Member Reviews

I didnt enjoy this book. I felt it was trying to be too funny instead of serious. I also didnt like how they hooked up right away and missed all the angst and longing. Not my cup of tea.

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GOODNESS ME I LOVED THIS STUPID LOVE STORY! I could. not. stop. reading. Stayed up until 3 AM, couldn’t stop.

Molly and Seth had me holding my breath the entire time. Or gasping. Or sighing. Incredible.

This was truly perfect. The tension just builds and builds. The way Katelyn Doyle writes had me invested from the jump. This was one of those stories I didn’t want to end but I had to race through it because I simply needed to know what was going to happen. An absolutely gorgeous depiction of romantic, familial, and friend-ly (philia?) love. I’d give this 6 stars if I could.

This is a MUST read. A helluva debut.

Thank you so very much to Flatiron and NetGalley for the ARC. This one is a stunner. Cannot wait to share with our customers in June.

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I had the hardest time getting into this book I DIDNT LIKE MOLLY , she was like a Debby downer and self sabatoges her self. Buth then we were introduced to seth who was the opposite and the way they find their wa to each other :)

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC. I enjoyed this rom-com book about Molly and Seth, high school sweethearts who broke up before college and don't see each other again until a High School reunion. I enjoyed this book. I like storylines with lost love and redemption like this one. I like how this took place over several years and how we saw growth in the characters. The descriptions of how it felt to be isolated during COVID-19 were very accurate. All in all a great book and would recommend it.

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Thank you NetGalley for recommending this feel good RomCom!!
Just Some Stupid Love Story is one of those books that you just know is going to be a hit.
Katelyn Doyle does such a great job making you feel every emotion that Molly and Seth are feeling. Their ups and downs, hopes and fears, even the butterflies and nervous jitters.
If you love second chance romance and comical banter you will absolutely love this book!
This is literally what I needed to rekindle my love of reading.
**Definitely add to your TBR list**

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This book had me hooting multiple times throughout! Saw this was being compared to the works of Emily Henry and under the ‘Read Now’ section and thought I’d give it go and I’m glad I did.

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I am a self-admitted book worm, and I have been the majority of my life. Here lately, I gravitate towards suspenseful books. One genre that I have also been gravitating towards is books that make me laugh. Because of this, I was very excited to read this book.

I am sometimes hesitant to read books from an author that I have not read before, because it tends to take me a while to get used to their particular writing style. I didn’t have that struggle with this book at all. I liked that this book was told in first person, and it also switches perspectives between the main characters.

This isn’t really a spoiler, but I also liked that this book doesn’t all occur in one span of time. The events of the book occur over the span of a few years.

I really loved this book, and am a little disappointed that I am done with it. I loved the main characters and I wanted them both to win. I recommend this book, and cannot wait to see what is next from this author.

**I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**

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I had a hard time with this book in the beginning but ended up really enjoying this. Molly doesn’t believe in soulmates (thanks to her dad who left her when she was a teenager - totally understandable). So she self-sabotages any relationship. Seth is the opposite. He falls quickly and believes in soulmates. They end up making a bet: whoever correctly predicts that status of five couples by the next reunion (in five years), will have to admit that the other person is correct about their perception of whether soulmates actually exist. Seth insists that he and Molly be included as one of the five couples. Over the next 5 years, he has to prove her wrong.


♥️ reversed Grumpy x sunshine
♥️ Second Chance
♥️ Opposite attraction
♥️ Goldenretriever MMC
♥️ Dual POVs

Please check trigger warning ⚠️!!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I love the enemies-to-lovers and opposites-attract romance tropes, but I don't know how to feel about this book. I didn't love it and I didn't hate it. The writing was good and the characters were all very likable and well developed.
I was rooting for Seth and Molly, but the story was drawn out.. 3 out of 5 stars for me.

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I don’t normally read books that span over multiple years- but made an exception for this novel, as the premises sounded intriguing. The blurb is a little misleading, as the book doesn’t really focus much on “the bet” and it really isn’t talked about much at all, in my opinion. The two main characters mention it flippantly over time, but it’s like one sentence, each time it is mentioned.

The two main characters are intriguing and you definitely root for them throughout the book. That being said, their affection for each other felt a little forced- you didn’t see the characters grow, so much as being told they grew emotionally during the months they were apart. Then the book skips months ahead and, ta-da! The characters feel differently.

Overall, an enjoyable read. I don’t regret it. But 3/5 stars for me.

