Member Reviews

This was a beautiful ode to fan-fiction, adolescence and the joys of both creating and forgiving.

This book is chock full of beloved tropes that are prominent in both published books and fiction, with a sharp attention to detail that almost read as a secret-handshake to fan-fiction readers and writers alike.

A fun read that has you reflecting whether what you really want is in reality or fiction and the importance of friendship, communication and reconciliation.

5/5 stars

⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Rating: 3.5 stars

When Ivy wakes up to her favorite character, Weston, in her room, it seems like a dream - especially when he is obsessed with her and thinks they’re soulmates. As the days pass on, she realizes that what should be a dream isn’t turning out how she would hope and she teams up with her friend, Henry and her ex-best friend and crush Mack, to figure out what to do with Weston.

This is an author who I have loved in the past, but this one fell a little flat for me. I was hoping this would be a wonderful sapphic love story, but it ended up being mostly what I would consider a realistic fantasy and dealing with a weird magic fanfic character brought to life.

I feel like there wasn’t enough tension between Mack and Ivy in the present day and Ivy’s revelation felt kind of meh when she was never really super into Weston in the first place beyond just not wanting to get rid of him.

My favorite character in this was Henry (I love a good acearo character!) and I’m mad on his behalf we didn’t get the audition tapes

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I LOVE Sophie Gonzales' writing and stories. She always has a fun, unique take on something, and delivers on the characters and plot.

The Perfect Guy Doesn't Exist takes on fanfiction and it's tropes and shoves them into reality and it's hilarious.
The chapters are split into past and present as we explore the history of Ivy and her love interest Mack, how they became ex-friends, and how they come back together.

The way the fanfic character, Weston, is explained requires a bit of magical believability, (and oh my goodness that last day!), but it was so spot on for how fanfics would actually play out. I was dying at the one bed scenario and Ivy's response, as well as the other tropes she explored. I'm trying not to give spoilers, but I just loved how this was all handled.

This book also explores friendships well, and how you have friends for different things that interest you, and you have to work to maintain deep friendships that might not have as much in common anymore, and how adding friends to a friend group could be difficult.

This was such a fun read as a fandom lover and I can't recommend it enough if you love fandoms, fanfic, queer young adult contemporary romance books, Sophie Gonzales, books with heart, etc. Just read it.

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Such a fun read! As an avid fanfic reader from a very young age, I’ve read all the tropes and AUs from so many different fandoms. This book feels like a cozy love letter to fanfic writers and readers both. Featuring some of my favorite tropes, caretaker, enemies to lovers, and coffee shop AUs, this book was a joy to read! I will say that the only thing I wish would’ve been explained or discussed more was *what* exactly brought Weston to life. This book seemed very lifelike with teenage characters in a normal school, but out of nowhere, this magical event happens and there ends up being no satisfactory conclusion as to why or what caused it. “Your longing and imagination” just doesn’t cut it when it comes to someone coming to life and it even gets mentioned by the MC that “my imagination won’t work this time” to resolve the issue. Maybe that’s because I’m more used to other fantastical elements playing a role in such a scenario, but it felt a little lacking in its explanation. However, it didn’t detract from the overall coziness I felt when reading this book.

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Fanfiction & reality mixing, spells for a lot of fun.

The understanding that this book portrays what fanfiction means to people was very touching and hilarious. As it's true, it can be bizarre but sweet and honest. Listen, I wrote those Y/N fanfictions & ones with myself inserted, and I felt so much cringe and goddamn envy in this story, as honestly, I would love to have a chance with my fictional sweetheart. I know it gets weird for Ivy, but I will pretend it wouldn't be in a situation with me, haha.
I had in my mind that the favourite character coming to the real world was going to go a certain way, but Sophie Gonzales switched it up on me and kept it fresh.

Fanfiction is about expression. You can use emotions & scenes in real life to inspire a scene or write what you wish would happen, and at the heart, that is what this story is. While I was still bitter about the Mack & Ivy situation, listen, I'm a grudge holder; they were better than me and used what they learned to grow & change their story. People making a person be what you want isn't truly what you want & need.

Also, as a Supernatural, Teen Wolf, TVD, Doctor Who & What We Do in the Shadows fan, I know I would watch 'Hot, Magical, and Deadly'.It certainly seems like my jam!

