Member Reviews

Seth and Molly. They truly are special.
Childhood sweethearts who broke up before college and it still hurts. They reunite at their high school reunion and make a bet about how real love is. Boy, do they have it coming! The big twist you ask? She's a rom-com screenwriter and doesn't believe in love, he's a divorce attorney who also happens to be a hopless romantic, ohhh the irony is so so sweet and makes for a very fun reading time.
The characters of Molly and Seth are very well fleshed out and I loved the character growth they both go through along the way. It - THEY FEEL REAL and multilayered and they are messy and sometimes annoying but isn't that what real life and real people are like anyway? So yeah. You should pick it up and it comes out June 4th 24, because I loved every page.
Favorite tropes:
- Grumpy/Sunshine
- Second chance romance
- Daddy Issues (because of course)

Thank you to #NetGalley and Flatiron Books for the eARC! My opinions are entirely my own! :)

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It was very cliche and overdone doesn't mean it wasn't good or cheesy...just like everything else on the market of romcom right now.

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I will admit that jumping into this book, I thought I wasn't going to like it. The MMC used the word 'delish' right off the bat and that gave me the ick. Thankfully, I kept reading and my opinion did a complete 180.

I LOVED this story. It was a roller coaster of emotions, the entire time. I'm use to reading fluffy romance books where the couple meets and falls in love with no problems thrown their way and they get a happy ending. I think this book perfectly captures the way real relationships can be. Relationships are hard and sometimes you have to work at them. Molly and Seth have completely taken over my heart.

Thank you to NetGalley and publishers Flatiron for letting me read this early to review!

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Thank you. NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc.

The story is about Molly and Seth- high school sweethearts who had a bad breakup reunited at their 15 year high school reunion. Molly is notoriously grumpy, despite her job as a romance movie screen writer while Seth is a hopeless romantic despite his job as a divorce attorney. They make a bet to settle the argument- does true love exist?

-short chapters
-comically entertaining


- so much will they won’t they

Overall really enjoyed this read!

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I really enjoyed this book but I'm going to be honest with you. Molly was really annoying and mean to Seth. I didn't like that part. The rest was really good!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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You know those books where you want to highlight every other line because it's one witty moment after another? That is me with this book. I devoured it all in one day and just ...happy sigh.

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This book started off slow for me, but about 25% in I was hooked! I thoroughly enjoyed the fact that the guy was overly romantic instead of the girl. I also absolutely loved the sexting scene. 5/5 for spice!! Parts were a bit cheesy for me, but overall this was so cute. By the end I was swooning.

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Nothing about this book stood out to me. It's a quick read, and I'm sure the story will hit home with a niche audience, but it was not my favorite rom-com, and I am unlikely to recommend it to others. There are better books out there. The characters fell flat with me, and at many times, were just annoying. Very stereotypical writing that lacked creativity, in my opinion. I did manage to get through the entire book, which is the reason for 2 stars instead of 1. However, it ends exactly the way you think it's going to end from the first chapter of the book. It wasn't deep enough to invoke any real emotion.

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Molly broke up with Seth after high school because she was afraid of commitment. They meet back up at their high school reunion, as as much as Molly fights it, sparks fly again. This is the story of their mending over a series of 5 years. I loved the slowness of this book. It helped me feel very deeply about their story and had me cheering for them like crazy! Definitely recommend!

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I really enjoyed this summery, rom-com beach read book. The school reunion bet on each couple kept me intrigued as I was eager to see the outcome play out for each couple. It was cute but also kept the reader engaged. The main character, Molly, was a self-sabotager and for me, I don't like this type of character. She had two major self-sabotaging situations with Seth, and for me, it felt like the relationship was toxic due to her insecurity. I finished the book feeling like Seth can never fully trust her. Additionally, the constant references to Covid felt over the top. Overall, it is a well-written book and I would definitely read more from this author.

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I loved it! Reading the blurb, you'd think its just another high school sweethearts second chance romance, which is yes, there is no denying that that is the trope. However, there was a lot to unpack. Even though Molly is a romance scriptwriter, she doesn't believe if love or happily ever afters. Meanwhile, Seth is a divorce lawyer who believes in soulmates and want his own HEA. Molly has divorce trauma so she doesn't believe she's capable of love and often self-sabotage. Seth rushes into relationships because he wants his happily ever after. They're definite opposites.