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I was pleasantly surprised by ‘Just Some Stupid Love Story’ by Katelyn Doyle. At first I wasn’t sure I was going to like the characters, they came across as very snarky, but I like the groove the novel settled into. For a romance, some heavy issues of parental abandonment, anxiety, and depression were addressed, and in the end, the HEA was truly earned. Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

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Okay so I’ll be the first to admit that I am a SUCKER for a grumpy-sunshine trope. But when the FMC is the grumpy? Hand. It. Over. I loved these two. Molly and Seth have the kind of chemistry you need in a second chance novel in order to make it work. I loved seeing them each develop their own story lines separate from one another yet somehow intertwined (think “invisible string”). The dual POV gives so much texture to each character that made them both feel inexplicably more real. A rom com that will have you laughing out loud, clutching your chest, and crying in acknowledgment with the big, big feelings they both experience.

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This would make such a great movie! May have to cut some of the spicy scenes if it was adapted though—ha! Loved the timing of the chapters and the dual POV. Also, glad to see that both main characters were flawed. It seems in most romances one character is saving the hopeless other. In this case, Molly and Seth each had issues to overcome before getting into something serious. The relationship with their mutual friends were also fun to follow over the extended timeline.

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Overall I enjoyed this book. I love a role reversal grumpy/sunshine concept. The MMCs golden retriever, badass lawyer was well done. I really really fell for him. I had some discomfort with the FMC, but in her totality, she was likable enough. They were worth rooting for, though I think he was the one who carried the story. I thought the love story between them was compelling, though five years back and forth was a lot. I understood the idea of bad timing, though I struggled with some of the things that kept them apart. Read: a $30k trip to Tiffany’s was too serious of a detour. At times the plot points felt too big or heavy compared with the levity of the story generally. Specifically, the third act breakup was ROUGH. Oof. So painful and not in the hurts so good way, but I was ultimately pleased with the resolution.

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This book made me exceptionally angry, because I had to set it down to go do something. That’s clearly the book’s fault, and should not be taken in any way as commentary on my time management skills.

Molly is an emotionally stunted cynic that doesn't believe in love.

Seth is a hopeless romantic desperate for a real connection.

They broke up at the end of high school and reconnected at their 15 year reunion. Seth convinces Molly to make a bet that he can accurately predict the fate of five couples before their next reunion, and thus has an excuse to keep in touch with her.

Their story was lighthearted and funny at times, but soul crushing at others.

I loved it.

Their story is full of cliché romance tropes, but self aware enough to call attention to it in real time. This is not the first screenwriter story I’ve read this year, but it is my favorite. ❤️

The story in its current state is also written and edited better than many published works. Love that.

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Does the good guy always get the girl seems to be the basis for a lot of romcoms and this one is no different. Main character Molly does everything in her power to push away the one guy who is right for her and has loved her for 15 years. The story isn't bad, with some great meet cutes and interactions between the characters. But then Seth continues to love Molly, in spite of herself. His love is admirable, but Molly as a character is selfish and difficult to like. Seth needed to grow a backbone and walk away when Molly treats him horribly. While it is a lovely ending to their story, Seth also needed counseling to see the worth in himself. He deserved better than Molly, no matter how much he loves her and she grows to love him.

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Umm is it June 4th yet? This book, wow — I LOVE romance and this book had the perfect mix of romance and comedy in it. I can’t wait to get this book in physical form and add it to my bookshelf. Amazing!

A rom-com screenwriter goes home for her 15th reunion and reunites a flame with her high school boyfriend who is now a divorce attorney.

A very funny, yet heartfelt novel — a book that you will keep on reading. You know that hard to put down and do daily tasks type of book.

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Enjoyable rom-com - though the main character’s tendency to self-sabotage is extremely frustrating. (Probably accurate to real life.)

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Gosh, I loved this one!!! I am a sucker for romance stories, especially those where the character writes Rom-Coms. I thought it was so cute, so well done. I loved Seth (we all need a Seth!). This had "The Rom-Commers" and "Romantic Comedy" vibes. It was well done and I liked the character flaws, which seemed realistic and also made them vulnerable. Overall, I loved this love story and would read it again!

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Overall this was a cute second chance romance between former high school sweethearts, who finally realize they just might be each other's soul mates.

Molly Marks is a screenwriter for hollywood rom-coms, which is funny since she's the most
skeptical of true love and soul mates as one can get. Enter her ex-boyfriend from high school, Seth Rubinstein. He's the complete oppostie of Molly, a bit of a golden retriever in a man's body, and someone who aboslutely believes in true love, despite being a divorce lawyer. Molly broke Seth's heart after high school and they have successfully avoided one another, until their 15th high school reunion.
And thus starts our adventure, where Seth and Molly touch base for the next five years. Seth intent on winning Molly back, Molly intent on reminding Seth how true love doesn't exist.

The writing is good, the banter between Molly and Seth is good as well. The one thing that lost me a little was how long it took to get them back together. In some areas the book drags out a bit too much, and I almost lost interest, despite the fact I really like these 2 characters.

Thus 3 stars for me. It's not too steamy, so for those who like a little less steam in their romance, this is probably an excellent choice. Just know it can get a little long about 2/3 of the way into the book.

Thanks NetGalley for providing an arc for my honest review.

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