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This book was so fun! After reading the synopsis I wasn’t really sure about the concept of bringing fan fiction characters to life without it being awkward and unrealistic. But I shouldn’t have been worried because Sophie Gonzales never disappoints! In less than 300 pages, she managed to create an entire fictional universe, and fan fiction for the universe, along with complex characters and backstories, in a way that did not feel rushed. I usually am not a fan of switching between past and present in a book, but it flowed so naturally that I never once felt ripped away from the story, and I think it helped make it feel as if I had known Ivy forever. As unrealistic as it is for your fan fiction to come to life, by the end of the book I was pretty on board with the concept, because the whole idea was approached with a humor and affection that made this such a original and exciting book to read.

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Ivy Winslow's parents are gone for the week. most teens might throw a rager, but Ivy's planning to spend the whole time binging her favorite fantasy tv show with her best friend, Henry, and writing self-insert fanfiction about it. (respect.) her plans come to a screeching halt the very first day when she wakes up to the main character of that show in her bed. as in, the fictional main character, Weston, man of her dreams... in her bed. and he's totally in love with her.

as perfect as this sounds, it quickly goes awry and she is forced to team up with current-best-friend Henry and former-best-friend slash former crush Mack to figure out how Weston got here, what he's going to do here, and either figure out how to keep him here or send him away.... forever.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. and I will be honest, I thought the premise sounded kind of dorky and cringy at first... like, okay, we've all dreamed of our favorite characters coming to life, but that would be a disaster in reality, right? but this book was honestly hilarious, and it took all of my hesitations into consideration by the end. plus, I also really appreciated the inclusion of an aroace character in the main cast!

it was a little silly, and yeah, a little cringy, but in the enjoyable, teenagers-are-kind-of-cringy-because-I'm-22-now way. it skews a little young in my opinion, so don't expect the characters to be uber mature. they're teenagers, with teenager problems. (besides the whole, "my favorite character came to life and is in love with me" thing, but whatever.)

this is the second book of SG's that I've read an ARC of and really enjoyed! I'm really grateful I got the chance to read this early because based on the synopsis, I probably wouldn't have picked it up on my own. I definitely recommend buying a copy in March!

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I’ve always been the BIGGEST Sophie Gonzales fan but this one fell flat for me :( I loved the premise, but the prose felt stilted and awkward. Weston as a character felt underdeveloped and his dialogue landed on creepy rather than romantic. I wish I liked this one more!!!

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Sophie Gonzales shines in this queer romance. As someone in a fan fiction community,this book from start was hit to me. Romance is adorable with such great LGBTQ+ rep - I loved the characters and story so much. The blend of realistic teen relationship issues with sweet romance tropes is perfect. Highly recommend!

A special thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press & Wednesday Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. (less)

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Sophie Gonzales is a comedic genius and I will not be taking any feedback on that statement.

“You’re the worst thing that’s ever happened to me,” Weston says, locking eyes with me with an intensity that makes me feel nervous, and a little itchy. “I rue the day we met. I envy the parallel-universe version of myself, who never had the misfortune of knowing your name.”

I swallow. “I . . .”

“Now come here and kiss me,” Weston says.

With the perfect guy doesnt exist, Gonzales once again knocks it out of the park. If you love fanfiction and romance books, tropes (and picking them apart), ludicrous situations, lovable characters, a twisty, fast-paced plot, and a gooey happy ending, this is the book for you!


“You’re a child,” he says, taking several steps toward me.

“I’m rubber and you’re glue,” I say without looking up from the box. That is, until Weston reaches my side and stares down at me until I reluctantly meet his gaze.

“Step on me,” he says, his voice thick with desire.


When Ivy accidentally brings her favorite fanfic character, Weston, to life, she has to figure out how to manage him--and his increasingly desperate declarations of love--with the help of her best friend, and her ex-best friend turned crush turned enemy.

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TALENTED, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before--

I think I've made my point. I absolutely love love loved the newest romcom from Sophie Gonzales, who never misses! It warmed my heart, it made me laugh (constantly), I was invested in all of the characters, I adored all the fanfic references. I loved the super sweet (achingly sweet) romance between Mack and Ivy, and there truly wasn't a dull moment in this entire story. I just didn't want it to end.

I'm so thrilled there's so many more sapphic books on the market, and I'm SO happy and honoured to have the opportunity to support books like this. We need sapphic books that are serious and tragic and that explore important topics, but we need silly, over-the-top, sugary sweet romances just as much.

