Member Reviews

This is the story of two teachers at a school who unknowingly reserve the same condo for their holiday. He is happy-go-lucky and she dislikes him. They agree to share the condo for the week.

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Katy and Mack teach at the same school. She teaches math and he teaches music. Their classrooms are next to each other and Katy is constantly bothered by the way Mack teaches as it interferes with the quiet she would prefer to teach her students. She views Mack as "the fun guy/teacher" whom everyone loves. When they both end up at the same condo for their winter break from school, Katy sees a different side to Mack and they begin a relationship. Good story - loved the Mack was so caring toward Katy.

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Mack and Katy. Katy teaches math at the local school and loves her job. But the teacher next to her is Mack, and Katy doesn’t care for Mack. First, he teaches music, likes to have fun, and is very loud. He walks around smug, hot, and everyone swoons over him. Oh, did you catch the hot? I mean, Katy isn’t blind.

Mack is the music teacher and likes to be on everyone’s good side. You never know when you may need something and it’s good to have lots of friends. But Mack cannot break through Katy’s walls and he doesn’t understand why that is or what he has done.

It’s finally vaca time, and Katy is headed on a much needed vaca with her friend. Until her friend winds up getting sick and now it’s a vaca of one. As she is unpacking, she jumps in the shower, and next thing she knows, she standing by the shower, wet, naked, and shocked, as she stares into the eyes of Mack.

The book was lots of fun to read and very entertaining. In most cases, lots of arguing tends to lead to lots of banter and chemistry and this is no different. Love the pop in of several well known friends. Great book for a light, fun, entertaining read.

I received this book via ARC and am leaving my review voluntarily. Thank you #NetGalley

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What happens when a math teacher and a music teacher from the same school get over booked at the same condo over spring break? Shenanigans that’s what!

Katee and Mack were so much fun to listen to. Mack is the music teacher, invested in his students and community & Katie is the straight laced math teacher next door. I so enjoyed how they interacted. Mack is such a sweetheart. If you like cinnamon roll guys add him to your must read men. Do you love forced proximity, witty banter, dual points of view and found family? I suggest reading this book. It includes one other love to hate trope so if you have questions DM me and I’ll answer y/n. I thought it was well done. Max Monroe does hilarious romcoms well. They use some real life experiences to pull from for this book. Check the dedication on this one.

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📚 Best Frenemies
✍ Max Monroe
📖 Romance, Contemporary, RomCom
Una lectura sumamente entretenida. Mack Houston es el maestro de musica quien Katy ha aborrecido cerca de 5 años, mientras ella trata de enseñar matematicas en completo silencio, en el salón contiguo se desata toda clase de gritos, juegos y cosas divertidas. Pero pronto Katy se irá de vacaciones a Miami, y así descansar de su archienemigo Mack.. solo que el universo tiene otras cosas planeadas .. y un error al rentar la casa donde Katy se va a hospedar, pronto se dará cuenta que no pasará sola sus vacaciones .. nada mas ni nada menos que con su peor enemigo .. Mack Houston.

This couldnt have been more perfect 💖
I laugh a lot and swoon in the next minute
The perfect balance of cute, romance, comedy, and steam 💥
Mack Houston has been Katy's archnemesis for the past 5 years..
One rental error leads to being stuck in the same rental vacation for an entire week.
Maybe will be the perfect time to make a truce .. or to continue hating each other ..
One thing for sure is that the universe has other plans for them ..
Read if you like:
🌠 enemies to lovers
🌠 work rivals
🌠 forced proximity
🌠 opposite attracts
🌠 reverse grumpy/sunshine
🌠 he falls first
🌠 slow burn then heat 🔥
🌠 fast paced funny romcom
Special thanks to the Author, Publisher and Netgalley for this arc, the opinions here are on my own.

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AMAZING read, couldn’t put this book down. Loved it From start to finish, highly recommend reading I can’t even express in words just how much I loved this book! Yet again this author has knocked it out the park with this book. Absolutely loved this book from start to finish!