I'm a fan of the reverse grumpy/sunshine happening in this book. Molly and Seth's romance was years in the making. No matter where they were in life, they can't help but be pulled to each. They banter, they flirt, and they're making up fo lost time.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this in exchange for my honest review. Just Some Stupid Love Story had everything I want in a romance novel. Loved the flawed characters and their years long buildup. The pages flew by in my attempt to inhale this delightful treat. The author’s writing style was literary, not fluff; self deprecating, which I adored, and had just enough “real life” struggle mixed in to make it wholly believable. For fans of Emily Henry, this is a perfect book for you!

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Rom com writer Molly Marks has seen what love can do, after watching her father cruelly divorce her mother. Despite falling in love with Seth Rubenstein as teens, she dumps and ghosts him for 15 years when they reunite at their high school reunion. A one night stand later they make a bet as to which five couples (including themselves) will still be together by their 20th reunion.

This book ticked all my favourite reading jams in the fresh way that I wish more writers adopted. This time the cynic who eschews relationships is the woman, while the male character is the romantic one who is has an unfailing optimism. Throw in a slow burn second chance and I was in reading pleasure.

I loved watching Molly and Seth slowly grow to be the people they needed to be for not just the other, but for themselves. Molly will frustrate many as her fears of abandonment results in her lashing out at Seth because she was petrified of losing him. But Seth will also frustrate by throwing himself into relationships too hard and fast because he's desperate for a wife and kids. But he just 'got' Molly and understood her fears and would get her to open up. Yet he also stood up for himself when she would denigrate his job. Both of them break each other's hearts but are aware they have insane chemistry and banter, but their outlooks are the antithesis of each other due to where they are emotionally.

At times the pace could lag a bit and I also found Seth's dialogue incredibly cheesy at times with how much of a sap he was (it didn't see realistic his thoughts were that Hallmark-y), and I also wish we saw more on page with Seth learning to stop diving all in so quickly, especially the weekend getaway chapters. How did he not see that coming given all he knew about the woman he proclaimed to understand!?

I breezed through this book as I was so invested in Seth and Molly even though I half wanted to cheer them on and half give them a good dose of home truths. This book has everything I love in a rom com - witty banter, complex and well-rounded characters that leap off the page.

Thanks to Flatiron Books and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Wow. Just...WOW. I'll be thinking about this book for a long time, and it's on the shortlist to be a BOTY for me. I think this is going to be a book that you either love or don't, not much in-between. Seth and Molly run into each other at their high school reunion fifteen years after a rough breakup. With opposing views of love, they make a bet about five of the couples around them and agree to declare a winner in five years at the next reunion. The rest of the book visits Seth and Molly and their interactions over the next years, with commentary on the couples around them. Their individual growth is relatable and realistic and Doyle has me cheering for them the entire time.

I'm giving this book 4.5 stars (rounding up to 5) for two reasons only: in part one, there is a fade-to-black scene with minimal spice and further in the book a rather explicit scene. I love spice, I'm here for spice, and I welcome spice, but it felt very out of place after the previously vague and fade-to-black scene. Consistency with these situations are key. The second reason is the first part feels a little underdeveloped compared to the rest of the book Part one is incredibly quippy with great one-liners, but not a lot of great paragraphs. It serves to set up the plot, but is the weakest part of the book for me.

Those points addressed, I am so glad I kept reading. I LOVED this book. Doyle's perspective on mental health, relationships with family and oneself is equal parts heartbreaking, refreshing, and true. I resonated deeply with these characters and could have read about forever. I can't wait to get myself a physical copy of this book.

Thank you to NetGalley, Katelyn Doyle, and Flatiron Books for the advanced ebook in exchange for my honest review.

Quote that punches right into the solar plexus: "I am never as lonely as I am in the aftermath of being so happy."

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A sweet love story that takes place during the worldwide pandemic. I love the aspects of shared emails and texts. The characters were easy to root for and relatable.