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The author nailed the voice of our sixteen-year-old protagonist. I didn't realize this was YA when I requested. I haven't been connecting as well with them lately, and unfortunately, this one was not an exception. Stopped at the end of chapter 1 (6%). The writing was done well, and it should appeal well to the target audience.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

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I don't often read or enjoy YA books, but I was kindly sent an early copy of "The Perfect Guy Doesn't Exist" and because I really did enjoy another one of Sophie Gonzales' books (Never Ever Getting Back Together) I decided to give it a go. I definitely do not think this is a book for me, but it isn't meant to be. It's a very sweet story following a sixteen-year-old who accidentally brings the main character from her favourite show to life through writing fanfiction between him and an inspired by herself original character. First-person point of view is not my favourite and the writing was juvenile, which works for the target audience and the type of book it is, but didn't work for me. I liked the friendships between all of the main characters and the romance was endearing. If I read this when I was twelve, I probably would've rated it five stars, for me now, it's closer to 2.5, so I will split the difference. Overall, it was enjoyable and well done, and if you're a fan of YA, romance, and fanfiction, I'm sure you'll love it.

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think of ur fave romance book. quick! ok, you got it? now imagine ur book bf comes to life and is heads over heels in love with u. all of our dreams, right? but i KNOW some of u girlies were thinking about haunting adeline or penelope douglas. calling all the dark romance readers here. do we ACTUALLY want that love in real life? i mean, maybe 🤣😉

the main character is a wattpad girlie, a fanfiction writer of her fave fantasy tv show. she loves this character so much she literally wishes him into existence (relatable, right?). all of our favourite tropes come to life (coffeeshop au, enemies to lovers, soulmate au, just one bed, jealousy, etc etc). she starts to think that maybe she actually never wanted this.

now i love enemies to lovers but i swear to god if some SORRY EXCUSE FOR A MAN has the AUDACITY to come up to me and start blatantly insulting me, someone's gonna get hurt (ok so probably me). if someone outright comes up to me, having just met me, and tells me they hate me, i would just straight up cry. and probably apologize to them. so maybe i'm just not fit for this trope sighhh there goes all my dreams.

anyway if u wanna see how some of your favourite tropes would fare in the real world, have a read.

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I have a very specific sort of humor, and this book is right up my alley. If you liked the barbie movie-that really over-the-top, self-aware, satirical sort of humor and plot, you'll LOVE this.

I don't want to say too much and spoil it this early, but I will say the intricate ways in which romance and fanfic tropes are woven into this story (which is written half in the past, in a serious tone, and half in the "present" in a tone so over the top and fanficcy in itself that the reader is left wondering if they are actively reading Ivy's fanfic..... given how often we're told Ivy likes to insert herself into fanfics and uses her writing to work through and solve the problems she's currently dealing with..... this is my headcanon now whether this was intended or not). I lost count of the references, the spoofs, the call-backs. This was, straight up, one of the most entertaining books I've read all year.

The romance was amazing, the laughs and ridiculousness even better! At no point could I guess where the story was going next, which is my favorite thing in a book.

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I finished this book in one sitting. I could not put it down and it had me literally laughing out loud at points in the story. Weston is hilarious. I loved the way the story flashed from past to present and how each flashback gave you more insight to the characters. This is my second Sophie Gonzales book, and I am now sold on reading everything she puts out.

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This ya sapphic rom-com was such a cute, fun and unique read about finding out what really matters in life! The moral of the story… be careful what you wish for! (And be aware of fanfic coming to life…) I absolutely loved this humorous, satirical, totally over the top and heartwarming love letter to fanfics!

When sixteen-year-old Ivy’s parents leave her home alone for the very first time, she’s looking forward to eating sweets whenever she wants to, not having anyone meddle in her personal business, eating pizza and watching the favorite show H-MAD with her best friend Henry. And not miss her former best friend, Mack. Not even thinking of her actually. But all of Ivy’s plans get derailed when she wakes up on the very first morning to find the main character of H-MAD and Ivy’s fanfiction, Weston in her bed.

From there, Sophie Gonzales takes us on a hilarious journey of hiding a completely unpredictable over-the-top romantic, brooding soul mate/superhero, to finding out who your heart truly desires and the beauty of friendship.

