Member Reviews

Delightful tale of a messy monster who learns how to deal with his messy nature.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and ViaNova Productions in exchange for an honest review.

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I love all of these Monster stories! They're so creative and engaging with fun illustrations. Thanks #NetGalley

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Another fun read in the 'Monster on Mill Street' series of brightly colored rhyming stories. It features a cute little monster that learns a bit of a lesson in a fun to read rhyme. It really is quite fun to read aloud & I imagine a kid would really enjoy having this read to them. The bright, colorful illustrations go right along with the rhyme!
I received an e-ARC from publisher ViaNova Productions via NetGalley for review purposes. These are my own opinions after reading it.

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This is super cute story in rhyming lines. It’s not too long, not 1000 words per page. The kind of books parents don’t mind actually reading to the littles. Cute illustrations too.

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This is a great Children's book! The book is all about a monster who doesn't clean up after himself. His mess gets out of control and he desires a change. He starts to clean up. I love that the book specifically describes how he starts with just one thing at a time so he doesn't get overwhealmed. I also love that the book shows the specific tasks he does to clean up, picking up toys, folding socks, scopping up crayons, scrubbing the floor, etc. Overall its a great tool to share with kids who tend to be more messy.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Sarah Sparks writes silly stories in catchy rhyme.
They tell tales of monsters who are having quite a bad time.
They are too bouncy, too angry, or make a big mess.
Their habits are out of control and cause quite a distress.
Kids see their own problems and learn just what to do.
I adored these stories and loved the art too.

The Monsters on Mill Street series is adorable. The stories teach lessons in a fun manner with silly rhymes and even sillier artwork. Max, “The Messiest Monster on Mill Street” gets swept up in his mess and must dig his way out. He learns how to clean up after himself and prevent future messes from getting out of hand.

I would like to thank NetGalley and ViaNova Productions for an advanced reader’s copy of this book. This review was unbiased, and all opinions are entirely my own. I recommend all three books of this adorable series to families with young children and preschool or primary classrooms.

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How incredibly fun! The art and story zip the tale along in brisk fashion, but the best thing is the message. What a great way to teach a skill set of cleaning up after yourself to a child. Loved it!

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Max is the messiest monster on Mill Street. One day he gets swallowed by his own mess. He vows that if he gets out he will clean up. The illustrations are engaging as is the rhyming text. Preschoolers who are reluctant to tidy up their things will recognize themselves in Max. This would be a great addition to a library for a young child. I thank NetGalley and ViaNova productions for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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My 4 year old LOVED these so much that he asked me to read all 3 books one right after the other. Then we headed over to Amazon to see if there were more books and are sad to report that there are not. Though he does hope the author decides to write more books about the monsters on Mill street.

These books are super quick and fun to read. They rhyme and depict different monsters who are facing a struggle with a different emotion or task, of course by the end of the book the monster realizes they simply can’t have it be this way and they give kids simple steps to follow to resolve the issue.

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This is a nice story about overcoming a challenge. Very nice illustrations to accompany the story of Max. Children and adults can enjoy this story together! I look forward to sharing with families with young children.

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Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for allowing me to review this ARC with honesty.

I read this with my almost four year old who was shocked at Max and his mess. She actually seemed surprised to hear that Max left everything so dirty *side note, she does to* and asked why he didn't clean up *Wow, the double standards of this kid* but seemed happy that Max started clean up his messes.

This was the third one we read out of this series and my kid liked the monsters and learning from them.

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Thank you so much to ViaNova Productions and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.

Max is the messiest monster on mill street, he has so much to do, and no time to tidy up after, then he is sucked into his mess and can’t get free. The cookie crumbs have an army and the dust bunnies roar, leaving him desperate to get out and clean it all up.

Another adorable book in this series, Max was so adorable being super messy, always having another fun thing to do that he forgets to tidy up after and his mess gets so big it’s hard to even start cleaning it up. I loved that he wanted to change that he figured out on his own how to tidy up a bit more and not be as messy.

I loved the illustrations and the imaginative characters, seeing the funny crumb army and the dust bunnies and I loved the lost turtle sign in the back on one page, I was expecting he would be found in the heap but it wasn’t mentioned. So imaginative and so much fun. A great book to read with a child they will find it really funny, love looking at the illustrations and be learning about how to stay a bit cleaner themselves in a few basic easy steps.

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A cute little picture book about making sure you clean up after yourself because if you don't the messy piles could get in the way of doing things. Kind of a pick up as you go type of lesson. The graphics were fun, the monster was cute. I think kids would like it.

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Super adorable! I have a 9 year old daughter who is also the messiest monster and I cant wait to share this book with her! I loved how the author showed how messes can turn into big problems and how it is so much better if we can just keep up with some cleaning. Very well done and entertaining!

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The Messiest Monster on Mill Street written by Sarah Sparks and illustrated by Sypha Venders is such a great kids book! A lot of the times kiddos struggles with messes because they may not have be taught proper ways to clean up after they are done playing. This book teaches kids how to clean up and ways to make it fun too! I am a psychiatric social worker at an elementary school and will be purchasing this book to read to the kiddos I work with :)

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What a fun little book with charming illustrations! There were a couple of things I might change with the wording to make it flow a little better, but overall it was adorable. I can't wait to read it with my grandchildren. If you've got a messy little monster in your life, be sure to check it out!

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A cute book that helps early readers to understand that it is important to clean up so that you don't get buried and overwhelmed by everything.

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This book looks quite adorable and like a good resource for kids and their adults. However, despite, repeated tries, it would not download properly on NetGalley Shelf.

Edited review now that the book was available:
Adults who wish that a child they know would tidy up a bit, may enjoy sharing this book with said child. Kids will be intrigued by just how messy this, not scary, monster is.

With rhyming text and vivid illustrations, along with the most exaggerated messes ever, kids will see what Max created and what he cleans up. Hopefully, they will get the message and do their own organizing.

Many thanks to NetGalley and ViaNova Productions. All opinions are my own.

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Great illustrations and cute, lyrical flow. Highly recommend for young readers!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my review copy!

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This was a cute book. I appreciate that it sets the precedent that being messy isn't a bad thing. It's only bad if you let it get out of control and let the mess be an issue for others. Good lesson for a kids book. The art was also cute and captivating without being too busy.

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