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I͜͡ w͜͡a͜͡s͜͡ g͜͡r͜͡a͜͡c͜͡i͜͡o͜͡u͜͡s͜͡l͜͡y͜͡ g͜͡i͜͡v͜͡e͜͡n͜͡ t͜͡h͜͡i͜͡s͜͡ b͜͡o͜͡o͜͡k͜͡ a͜͡s͜͡ a͜͡n͜͡ A͜͡R͜͡C͜͡

If they write it I read it! Best frenemies funny, sweet and had all the spice needed. Katy hated Mack both teachers working in the same school, Katy teaches math and Mack teaches music Mack was your typical out going man child that everyone loved Katy was the opposite she was shy,sweet and kind but kept A small circle. But what happened when a vacation doesn’t go as planned and mixed up with booking occurs. I really enjoyed seeing both the characters come together and all the laughing this book has caused me.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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Mack and Katy; teachers at the same school. Math and Music and their classrooms are right next door to each other. which first off is not a good idea. Mack is the fun-loving, nice guy and he's popular and Katy is kind of a loner I guess you can say and has a type-A personality. She has had feelings for Mack since the beginning and not good ones, she feels he is her archnemesis lol.
So we all know there is a super fine line between love and hate, will Katy find this out. hmmm
We have a close-proximity (with an overbooked vacation rental), enemies to friends to lovers rom-com book
There is so much that happens and the outcomes are not all what we expect
Katy has a lot she goes through and has to process with herself, she is a strong woman but often gets caught up in her head a bunch
Mack is such a good guy, he is even trying to work on a Music Foundation. I am sooo glad that Katy finally saw for herself that he is a good guy and is so helpful to her. You are gonna have to read the book to find out what that really means.

I love the beach vibes, how he tries to annoy her on purpose (the funny banter is hilarious), the nicknames are so fun, how their families are added to the story (mainly hers, adds so much more to their story and relationship) and the big gesture; that the billionaires help Mack with and all that commentary between the guys. Loved it all.

I love Max Monroe books, so far haven't read one that I didn't love. They give you just want you want in a rom-com book. Huge fan!!!

I am so thankful to be able to have read this book as an ARC, thanks to the publisher and NetGalley. The above is my review/opinions they are honest and voluntary.

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Cute opposites attract, enemies to lovers romance. NYC school teachers travel to Destin, Florida for spring break and encounter a few hiccups along the way. If you like Penny Reid, you’ll like Max Monroe! I loved how Katy’s dad and Mac instantly became bros! And Gracie :-) such a cutie! And the office ladies…Good rom-com with Mac and Katy!

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-enemies to lovers
-forced proximity
-work rivals
-rom com
-opposites attract

This was a first for me by this author and I did enjoy it. I did feel however that something was missing. I think because I usually go for something different. I did like the characters and the story was fun. This book was a fun rom-com.

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I really enjoyed this book. As soon as I saw that Max Monroe was coming out with another book I this series, I ran to request it and was excited when I was accepted. I read this book as soon as I could. Mack and Katy were so fun and this book kept me cracking up! I cannot wait for the next book!!!

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I loved Katy and Mack from the very beginning as they were fellow teachers! Mack drove Katy crazy and when they end up sharing a vacation condo together, the romance really begins. I loved how they became friends and then more! This book can be read alone but there are characters who appear from other stories. I really enjoyed this story and can’t wait for their next one!

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3.5 stars (rounded up).

