Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley for this arc! I really loved this book! I got Emily Henry vibes from the writing!

This book kept me entertained the whole time. The balance of wittiness, romance, suspense, and real life problems were so good. I don’t love a Covid book, but in this case, that part was well done and important in the time gap of the story. I loved the pace of the book, too. The ending made me so happy, and I appreciated the author addressing the normal rom com tropes and endings but varying slightly when she could! I will definitely recommend this book!

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LOVED! Truly I think this will be one of my favorites of the year. This was such a fun read and I'm hesitant to even review because I don't want to give anything away. I loved the character development of both the FMC and MMC as well as all their friends. I think the time period during COVID was handled really well and is especially relatable for those who were in their mid-late twenties when in 2020. I laughed, I cried, I learned about myself - just read it.

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This debut novel has all you want in a rom com. It is entertaining, full of smart banter, and it’s a story that shows the power of love through time. I particularly liked Seth and his caring ways. Who doesn’t love a hopeless romantic guy who believes in soulmates? Those are hard to find. The dual points of view in this story add so much depth, as we get to see where both the main characters are at any point in time. I really appreciate when authors do this, and actually prefer it to single POV stories. I didn’t particularly enjoy the extended timeline of the plot, mostly because I thought it was a tad too long—-in some parts it seemed to drag a bit. I think the story could have easily been shortened some, and been just as effective if not more, but that might just be a me thing.

The impact of childhood trauma portrayed by Molly, was very well executed. It was refreshing to see a character know themselves enough, to understand why they were the way they were, and in turn try hard to move away from those behaviors. This knowledge, might not have prevented her from making the wrong choices most times, but she did try to work on it. She knew the root of the problem, and that is the first step some people fail to even recognize. She knew that she wanted love, but things in her past just interfered, and made her run away as soon as any vulnerability in a relationship was required of her. A man like Seth was what Molly needed.

Read if you like:
💞 Second change romances
💞 Grumpy-sunshine
💞 Dual point of view
💞 High school reunions
💞 Opposites attract

4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

⚠️CW: Divorce, parental abandonment, grief, sexual content, panic attacks.

A big thank you to @netgalley, @Katelyndoyle and @flatironbooks for the digital ARC copy of this one 💙.

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A delightful romcom that kept me up reading way past my bedtime. I enjoyed the way Doyle plays against type, creating a hero who, despite working as a divorce attorney, is at heart a hopeless romantic, and a heroine who, in contrast to her job as a screenwriter of romantic comedies, doesn't believe soul mates exist. These are well developed characters with clear motivations and real backstory that explains even their most painful decisions as the story progresses. I also found the other relationships in the story, with friends and family, to be wonderfully detailed and engaging. A very enjoyable read that I gladly recommend. Thanks to Flatiron Books and Netgalley for the chance to read early.

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Such a good second chance romance book! Written with dual POVs, we meet Molly and Seth. Super relatable characters. Life obstacles of long distance relationships. Learning healthy ways to be in a relationship from past trauma. Same frustrations you would experience in real life. Perfect rom com happy ending! I would definitely recommend this book! Thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron books for the ARC!

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I adored this story. The ups and downs of life and relationships. It was a fun story to follow along with. I was rooting for the two main characters throughout! The story was easy to follow along and I like that the chapters were broken down into dates so you could keep track of how much time was in between events! I recommend this story!

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Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle is a very fun and at times, touching rom-com about second chances and first love. This novel was very reminiscent for me of the movie When Harry Met Sally; a Nora Ephron classic. However, in this story, the cynical writer, or screenwriter in this case, is Molly the female lead, and Seth her love interest is the happy, extroverted and sometimes over-the-top optimist, making for a nice twist on the original. Also, we get a much deeper look in the book of why Molly is so cynical about love and so afraid of being hurt by it. But the timeline scenario of them meeting up after a fifteen-year absence from one another and sometimes reconnecting, sometimes not of the remainder for the book, which spans five years, is very much like the movie in its structure. Unlike Harry and Sally though, Molly and Seth were once high school sweethearts and Molly broke Seth’s heart, hoping to do it before he has a chance to when they are near graduation and the point where they are set to go their separate ways to college.

