Member Reviews

This was such a quick, fun, and easy read. It’s exactly the type of book I wanted to read after a difficult week and several heavy fantasies. I was so enamored with the Wilder series after discovering them through a friend and was excited to go back to the delicious PNW dreamscape of hot men and hotter romance.

The grumpy/sunshine vibes of Quinn and Sonya are delightful. The forced proximity is ratcheted up to 100 and I’m living for it. The chemistry is excellent. The breadcrumbs for future books in the series is making me already want the next one in my hand - I didn’t realize how spoiled I was when I got to binge the entire Wilder brothers series in one go.

Totally recommend this one if you’re looking for an easy read. You don’t need to start off with the Wilder brothers, but you should because they are fantastic.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this book by Serena Bell. It was my first read by her and certainly won't be my last! The cover art is the primary reason I chose to grab this read from Netgalley and the blurb confirmed my desire to check out this book. I really liked the indivdual story lines for Sonya and Quinn. Sonya was a strong and determined heroine who brought a lot of empathy and passion to the pages. Quinn was so misunderstood by everyone around him. I enjoyed watching both main characters peel back the complicated layers of each other's personalities. The slow burn was perfectly executed and definitely worth the wait! Even though there were a ton of side characters who had previous books by this author, I didn't feel like I was missing anything by not having read any of those stories. Bell did a great job of dropping just enough information throughout the story to fill you in but not spend too much time retelling any character's particular story.

Hott Shot was a charasmatic, endearing and spicy read that left me with a huge smile on my face. I'm a sucker for a grumpy/sunshine trope and this one hit the spot!

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To inherit his grandfather's estate, socially awkward Quinn must work at his family's wedding resort. Manning the front desk at the Hott Spot Spa, he clashes with vivacious manager Sonya. As they're forced together, his attraction to her grows. She convinces him to rethink his self-image and explore new beliefs about love.

I love Sonya and Quinn! Despite their initial clashes, they're kind and understanding toward each other and do their best to learn to work together. The heat between them is high. I also enjoyed the supportive family elements of the book.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Get you a man who concocts shampoo and conditioner from scratch for you to sell at your salon, trusts you enough to cut his overgrown tresses, and cooks for you after you admit you don't know how. Do. Not. Settle!!! For anything less. Quinn is an acts of service KING.

I LOVE Serena Bell's other small town romance series, Wilder Adventures, so of course I jumped at my chance to read her latest release. The final book of the Wilder family series was about Hanna, and the Hott Springs Eternal series will focus on Hanna's five older, somewhat estranged brothers, who return to their hometown of Rush Springs, Oregon to fulfill the... unconventional terms of their grandfather's will. According to their grandfather, who is calling the shots from beyond the grave, to keep the family land that Hanna's business is on, Quinn must work at the front desk of the Hott Spot Spa and Salon and live in staff housing for two months. The problem is, all staff housing is being renovated EXCEPT for Sonya's cabin. Sonya is the Hott Spot manager, and they immediately get off on the wrong foot. This book is grumpy-sunshine, opposites attract, and forced proximity.

Let's start with the good. Quinn and Sonya obviously communicate in very different ways, and this sometimes leads to misunderstandings (which the reader witnesses firsthand through their dual first person POV), but they always talk it out. They understand how the other operates and how best to get through to them. They make it safe for each other to be themselves. I think they demonstrate a healthy relationship, filling in each other's gaps. Through Sonya, Quinn learns that he is more of a people-person than he believes (or has been led to believe) (or that there are different ways to be a people-person), and through Quinn, Sonya learns to accept the help and love of those who care about her. A line that really resonated with me was, "But I think sometimes asking for help is a gift to the people who love you." You're not doing anyone any favors by keeping everything to yourself. While there is third act conflict (Quinn's impending departure), there is no third act breakup. Quinn and Sonya communicate through this conflict instead of resorting to breaking up (the true sign of a healthy relationship that will last the times!).

Quinn is autistic coded. I don't think the word is ever used in the book to describe him, but he has sensory sensitivities, has trouble discerning sarcasm and jokes, and also didn't start talking until he was a toddler. His oldest brother, Preston, always nurtured his special interests (i.e., science), even when his grandfather didn't.