"Best Frenemies" is the first book by Max Monroe that I have read. If the quality here is any indication, I will definitely be reading some of the titles in their back catalog (so long as I read the tropes first...lesson learned reading this book). I found this story to be laugh-out-loud hilarious, if a little immature, so if that's not your style, you won't enjoy this. It was mostly engaging, interesting, and a lightning-fast, easy read. What more can you ask for? From the very first page, I connected with the main characters, Katy and Mack. The circumstances that see them spending an unanticipated vacation together and their ensuing zany misadventures made me invested in their forced proximity, enemies-to-lovers journey. I thought it was hilarious how Mack eventually buddies up to Katy's dad. I also liked Katy's coworkers and friends as side characters. I didn't love the boardroom friends Mack had. As I mentioned, Mack is pretty immature, but he balances out Katy's type-A, stick-in-the-mud personality nicely. I enjoyed the evolution of their relationship...right up until the end of the book. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate what happens at the end. It's contrived, predictable, and eye-rollingly lame. Apart from that, there are worse ways to kill an afternoon than reading "Best Frenemies." It's inoffensive, mostly cute, and silly.

Thank you to NetGalley and Max Monroe for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.

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Katy and Mack both teach at the same school. Their classrooms are next to each other. Mack teaches music and he had a rather unique way of teaching that just doesn’t mesh well with Katy who teaches math. They are not the best of friends at school and when the vacation Katy has been looking forward to taking during spring break ends up a bit different than she planned. It seems they both have reserved the same condo and there are no empty ones for one of them to move to they decide to make the best of the break.
So, from there let your imagination wander and this book will take you on a spring break you will never forget.
This is the kind of book you will breeze through.
Thank you NetGalley, and Max Monroe for the copy of Best Frenemies. This is my personal review.

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I liked Best Frenemies, by Max Monroe, much better than I liked Accidental Attachment. Unlike AA, I really connected with the love story between Katy and Mack. Both characters were extremely likeable and relatable. Katy and Mack have worked together at the same elementary school for years. Katy cannot stand Mack because while she teaches math, he teaches music, in the classroom right next to hers. I cannot imagine how awful it would be to try and teach next to an elementary school music room! I could totally understand why it drove Katy nuts and made her dislike Mack, even though it wasn't his fault. Through a booking error, Katy and Mack end up in the same vacation rental and their love story really begins. This book is really, really good. Thank you NetGalley and Max Monroe for an advanced copy. Strong 5 stars.

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Max Monroe will always deliver a romantic comedy that is filled with hilarity, steamy spice and cute moments and this book was no exception. I loved the rivals to lovers aspect with a dash of hate to love that always makes it more interesting when they swear they hate each other but we know that they are two seconds away from kissing.

Another thing I loved about this book was the tension in this book. Two teachers that seemingly have nothing in common and always at odds in the classroom and hallways but when they are forced to be together in forced proximity, they sexual tension between them is piping hot. There is a lot of fun moments that this book had me laughing out loud and other times when the book had me grinning. I loved that they challenged each other and they were opposites and that they still fell hard for each other. It's just such a fun perfect end of the summer before school starts romantic comedy to read and it moves quick paced and will have you glued to your seat. I really enjoyed this book. Fans of Max Monroe will be happy and love Best Frenemies and that it has their signatures quirky fun romance.

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3/5 ⭐

Thank you to Netgalley, the authors, and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC in return for an honest review.

Let me begin by mentioning that the premise immediately piqued my interest. It was fresh and engaging. The forced proximity and the dosage of enemies to lovers just increased my interest in this one. I liked it until I got to the second part of the novel.

I believe Max Monroe's writings are highly renowned for their humour and slapstick humour. This one had a lot, and although I didn't find it particularly bothersome, I felt it detracted from the growth of the main characters' relationship. I liked how different they were, and I liked the concept of them being teachers and teaching things that had nothing to do with each other: maths and music. That feature, I believe, showed how different they were from one another. But then I discovered some other things that didn't appeal to me. Katy, the female main character, despised the male main character for no apparent reason, which grated on my nerves, while Mack, the male main character's POV, depicted him in a way that made him appear childish.

Furthermore, the enemies-to-lovers trope is somewhat odd because I would not depict this situation that way. Similarly, they swiftly transitioned from an 'enemy' scenario to a 'fling' situation. I would have liked to see more of their connection blossom.

However, it was an entertaining story that could be read independently.

