Member Reviews

This is everything that I have come to expect from Max Monroe - it was equal parts funny and sweet and had me hooked from the very start. I adored the chemistry and banter between Katy and Mack - their story was just perfect. I also have to say that the cover for this and Accidental Attachment are so gorgeous; they really are some of my favourites.

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I've read Max's books before and love them. When I saw this I knew it was right up my street.

It was such a fun read with great banter and fun characters. Its a really sweet and light-hearted book.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! Predictable and a little cheesy but, in a really sweet and light-hearted way.

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This was a fun read it had good banter I really enjoyed the characters and there developments it a must read.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!
I was pretty mixed on this book, it was an easy to listen to audio book and the narrators weren’t bad. I listened to it in one sitting. It did seem fairly predictable and the mention of “enemies to lovers story” was slightly annoying. Overall it wasn’t horrible, easy to follow and had some spicy scenes. I like it, but wasn’t a favorite unfortunately.

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4 stars! Thank you to Netgalley and Max Monroe for the opportunity to read this ARC.

I loved the humor. The banter between the main characters was great. The conversations between Katy and her best friend had me laughing out loud. I enjoyed the spice. The ending gave me happy tears.
I wasn't super into the career part of the story but the main character relationship made up for it.

This was a fun read and I'd definitely read more books written by Max Monroe.

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I love Katy & Mack. Enemies to lovers. Forced proximity. She is the grumpy to his sunshine. Workplace romance. All of the best tropes in one book 😍 Both were attracted to each other well before they ended up on the same spring break vacation but once they decided to see where things go, the story really started to heat up. Mack is a complete sweetheart and in the running for perfect book boyfriend. I devoured this book in a day, I just couldn’t put it down.

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I loved every word of this book! The authors outdid themselves once again.
I struggle with workplace romances because they tend to lack professionalism and, therefore, realism, but this was not the case.

I truly enjoyed the plot, the MCs were clearly into each other from the beginning and had lots and lots of chemistry. They were both lovable and relatable. I didn't find this as funny as promised, but I laughed nonetheless.
The references to Max Monroe's past characters were also very appreciated.

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4.5 ⭐️ 3 🌶️

🗣️ Witty banter
👥 Dual POV
🏝️ Vacation Forced Promity
❤️‍🔥 Enemies to lovers
👩‍🏫 Teachers

Another home run from Max Monroe. This was a fun fast read about two teachers and their love story. We get all the amazing cameos from the archives and get to know Katy and Mack.

If you love reading a H and h fighting their attraction with a healthy dose of forced proximity - this is it. Laugh out loud funny moments and as always some great 🌶️ moments. Anything by Max Monroe is automatically added to the TBR.

Thank you Netgalley and Max Monroe for this E-ARC. All opinions here are my own true reflections.

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Katy and Mack are both teachers at a private school in NYC. Katy has a no-nonsense attitude toward her life and career and Mack’s take on life is rather laissez faire. She considers him a rival, while he considers their interactions a game. When they end up double booked at the same vacation rental for spring break, things turn interesting….

The acknowledgements gave me Samantha Irby vibes, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I did enjoy this read, however, I wished there was more banter. The character development was excellent. I love that we had glimpses into their childhood to learn why each of them turned out they way they did. I enjoyed the chemistry and overall, it’s a really good book!

Word to the wise: Check the TW’s for any tropes that you may dislike.

Thank you so much for this great ARC!

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Max Monroe did it again. This was such a great story. Katy Cat and Mack Attack were incredibly relatable and so like able. Max Monroe will continue to be an auto buy author for me.

This book was great because you had a fantastic story of two completely opposite teachers who are not on good terms end up in a forced proximity situation. What happens when you pair that with witty banter and nicknames? A laugh out loud incredibly steamy book. An absolute must read!

Thank you to Max Monroe for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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OMG!!! This book was soooo good and funny. Its a enemy to lovers, ROMCOM. I love both the characters Mack & Katy. They didn't like each other but they were attracted to one another. Until they accidentally booked the same air bnb and now they are stuck in the same house. I enjoyed the fact that this was a dual pov. I love the fact that Mack was very nice charming sweet. The way he saw Katy was so beautiful. This was such a fun read.

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This is another hit from Mx Monroe! Their books are like the perfect Rom Com movie. Why haven’t any of their books made into a movie?

