Member Reviews

As soon as a read the description I knew I needed to get my hands on this book. A grumpy rom-com writer and sunshine divorce attorney second chance romance? I mean, come on! Yet Doyle moves beyond stereotypes to give incredible depth to her characters and insight into why their characters act certain ways. How the characters reacted reminded me of people I know, of the give and take, lashing out and feeling hurt, and not knowing how to handle the vulnerability of a relationship. It makes you think of the 'What ifs' of your life and those who got away, the missed opportunities and those who you carry a torch for. As part of this book does take place in 2020, it also provided a very realistic view of how relationships were impacted in that time period and the role it played in daily lives. Overall I loved this book and I will be purchasing a physical copy when it comes out. It made me think critically of all of the gratitudes I have in my life and had me laughing, tearing up, and mouth open shocked.

***I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an early copy in exchange for an honest review!

I am a sucker for second-chance romances. I think that they are filled with hope and pining and tension that gives so much depth and meaning to the happy ending.
And, Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle was absolutely full of that and more.

This story follows Molly, a rom-com writer who doesn't believe in love, and Seth, a cinnamon roll divorce attorney longing for love. After Molly broke Seth's heart as teenagers, they meet again 15 years later at a high school reunion and make a bet that changes the course of their lives.

"Knock 'em dead. If not with charm, then with that famed sinister glare."

MOLLY. Oh my gods, Molly. She is a soul character for me, one that I feel like the author plucked out of my very soul. She is barbed in sarcasm, wit, and a proclivity to see things 'realistically' rather than optimistically. In so many ways, she was like a mirror to me. Coming from a broken household, having to grow up before you were ready, being so scared of love leaving that you leave it first... I just resonated with so much of it, and I really think the author did a beautiful job showing the, sometimes ugly, truth of those feelings. Watching her struggle and evolve throughout the book was amazing, and though there were a couple of times I wanted to shake her if only because it felt too real, I loved loved loved her journey.

"Before we go to bed, I make her join me in writing in a gratitude journal. I'm thankful for the sunshine that warms our skin. For lullabies that soothe my girl to sleep. For the lake that helps us relearn each other's bodies. For a chance never to stop learning Molly Marks. And I'm grateful for this hope. This chance to hope, and hope, and hope."

Every black cat needs their golden retriever counterpart, and Seth is absolutely that to Molly. He is a hopeless romantic who only wants to love and be loved, and though that has led him to pushing away people who deem him too much, he never gives up. Especially on Molly. The devotion that he has for Molly is so pure and palpable that I wanted to just put him in a bubble and protect him from harm because he's precious. But, through that sunshine exterior, he had his own demons to battle, and it was so refreshing to see a story of someone recognize they need to change and then actively make the effort to do so. He was sensitive, in tune with himself, and was never afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve, no matter how many times it may have been broken. It was inspiring, and his character will forever be special to me because of it.
And it also helps that this adorable soul of a man has a fucking MOUTH on him. My goodness. For a book with minimal spice, the author certainly did it well.

"I'm telling her I don't know how to reassure her. That I can't chase her down for the rest of our lives. That we'll just have to love each other, and trust each other, and nurture this treasure-this absolute witchcraft-that we're so blessed to have. That we'll just have to hope. But I still believe that some loves are fated. And I know that Molly Marks is the love of my life."

This book was full of beautiful, humorous prose, a love story that kept me invested from the first page, character development that brought me to tears, and a refreshing, realistic look at what happily ever after looks like in the real world. To think it is a debut makes it that much more impressive. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a second-chance romance to make your heart break and heal and hope.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️From publisher Flatiron Books: Molly Marks writes Hollywood rom-coms for a living—which is how she knows “romance” is a racket. The one and only time she was naive enough to fall in love was with her high school boyfriend, Seth—who she ghosted on the eve of graduation and hasn’t seen in fifteen years.

Seth Rubinstein believes in love, the grand, fated kind, despite his job as, well…one of Chicago’s most successful divorce attorneys. He knows his soulmate is out there. But so far, no one can compare to Molly Marks, the first girl who broke his heart.

When Molly’s friends drag her to Florida for their fifteenth high school reunion, it is poetic justice that she’s forced to sit with Seth. Too many martinis and a drunken hookup later, they decide to make a bet: whoever can predict the fate of five couples before the next reunion must declare that the other is right about true love. The catch? The fifth couple is the two of them.

Wickedly funny, sexy, and brimming with laughs and heart like the best romantic comedies, Just Some Stupid Love Story is for everyone who believes in soulmates—even if they would never admit it.
My review: First off, I love a rom com with great banter. Molly and Seth banter like mad and I am here for it. The book is written in first person every other chapter-- Molly, then Seth. So the reader sees how both characters feel in the moment. It is very well done and allows us to peek into each of their minds. Being a rom com, we know Molly and Seth will end up together. But the constant fear of love and commitment on Molly's part does become tedious and annoying. Maybe that's the romantic in me? I was Team Seth the whole time and the traditional third act break up in this novel was a tad over the top.