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This book fell right in the middle for me. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. I had high hopes based on the blurb but it took me a long time to really get into the story and have motivation to read it. For characters that are supposed to have very different outlooks on life I had some issues telling the POVs apart. That is probably a me thing, but it was disorienting for a bit. The story took place over 5 years and it felt very drawn out to me. I know it is about finding each other and opening up after being at the wrong place at the wrong time for so long and both characters had a lot of things to work through before they could really be in a relationship, but It was just one thing after another keeping them apart that it took me out of the story. This is marketed as a rom-com, but for me that is not the right designation. It is a romance since Molly and Seth's relationship is the entire plot, but it was lacking in the comedy part of rom-com for me. I do think some readers will love it, so don't let my middle-of-the-road-ness keep you from reading it if you find the blurb interesting!

Thank you Flatiron Books and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Yes! Another entertaining, hilarious enemies-to-lovers, opposites-attract romance—my auto-approved tropes that I dive into without a second thought. The smart banter, high chemistry, and intriguing dating concept form the perfect recipe for my rom-com addict membrane! The character development, including supporting characters, is also well-executed and easy to connect with.

The only thing that held me back from giving it five stars is the story's longevity, reminiscent of Jason Segel and Emily Blunt’s five-year engagement movie concept. Although intelligent and well-written, the extended timeline made the overall process a bit blurry, leaving me questioning where the story was headed and when it would wrap up. I had a similar feeling while reading this book. The timeline felt too lengthy, and I wish it had been condensed to a two-year span to allow for tighter editing, ensuring I could fully enjoy the entire concept. The last third, while a bit dramatic and angsty, was still good and kept me engaged. Overall, it's a well-crafted rom-com that has earned the author a spot among my favorite romance authors, satisfying my craving for clever .

In this delightful reverse grumpy sunshine tale, our female protagonist, Molly, takes on the role of the pessimist, while Seth, the male lead, embodies the archetype of the "golden retriever boy." It's a refreshing twist on the grumpy sunshine trope, deviating from the typical dynamic and adding a layer of enjoyment to the story.

Molly and Seth's encounters after high school are marked by a sense of fate, yet various obstacles, often initiated by Molly, hinder their connection. Witnessing their characters evolve amid these challenges was thoroughly entertaining.

One of the standout aspects of this book is Seth's genuine care for Molly, a significant factor that elevated my appreciation for the story. Exploring his perspective added depth and richness to the narrative.

It admittedly took me a while to warm up to Molly, given her departure from the typical female protagonist mold I usually favor. However, by the end, she grew on me, showcasing her character's development.

The story unfolds at a high school reunion where a rom-com screenwriter and a divorce attorney, Molly and Seth, reunite and embark on a one-night stand. The twist is the screenwriter's grumpy disposition toward love, contrasting with the attorney's sunny demeanor—a truly iconic setup.

Before parting ways, they make a bet on understanding relationships better, questioning the existence of soulmates. Predicting the fate of five couples, including themselves, they plan to reconvene in five years at the next reunion to determine the winner.

This dual POV narrative delves into the evolving relationship over the years, portraying realistic flaws in the characters. Molly's trauma from her parents' divorce and her reluctance to commit, juxtaposed with Seth's idealized view of love and rushing into relationships, adds complexity.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Flatiron Books for sharing this entertaining book’s digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.

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I highly recommend Just Some Stupid Love Story for anyone who loves non-conventional love stories. The story focuses on a couple who hook up during a high school reunion. What really set it apart from other similar books I've read lately is that it takes place across a long timeframe, where the couple meets up or interacts and then ends up with other people and then the story picks up later. I loved that aspect, as it felt very true to life.

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Really enjoyed this one! Thank you for the arc I really liked the character development as well as the plot and story told through the reunion of the classmates.

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I really enjoyed this book!

This is a reverse grumpy sunshine story where the FMC is pessimistic and has a hard time showing her feelings, and the MMC is your typical "golden retriever boy"! Most of the books with this trope (grumpy sunshine) are reversed, so I enjoyed the change and her being the grumpy one for once!

Molly and Seth meet up several times after high school, and they always have this sense of fate, but something always stands in the way (usually Molly!).

It was so fun watching their characters grow as things just never quite lined up for them.

The way Seth cared about her was a HUGE part of why I loved this book. Seeing his POV really made this story so much better.

I'll admit, it took me a long time to warm up to Molly. She is so opposite of the typical FMC that I like, but in the end, she really grew on me!

I rate this ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

* Dual POV
* Second chance
* High school reunion
* Reverse grumpy sunshine

Thank you Flatiron Books and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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