After meeting up again at their fifteen-year high school reunion, they make a fun bet about who is right about whether or not soul mates exist. I felt like that was similar to the Harry and Sally bet about whether men and women could be platonic friends. Though the couple in the movie do not make a bet about it. What ensues is a five-year span of Seth and Molly staying connected as friends even though both long for more. I will admit at the start of this book Molly is so snarky, cynical and really just sad, that I wasn’t sure I would really be able to connect with her as a character. I often have a hard time reading dark comedy style books or watching them as films. However, Seth was so likeable and so unbelievably optimistic, that Molly balances his Pollyanna persona nicely. The fact that Seth is a divorce lawyer with a conscience also makes for a nice change of pace from the typical stereotypes about attorneys.

As someone who loves the Nora Ephron movies, I really enjoyed picking out the Easter eggs to the movie as I read along with this book. All in all, I give this one 5 out 5 stars and would happily read this novel again. It would almost be a relief reading it a second time knowing how it ends. The realism of the emotional scars both characters bear made it hard to be sure there would be a happily-ever-after or even a happy-for-now end. However, it is a romance so…

I am so happy that NetGalley and Flatiron Books gave me an ARC of this novel to read in exchange for this honest review.

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3.5 ⭐️ Just rounded up because it does deserve more than 3.

I read this as a NetGalley Arc!

Debut author Katelyn Doyle is definitely worth a read!
Just Some Stupid Love Story gives me How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days Vibes big time! Just swap out magazine articles for screenplays, advertising for Divorce attorney and the bet being on true loves existence and their predictions of certain couples at their next high school reunion in 5 years.

You go on a journey with Molly and Seth where they are reunited at their High School’s 15 year reunion, assigned tables that lead them sitting next to each other. You can tell Seth is still hung up on her but trying to play it cool. Molly is better at hiding her interest and apologizes for how things ended with them after graduation. The sparks are still there and the Flamingos are flowing (drinks you’ll understand when you read it) they end up in one of their hotel rooms. Signals get mixed and he wants to stay, she’s shocked he’s still there so over room service breakfast they make the bet on who’s love will last or not and see who is right in 5 years, (including their own but Molly doesn’t allow that as an actual bet option).

Now you think this is where I leave you, we’ll jump 5 years later and she what transpired… thankfully that is not the case we follow them frequently between the years initially meeting 2018 at the reunion , they run into each other chemistry still sparks but it is always right place, wrong time for them. Between baseball games, baby showers, pandemics, holidays they see a lot of each other one always ready to try while the other is unavailable.

Their chemistry is great and the banter is wonderful throughout, not just theirs but with friends as well.

Mid pandemic after some heavy sexting between them, they don’t talk for a year - Molly’s heart was on the line but Seth just had a broken engagement and needed time. They reunite after that year at a mutual friend’s wedding (which is now 3 years since reunion). They make out on the dock and go on a date the next day.
They redo all their early dates back in high school, and agree to try long distance dating which I haven’t mentioned, Molly lives in L.A, Seth lives in Chicago and they grew up in Florida so meet there a lot as well since family still lives there.

Seth has a habit of jumping all in too fast and Molly tends to break things off before someone can do it to her.

Molly’s trauma stems from her parent’s divorce where her dad left and his lawyer screwed over his mom financially, her dad leaves her as well and she’s left to deal with her own emotions and her mom’s. Which ultimately leaves her to shut down in terms of love and never fully give herself to someone else plus throw in the fact that who she does love is a divorce attorney and she thinks all of them are cutthroat and schemers like her dad’s. So she has divorce trauma from her parents and daddy issues, which in certain times just makes you want to slap her to make her see how stupid she’s being and needs to move on, eventually she does but it’s like the 3rd act realization. Before that they spend Thanksgiving together and Seth talks about interviewing with Law firms to move closer to her, that causes her to panic a bit but she moves past it realizing its a good thing and won’t be an immediate move, but after that Seth being Seth with his grand gestures has a surprise outside when they hear music playing during dinner. Seth jumps and proposes to Molly, she panics as usually, he just thinks he can talk her through it but she says no, they part the next day. Molly writes a screenplay about her and Seth to hash out all her feelings and give them the ending after the rejection that she was too scared to, planning a grand gesture and to show the screenplay gets derailed when her assistant sends the edited version to Seth instead of her (I think she did it on purpose since she knows them both, but we never find out for sure).

