Member Reviews

This is not my favorite trope, as this mixes the worse of miscommunication and Fake dating. But its also not the best execution, which leads to a cute but somewhat forgettable romance. Because the fake dating part is a crazy yet kind of sweet premise, but their lack of communication is what killed this. It did not seem like they had been in a long term relationship. I did want a bit more of their past relationship to be rooting for them in this time period of limbo.

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The family dynamics in this book made me laugh and felt all too relate-able! Cara is a great narrator and I loved the way the story flowed. The way that Cara's personality that came through in the book made me feel like I was living what she was going through - I could feel her frustrations, confusion and her wanting everything to work out.

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This was not Portia's best book in my opinion. It wasn't her worst either. I think the main issue I had is that the main couple who we are supposed to want end up together I just couldn't care about. Our main characters had more chemistry and connection with the side characters who were there as plot devices. I think the premise of the book was good that they are continuing to fake date during christmas even though they have broken up but the execution could have been better. I wish Portia had kept to her normal style and had them be in silly ridiculous situations where they learn they still love one another.

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This was such an enjoyable, super quick read for me. I loved picking up with Cara and Millsy and the tension between them was really engaging as a reader.

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The Faking Game will take you on emotional rollercoaster. One moment it will make you laugh out loud, the next it will have you crying in frustration and wanting to jump through the pages and give Millsy and Cara a good shake.

Portia not only gets the plot spot on in The Faking Game but the characters are all wonderful too and you finish reading feeling as though you’ve just caught up with friends you haven’t seen in a long while.

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"The Faking Game" by Portia MacIntosh is a delightful, whirlwind romance that showcases the power of pretending for the sake of others. Cara and Millsy, a former dynamic couple, find themselves at a crossroads, their love fading but their social commitments still intact. To navigate the holiday season without disappointing their loved ones, they decide to feign an undying love for one another. It's a roller-coaster of events filled with humor, mishaps, and unexpected revelations.
It’s a fast-paced, enjoyable read. The book embraces classic romantic comedy tropes like fake dating and second chances, making it a feel-good experience.
The writing is engaging, propelling the reader through the ups and downs of the charade.
"The Faking Game" is a charming tale of love, friendships, and the joys of the holiday season. A perfect pick for anyone seeking a light-hearted romantic comedy.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Cara and Millsey are keeping a secret. They broke up months ago but are trying to pretend to still be together in order to get through the holidays with their families. But do they really want to be broken up?

I adore Portia MacIntosh. She has such an amazing way of telling a deeply touching and deeply hilarious story. Here, she this just right again, the perfect balance.
I really liked Cara and Millsey. They are both well-drawn out and have so much heart to them. Cara cracked me up the entire time. I loved her first person POV! But I also adored Millsey and his ability to always fix things. He's such a good book boyfriend.
Beyond the two of them, their families are hilarious. MacIntosh as this ability to create hilarious stations from either friend groups or strangers. Here, she dips her toes into a family vacation and holiday celebrations.

All in all, a perfect relationship in trouble book that will make you laugh and cry!

Thank you to the author and publisher for the gifted copy. My reviews are always honest.

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Thank you NetGalley for the Arc.

What a struggle.
The premises of this book were so good, second chance, fake dating, hot actor MMC and smart funny FMC? I was sold.
Problem was the story was so meh.
Millsy, our MMC, wasn't doing it for me. I kind of hope for all the book that she ends up with the co-worker Charlie. At least he is cute and funny
I didn't se angst, pining and love, all the emotions were very bland.
I'm not usually this harsh, but... The plot was meh, character development zero, banter okish…
Really I have no words. Definitely disappointed

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Netflix do it so well, don't they? All the movies about 'faking a relationship' that you just know is going to end up with 'catching real feelings'. When the world feels like it's spiralling into utter in chaos, how many of us reach for THOSE kind of movies?

Well, if you do, and you love them, unreservedly, this book is one for you. Grab a copy, snuggle up with a blanket and a massive mug of tea and devour it in one sitting.