The characters were so fleshed out and relatable. I loved the slightly disastrous Ivy, the gorgeous Henry and the badass Mack. I loved how charmingly nerdy Ivy and Henry were with their H-MAD obsession, their fear of conflict and Ivy’s lack of social skills. And extra plus for the representation, with Ivy being bisexual, Henry aro/ace and Mack lesbian, and the way Sophie Gonzales covered just about every romantic trope out there in such a lovable way. It’s obvious how much Sophie Gonzales herself loves fanfiction and the romcom tropes, and how she wanted to explore the tropes and how they would work (or not work…) in reality. So this book is like a warm blanket to snuggle in, while enjoying the brooding superhero, the enemies-to-lovers, the miscommunication, the soul mate, the one-bed forced proximity and more in the best possible, humorous way.

Was it realistic? Well, no, of course not. But that was exactly the point. With the help of a little magic, Ivy gets a chance to discover what’s really important and real in life. And we readers get a chance to consider our own life choices and if we’ve fully listened to our hearts. And of course, we all get to learn that there is no such thing as a perfect guy, nor that always getting what we want make us happy.

(And how beautiful is the cover with art by Venessa Vida Kelley? Just looking at the book makes me happy! I definitely need to buy a paperback copy of this one when it’s released next year!)

4.5 stars rounding up to 5.

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Ivy’s been writing fan fiction over a year because she can leave the real world behind for a while especially since she and her best friend and crush, Mack, aren’t talking. Ivy’s parents are away for a few days and when she wakes up one morning Weston, one of the super heroes she writes about, is in bed with her. When Ivy doesn’t go to school Mack says she knows something is up. Ivy eventually tells her good friend Henry and they wonder can Ivy write Weston out of reality. Mack finds out about Weston and tries to help them. Can they get rid of Weston? Does Ivy tell Mack her true feelings for Ivy?

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if you’ve ever had a fanfic era, this book is for you!

it’s dual timeline, and i don’t know if it’s just me, but one half feels like a story story and the other half a fanfic, which is something i never knew i needed till now

like, this gives me allll the fanfic reading feels! like i am still in full denial that i was once (okay okay and still am) a fanfic girly but after reading this… i’m like… yep i have definitely read fanfics featuring all these tropes mentioned

thank you so so much wednesday books + netgalley for the e-arc! totally worth the lack of sleep from reading it in one sitting and i’m so freaking honoured to be an early reader!

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Could this be my new favorite romcom??

Yes. Yes it's my new favorite romcom.

In the perfect guy doesn't exist, Sophie Gonzales demonstrates that she's a master of satire. As someone who cut my teeth on fanfiction, this book was written for us. There isn't a trope she doesn't lampoon, and the amount of blink-and-you'll-miss-it references make me tempted to start it all over again from the top.

When Ivy's parents go on a business trip across the country, she's looking forward to hanging out with her best friend Henry and watching their favorite show, H-MAD (Hot, Magical and Deadly. If you want an indication of just how self-aware and glib this book is, that's all you need to know). Her plans go slightly awry when she wakes up to find that she somehow accidentally brought the main character of H-MAD, Weston, to life. Only he doesn't act exactly like the Weston from H-MAD. He sort of reminds her of . . . the version of Weston she writes in her fanfics. Ivy has to rely on not only Henry, but Mack--her ex-best friend and ex-crush--to hide Weston and figure out what to do with him.

As I mentioned, this book is heavy on the satire, and it's flipping hilarious as a result. My favorite scenes are the ones that center Mack, Ivy and Henry, because the chemistry those had was off the charts. Speaking of off-the-charts, the romance between Ivy and Mack had me kicking my feet and screaming into my pillow, which is funny because I'm usually a fan of smut, and this book is on the younger side of ya without any smut in sight. But there's plenty of angst and longing to make up for it. The stand out character for me was the super sarcastic Henry. As for Weston, he was the perfect amount of off-the-wall ridiculous.

My favorite part of the book, though, was the razor sharp commentary on the tropes we find romantic, and how we find comfort in fictional romance by inserting ourselves into it, but often by imagining scenarios that we wouldn't actually enjoy in reality. But if it sounds like it's ripping into the romance genre, rest assured, it isn't. The book actually strikes the perfect balance of examining romance, fanfic and fandom, and what purpose it serves in our lives, while poking fun at the more ludicrous parts of it.

Honestly 10x better than I expected based on the premise, and I was excited based on the premise. GO LESBIANS!!!!!!!!!!

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