Member Reviews

I really enjoyed reading the next installment of the Gambler's Daughters series. Lots of fun, adventure and fabulous writing by one of my favorite authors. Ms Maxwell takes the reader on a ride and never lets go. The characters were fully developed with thought and feelings of their own.
Elise Lanscarr expected to get a marriage proposal from Michael Brogan. But instead he married her older sister Dara. She is so upset she decides to leave London and return to her home in Ireland. But she only took enough money to get her on a coach and then the durn thing crashes during a storm. She now is stuck between a rock and a smelly (handsome) stranger in the wilds of the countryside. Elise feels so lost in her feelings about her sister married to her man. But things get mixed up for her when she has to depend on her fellow passenger.
Christopher Fitzhugh-Cox, the missing Duke of Winderton has fled his responsibilities and lives a care free life of Kit a wanderer. Kit thinks that this spoiled woman who has an opinion of everything gets under his skin. They both will realize they belong to each other when they begin to trust in each. Love is the key which makes for a happy ever after.
I appreciate Net Galley for this ARC title in which I gave an honest review.

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After her sister marries the man she hoped to wed, Elise flees London to return to her native Ireland. On her journey the coach crashes leaving here and a mysterious other passenger stranded. Kit, the missing Duke of Winderton, has been wandering aimlessly for the past few years but when their coach overturns he feels duty bound to help the stranded Elise. During their journey, the pair come across the best and the worst of people as they get to know each other for who they truly are outside the reputations of their families.

I love the clinch cover on this one. As with all of Cathy’s books, this one was an easy read that I read mostly in one sitting. I love a historical “road trip” novel so this one was a fun read for me. It was well paced and I liked being outside the stuffy ballrooms. I did not love the previous book in this series so I was glad to find I enjoyed this one so much. I did not care for the sibling dynamics so to have Elise separate from here sisters for most of the book was a nice improvement. I liked both Kit and Elise and really enjoyed them having to learn to work together. I do wish we had gotten a bit more of Kit’s backstory, but that also may have slowed the pace. I am looking forward to the next book in the series as this teed it off well.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What a wonderful story. If you think the first book in this series was good you are in for a pleasant surprise. I just loved the adventure they went on. I just can't wait for Gwendolyns story. You can read just this book in the series, but as enjoyable as they both are, just read both!

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One Dangerous Night: A Gambler's Daughters Romance

This is the second book in the series, each book is a sister from the Lanscarr family.

Elise Lanscarr runs away in a snit like a child throwing a temper tantrum. And then every trial you can imagine is thrown at her because she's young, beautiful and not wise in the ways of the world. I really wanted to like her as a character, but never warmed up to her. Honestly, if it weren't for Kit she likely would have come to a very bad end.

Christopher Fitzhugh-Cox , the Duke of Winderton has gone off to "find himself". He's lived the life of a vagabond, but his moral compass is strong. After an unexpected ordeal he finds himself stuck with a young woman who is obviously outside of her depth. Together they may be able to find the missing pieces of themselves and uncover some mysteries along the way.

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Plot as told through emojis:

I ADORED this book! Why have I been sleeping on Cathy Maxwell?! If you’re looking for a book that’s a road trip, combined with intrigue, 2 strangers, humor, and tons of sweet sweet moments, may I introduce you to One Dangerous Night? This is the second book in the Gambler’s Daughters series and I read it as a standalone, but now I really want to go back to the first book because I loved this one so much.
Elise Lanscarr has run away from her newlywed sister’s home and finds herself riding on a mail coach with a “Ruffian”, heading towards her homeland of Ireland. Much to her dismay she finds herself and The Ruffian™️ the lone survivors of a carriage accident where they must travel by foot for miles to the nearest coaching inn.
This book is full of surprises and the road trip storyline kept me on my toes. I loved learning the backstory on Elise and Kit. Naturally they begin as strangers weary of one another, but their choices to run from their fears and brave it alone draw them close quickly. Elise has a bit of a headstrong temper and I was immediately drawn to her strong personality. From the beginning Kit is just so GOOD. Even from the moment they meet, he protects Elise from unwanted harassment of the coach driver and his goodness continues to show through. There is also so much fun in this book. I found myself laughing at little comments Elise and Kit would make to one another, Tweedie’s affinity for spiked punch, the way Kit interacted with Tamsyn and ridiculed Elise of the word “fine”…I had as much fun reading this as I imagine Maxwell had writing it.
I could tell that these were characters who really began to fall for each other and showed it in their language and thoughtful gestures towards one another. And Tamsyn! Normally I am neither here nor there with pets in a book, but Tamsyn not only added to the plot, but also to the fun and playful nature of the entire traveling entourage.