But first - a word of warning - this book is a sequel. I would highly recommend reading "The Plus One Pact" first  before diving in. To understand the dynamic of these characters, I really feel like you need the understanding of the first novel. How they met, why they fell in love, their story - to really connect with this story, you need to have really believed in their story from the beginning.

If you are a lover of truly typical tropes, this book will suit you down to the ground - 'miscommunication' and 'second chance love' are high on the list, it's not a taxing read and Portia is always able to raise a chuckle.

Many thanks to Rachel's Random Resources for inviting me onto this Blog Tour.

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I am one of the biggest fans of Portia MacIntosh’s writing, and having read many of her previous stories and totally loved them, I knew I was going to love The Faking Game just as much – and I really did. The Faking Game follows main characters, Cara and Millsy – who are the perfect couple in everyone’s eyes. There is just one small problem – they have broken up, but have decided to not tell anyone until their big planned family Christmas get-together is over.

Trying to pretend they are still a couple to their family and friends – what could possibly go wrong? Well, as it turns out quite a lot! Is it possible for Cara and Millsy to manage to fake their way through the festive season? Or will they both realise that they should be giving their relationship another chance?

The Faking Game is another brilliantly funny book by the incredible Portia MacIntosh. Packed full of love, and laughs, with incredibly funny characters and all set at the best time of the year – Christmas. If you are looking for a fun and fabulous read this festive season, make sure you add The Faking Game to your TBR pile.

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3.75 ⭐ | 1 🌶️

I’ve always loved fake dating, second chance romances but I would’ve enjoyed this one a lot more if I knew it was a follow-up to the previous book!

The romance in this one is really cute but also quite sizzling. Despite their split. The chemistry between Cara and Millsy is electrifying! You can feel the tension between both of them throughout the book, and I really enjoyed their banter.

Overall it’s a fun, quick and immersive book that’ll ease you into the Christmas spirit.

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I love a romance book and the fake dating romance trope but this book relied to heavily on miscommunication that it made you frustrated with the characters and took away from the building romance. This was made even more frustrating as the glimpses of romance between Cara and Millsy was fun to read if only they would talk to each other.

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This was a very cute holiday rom com, second chance fake dating! This was my first read from Macintosh, a well loved romance writer.

I enjoyed getting to know the FMC, Cara, and her quirkiness is easy to relate to. The book was written like you and your bestie are just having a chat, I read this is just over 24hrs hehe

I do feel like Cara and Millsy needed a bit more time together for me to feel their connection. I loved Cara, but her feeling for Millsy fell a bit short. We didn’t dive deep into their relationship, why they broke up, and their time spent together was very short.

This was a quick and fun read, but I do like a little more depth to my love stories. But, perfect for the Christmas season coming up!

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2.5 stars and I rounded down. I love the tropes that are in this book. And normally fake dating is a favorite. But the miscommunication between the characters is just so painful to read. It really took some of the fun of a Christmas read away.

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Fake it till you make it!

This was a short, fast enjoyable read about two people, Cara and Millsy, who are not quite feeling love anymore. They are a social pair, and their social calendar is booked. What to do???? How about putting on a show so that everyone thinks they are as madly in love as ever. Once they get through the holidays, then they can cope with the breakup. Simple right???

As I mentioned this was a fast read that had the tropes of fake dating, miscommunication, and second chance romance. As other reviewers have stated this is the sequel to The Plus One Pact which I have not read. I really wish that would have been made clear. I believe I would have enjoyed this book more had I read that book. I am sure knowing their backstory would have helped me have a better connection to them and their relationship.

For me this was well written and enjoyable. I just wanted a little more oomph and the ending felt rushed. I have read a lot of fake dating books and books that have a lot of miscommunications in them. I get frustrated by this as I want to tell both characters to grow up and talk already.

There are some fun moments and lots of holiday cheer.

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The Faking Game is Portia MacIntosh’s latest romantic comedy featuring a couple who secretly broke up but don’t want to tell anyone until after the Christmas holidays are over.