This book had more good than bad, but something was missing, and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it was because Sonya's backstory didn't feel real, since it was told and not shown to us. There was a lot of trauma in her past that didn't feel entirely realized. It felt kind of flat. I liked Sonya's father, and it was hard for me to see him as the same man she was describing. The man seems to truly care about her, and she seems to underestimate and baby him. The way she treats him at the end seemed unfair to him, but I understand it was necessary for her character development. Although I liked the side characters, they didn't feel entirely three-dimensional. Aside from Bella, I couldn't truly differentiate between Sonya's friends and coworkers (Lily, Mei, Reggie, Catalina, Serenity).

I think this is a fabulous introduction to a new series, and I expect that the books will only get better from here! I already can't wait for book two (Shane's turn to be "tortured"!).

Thank you SO much to the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest, voluntary review.

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Quinn is a very successful scientist, and had no plans to go back to his home town of Rush Creek. But when his grandfather dies, he leaves some strange requests in his will. In order for Quinn and his siblings to receive their inheritance, he needs to stick around the small town for a few months and work the reception desk at the family Spa and Salon. His grumpy demeanor is completely opposite the sunshine and rainbows approach of Sonya, the manager of the business.

This book was so much fun. I love stories where parents or grandparents leave behind meddling to guide (ahem manipulate) their kids even after they're gone. The dynamics between grumpy Quinn and sunshine Sonya were delightful. Well-written steamy scenes. I haven't read any other of Serena Bell's books, but now I need to while I wait for the next one in this series. Delightfully delicious read with this one. I loved it!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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I haven’t read a Serena Bell book in years. I couldn’t believe it when I looked back and saw how long it had been because I really enjoyed the few books I had read by her. I often saw things about her Wilder Adventures series and kept meaning to pick those up, now I need to make that a priority.

Both Sonya and Quinn are wonderful characters. They come across as sunshine and grumpy at first, but Quinn is just a man of few words and is extremely uncomfortable with people he doesn’t know. He’d give anyone the shirt off his back and truly wants to make the world a better place. And Sonya’s sunshine is often masking pain. She is always the one who has to be responsible, ever since she was a young girl, and even with doing everything right she always got looked over and left behind.

It was fun watching these two circle each other. Neither was thrilled with the situation that forced them to work together, but they aren’t snippy or rude to each other once the dust settles and they know nobody is to blame for the situation other than a deceased old man. Yet there is a current between them so they do what they can to skirt around each other as much as possible. The times they are in each other’s orbit there is tons of chemistry.

I did feel the timeline of the story was off and that’s something that will always irk me in a book. I felt as though there were a lot of “a week later” and “it had been 4 days” type of language that just didn’t add up to the amount of time Quinn was required to stay and help at the salon.

I’m glad to be adding this author back into my rotation. Hopefully, I can find time for some of her previous books as well as this new series.

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆
Sonya is the manager of the day spa on the Hott family property. When successful but quiet scientist Quinn takes over as the receptionist one morning, she has no idea how it’s going to work. She needs someone competent to welcome the clients and sell their products, not this surly giant whose been forced in terms to his grandfather’s will. When she lands up having to share a cabin on the property with Quinn, Sonya struggles. But soon there is struggling from both sides as they both try to hold in their attraction.

𝗠𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀
I adore how this first story in the Hott family series takes over where Hanna and Easton Wilder’s story ended off. Set in the same small town, the banter and witty pace is all there in trademark Serena Bell style. I loved how Sonya comes to realise that Quinn is not at all the not-a-people-person he thinks he is. His kindness and thoughtfulness is endearing, as is Sonya’s instinct to care for those close to her. Between the forced proximity and grumpy-sunshine opposites, the main and supporting characters in this lovely story make for a really enjoyable read. ❤️

Read an eARC copy courtesy of NetGalley and the author
My rating 4/5 - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Pub Date 19 Sep 2023

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I almost passed on this book, until I realized it was a spinoff from the earlier Wilder brothers' stories. I'm glad I didn't! That being said - I was already invested in some of the characters and their backstories... so while this book is a stand alone, I did feel like I was probably a little biased to the characters and accepted the insta-connections because I came in already invested. I can see how some other reviewers felt the story was a little too quick - but I still loved it.

