Member Reviews

Molly Marks doesn't believe in love. Her ex high school boyfriend Seth Rubinstein does. After an awkward hookup, they make a bet: whoever can better predict the fate of five couples in the next five years must declare that the other is right. When they agree that the fifth couple should be the two of them, what could go wrong?

My Grade: D ⭐️⭐️ I stopped reading at 48% (that awkward sex scene) and then went back and skimmed through it to the ending. I really tried.
Spice Level 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️/6

Some tropes used: Second chance, childhood friends, grumpy/sunshine, super cinnamon roll MC.

The Good:
-Dual POV. It was done really well and helped with the flow.
-I appreciated the amount of mental health representation! Mentions of medication and therapy throughout.
-There were some moments where Seth was pretty funny.

The Meh:
-My main issues with this book was the FMC Molly. I found her to be incredibly cruel to Seth and her character was just an awful person. Knowing how he felt about her she didn't hesitate to throw her dates in his face, and she only wanted him when he wasn't available. I know her character had mental health issues, but this didn't make me want to cheer her on.
-Some of the dialog was unrealistic and I actually had to pull up the dictionary. Who talks this way? Obviously I need to go back to school.
-Seth was a bit much at times, too sunshine and rainbows. It got annoying.
-There is an incredibly awkward scene starting at about 47%, and I hated It so much I had to put the book down. I lost a bunch of respect for both Molly and Seth. Especially Seth.
-A bad 3rd act breakup.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was a very easy read and I really liked the polar opposite characters. The history of young love and how no matter how old we get, there is something special about the people that have known us since our younger years. It’s a strong bond that cannot be broken.

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I received a copy of this from NetGalley. This review is my own opinion.

Unputdownable. This is a second chance romance about high school sweethearts. Opposites attract with a hopeless romantic and a cynical grump. The fun part is that the hopeless romantic is the hero, who is the best golden retriever kind of character. The heroine is the grumpster who despite a career of creating HEA in her screenwriting, continuously refuses to accept one for herself. They reunite at a 15 year high school reunion and for the next five years, continue to orbit each other in tender moments and missed opportunities all while living across the country from each other. This is dual POV and I felt it read more like a movie script with witty dialogue and crazy plot twists.

I have not read this authors other (historical romances) but I will definitely read any more contemporary romances she’s writes.

Loved it!

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Just some stupid love story, is an incredible romance novel that everyone should read one day. From the storyline to the characters, the imagery; this story is the best romance novel I have ever read.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

Much to her chagrin, Molly Marks finds herself at her high school reunion and face-to-face with her ex-boyfriend, Seth Rubinstein. The two have a complicated past full of hurt and distrust, but they decide to make a bet on love, and whether or not it exists in the relationships around them, both of them to return five years later to see what has happened. Readers get to see what transpires as the two reconnect over five years.

I feel like this book is an exceptionally “grown-up” romance, analyzing why we do what we do to ourselves and the people around us, and what goes into our respective traumas that we carry around. It is extremely well written and relevant to our time, and it is nice to see a main male character positive rather than grumpy. (I think I’m a bit over the grumpy trope these days.) The dialogue is snappy and their relationship seems real. The Florida setting was fun and real! I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

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Molly broke up with her high school sweatshirt Seth 15 years ago and has felt horrible about it ever since. A chance encounter as their 15 year high school reunion rekindles feelings and a bet for their next reunion, which couple will stay together and who won't.

Molly is a see cyncial rom com writer whose parents divorced and her dad left a wake a damage. Seth, whose ultimate goal is to get married and have kids tries desperately to convince Molly they were always meant to be even though he's a divorce attorney now.

I liked this book. There were a lot of sweet moments and big grand gestures. I loved all the support characters and random run ins. It was a sweet read. I did feel like there was a ton of back and forth and communication issues that felt a little young for this genre but ultimately a good read.

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First of all, I can’t believe this is Katelyn Doyle’s debut novel and that she hasn’t been writing rom-com’s for years. I absolutely INHALED this “stupid love story” in a single afternoon and Molly & Seth are my new favorite couple! The banter, the tension, the steam - this is everything I’ve ever wanted in a romance with all of my favorite tropes mixed in. Reverse grumpy/sunshine and the most satisfying second chance romance? Sign me up immediately!

Just A Stupid Love Story sucks you in and packs an emotional punch that feels reminiscent of Emily Henry, Abby Jimenez or Katherine Center. Highly recommend you pick this up as soon as it’s released!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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*thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

This book! This book is everything! top tier romance making me feel all the feels! I absolutely loved it! Every single thing about it and I cannot fault it. First time reading this author and definitely won't be my last!! 10/10 would recommend. Wish I could rate it more than 5 star! ps.the way I ran to preorder this special edition!! *chefs kiss*

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Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC. It was a great Valentine's Day read - lighthearted and fun, I read it in two days! I loved the main characters and there were some definite laugh out loud moments - I think I laughed for two pages with the hot tub scene near the end. Hope to see more contemporary romance from Katelyn Doyle!

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DNF - The heroine and her unlikability is well-done and enjoyable, but the hero is a Golden Retriever on Crack who is probably manic and needs to seeing someone. Actually both of them do.

While I didn't LOVE the characters, I could have looked past it had the writing been anything beyond surface level. I've read this author's Historical Romances, so I know she has it in her - I just think this was a weak and shallow attempt at a rom com.

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I was attracted to the title because of its sardonic vibe. After reading the novel in one day (I could not put it down), I realize the tone of the title reflects the prickly and skittish main female character, Molly.