In this book we have Katie, who teaches third graders math. Next door to her classroom, is Mack who teaches music. Katie is always on edge when she’s trying to teach and most importantly, when the students are trying to take a test because of the ruckus coming from the walls! Mack is a happy go lucky kind of guy, which Katie despises. How can he be taken seriously when it sounds like a constant party. All she’s been looking forward to is Spring Break and the condo she rented in Florida.

Once she gets to Florida, she can relax and enjoy the sun. Aah but some plans were made to be broken. Mack is excited about enjoying the beach and sun. Checking into his condo, that he rented from a friend, he finds a welcome gift of wine. Walking thru the condo he takes a look around and opens the door to the master bathroom. He can’t believe his eyes, a beautiful naked woman is taking a shower! Could that be Katie? Once she sees him she screams for him to get out, and then realizes it’s her nemesis, Mack! What the heck! It seems that the condo was double booked. If they can avoid each other, Katie is sure they can both share the place. Like all the books that Max Monroe write, you know hilarity, mayhem, and lots of sexy times are coming.

Enjoy it like I did! I give it five ❤️!

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my first impression was that he is an absolute man child but he really stepped it up.

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for honest review.

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I thought this was a fun read, and definitely a Max Monroe typical romcom. I enjoyed Mack's character, and honestly didn't understand why Katy didn't like him. I appreciated seeing characters from other books make cameo appearances in this book as well. This book definitely had a lot of spice too, probably 3/5 on the spice scale, and the banter was great. Definitely a romcom recommend.

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Mack Houston is a happy go lucky ladies man. He is also a dedicated music teacher with big dreams. Katy Dayton is a rule follower and stickler for details. She is also a dedicated math teacher. Unfortunately, Mack's classroom is next door to Katy's and the noise level is driving her crazy. When the two of them end up renting the same condo for spring break, they end up reluctant roommates. Will they remain just coworkers or will they realize that love is in their future?

Mack is the kind of character you can imagine being friends with in real life. He is so kind and thoughtful. I like that he loves teaching but also wants to make a big impact. His idea for a charity is kind of a sketch but the author didn't need to get into the details to make the rest of the story work. It was nice that he had always been attracted to Katy and he had no idea why she found him so unlikable. It made total sense that he grew on her during the course of the story. Katy could have been totally unlikable because she was so judgmental about Mack at the beginning, so she was kind of nasty to him. Her realization that Mack isn't who she thought he was and how she came to realize that she might have feelings for him was well done. I didn't get a bit frustrated that they didn't tell each other how they were feeling until toward the end but if they had been open there wouldn't have been any story.

There are lots of side characters. In fact, the characters from Accidental Attachment appear in this story. And the authors even include themselves in the story. Total 4th wall moment. This is a contemporary love story set in New York and Florida. If you are looking for a lightweight love story with a sense of humor, give this a try. It is a stand alone story but I loved Accidental Attachment so I would recommend reading that one first. I will read more from this author in the future.

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This author is very quickly becoming one of my favorites! I read this while at work (shhh), and was having to restrain myself from laughing out loud. There are so many different layers to this book, and I enjoyed them all! I'll definitely be recommending this book to all my romance readers!

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This was a quick, fun read that featured cameos from some of my favorite past Max Monroe characters. I enjoyed Mack and Katy's story and thought it was really cute. It wasn't that long but I felt like it easily could have been shorter, there was some unnecessary fluff in there that I thought took away from the story.

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I love Max Monroe and this book did not disappoint. Mack and Katy are teachers who are frenemies. She is a classroom teacher and he is the music teacher, whose classroom is right next to hers. She can’t wait to get away to the beach and be far away from Mack. He actually likes Katy and can’t figure out why she dislikes him so much.

When they end up booking the same place for their vacation things get interesting. I wish I could have a frenemy like Mack. He is actually really nice and altruistic. While spending time together they see new sides to the other. There are some pretty hilarious moments in this book but just as many tender moments.

I liked seeing Thatch and the crew and getting to know Mack and Katy. I can’t wait to see what Max Monroe come up with next. I received an ARC and this is my honest, voluntary review.

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This book was so so so cute! I adore Max Monroe and always really enjoy anything she writes. Some might say that the enemies to lovers trope is overdone but for me, there’s no such thing!

We meet Mack & Katy who are both teachers and their classrooms happen to be right next to one another’s. Katy teaches math and Mack teaches music - as you can probably guess- that does not go well.

They are thrown together to work on a “Career Day” by their principal. I don’t want to say too much else without spoiling the best part of the book! These two were adorable and I really liked their romance. Monroe did a really good job of adding details about each characters family without it taking away from the story! Loved this one!

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