Member Reviews

Thank you to the publisher.

I love the cover. The premise had promise. It had a strong start then, went in a completely different direction. Not enough vampire for a vampire book.

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Loved this read, I had so much fun! All you need to tell me is vampires and I’m there!!! Highly recommend 10/10

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How to Fake-Date a Vampire by Linsey Hall had well-developed characters and a plot that was funny and engaging. This book was a great read. I highly recommend!

**Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the e-ARC. All opinions expressed are voluntary and my own.**

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I really enjoyed the first book in the Charming Cove series and was excited to read this one.

It was just as cute as the first. A cute, cozy romcom

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Super cute fantasy romantic comedy. There is nothing extraordinarily amazing about this book, but it's still good. a solid 3 stars. I enjoyed the characters, but I think Penelope might be the star of the show, which is pretty impressive for a secondary character. I sometimes felt Alaric to be mundane just in the sense that I constantly forgot he was something "other." The ending felt a bit rushed, but was cute overall.

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When I first read the blurb for the book I was very intrigued but the book ended up falling flat for me. I didn't connect with the main characters at all. Their romance lacked the chemistry and spark that I love in romances. There was an attempt at steam but I just felt they were just going through the motions instead of having me fanning myself from the heat that should radiate from the pages, I would have been happier if those scenes had faded to black.

I did love Alaric's grandma and Penelope.

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the modern girls guide to magic was one of my favourite reads of 2023 and this was such a great follow up and addition to the series!

i love a good fake dating, vampire x witch in a small town romance. i loved both the MC’s and side characters, especially alarics grandmother!!

Emma is an engaging and enjoyable character and Alaric is a charming vampire who was equally as likeable. neither are without their faults and insecurities but i really enjoyed reading about them working through them both together and individually.

i’d definitely recommend this, it’s a light and quick easy read! perfect for the spooky season!

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with this e-ARC! I do my reviews on my social media platforms. I am currently working on getting through my reviews so stay tuned! Leaving a rating as a placeholder for me and to not effect the books rating in order to post this. Thanks again!

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Overall, this book is a cute sort of cost read and one where you aren’t going to take it too seriously. Although and overused trope, I enjoyed reading this second installment.

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This was so cute. I’ve been reading so many vampire books lately and this was a fun and cute little edition to my vampire book streak. This will be the perfect book to read around the spooky season. Highly recommend.

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I've read the first book of the series, which I immensely enjoyed. Although I don't think it's completely necessary, you could read "How to Fake-Date a Vampire" as a stand-alone. But I was really excited to see Aria and Callan again <3

Onto my thoughts about the second book of the series. I love how the characters in both books are unusual animals. A skunk is definitely different, but it was very cute. Romance wise I wished there was more interactions between the characters. I do enjoy the supporting cast however it felt like a lot going on. 

Although there were supernatural and paranormal elements throughout the story, e.g., talking to spirits, I wished there were more magical elements. It felt like a modern contemporary romance that happened to have supernatural beings. I would've preferred a little more vampire/witch themes. Although that's more of a personal taste.

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This was a fantastic romance for spooky season! It had it all! It gave me all the thrills of laughter and romance!

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This was, on the whole, very sweet - a nice addition to the whimsical contemporary magic/paranormal genre that's really blooming right now. I didn't realise this was a follow up, which probably explains why sometimes the world-building feels a bit thin. The vampire element also felt quite light - it didn't really factor in much beyond a few throwaway comments. The mystery was fun, but felt like it dominated the plot - I could have done with scaling this and the ball-planning sub-plot back, in order to focus on the romance.

Overall I liked it, but the actual content of the book was just too dissimilar to my expectations of it going in. So it feels unfair to mark it down because of my own expectations, but at the same time, I think perhaps the blurb does it a disservice.

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An interesting read, if you can ignore the constant internal dialogue in our main character . Yes I know it’s a fake relationship but why does she have to go on and on about it, then to believe what the papers say, knowing they will write anything to sell copies. The Duke is no better he believes the words from a reporter, talk about gullible.

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Super cute story. I loved the dual POVs, I'm a big fan of getting to see things from each character's perspective. I also loved the characters of Emma and Alaric.

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This book was light, funny and didn’t need much thought. I really like the magic elements and Penelope. The romance was fluffy and the relationships between all the characters in general was very wholesome.

The only thing I didn’t like that much was the stile of the writing. The writing was a bit repetitive at times and the author did more telling than showing but in general the story was enjoyable.

If you like fluffy, romantic and light stories that don’t need a lot of thought then this is perfect.

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I unexpectedly LOVED this book!

I picked it up thinking it would be something light, silly, and easy. And it *was*, but in a way that I somehow just adored so much more than I was expecting.

It's about a bit of a hot mess of a witch who has to fake date a vampire-duke in the cute little magical British village they live in. And it is just COSY as heck.

The MC is just enough of a hot mess to be relatable without falling into being irritating. There's adorable themes of found family, both with the dude's family and the witches' coven. The romance is super cute. Even the mean girl storyline took a turn I wasn't expecting, in a good way.

Oh and there's a skunk familiar 🦨

It's fade to black which suits me perfectly and honestly any more would have felt out of place to the tone of the book.

Also, the fact the MC is a vampire is extremely incidental and kind of barely features in the story, so if you go in wanting gothic blood-sucking vibes, you're barking up the wrong tree. There's lots of cute and cosy witchiness though.

This is actually the second in the Charming Cove series but they are standalone.

I adored this, and if cute, cosy and feel-good with a dash of magic sounds good to you, you might love it too.

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How To Fake-Date A Vampire has vampires and fake-dating (of course) both things I love! I enjoyed the paranormal world and the mix of witches added in too. The characters were well-described and the story was cute and funny. Alaric and Emma are different but so sweet together and they're determined to help each other out. This book is fast paced and it was a great rom com.

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This story was adorable. It was a cute and cozy little romance I used a palette cleanser after reading a high fantasy book. I loved it. I would have finished it in a day had this month not been so crazy busy.

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Thank you to Netgally, the publishers, and Linsey Hall

When I requested this book I was unaware that it was apart of a series, one that requires you to read the previous books for this one to make sense. I am unable to read all the previous books along with this one before the publish date. Therefore, I will rate this a fair 3/5 stars and will adjust the rating and review when I am able to read all the books in the series along with this one.

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