Quinn was an adorable grump. And the relationships with his brothers (and Hanna) although strained, felt genuine and you could tell they really loved each other. I'm excited to read the next books and find out more about the Hott brothers. This is a fast-paced, fairly easy read - a refreshingly fun story! Thank you to NetGalley and Author Collective 20, Jelsba Media Group for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a novella but it felt that way. It was too quick and too long in a way. The insta ‘I’ll give everything up for you’ love didn’t quite make sense. The characters were fine and the story maybe could have been a bit more dynamic maybe to be believable. Suited for a quick palette cleanser read.

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If they call me "grumpy-sunshine" they already have Magui interested because... yes. Because I can that cliché.

Here we find a book that is told by two voices: Sonya and Quinn. That for one reason or another they are forced to work together and live together. I liked how crazy it seems that by a will your whole life changes!

The story reads super fast, it's light, to pass the time, to have fun. Some interesting topics are covered, albeit rather lightly, and I think that was my problem. Not because they are treated badly, but I really like when there is more development in the characters, in their bond, and here I did not feel it.

Also, I admit, it bothered me a bit that 50% of the book is them thinking what they were going to do with each other, mostly Quinn. Do they really think that *that* all the time? Frightening.

Other than that, I thought it was a fun, fresh story.
It is the first of a series that one is already seeing where it is going to go and everything sounds quite predictable.

Thanks Author Collective 20 for the ARC I read through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What a cute love story! I loved Quinn and Sonya. I was so excited to see Hanna and Ethan, I didn't know this series incorporated the Wilder characters!

The chemistry between the two main characters was high and the spice was excellent!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Firstly, that you to NetGalley for the ARC.

Now to the good stuff :)

I was immediately interested in reading Hott Shot after reading the synopsis and seeing the cover — isn’t it cute?!

The story follows Quinn, one of five Hott siblings, whose lives are about to be flipped upside down by the will left behind by their recently deceased grandfather. In order to keep the family land in a Rush Creek, the Hott siblings will be required to meet the stipulations set in the will. Up first to meet his obligations is Quinn, a seemingly cranky scientist and second youngest of the Hott siblings. Quinn is required to work as the receptionist for Hott Spot Salon for 60 days. Here, Quinn meets and will be trained by Sonya, the hardworking salon manager who is used to putting everyone’s needs ahead of her own.

This grumpy/ sunshine romance is a slow burn (two of my favorites tropes) that will leave you wanting more. The characters are likable, and you’ll find yourself rooting for them from start to finish. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the Hott family has in store.

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Serena Bell begins a new series of stand alone books. It takes place in the same world as her last series, The Wilder Adventures. (There is a cross connection of the sister Hanna is this series is married to Easton, a brother in that one.) The Hott family gathers for the reading of their grandfather’s will. And much to their consternation the old man has tied inheriting the family ranch to tasking each of the siblings with challenges. (Each will become a new book.) So they don’t walk away from the inheritance the ranch goes to a mining company if they don’t do what is asked.

Quinn Hott runs a successful business and lives across the country. His drugs have improved lives and made him wealthy. He believes he is a grumpy loner and doesn’t enjoy interacting with people. His task is to be the receptionist at the Hott Springs Eternal Spa and Salon for sixty days. The Spa is run but the people pleaser Sonya Rossi. And to top it off she lives in housing provided by company and he is assigned to her spare room.

Of course he starts off as his grumpy self. And Sonja is working so hard run the business, take care of her father and support her friends. She never feels she is deserving to ask for help herself. Sonja and Quinn both have had different but challenging backgrounds that have shaped them. Without them realizing it they are the perfect balance for each other. They just have to be willing to help each other see their own strengths and weaknesses and rely on each other.

