son despite all the trouble his father creates for Sybel. Sybel clearly stating that her freedom mattered to her was impactful, feeling like a blueprint for a lot of the young women protagonists we see in the current age of fantasy.
I would recommend this to readers interested in classic fantasy, readers looking for books with fantasy kingdoms and beasts, and fans of female-led fantasy.

I can't believe I waited so long to read this amazingly, magical book! This book was full of everything I love about fantasy and it's all in ONE book. No need for a trilogy or more. It's so touching and it will definitely be bought as a hardback so I have a copy for my main library, as well as the digital copy. I don't want to say anything to spoil the story because it is so perfect. If you've never read this before, and like fantasy, read it! You won't regret it!
Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this! These thoughts and opinions are my own.