However. Fun and decent side characters and the use of Covid and other 2020-2022 facts of life made this interesting and well worth it.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Thank you to Flatiron Books and NetGalley for an advance digital copy in exchange for my review.

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Thanks to Flatiron and NetGalley for this eARC!

I didn't realize this was the contemporary nom de plume of Scarlett Peckham until after I read this one! Fun!

I liked this a lot - the set up, high school sweethearts reunited at their 15th reunion, worked for me. The writing was great, and I generally thought the conflicts were believable. Know that because we see the 5 years between the 15th reunion in 2018 and the 20th in 2023, there is a section in deep Covid lockdown. Like Curtis Sittenfeld's <i>Romantic Comedy</i>, it actually does serve to move the plot along. Generally a really solid contemporary romance.

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I really, really, liked this book. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy!

Molly Marks, writer of all things rom-com is a nonbeliever in romance. She knows it's her ticket to success in the writing world, but, in real life? No way! Her only "love" was her high school boyfriend, Seth Rubinstein. She ghosted him, graduated, and hasn't looked back.

Fast forward to Molly's 15th high school reunion, and she's let herself be dragged back to Florida to attend. Who does she end up sitting with? Seth. Seth is her complete anthesis. He believes in love, BIG love; romantic gestures, and a happy ending. Seth wants just that, but, no one can compare to Molly.

After a ton of drinks and a steamy hook-up, the two make bets on what couples will and won't make it. Seth also ends up betting on himself.
The story continues for the next five years following both Seth and Molly and their cast of characters.

This was an amazing rom-com and I loved every minute! Great story!

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This was a great second chance grumpy vs. sunshine romance. I really enjoyed the banter between the two main characters. I loved the two characters and how happy and jolly the guy is versus how grumpy the female character was. It was a fun role reversal. Overall this kept me entertained and I do love high school sweet hearts ending up together.

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I'll be honest, I almost didn't finish this. The beginning was so cheesy! It took me until 50% in to really start to enjoy the story. After that, it was really good. I loved the ending!

Thank you to Netgalley and Flatiron Books for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved, Loved, LOVED this book. No notes. Side story, I requested this on NetGalley, but hadn’t read it because as you know, I’m a physical book girl. Anyway, I ended up winning a copy from @flatironbooks and moved it up on my TBR. The premise sounded right up my alley. A romcom writer and a divorce attorney get a second chance at love, sign me up.

I loved both characters, but especially Seth. He is the sweetest, funniest, most communicative MMC. I dare you to not fall in love with him. Molly is great too. She’s smart and witty, but has built up a wall due to trauma surrounding her parent’s divorce. I really felt for her and was happy to see her work towards healing. Seth was so steadfast in his support for Molly and even when they weren’t romantically involved, it was clear their connection couldn’t be denied. Their banter had me laughing out loud and their chemistry was impeccable.

I thought this story was told in a unique, interesting way and I both couldn’t wait to finish it and didn’t want it to end. I do want to note that a portion of this takes place over the the pandemic, but the way it was written was not triggering to me.

I know Katelyn is a well-known in the historical romance world, but I really hope she writes another rom-com, because she does it so well! This will definitely be in my top books of the year.

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Thank you Flatiron Books & NetGalley for the ARC!

This book was SUCH a surprise, and in the best way! I fell in love with Molly & Seth’s relationship, and while the premise may have been a little silly, the story was anything but! There was so much heart and more depth than you would expect from this one, but I was truly sucked into the romance and how these characters were so well-defined.

Thank you again for the wonderful ARC!

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4.5 stars for this wonderfully fun story about two people destined for each other. Or are they? A high school 15th reunion brings two people back into each other’s lives and they make a bet about who will be (or not be) together at their 20th reunion. So cleverly written with chapters trading between Seth and Molly, I devoured this book. The eternal romanticist versus the permanent pessimist. Rooting for these two was so fun. If you want a great beach read where you giggle out look at times then this book is for you.

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I'd like to start by saying I'm a huge fan of a nostalgia setup: meeting at a high school reunion and rekindling a relationship is super intriguing. Seth is an appealing hero from the get go, and I liked the irony of Molly writing romcoms but having a cynical attitude toward love. Their bet had potential as well. The author did a great job crafting witty banter, and creating a unique cast of secondary characters. For me, the novel fell apart in the middle. The let's-get-together-but-then-sabotage-us plot device grew taxing. I understand the importance of using wounds and flaws to enhance character development, but Molly is not likable and Seth starts to come across as desperate. By the end, I wasn't really sure why they even loved each other. I'm also not interested in pandemic related content as a plot device. Thank you for the opportunity. This one didn't work for me.