32-year-old Escape-Room game designer Cara Brooks broke up with her boyfriend of three years right before he left for a job assignment in Hollywood. Cara was stressed from the demands of opening her own firm and creating an app with her business partner, Charlie. Cara lived with Joe “Millsy” Mills in a flat he owns in Leeds, England. Millsy bears a strong resemblance to Matthew McConnaughey which helps him get body-double roles in movies; he aspires to be an actor with speaking parts.

The story begins with Millsy arriving at Cara’s cousin’s baby shower with the entertainment after a six-week job in Hollywood. There’s lots of family drama, and the reader sees the love and affection between the happy couple as they are reunited after his trip Soon the reader learns that they broke up but are hiding it from their families until after the Christmas holidays. Both Cara and Millsy’s grandmas have planned a huge multi-family gathering at a family estate in Scotland, so Cara and Millsy don’t want to ruin things and make it awkward for everyone.

Millsy has gotten his first real acting role, playing an American country music star in a feature film. Unfortunately he hasn’t mastered the southern accent and sounds like a drunk Irishman. So he has hired a beautiful voice and dialect coach, Tally, who will be by his side until he returns to Hollywood. Cara is naturally upset by Tally’s presence and uses her business partner, Charlie, to try to make Millsy jealous. The antics between Cara, Millsy, and Tally are hilarious as they try to hide the true nature of their relationships from the families. The reader knows that Cara and Millsy will get back together; it’s just a matter of how long it wilk take for them to realize it.

The Faking Game is similar to the author’s earlier bestselling books, Better Off Wed and Your Place or Mine, except that it’s filled with colorful family members and takes place around the Christmas holidays. Both Cara and Millsy are likable characters so the reader can’t help but cheer them on as they repair their relationship. The family members and their dynamics add extra humor to the story. Everyone has an Auntie Mary or an Uncle Paddy. This story will definitely appeal to readers in both the United States and Europe.

I received an Advance Review Copy (ARC) from NetGalley and Boldwood Books for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Perfect couple Cara and Millsy have quietly separated. To avoid ruining the holidays for their families, they pretend to be together until the end of the year. Caught up in the seasonal cheer, can they convincingly play their parts? Or will the truth about their relationship unravel amidst the celebrations?

I loved this audiobook. Cara is fun and relatable, kind-hearted with a hint of mischief. The plot was well-paced and kept me guessing until the end.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Fake dating after breaking up for the sake of spending the holidays and various celebrations with their families and friends. It was a fun read, very much had a will they get back together vibe.

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-Rating; 2 stars
-Book is a continuation of The Plus One Pact
-A second chance romance, fake dating, one bed, love triangle, lovers to enemies, miscommunication trope

BLURB: Cara and Millsy have broken up... sort of. After years of being everyone's favorite couple, always up for a party and having fun wherever they go, things have fizzled out. But when they realize they have a whole calendar of events and celebrations with friends and family coming up, Cara and Millsy can't face letting them down. So they decide to make a pact: just convince everyone they're as madly in love as ever and get through the festivities without causing suspicion, and then deal with the break up in the new year. How hard can it be...? Swept up in the festive spirit, will Cara and Millsy fake it til they make it? Or will they realize they are meant to be after all...

THOUGHTS: First let me start off by saying I didn't care to much for this book. I just don't think it was for me. You may love this book, but the moment the miscommunication trope came out it wasn't for me. Let me say I was really excited to read this book as it is based around Christmas. I have very high hopes for books surrounding Christmas, especially a romance with a second chance, fake dating, and a love triangle. I love to read romance Christmas books. But once the book went on I got annoyed me as the characters just couldn't really communicate with each other. I feel like most of this book wouldn't have happened if they would have just sat down and listened to what each other had to say. I also feel like the author could have made the reason for them fake dating better. Like why would you fake date because your family would be upset? Shouldn't a family care more about your happiness. Also the starting build up to a spicy scene and passing over it wasn't really for me.

Thanks to NetGally and Boldwood Books, and Portia MacIntosh I received an e-arc copy of this book exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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