So what happens when the journey ends and these two have fallen for one another? The finale is so good and exactly what I would hope for. This book doesn’t have a traditional third act breakup and I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention the intimate encounters between Kit and Elise are so perfect for their personalities and the exact right amount of heat. I’m excited for Gwendolyn’s book next. This was the perfect read—no notes! I received an advanced copy from Avon and NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Good continuation of the series. At the end of A Kiss in the Moonlight, Dara has married Michael Brogan, the man Elise set her heart on. At the beginning of this book, the entire family lives together. Elise is jealous, hurt, and angry and feels that Dara is gloating over her happiness. She wants out of that situation, so she sneaks off without telling anyone, determined to return to her home in Ireland.

Elise takes some money and sets out in a mail coach for Liverpool in a fit of self-righteousness. However, the driver is drunk, and there is a terrible storm, so many of the passengers opt to wait for the next coach, leaving only Elise and a disreputable-looking stranger. It isn't long before a nearby lightning strike causes a horrific crash, leaving her with the stranger named Kit. Their only option is to go to the next coaching inn and catch the next mail coach. She disdains "Mr. Ruffian" but expects him to help her.

"Mr. Ruffian," aka Kit, is actually Christopher Fitzhugh-Cox, Duke of Winderton, who is also running away from home. A spoiled brat himself, he left home when the woman he loved married his uncle. Following in the footsteps of Shakespeare's Prince Hal, he has been wandering around the country for several months, living the life of "the common man."

I enjoyed this road trip story and its effects on Elise and Kit. At the time of the wreck, each is focused on their own inconvenience, but when they realize they are the only survivors, they team up. That isn't to say they immediately became friends. On the contrary, they are still focused on their own problems rather than what the other wants. But after a series of misfortunes, some of their creation, they begin to look at things differently. Distance from the issues that sent them running opens their eyes to the error of their ways.

I liked watching the relationship between Elise and Kit develop. Their interactions were initially antagonistic, but they soon realized they were more alike than expected. Elise is stubbornly independent and makes foolish decisions when her temper is up. Kit had his moments of foolishness, but he is a gentleman at heart, and an unwilling protectiveness kicks in. Neither expected the sparks of attraction that flared between them. There are some fun scenes as they battle each other, then slowly turn to liking and respecting. Each is surprised to realize that their feelings have turned to love.

A couple of twists leading up to the conclusion bring home the changes Kit and Elise have experienced during their adventures. I ached for Kit's pain and loved Elise's confidence that she would see him again. The ending was terrific, and Kit's big moment was perfectly done.

My favorite secondary character was Tamsyn, the dog. I loved how she adopted Kit and Elise and how they loved her immediately. She's there when she is needed, whether for comfort or protection.

I liked the ending and the lead-in to the next book. I suspected from the first book that Gwendolyn and Mr. Steele would be a couple, so I can't wait for this one.

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One Dangerous Night was appropriately titled. The heroine made so many poor choices that she endangered the hero at every turn. Elise was impetuous and never looked before she leapt. From running away from home to hitching rides from strangers, she was a walking ball of bad decisions. While I did enjoy the chemistry between our couple, her immaturity ruined most of their moments. Her biggest boo-boo was when she spotted him bathing in the river, a classic romance novel trope I adore, she ran away like a bumbling fool. She nearly ended up getting assaulted by an unassuming farmer because she was afraid of seeing the hero in his birthday suit. Baby, there are worse fates to suffer.