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. The description of this book sounded really interesting. I was rooting for and invested in Seth and Molly’s relationship.

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This was an entertaining book! I enjoyed the characters, with the grumpy FMC and the sunshine MMC. It was a lighthearted book in my opinion, however, there are some themes and potential triggers that could negatively impact readers. For example, there is one part of the book that takes place during a pandemic as we follow the main characters over the years. I would agree with other readers that the book is a little predictable at times, but I didn't mind that personally. I would also agree that the book could have taken the opportunity to dive into helping the main characters a little more, as there was some development, but really not a lot of that character development.

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Thank you to NetGalley for gifting me this ARC.

I love a grumpy vs. sunshine trope and this one was such a fun one. Told in different points of views with a MMC who loves LOVE and a FMC who, despite her job to write Rom Coms, believes in unhappily ever afters. The two make a bet at their high school reunion about who will be together at the next reunion in 5 years, including them, as a couple. The next five years is a constant back and forth with them, while they go from enemies to friends to lovers, and watch as the couples they bet on meet their fate. It was such a fun read! And it wasn't just Molly and Seth you were rooting for, it was also that their friends got their own happy endings as well, whatever that meant for their relationships.

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To be honest, I didn’t really like this book. In fact, I told one of my friends that I was close to calling it a DNF. However, I pushed on and finished it. I didn’t really like the main characters. Molly was too negative for me, and I get that she has trauma, but it just felt like her and Seth’s relationship just ended up being toxic. In my opinion, the writing wasn’t great either, and one of my pet peeves is when the book addresses the reader directly. It just felt out of place. Once Molly and Seth got together, reading was a little easier as they did have some cute moments together, which is what I love about romance novels. For me this just wasn’t a hit.

Thank you to Net Galley for the opportunity to read early!

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I don’t know how to accurately rate this. Because the writing is good, characters are fairly well developed, and the dialogue is natural. The story was just not for me.

<i>Just Some Stupid Love Story</i> is driven by the ✨right person, wrong time✨ trope with just a sprinkle of ✨miscommunication✨ thrown in. As these are my two least favorite tropes in the romance genre, I couldn’t really connect with this story.

Seth and Molly were lovers in high school until she broke his heart. They reunite at their ten year high school reunion, seeing each other for the first time since all those years ago when Molly ended things, and sparks fly. But they can’t be together. Why? Because… well, because…

Yeah, I don’t know. Because Molly self-sabotages. Over and over and over and over. She is an extremely frustrating character for me for that reason, and for the immaturity she shows throughout the story. Seth on the other hand… He’s a cinnamon roll. Not my favorite MMC, but be has a gigantic heart and his emotions were raw and real from page to page.

I appreciate that the characters had their own voices. This is a pet peeve of mine when a story is told from multiple POVs, but each character did seem distinct from one another. (This is stronger at the beginning though, it fizzles a little by the end.)


Big thanks to NetGalley and Flatiron books for this ARC!

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High school sweethearts that rekindle the flame at their 15 year high school reunion. They then place a bet on who will still be together from their class in 5 years, when they re-meet at their 20 year reunion.

The premise of the book was promising, but unfortunately this book just wasn’t for me. I found the characters to be a little unbearable in my opinion; Molly was snobby and spoke like she was atleast 10 years older than she is supposed to be, and Seth was grating and annoying. Not to mention, the storyline hit a little too close to home as someone who graduated high school 15 years ago (yikes!). I cringed through every page but do believe based on other early reviews, that many people will love this one! I would still recommend it to other Romance readers.

📚Thank you to NetGalley, Katelyn Doyle and Flatiron Books for the e-arc of Just Some Stupid Love Story.

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This is one of my new favorite books. The banter, the timeline, the dual pov… everything. The whole time I was excited and loving learning more about the characters. The mixture of humor and romance was perfect and the times they broke the fourth wall was perfection. Everything about this book was the perfect romance for this summer. Definitely recommend!

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I liked how this played out over years, I wasn’t expecting that! Seth was the sweetest hero and I liked that gender stereotypes were flipped. I also enjoyed seeing both main characters truly grow over the course of the story. The ending moved a little fast, in my opinion, but it was overall enjoyable.

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This book was so cute!!! I absolutely adored Molly and Seth, and I felt their second chance romance was that and so much more. The chemistry was great and there was just enough will they/won’t they and angst to keep me totally invested the whole time. The story was set over the course of a few years (and during the pandemic), and I just kept rooting for good guy Seth and romantic skeptic Molly. For fans of cute, playful, dual POV rom-coms, this one checks the boxes!

Thanks to NetGalley and Flatiron Books for an advanced copy of this gem!

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