Member Reviews

I appreciated Maggie Nichols' vulnerability and strength. This book sheds light on the sexual abuse scandal that ran through US Gymnastics under Larry Nassar and Steve Penny, including how USAG and even the FBI mishandled the investigation and tried to sweep it under the rug.

Even though Nichols' Olympics success was hampered (in part due to her accusations against Nassar), she had an outstanding career at Oklahoma University that was fun to hear her detail as well!

Trigger warning of sexual abuse, of course, but she tells an important story with advice for young athletes.

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Thank you, NetGalley, Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, and Roaring Brook Press for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

I have always been a fan of gymnastics and of Maggie Nichols so I could not wait to read her memoir. And we can truly get to see and experience the trajectory of her career throughout this book. The writing is honest and accessible to readers and the sections it is split into truly highlight who she is as an individual. The love she has not only for the sport but for those who were part of her journey is so clear throughout the book. But she also does not shy away from talking about the various types of pain it has caused her. She is a true champion of the sport and for her fellow gymnasts.

At one point in the book, Maggie states that she sees this memoir and the “Athlete A” documentary as companion pieces and I think that they complement each other so well and highly recommend them both.

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I remember when Maggie Nichols was competing, so I was interested to read this book. A large part of it was, of course, about her gymnastics career, especially at the Elite level and for the NCAA. I found it interesting to read about her training and competitions as well as the coaches who helped and supported her along the way.

The other main element in the book was Larry Nassar. It was heartbreaking to read, not only about the abuse, but also about the inaction after he was reported. The point of the book was a hopeful one: keep moving forward. Don't let hardships sidetrack you.

There was an even higher purpose to this book. Maggie seeks to help those who have suffered abuse and even tries to help prevent it.

Thank you to NetGalley and to Fierce Reads for the early read.

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Maggie writes a powerful memoir about her gymnastics background and finding her voice at unstoppable power despite having been abused by Larry Nassar.
I als0 enjoyed hearing about Maggie's NCAA journey as this is often overlooked as elite gymnasts see the Olympics as their highest accomplishment.
I would recommend this for fans of sports and especially gymnastics.

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I loved Maggie Nichols' account of her rise to Olympic aspirations and her tenacity in and out of the gym. Her positive spirit really shines through the book and made me want to watch a gymnastics competition! I really enjoyed learning about the ins and outs of sports, and she gave an inside look to the problems with USA Gymnastics. Further, she was Athlete A in the case against Larry Nassar and she learned that speaking out may have cost her a spot on the Olympic Team. Nonetheless, she did what was right and was able to continue her gymnastic legacy in college. I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys sports and is looking for a positive role model.

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Thank you Roaring Brook Press and NetGalley for an arc of Unstoppable! by Maggie Nichols, in exchange for my honest review. This story is raw, emotional and honest. Maggie Nichols was an elite gymnast who one of the first to come out about Larry Naser and abuse. The book starts out reading like children's book, but then get in to the investigation and more like young adult. I don't think I learned anything that was not already out there in the news. However, I have a lot of respect for Swaggie Maggie and respect that she wrote this very truthful book. This book comes out Jan. 16, 2024 and would be a great preorder book present for the holidays for a teenage gymnast.

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I didn't do gymnastics as a kid but I love following gymnasts and gymnastics. I have enjoyed reading other gymnasts memoirs and I thought another one would be super fun. Honesty, I hate to say this because it is a big deal for Maggie to share what happened to her, but I didn't love this book. The book jumped around so much and circled back and was just so disorganized. A lot of the book was superficial and full of filler sentences, like everything was amazing, felt great, was just so exciting. I know she isn't a professional writer, but she should have been working with an editor who helped make this book more cohesive. The Larry Nassar stuff was done well, but felt like it was written for a older audience than the beginning of the book. Overall I am glad I read the book and got to know more about her and her story but I think the book could have been put together better. Thank you for the ARC!

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Maggie is such a phenomenal athlete and a survivor of Larry Nasser. I really appreciated her telling her story in this book! Can't wait to see all the wonderful things she does in her future.

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Maggie Nichols does a great job in telling a wonderful story. I was invested in what was going on in this memoir. I enjoyed getting to know Maggie from this book and can’t wait to read more like this.

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Anybody who knows me knows how much I love gymnastics, so I was ECSTATIC to receive an arc for Maggie Nichols' memoir. I have been a huge fan of Maggie since I was a kid and it has been so wonderful to watch her grow as a gymnast and a person over the years. I remember the shock I felt when she released her statement that she was Athlete A, and I have been in awe of her courage and resilience as she and other prominent gymnasts have made it their mission to seek justice and answers for the abuse they faced from Larry Nassar, and the many systems and adults that failed to protect them. This memoir did such a great job of showing Maggie's journey through gymnastics, starting with her entrance into the sport as a very young kid, and ending with her graduating from OSU. I really enjoyed how she managed to explain the different mechanics of the sport, including the different skills and scoring at the various levels of youth, elite, and collegiate gymnastics, in a way that the average person who doesn't know gymnastics can understand. I loved how the story focused on her love and appreciation for her coaches and the different adult role models she had, that gave her strength and support throughout her career. I appreciated how much dedication she has given to fighting for the youth in gymnastics today to never experience the abuse and horrific coaching that she experienced at the hands of USA Gymnastics. I thought Maggie did a great job of explaining the different stages of the lawsuits and proceedings she has been a part of to get justice against Larry Nassar, USAG, and the FBI, while also tying these legal experiences to the traumatic personal experiences she had. Most of all, I admired Maggie's overarching theme of resilience, trusting your instinct when something is wrong, and her dedication to being an excellent role model for younger children getting into the world of sports and especially gymnastics. I highly encourage this read to anyone interested in gymnastics or the events surrounding Larry Nassar.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan's Children's Publishing for providing me with this advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest review!

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For the majority of the book, it felt too young for the audience, but then the later chapters when describing the investigations, it was more on the level for 16-18 and above. I would say it’s a cross between motivational and memoir and a little informative but also feels a bit narcissistic at times.

When I first started reading, I felt like it was supposed to be for 9-12 year olds, but when I looked at the promotional material in the front it said 14-18.

I suppose it would be a good read for any young girl who’s interested in gymnastics and what it takes to get to the top in that sport, but then the later chapters would be hard to slog through for them.

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Beyond excited to acquire, review, and share this book especially with our young readers. I remember reading so many gymnastics and figure skating biographies growing up and how much they inspired me. I'm so happy to be able to do that with Maggie's story for this generation. Especially with everything she's been through with the abuse allegations from the Gymnastics Co. What an inspiring and beautiful story of strength determination and perseverance

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As a longtime fan of elite gymnastics, I thought this was really good. Maggie's inclusion in the Olympics is always up for debate and she was treated unfairly. Whether she should've made the team or not is irrelevant - it is how USAG handled her standing up for herself and others that was truly reprehensible. This was an interesting memoir in that typically you can tell that the celebrity told their story to someone else who then wrote or edited it for them. In this case, you can tell it is truly Maggie's voice for most of the writing, as it is slightly unpolished and personable. I appreciated this - it was more like hearing an interview or a podcast.

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I had so much fun reading this! As a long time Swaggy Maggie fan, I was so excited to read this e-arc. I loved learning more of Maggie’s story, and I felt like I went through her gymnastics career with her! She pulled me in from page one.

Maggie is so strong and brave, and she is such an encouragement to fans, gymnasts, and readers. I recommend that anyone looking for a wonderful role model should read Maggie’s book! It’s written for younger readers (maybe 12-16?), but I think everyone can learn something from Maggie’s story. ❤️

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