There were some elements I enjoyed such as the road trip vibes and the little moments of tenderness between the characters. It seemed rather long, but at least it was packed with action and adventure. I don't believe I'll continue with this particular author, but it was quite the tale. With a foolhardy heroine like Elise, every single day with her leads to One Dangerous Night.

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I have not read period stories for awhile and I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Elise was a gentle woman who was now living with her sister and her new husband (who she had thought she was in love with). She was hurt and decided to go back to Ireland to her father’s old estate that was now in the hands of another relative as her father had disappeared and was presumed dead. Young unattached young women did not travel alone as she was finding out. The driver of the coach was being crude and she wasn’t quite sure what to do. Another young man looking down on his luck joins them and makes the driver behave. An accident happens and she and this young man are the only ones left alive. Then the adventure really begins. They fight like siblings, she is accosted and he and dog they found save her. They really get to know each other and are falling in love when another disaster strikes. She is saved but she pleads with her savior to help Kit. She finally goes home and just waits for him. When he finally shows up she is shocked by who he really is

A very good story

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Elise is on her way back to Ireland from London after her sister marries the man she thought she was in love with. Of course, she runs into all sorts of calamity along the way and is saved by her traveling companion, Kit, who is actually a duke who ran away from his own responsibilities and has been wandering the countryside for a year or so. These two obviously don’t know the other person’s real identity, make assumptions about the other, and are basically arguing the whole way through. But Kit is still gentlemanly and protective of Elise, despite her stubbornness throughout the journey. We get all sorts of travel adventure here with carriage accidents, ruffians, and sparse accommodations. It’s a fun ride. Plus, we get a few glimpses of other points of view when Elise’s sisters realize she’s missing.

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What a fun, low-angst road trip romance! One Dangerous Night is the second book in the Gambler's Daughters series. In the first book Elise, youngest of the Lanscarr sisters, expected a proposal from Michael Brogan only to be shocked when he married her older sister Dara instead. Even worse? Now she has to live with the disgustingly happy couple and get her nose rubbed in the fact that she's single. So, she runs away with all of the sisters' pocket money. Carriages sure aren't built the way they used to be, because there's a giant accident on the road, and she's suddenly stuck with Kit Cox, the only other passenger. Kit might smell kind of bad and wear ugly clothes, but he's not a bad guy, so she decides to stick with him for a while until she can buy another fare to get back to Ireland. After a few days of travel, their close proximity, banter, only-one-haystack/bed/shack in the woods lead to the obvious conclusion: they've fallen in love. But how will she explain to her sisters that she's choosing a life on the road with a scruffy dude instead of marrying a duke? (Psst, Kit is a duke in disguise, so maybe they won't be too shocked after all...)

This is a really fun read that even manages to pack in a couple of surprises along the way. Do note that sexual harassment/assault (or the threat of it) is the subject of at least four plot points; if this is triggering to you, you may wish to avoid. (It is not graphic.) One Dangerous Night was a great way to spend a weekend afternoon.

This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novel.

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Both main characters are rather immature and running away from their lives. He’s a duke who is escaping his responsibilities because the woman he liked chose someone else. She’s fleeing back to Ireland because her sister ended up marrying the man she had been infatuated with. So she ran away.

They meet on the coach and, after it crashes, they have a series of adventures. She doesn’t know he’s a duke, but she falls for him. They gradually mature and realize that they need to return to their real lives.

I felt a bit exasperated with both of them. I kept thinking about how hungry they must be and how they must have been so dirty and smelly. I just couldn’t really enjoy this story except for the cute dog they adopt along the way.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I love Cathy Maxwell and haven’t read one of her books in awhile so I really looked forward to this one. It is part of a series and I somehow missed the first book so you can read this as a standalone with no problem. Kit and Elise are both running away from something or maybe in search of something. Neither knew that the other was exactly what they needed. I love a forced proximity trope and this one had it. The story develops so well, it hooks you into seeing the growth of both characters and really feeling invested in their relationship. I love that they fell in love without knowing any of the normal circumstances of status questions and no long endured angst after they discovered each other’s secrets. Just a deep knowledge of their love for each other. Great story and a fun read through their adventure.