Anyway they get their HEA after 19 years really but we only go through 4/5 blimps of time with them, it was very enjoyable, the best was technically tied but Seth is counting themselves as an option so with that he wins! Overall a cute story!

I just think I need to start sending NetGalley copies to Kindle because I dislike the format on there a bit and took a bit to get used to.

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This was a fun a charming debut. It started strong but it did loose me a bit as it continued. While I enjoyed it I’m not sure this will be memorable against other stronger titles in the genera, especially with so many enemies to lover sorties on the market currently.

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I received this novel as an advanced reader copy from Netflix in exchange for an honest review. I loved this story of Molly and Seth. Their chemistry was amazing and they truly loved each other for years. I definitely rec omens this book!

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A fun concept executed quite well. Molly and Seth are former high school sweethearts who meet up again at their high school reunion. She is now a romance writer who does not think true love exists, and he is a divorce attorney who believes in soul mates who bet on which one is correct. It follows the rom-com formula – it even tells you it is following the rom-com formula – and it does it quite well. Their relationship feels authentic and relatable. They have been in love with each other for over 15 years and you can get annoyed with their lack of communication and wasted years, but that is the formula, so....

Anyway, I really like the niche of this genre that is not just completely-perfect escapism fluff. These characters are flawed (she is cynical, scared and fighting against romance and he is a ridiculous marshmallow people-pleaser). They engage in witty banter, nostalgic fun and real conversation. They hurt each other. They go through self-discovery and growth. I love that they take the time to sort their baggage – and I really loved how the author incorporated the stress and isolation of covid into their lives and relationship. (Once again, authentic and relatable.)

My thanks to NetGalley, Katelyn Doyle, and Flatiron Books for an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. This book will [I believe] be published at the beginning of June, and it will make a great beach/summer read for when you want a light and entertaining love story.

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Molly is a rom-com scriptwriter experiencing a bit of a slump in her career. She doesn't believe the soul-mate, HEA's of her stories.
Seth is a hopeless romantic full of positivity even though he practices family law.
They dated through high school and then Molly dumped him.
They meet again at their high school reunion and make a bet on the romantic status of themselves (as a couple) and 4 other couples after 5 years.
The story tracks the highs and lows of Molly and Seth and the other couples.
It's a bit predictable, but not as much as you might expect. It's very well written. Overall, it's a very enjoyable story.
I would recommend it to those who like a bit of snark and good back & forth banter.
Thank you #KatelynDoyle#FlatironBooks#NetGalley for an ARC of #JustSomeStupidLoveStory

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This book is the best thing I have read all year. You will laugh out loud, cry, gasp, and cheer for Seth and Molly all throughout the book. Loved every part of it.

This book has all of my favorite things - GREAT chemistry between the 2 main characters, the loveliest of sweet boys and the sweetest of leading ladies, hilarious situations, witty and adorable back and forth banter, relatable situations / stories, a couple you are legitimately cheering for, and a great kale salad recipe. What else can you want?

Seth and Molly were high school sweethearts, but Molly broke up with Seth at their HS graduation - and they haven't spoken since.
Until now, when they see each other at their 15th HS reunion. Molly, who doesn't believe in romance or soulmates, writes successful romcoms. Seth, who is a hopeless romantic and a serial monogamist, is a divorce lawyer. After too many cocktails (preptinis, if you will), and a little nostalgia, Seth and Molly spend the night together and make a wager. What will happen to 5 couples, including them, between now and their 20th reunion.
Through a series of holidays, global pandemics, and missed opportunities, Seth and Molly find out if they can work through their insecurities and issues to find love with each other.