This is a cute story with likable characters. Enjoyable tropes include, grumpy vs. sunshine, small town, and forced proximity. There is some sadness in their unbringing that brings more depth to both. The story includes lots of passion and of course family and friends in the mix. This is a fun beginning and I look forward to more Hope Springs stories. Thank you to NetGalley, Serena Bell and the author Collective 20 for the ARC and I am leaving a voluntary review.

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I really enjoyed this one! This is the first book in a new series and it was a breath of fresh air. The action takes place at Hannah's Hott Springs Spa, so there's a tie in to the last Wilder book, Wilder at Last.

Quinn Hott is a brilliant scientist that has to work at the front desk of the Hott Spot Spa for two months as a requirement of his grandfather’s will. There’s a lot of humor when Quinn, who is a big guy and a man of few words, with a beard and hair that needs a trim, welcomes the customers at the spa. He wasn’t happy about it at first, until he meets and gets to know Sonya, the beautiful spa manager, who is cheerful and caring and has a sweet dog. There’s a grumpy/sunshine trope and also a close proximity trope as they end up staying in the same company cabin.

Sonya works for Hannah who is in the hospital having a baby so Sonya is in charge at the spa. Quinn and Sonya are attracted to each other but don’t think it’s a good idea to get together because Sonya is technically his boss and Quinn is Hanna's brother.. Also Quinn is only planning to stay in Rush Creek for two months as required by his grandfather’s will. He’s got his important work in Boston, where he develops drugs that help people, like a drug that gets rid of the side effects of an ALS drug.

This is a short, sweet read. My favorite part is when Quinn lets Sonya trim his hair and how much they savor each other’s touch and scent. They both had bad breakups in their past and are wary to be in a relationship. They also have fears of abandonment that stems from their childhoods. I liked seeing their growth throughout the story and how they bring out the best in each other. We see Sonya in the hot springs with her friends but it would have been fun to see her and Quinn get some one on one time in the hot springs. It is pretty funny when Quinn gets together with his brothers and they joke with each other when they come back for the birth of Hanna’s baby as well as the cameos from the Wilder brothers.

The story stands well alone but I think it’s helpful to have read some of the Wilder books first, my favorite being Walk on the Wilder Side. I think readers that like romcoms and those who enjoy the Wilder Series will have fun reading Hott Shot. Thank you to Serena Bell and NetGalley for this ARC.

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This book is unique and is the first book in the new series, Hott Springs Eternal. It follows along with the Hott brothers and sister Hanna, who we have previously seen in the Wilder series by the same author. This follows along with Quinn, the youngest boy in the Hott family, and Sonya, the person in charge of the spa his family owns.

None of the Hott brothers want to return to Rush Creek; they barely came back when they all grew up and finally got out. But now they must be together again to read their grandfather's will. They had issues with their grandfather, so they were still determining what would be contained in the will. At the reading of the will, each brother will have to do what their grandfather wrote for them to do, or else the Hott Springs Eternal will be sold to a company that will eradicate it.

Quinn is up first with his task in the will: to sit and work at the front desk for 90 days, or the company will be sold. The lawyer even has to put up a camera to watch him and ensure he sits at the desk following the will's order. This is how he meets Sonya because now she has to teach him the ropes. They even end up living together due to some errors in the house situation. There is nothing better than being stuck together.

Over time, Quinn becomes less grumpy and more talkative than ever. The two develop a beautiful love story, and each finds what they didn't even know they were looking for. Just such a beautiful story!

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Thank you @netgalley for my e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Quinn’s grandfather died and left him a letter that says he’ll work as the Hott Springs Eternal Spa and salon receptionist for sixty days to get the land.

Sonya’s the one who’s training Quinn at the Hott salon. She’s introducing every each of products that they have and how to handled a customer. When she’s telling him to be more friendly at the customer he just said that he can’t do it, it’s just that, that’s him and he can’t change it. He wants to do it in his own way.

Not really my favorite. From the beginning of the book I’m not hooked. So I was thinking if I should try to finish it or add it to my DNF books. But then I still try it and push it. So please if anyone read this book and love it, please, just please don’t attack me. I know a lot of people attacking readers because they don’t like the book that they like or love. Let’s just respect our own opinions.