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I love Cathy Maxwell's books, and I was so excited to receive One Dangerous Night as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. One Dangerous Night did not disappoint!!!
One Dangerous Night is the second in a series, and kicks off with Elise Lancarr, a second out of three sisters. She is reeling from the perceived betrayal of her sister Dara's marriage to the man that Elise believes that she is in love with. Feeling hurt, vengeful and dismissed from her family, she runs away, intending to go back to her homeland of Ireland.
Mishaps immediately begin to happen when Elise runs away in a mail carriage. There is an accident, and a tall, dark and mysterious stranger saves her. And oh my goodness, was I THRILLED to discover who our mysterious stranger is-- it is Kit/Christopher, the Duke of Winderton from my favorite village!!! Kit/Christopher was the young, foolhardy duke from the first in the Logical Man's Society series, who fell in love with an actress who was his uncle's long-lost love. Elise and Christopher, each nursing their own heartbreaks and betrayals, band together and set through the English countryside. Through a series of mishaps, fights, banding together, and finding commonality, they find their ways to where they are supposed to be.
Oh, I just adored this story!! I love the writing of Cathy Maxwell, I love the story. The dialogue is wonderful, and you can feel the chemistry and love between Elise and Christopher. I love the cameos of past characters! If I had one small quibble, it was that there was a little too much time trudging through the woods, but I think that in every book so may be my own anti-outdoor bias!
This is a wonderful read, I read it in one take and am especially excited for the next installment of the Gamblers Daughters!

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I really enjoyed Elise and Kit's story! I didn't much like the character of Elise in the previous book, but she grew on me in this one. It was definitely fun watching these two get on with their antics!

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After arriving in London with high hopes of marrying a duke, Elise Lanscarr, the youngest (and loveliest) of the Lanscarr sisters, is leaving, betrayed, heartbroken and filled with rage. After her sister Dara married Michael, the man Elise loved and hoped to marry, she can no longer abide living with them and she has decided to return to Ireland. In a final fit of pique, she leaves a note in the sister’s money box after taking the funds she needs to make it back to Ireland, knowing her sisters will believe she has gone to stay with her friend Lady Whitby and won’t realize she is gone until one of them checks the money box. She is filled with self-righteous indignation, she sets out for Liverpool, but nothing goes as planned and she finds herself traveling with a stranger, in a mail coach driven by a drunk, in a storm. A horrific crash finds her alone with the stranger, a young man going by the name of Kit. Together they will have to find their way to the next coaching inn, while avoiding the many pitfalls that pop up along the way. At first, she is sure Kit is a ne’er-do-well, but the more time she spends with him, the more she likes him and respect him. She also begins to see her own shortcomings and faults, she knows she has fences to mend and apologies to make, and once that is done, will she give up her dream of a duke for a wanderer?

Christopher “Kit” Fitzhugh-Cox, the Duke of Winderton is also running away after experiencing heartbreak when the woman he loved married his uncle. He too left in a fit of pique, and he has been wandering for months under an assumed name, play out he version of Shakespeare’s Prince Hal. It isn’t until he meets Elise that he truly begins to change and see the error of his ways. She makes him want to be a better man, a man worthy of her love. But to do that he will have keep Elise safe while evading the men trying to kill him, then return home and make things right. And there is the small fact that he hasn’t revealed his true identity to her, but he is sure she will forgive him, well, mostly sure.