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Synopsis: Maths teacher Katy can’t stand her fellow colleague and music teacher Mack. From his immature and cocky attitude, he’s been a thorn in her side for the last 5 years. It doesn’t help that he’s hot as sin… and knows it. While vacationing in Florida, Katy gets the shock of her life when she finds Mack in her rented house. Due to a booking error the two are forced to spend the week together. Will Katy murder him in his sleep or will this opportunity allow her to see him in a different and surprising light?

Thoughts: This is my first book by Max Monroe and it’s a very easy read. It’s told in dual pov with lightness and humor – a real rom com, that unfortunately was cringey at times. I will say as the story progressed it was nice to see Mack work to be in Katy’s good graces. This included helping her when she was injured to organising a nice day to celebrate her 30th Birthday. Even though both characters had some redeeming qualities, I couldn’t quite connect with them – Mack especially. He was too cocky for my liking and all the references referring to him waggling his eyebrows got a bit too much.
If you are looking for a quick read where opposites attract and some hot open-door scenes this book might fit the bill.
Thank you Netgalley and Max Monroe for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Best Frenemies will be the 2nd book from Max Monroe that I've read/reviewed. For our podcast, we read Single Dad Seeks for our 4th episode and I can say we both very much enjoyed it. I was given an ARC of Best Frenemies from Max Monroe for an unbiased review. I would probably give this a 3.5; however, I'm not sure I can round it up to a four. As I'm writing this review the rating has lowered as I think back on some of the issues I had with the novel.

A little bit of plot: Katy Dayton and Mack Houston are both employed as teachers at Calhoun Elementary and to say that there is no love lost on one party is being generous. Katy is highly organized and a bit fastidious while Mack can best be described as a 'man child loved by everyone'. When a spring break vacation in close quarters forces these two to get up close and personal; will they be able to see past their preconceived views of one another and make a connection?

What I liked about the book:

- Mack. He's a lovable man child, like a golden retriever in human form. He's the perfect foil for Katy, who is a bit hard to warm up to. We need his perspective to be able to really understand and relate to her. Plus, he's another #fallsfirstfallshard hero, so you know that't my catnip.
- Both hero and heroine's love of teaching. It's enjoyable to read a novel set in a school where the the teachers work with their students in both a believable and positive fashion. You get that while both have not been teaching long, they have an almost seasoned approach to their classroom management and student interactions. (I work in education so this stuff interests me.)
- When we finally meet Katy's grandmother she's just adorable. My mother would call her a 'pip' and I'd completely agree.

What I didn't like about the book:
- I'm not entirely sold on Katy. She's such a stick in the mud when it comes to Mack and she's not willing to communicate with him in a productive manner. When they end up sharing the rental, you do see a softer side, I just felt like she was a bit too 'extra'. By the end of the novel I'm a bit confused as to why Mack is enamored with her, as she doesn't treat him well. Plus Monroe forces him to perform the GG (sorta) when he's done literally nothing wrong.
- The Billionaire investors, but more importantly, his cousin, Thatcher. Oy vey. Every scene with these 4 characters was like pulling teeth. For some reason that I'm not going to discern why, Thatcher replaces the f-word with 'fluff'. Which the first time is a bit humorous, but like by the 50th, I'm DONE. Also, Thatcher is teasing Mack and says something so misogynistic and kinda skuzzy, that I almost DNF...and that was the first chapter. We check in with this gentleman numerous times throughout the
- The twist. Not needed and haphazardly tossed in for tension/angst.

While I did find this book humorous, I just felt like the love story was a bit one sided. Also, I think there's a difference between being highly organized and anal retentive and being plain ole' mean. Especially toward someone who has been nothing but kind.

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dnf @ 22%

Y'all, this book and I just didn't mesh. Immediately, I found myself disliking the characters. Mack gives off irritating playboy and Katy is just incredibly high strung. And considering they're in their 30's, I was put off. Also, some of the language was just cringey. As was the author's note at the beginning. Somehow, this book felt too young for me and too old for me at the same time.

*Thank you to Netgalley and the author for providing me with this review copy in exchange for an honest review*

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