I have not been so engaged in a couple and in their relationship since Gus and January in Beach Read. I loved them so much. Seth is sweet, understanding, patient, caring, pays attention to detail, and loves with all of his heart. Molly is a wonderful friend, intelligent, funny, honest, and brave, but guarded due to heartache in her own life. Seeing them work through their personal issues and come together was so sweet and real. I loved their desire to be better for themselves and each other, and how they worked towards being better without changing who they are. It felt real and that is what made it beautiful. The ending was so wonderful.

Read if you like -
second chance romance
grumpy / sunshine
dual POV
extended timelines

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this early! Moly writes rom-comes and hasn’t seen her high school boyfriend, Seth, for 15 years. They reconnect at their 15 year reunion where they hook up after drinking too much. They also set a friendly wager trying to predict if 5 couples will be together at their next reunion and their couple #5!
Molly stuck in not fully believing in love after her parents divorced and her father has largely been absent from her life. Seth is a family law attorney, but works with women like Molly’s mom to make sure they’re treated fairly. Seth I’d extremely patient and is definitely a good book boyfriend.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Rom-com writer who doesn't believe in soul mates vs divorce attorney who is the quintessential romantic. Such a cute premise and the first half of the book was really hard to put down. The second half really slowed down and I started to get annoyed with both of the characters. Molly has abandonment issues and sabotages things before she can get hurt. However, she's quite cruel in the way she does it, which was a problem for me. Meanwhile, Seth is a hopeless romantic who is so desperate to get married, it's borderline pathetic. FYI-Spice level is high in some chapters.

Overall, I was entertained, but left with mixed feelings.

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I was interested by the premise of JUST SOME STUPID LOVE STORY, and there were some parts of the book that I enjoyed, but unfortunately I did not love this as much as I wanted to.
Thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Expected publication: June 4, 2024

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The last 50% of this book has me racing to the end. I was fighting for Seth and Molly so hard! Molly’s conversation with her mom at the end had me in tears.

Is this Emily Henry? No. I love Emily Henry because she is the Master of Tension and I feel Seth and Molly had zero tension. Seth was the constant optimist and Molly was constantly cynical and their paths were enjoyable but predictable. The first half of this book did drag for me. And the gender swap on viewpoints only sort of worked. The cynical woman who writes rom coms and the optimistic divorce lawyer man didn’t work as well as I had hoped. Seth was not believable I felt at times but chalk that up to my husband who is not an optimist. Take that with a grain of salt.

Overall an enjoyable fluffy read and the end had me rooting for them and crying with them and laughing too.

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This book was okay? I think I was expecting more and was a little let down. I did find myself laughing a few times but I struggled to get through it after 50 percent. I think I will try the author again

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I liked the set up of one character writing rom coms and the other being a divorce lawyer, the dual POV, and the comedy. I definitely caught myself laughing a couple of times. I started this at the beginning of the year and got through most of it until slowing down around the COVID chapters. I still have a really hard time with reading or consuming media that talk about COVID because I don't really love how it's addressed usually and I don't think there's been an example that I've yet to enjoy that includes it. I also had a lot of hope for the emotional depth and character arcs. I felt like the climax and Molly's realization and recovery was underwhelming. Honestly, Seth came off pretty strong and I do like an emotionally developed character that isn't afraid to hide their feelings but he did get a little exhausting and annoying sometimes. In the end, I would willing to try another book out from this author but this isn't a favorite and not a particularly memorable rom com for me.

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Thank you NetGalley for the chance! As others have mentioned, it is hard to believe this is a debut author’s work. Flew through the pages of this smoldering yet sweet book. Loved the time skips and original plot. So many romance plots lately feel overused and unoriginal. This book was a pleasant surprise and kept me eagerly churning through the pages. Will be autobuying this author in the future!!

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