This was the well-written, nicely paced story of two young people who start out acting like spoiled brats, but through a series of misfortunes, seeing the error of their ways and maturing into adulthood while truly falling in love. The book is filled with emotion, some anger, indignation, hurt feelings, broken hearts, perceived betrayal, a sweet dog, danger, hidden identities, more heartache, a tiny bit of steam, shocking revelations, and finally a very sweet ending with a lovely declaration and a nice set up for the next book. Honestly, I didn’t like Elise in the last book and I didn’t like her for most of this book, but in the end, she won me over, as did Kit. I am happy to recommend this book, but I would strongly suggest reading the books in order. I didn’t love this story, but in the end, I enjoyed it and now I can’t wait for Gwendolyn and Steele’s story!

3.5 stars, rounded up.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that I requested and was provided to me by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.*

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A fun “road trip” romance with the sweetest dog side kick. Elise is running away to her family home in Ireland after her sister marries the man she fancies herself in love with. Along the way, a series of mishaps puts Elise in the path of Kit, the secret Duke of Winderton, who has also run away from his life and is currently living on the road. After the two survive a storm and carriage crash, they befriend one another on their travels, and a slow burn love starts to build as both begin to reflect on their pasts and where they see themselves in the future. Lots of charming banter between the two as they feel one another out. Along their journey they also form a furry friendship with Tamsyn, a stray dog who helps them escape from several dangerous situations. Tamyyn was one of my favorite parts of the book <3

Tropes: Road trip, hidden identity, one bed, Duke romance

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This book is everything I hope for when I pick up a road trip romance. It literally checked every box on my perfect road trip romance list! I just adored this book so very much!

Both the leads are running from something and end up finding themselves stuck together. Kit and Elise go through a lot on their journey across England (including picking up a K9 companion), and I was here for all of it.

They definitely don't start off as friends, but as they face challenges of all sorts, they start to trust and respect each other. This is definitely a slow burn, but the tension was SO good!

Both leads had such lovely character arcs. They are the perfect example of finding the person that makes you better, and they ultimately realize the only thing they are really running from is themselves.

Major bonus points for Tamsyn the puppers!

This book also has an amazing set-up for the next book, which I'm very much looking forward to reading.

Seriously, you just need to read it!

I received an ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Love the stubborn forward thinking Elise. Maybe not always making the best choices, like thinking she would marry the man that wound up marrying Dara her sister. She can’t bare living under the same roof as the newlyweds and decides to runaway, back to her home in Ireland. Taking the stagecoach was her first mistake as the driver was reckless and crashes in a horrific storm. The only survivors are herself and a ruffian name Kit. They need to find shelter and a stray dog leads them to a rundown hut.
Kit is trying to find himself, better known as the Duke of Winderton he has also runaway from his title, duties and lost love. On the road as a drifter for the past year, living by his own means and now this! In pain, possibly cracked ribs he can’t just let the beautiful woman on her own.
Love the slow burn, it really is a story of finding oneself and what really matters in life. This is the second in the series, I already ordered the first book and can’t wait to read the third. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. #NetGalley #OneDangerousNight

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One Dangerous Night
Review: 2 stars
Thank you to the publisher for the ARC provided through NetGalley for review. All opinions are my own.


One Dangerous Night was very close to being a DNF book for me. Elise was so insufferable and stubborn throughout most of the book. The choices she made were so childish and kept putting herself in danger because of them. I'm sorry but I could not stand her. She thought a little too much of herself that she was even surprised when Kit did not fall at her feet the minute she saw her. She behaved like a conceited brat.
The only characters I liked were Kit and Tamsyn, the dog. I would have liked to have learned more about Kit's past, to better understand his decision of why he left everything behind without any mere care in the world.

To be honest if this were a contemporary romance these two would divorce within the first year of marriage.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the adventures of Elise Lanscarr and Christopher "Kit" Fitzhugh-Cox. Were there ever two people more suited for each other? Whether he was rescuing her from the clutches of men meaning to harm her or attempting to help her find her missing father or just helping her to get back home safely, "Kit" was her knight in shining amour. He was there for her whatever the obstacle even though he had no real idea who she was other than a lady in need of his help and someone be began to care for. I was happy with how the story progressed and that even though they were separated during the story, they ended up together in the end and were perfect for each other.

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