Member Reviews

Cute story about former high school pair meeting up over and over. Finally having placed bets on mutual friends relationships and outcomes over 5 year period, realized the inevitability.
Story went a little long to reach 5 years. Could have ended sooner.

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Just Some stupid Love Story was an enjoyable read with a storyline that takes place over several years. I enjoyed the writing but something was off with the characters and chemistry. It took one a while to finish but I’m glad I did.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I really enjoyed this! I'm a big fan of Scarlett Peckham so was super excited to hear that she had a contemporary romance coming out under a new name--and I was not disappointed. I loved the characters, the banter is great, the angst is definitely there, and I loved that the novel spans a longer period of time so that we really get to see the relationship between our two main characters grow and develop. I was there for the build up and the pining, but I think where this novel lost me a little bit was towards the last third, once the two leads actually get together. I think I was expecting it to be a bit more impactful or dramatic, especially after all the tension of the preceding chapters, but it didn't quite stick the landing for me. Regardless, I really liked this, and I can't wait for more from Katelyn Doyle!

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for honest feedback.

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This book was not a favorite for me on any level. The premise and the story seemed fun and like a light read, but wow this book did not hit well for me at all. The book was long with so many ups and downs throughout that made it a struggle to enjoy for me. It was as if there were so many problems to make the book longer, not because it needed to be there. The main characters were really rough to stay connected to, and honestly I just felt bad for them. This book was not fluid, it was all over the place, and it seemed like one main character or the other was always toying with the other. This was a long drawn out book that made me sad at the end somehow! I don't like to be this negative in a review, but honestly, after reading it, it left me annoyed and frustrated. I did not care for any of the characters, the storyline was rough, and overall, it was just a bummer of a book.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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I absolutely could not put this one down. Each flashback tugged at my heartstrings just a little bit more and had me rooting for both characters to find their happiness. I loved how it turned out to not be nearly as predictable as I had expected, in fact, at one point I truly didn't think there would be a classic HEA at all. Katelyn Doyle dealt with real heartbreak and mental illness in a raw and relatable way without rushing through it- making love the easy solution. I appreciated that the book took place over several years and gave the characters time to truly live out their emotional journeys. If you want a romance with real character depth and no cookie cutter plot, I would highly recommend this title.

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So cute. Love the opposite attracts, second chance romance. Banter with amazing dialogue and even better friendship dynamics. Takes place over several years, and seeing that growth is great.

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A rom-com that is actually about a rom-com writer, Molly, who (at a low point in her life and career) reconnects with her high school sweetheart (a divorce lawyer) at their 15 year high school reunion. Great characters and lots of crazy situations make this a fun and engaging read.

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I loved how the author builds the emotional connection between her leads with painstaking care and attention to detail. What makes this story shine is that the hero never disregards or undermines the heroine’s need for self-definition. Because, first and foremost, this is the tale of a woman who’s learning to love herself before she can love anyone else. Definitely a full 5 stars read for me.

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A divorce attorney who believes in soul mates and a rom-com writer who believes true love is only a fairy tale reconnect at their 15th high school reunion. Molly and Seth dated for four years in high school but Molly broke up with him the night of high school graduation and then spent the next two years mourning him and the next thirteen years pushing away any relationship that started getting too serious. Seth, on the other hand, has spent the time pursuing one woman after another, longing for the family and stability he craves but ends up disappointed. And finally, Seth and Molly meet again. High school sweethearts. They make a bet. Five couples at the reunion. Who will still be together in five years? The winner has to either admit that soul mates exist or that romance is dead. And one of the couples? Seth and Molly. I really enjoyed this book, which chronicles the next five years through both Seth's and Molly's POV, sometimes describing the same events, which I LOVED. You learn why Molly is so against permanency and opening herself up to real love and why Seth has never been able to find what he's looking for. I wish there had been at least one more section before the 20th reunion, as the ending felt a little rushed. And then I wished for an epilogue maybe another five years in the future. I would NOT say no to a sequel to this story!

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I really enjoyed reading Just Some Stupid Love Story. I will give it 4.3/5 stars. It is definitely worth a read. I really enjoyed Seth's character and think he is a great book boyfriend! At times Molly, the main character, annoyed me. A bit frustrating to keep thinking that I hope this isn't an HEA so Seth finds a girl he deserves. Apart from being a bit too predictable and slightly annoying, I would recommend this book for the banter, writing style, dual POV, and the fact I couldn't put it down. Thanks for letting me read this.

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