Member Reviews

I didn't realize this was book two when I decided to read this book. I'm glad I didn't. I will go back and read book one and definitely the next book in the series. One Dangerous Night can be read alone, but I am curious about book one. I've not read many books by Cathy Maxwell, but that will now change.
This book was entertaining throughout. I started it late one evening and hated to put it down. I am not as busy on Fridays, so I took it to work with me. I read as much as I could throughout the day (shh don't tell) and finished it not long after I got home.
The story flows at a fast pace with little to no slowing down. There is a lot of smiles and laughter, a few tears, and a lot of love.
The characters were expertly written. Their personalities, attraction, love, and passion jump off the pages. I am looking forward to book three, as I am sure it will be just as great.

I received this book from NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishers for my honest opinion.

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Was nice to read a romance novel that had a woman who actually could think and wanted more than a man to just take care of her….even after learning bad things about her father Elsie was determined to get her family in a better situation. She believed woman had rights when in those days they were at the mercy of all males for their suvival.

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Despite One Dangerous Night beginning with a run-away scene and a carriage accident, I found the book slow to start. I finally connected with the characters about 1/3 of the way into the book. I was fully invested in the developing relationship about 1/2 way through the book so I am glad that I didn't give up the absolutely charming relationship between Elise and Kit. Elise is smart and strong but doesn't always think before she acts. Kit is a charming duke trying to figure out his role in the world. Both are recovering from heartache. The end of the book actually felt like a heartwarming rom-com that takes place in 19th century England. P.S. If you are looking for super steamy sex scenes, this isn't the book for you.

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✨It Happened One Dangerous Night…✨

Am I completely certain this book was at least a little bit inspired by It Happened One Night? No, I’m really shooting for the moon hoping to land amongst the stars here BUT listen…

They’re both disguising their identities while on the run (to and from things), it’s FUNNY, and it’s an absolute delight of a road-trip romance. So yes, while I’m not willing to bet any amount of money on being right…the It Happened One Night argument ~compels me though~ and should be correct, if I do say so myself.

All that to say, I’m so glad I picked this one up!! The cover got me so good that I didn’t even read the summary before requesting the ARC or reading the book. It was one of those where pretty much from the start I knew I was going to have a good time. I sure do love me a road-trip, and dare I say this could be a good comp for A Week to Be Wicked?? I think I dare!

I was laughing in public and smiling at my kindle, so yeah it had me acting foolish out on these streets! It was pretty low angst because it contains the super fun micro-trope to sometimes occur because of mistaken/hidden identity: Since they were both pretending/appearing to be lower/working class, for most of the book they both thought that they wouldn’t be able to couldn’t end up with each other. Meanwhile—this is where I kneel at the feet of dramatic irony—WE know that they’re actually perfectly suited for each other in real life too!!*

So basically, the whole conflict that they thought was coming, simply didn’t come. Other things happened to derail some plans and separate them for a bit, but it all felt so *safe* as a reader? Like I knew I wasn’t going to have to fight a battle late in the book just to get to their HEA. They’d already fought and won, so it was just a matter of tying up some loose ends (and healing some bruises lol). Simply, the book was a lot of fun and developed tension very creatively. There was also a vagabond dog tagging along for the ride. Ya LOVE to see it.

I also just really loved Elise and Kit, which is great for me since they were in the same room, on the same page for practically the entire book. Neither character was perfect—they both actively grappled with their flaws and past wrongs—but a more endearing pair of hot messes you’ll never find! There’s a part where Elise just gets to unleash her rage and flail around on the ground that…spoke to me so viscerally. She also got to ugly cry it out and to that I applaud! I too would be feeling very sorry for myself, such a relatable queen.

I do want to note that I did pause halfway through my ARC to go read book one. I’m not ~quite~ sure if I’d have connected quite so quickly with Elise if I’d have fully read book one before starting this one. Because Elise wasn’t very likable in book one. I actually think having read part of her book before that one made me like that book better as well. Do with that what you will.

Overall, if you want a classic road trip romp absolutely full to the brim with unfortunate travel mishaps and only one beds, definitely give this a try. I’m very excited for book three and now have the urge to read more from Cathy Maxwell’s backlist to fill the void 😃

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5**/5 🌶️🌶️/5

*Note: This happened in Love Letters from a Duke by Elizabeth Boyle as well. The heroine wanted to marry a duke and was REAL sad she was falling for her new footman…who happened to be a duke in disguise lol.

**There were a few villains/bad guys in the book that weren’t fully dealt with for reasons that made sense, but also made me sad. There was a part with two nasty men in the middle in particular, and I really wish there would’ve been a throwaway comment saying that they were arrested or something. It just made me a bit queasy because they implied that one of them was intensely violent to a woman in the past, while attempting to hurt the heroine. While she got away pretty unscathed, I can’t help but feel a bit unsatisfied knowing that they still exist in that world to hurt more women. This is def a me thing, but I really fixate on things like this!!

Thanks to the publisher for an eARC via NetGalley. All opinions are honest and my own.

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The FMC and MMC were pretty childish at the beginning of the story but then they were really young and their journey took them on a perilous journey with lots of twists and turns. So they got the chance to grow together. Their reasons to run away from home seemed childish but they grew from those experiences. I was really happy with most of the story but the ending was a little too quick for me. She finds out that he lied about his background and she accepts him with no issues. That didn’t seem realistic as she has been betrayed by men very close to her. I felt like the ending was rushed.

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