Ironically, Molly is a screenplay writer of rom coms, even though she doesn’t believe in soul mates or happy ever afters. We learn why as the story progresses and so are sympathetic with some of her self sabotaging actions. When she sees her high school boyfriend again at their 15 year high school reunion, it is clear they are each other’s person. It just takes awhile to get there because of their past and his sunshine personality not meshing with her grump one.

I loved the humor in all of both characters’ observations of their families, friend and environment. However, their banter with each other is so very good. The novel was so much fun to read, and I was rooting for them throughout the novel. Supporting characters and settings were also excellent.

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Thank you NetGalley, Flatiron Books and Katelyn Doyle for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Molly and Seth were high school sweethearts, Molly broke up with Seth abruptly after 4yrs and completely shut him out. Fast forward 15yrs and they reconnect at their high school reunion. Still dealing with abandonment/daddy issues Molly (rom-com writer from LA) isn’t ready to embrace Seth (divorce attorney from Chicago) and all his cinnamon roll, golden retriever enthusiasm.

Molly’s slightly grumpy, realistic personality mixed with her love for her mom and friends made her endearing despite seeming prickly at times. Seth was a little over the top for me but lovable in a slightly too sweet way that gives you a bit of a toothache but you still cannot put it down.

Enjoyed the dual POV and the fact that the story took place over several years. Read this book in one day! Liked the tension and spice.

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Molly Marks is a rom-com writer in Los Angeles, but she doesn’t believe in love. Her high school boyfriend, Seth, though a divorce attorney, is the number one believer in soulmates. These exes with differences in opinion get stuck together at their 15 year high school reunion and decide to place a bet about the fate of five couples after five years - the winner gets bragging rights for being correct about love.

This was a solid romantic comedy. I swooned (even with a side character!) and I laughed throughout this enjoyable book. Molly was a little prickly at times, but I loved her character growth. Her bluntness and dry humor was a hit for me and she really worked to not let her emotions get the best of her. Seth was a cinnamon roll golden retriever who just wanted someone to accept his love because he had so much to give. He was a little too happy for me at times, but he knew what he wanted.

The dual POV was another hit for me. I really enjoyed seeing what each character was thinking, especially when the other person had it all wrong. Their inner monologues were great!

I did feel like when the two of them were together, they reverted back to their high school selves. Some of their dialogue and actions didn’t seem like they were professionals in their thirties. It also made the chemistry between Seth and Molly seem a little off at times.

Even so, I had a great time reading this book and I absolutely loved the ending involving a little email mixup - it showed some great insight into the characters!

Thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Just Some Stupid Love Story is a laugh-out-loud, swoon-worthy read filled with perfectly executed witty banter, sexy (is it hot in here or is it just this book? 🥵) scenes and a second chance at love that’ll have you desperately rooting for a HEA!

Molly is that relatable character who’s jaded at the concept of love with significant daddy issues. The funny part is - she writes rom-com’s for a living! But opposites attract as we meet Seth, who while despite being a divorce attorney, is a complete hopeless romantic that believes in soul mates and true love. 💕 These high school sweethearts are brought back together for their 15 year reunion, and this book utilizes alternating dual
POV’s to delve into the evolution of their relationship the next five years. Love’s not always a smooth journey, but it’s a worthwhile one!

As this author’s debut in the rom-com genre, I’d say she knocked it outta the park! I was a bit hesitant at first as Molly seemed to be a total ice princess b***** and Seth was more cheese than he was actual humor, but the character development was phenomenal! Not just the main characters, but also the supporting cast - you got the perfect amount of backstory and glimpses of their personalities to enjoy them while not distracting from the main storylines. The ending did drag out a bit more than I probably would have preferred, but overall it was truly an enjoyable read. 👏

A very well-deserved 4.25 ⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley & Flatiron Books for the opportunity to read this charming digital ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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I am not usually for second chance romances but this book was just beautiful, depicting Seth and Molly as real people with real feelings and real flaws, I couldn’t stop reading it! Thank you for the opportunity to read it ahead of publication. I’ll definitely be on the look out for next books from Ms Doyle.

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This is very much a “your mileage may vary” type of book, but, fuck, it really worked for me. The cynical black cat FMC and eternally optimistic golden retriever MMC is my catnip, and I ate this book up. It was sweet, tender, sexy, and real, and I had a great time.

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This is a fun read. No real surprises from the main characters, but I still wanted to know how they resolved their challenges. Nice pacing. Not to underestimate the intelligence of the target audience, but it's interesting to note that while the characters are relatively uncomplicated the author throws in phrases like, "I smell petrichor." Seems oddly out of place in this relatively easy read.

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The banter, chemistry, and the character development was so enjoyable. Sometimes it's hard to see characters fail and repeat mistakes but it felt realistic. The characters were endearing. I was invested and I read it in one day.

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Great read. Started a little slow, but loved the character development and storyline. Molly deserved her happy ending,. Which was that much stronger due to her stifles asking the way.

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Did not finish @ 44%

Usually if I'm (almost) halfway through a book, I'll just tough it out and finish it. However, I reached the covid chapter and I really could not do it anymore. I don't think this book was BAD-bad, but I also don't think it was particularly well-written.

It'’s more a tell not show, and I cannot stress to you that I do not want to generalize but the male main character does not read like a straight man’s pov at all. The language and wording in his chapters were just so…glaringly obvious that a woman wrote this. This also made the two povs sound very similar even though they’re supposed to be polar opposites in personality.

Otherwise the romance itself was fine. just fine. Maybe if I kept reading I would enjoy everything more but this gave me similar vibes, writing- and character-wise as Romantic Comedy (2023), and I really did not relive that.

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