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This is my first book by Serena Bell and it did not disappoint. This book was filled with so much rom com delight, it had me kicking my feet in the air. The grumpy sunshine was so well done. The tension buildup was exquisite. And the amount of FEELINGS this book left me with was surprising. I adore the big family storylines, and am a sucker for family putting side their differences to step up and help each other out. I will be going back and consuming the Wilder Brothers series ASAP.

Thank you netgalley for the arc. My opinions are my own.

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This book is between a 3.5 and 4 stars, so I rounded up to 4. I really enjoyed the first part of this book, it caught my attention right away. It reminded me of the Dreamland Billionaire in terms of the will reading and forced requirements. Throughout it got a bit slow and I lost some interest towards the end, but I still wanted to know how it ended. Quinn left his hometown to go be a scientist. He comes back because of the will and will do anything for his family. He has to work as a receptionist at the salon, which is hard since he is a grumpy introvert. Sonya is running the salon. She is such a caring, cheerful, selfless person. I loved their dynamic together and bringing out things in each other and also helping one another out. However, I did not really feel the romantic connection between them. I have not read the Wilder series, which comes before this but if you had you would see a lot of cameos. I am interested in the brothers and to see what each of their requirements will be and how it could effect their sister and family.

Thanks Netgally, Author Collector 20, and Serena Bell for the ebook in return for an honest review.

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I didn't think it was possible to fall in love with another family as much as I loved the Wilders but Ms. Bell has gone and done it with the Hott family! Oh my goodness, she certainly knows how to write the up and downs and twists and turns and heartbreaks and celebrations of family dynamics and she did so with this first book in the Hott Series. We've already been introduced to Hanna in the Wilder Series and Ms. Bell gave us a glimpse of Hanna's brothers but I had no idea I would be so invested in them so soon. I already know I'm going to be devouring all the books in this series because each Hott brother is more interesting and intriguing than the next. Quinn is the perfect soulmate and partner for Sonya. I don't like to give too much away in my reviews because part of the enjoyment (in my opinion) of reading is not having any preconceived notions and going into the story blind. Let me just say that the writing is superb and so very Serena Bell -- lots of laughs but also deeply emotional and thought-provoking times as well. I love Ms. Bell's style of writing and I'm so very happy that she decided to continue writing about the small town of Rush Creek. I'm really looking forward to Shane's book next year! I'm very grateful to have been given the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book through NetGalley.

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Quinn made his fortune developing a drug that helped a lot of people with ALS. All of his siblings, in fact, excel in their given careers. Only one stayed behind in thair hometown of Rush Creek - Hanna, the youngest. She was their when their grandfather, the man who basically raised them passed away.

But they're all there for the reading of the will. It seems grandpa has a few tricks up his sleeves to get the family back together, even beyond the grave. They either have to do his bidding or they lose the family land to an evil mining company.

Hott Shot is the first book in the Hott Springs Eternal series, and it follows Quinn and Sonya, the woman in charge of the spa the family owns. Sonya is driven and loving and would do anything for anybody - except let them help her. She had a rough childhood, and it feels natural for her to provide without ever being provided for.

Quinn is aloof and unsure of himself. He's always been the outcast and has convinced himself he isn't a people person or even a very well liked person.

Sonya and Quinn were perfect for each other. He is a patient, natural provider who just needed someone to show him how worthy he is. She desperately needed someone like him to show her she was worthy of help and support.

Quinn is also a dirty mountain man, so be warned! He knew how to take control in Every. Single. Way!

This is a spin-off of the Wilder series, but it can be read as a standalone. I found myself able to enjoy the story completely without having read the other series.

If you're looking for a love story where the sweet and handsome nerd gets the girl (and his confidence!) and the strong, independent woman gets spoiled by the man of her dreams, grab this book!!

Favorite quotes:

"Lab coats are apparently not manufactured for scientists with mountain-man bodies."

"It's weird..." I say. "But I thinj sometimes asking for help is a gift to the people who love you."

Thank you, Serena Bell and NetGalley, for the opportunity to read this book! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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