Member Reviews

This was such a fun, easy, modern paranormal romcom! This is a second in a series; however, I had not read the first book and didn’t feel lost (but I will definitely be going back to read it). Who doesn’t love the fake dating trope? Liars, because it’s one of the best tropes out there. I very much enjoyed Emma & Alaric and I cannot wait for the next in the series

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This was a really cheesy but really fun read. I normally don't like that cheesy of books, but this was just really fun on its own ways. You shouldn't expect a lot from this book, but it is just fun to read inbetween, around halloween time. That makes it fun. It isn't the best but always fun

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How to Fake-Date a Vampire by Linsey Hall is a delightful and entertaining paranormal romance that delivers a unique twist in the world of fake dating. The story follows a determined witch who enters into a deal with a vampire duke, leading with a story full of humor and sizzling chemistry. They set rules of their fake relationship but the sparks between them prove impossible to ignore. I absolutely loved the lighthearted paranormal romance with a touch of magic.

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This is cute paranormal love story with one of my favorite tropes, fake dating.
Emma is a young witch trying to prove her worth to her new coven. The Beltane ball is coming up, and if she can find a fantastic place to have it her coven will be impressed. The best option would be the Duke of Blackthorn’s estate, but he’s never let anyone in, especially to have an event.
Emma goes to the house and finds the Duke, Alaric, distressed because he told his grandmother he had a girlfriend and now she’s coming to visit. Emma agrees to be his fake girlfriend in exchange for having the ball at his estate.
I loved the relationship between Emma and Alaric, they bring out the best in each other. The characters are well done and the plot keeps the story moving.
If you like a paranormal romance you’ll enjoy this book! 4 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed as in this review are completely my own.

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How to Fake-Date a Vampire by Lindsay Hall was fabulous! It’s one of those books where time flies while you’re reading it! I did not want this book to end and loved every minute of it! I have not read the first book in the series, but an excited to go back and read it! I felt the story stood on its own and I enjoyed it fully without needing to read the first book. Who wouldn’t want to read about fake-dating a vampire Duke?!

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This was such a fun, cozy read that I truly adored! Emma and Alaric are such a delight together and I've never read a fake dating a vampire trope before, but I was here for it. This is on the YA side of the romance spectrum, but nonetheless a wholesome HEA that will have you swooning!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free ARC in exchange for a review.

I enjoyed the first book in the series well enough, but I actually think this one was better.

I liked Emma as a protagonist a lot, and her familiar Penelope was fun too, although my heart still belongs to Boris. But so does hers.... Which I loved.

Overall this was a cute read! My only thing is, why make Alaric a vampire? I know that sounds crazy considering the title of this book but hear me out. In this world vampires don't have any bloodlust, aren't bothered by crosses or garlic or holy water, can walk in the sun, have children, age, don't drink from people, and live an average lifespan. That's a human. That's a human who eats blood pudding. It also had no plot relevance and wasn't even mentioned that often. I just don't get why include that if you're not going to use it at all.

Once again, we're gonna have to eat Alaric when we eat the rich, but he did endear himself to me more than Callan, so well done there.

3 stars.

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I loved this witchy fall rom com- it was so modern and whimsical at the same time! I loved the fake dating trope and fantasy elements

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This book was a very sweet read. I will admit that it took me a while to really get invested in the characters and the stories but I enjoyed it overall!

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This title really stuck out to me. I love the fake dating trope, I love the fantasy aspect, and I love the perceived how to.

The story takes place with our FMC as a witch trying to earn her way to become a full member of her coven. In order to do this, she is tasked, along with other apprentices, to throw the next big gala for the coven. A gala that will restore the storage of power in order for them to do good throughout the year.

In walks in our Vampire. The recluse mysterious Duke has just come back into town and is staying in his famous residence with his grandmother. Our couple meets, embarrassingly so, and through circumstances, decide to fake date. If she pretends to be his girlfriend, it will please his ailing grandmother and make her happy to see her grandson happy. In return, his mansion can be used for the party.

Add in some sprinkling of other magical communities such as ghosts, magic, and a touch of magical history, this is definitely a comfort fantasy romance read. It is very to the point regarding plot points. There are some really interesting ideas but the entire story felt rushed. While we are interested in each MC getting what they need out of the other, there was not a lot of nuance in actually fake dating. The “forced” holding hands, or “forced” heated gazes. It just jumped right into them being into each other. I would say that this is more in line with a young adult read with a little spice.

This was a very cute story, and I did find attachment to the characters in the book. I feel that some of the storylines would have made better sequels with other characters rather than all plot points being related to our couple. All in all, I would recommend this book to others who enjoy the fantasy romance genre.

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📚Book Review📚
insta: @thecat_chronicles

Title: How to Fake-Date a Vampire
Series: Charming Cove, #2
Author: Linsey Hall
Rating: ⭐⭐/5

*Thank you to NetGalley and Bonnie Doon Press for the eARC in exchange for this honest review.*

“And in a family, you always love each other, but you don’t always have to like each other.”

This installment of the Charming Cove series is better than the first. Although the characters seem to be recycled from the previous books, they have more depth and their motivations are more believable. There was a more structured plot, as opposed to having multiple side quests strung together, and it overall felt much more cohesive.

The found family dynamics were cute but the central romance felt… off-beat. It was a “slow-burn” style romance until suddenly at the very very end they fight, makeup, then happily ever after. I think that conflict should have taken longer than a chapter to resolve.

But the thing that threw me off more than anything was the fact that the vampire boyfriend might as well be a human who likes a drop of blood in his gin every once in a while. I felt scammed by the title.

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This book follows Emma, who gets one chance to prove to her coven that she’s worth her wand. But to do it, She’s going to have to make a deal with a vampire duke. She gets to use his gorgeous estate in Cornwall to host the Beltane Ball and in exchange, She pretends to be his girlfriend. But it's all a show for his grandmother.

How to Fake-Date a Vampire is a fun, frothy romantic comedy full of laughter, love, and magical hijinks. It’s the second in a series of stand alone romances set in the seaside village of Charming Cove. The books do not need to be read in order.

The writing was magical, romantic and lyrical. I love how the characters felt like real people with all their complicated and real emotions, with love, sorrow and jealousy. I liked how the characters grew together over time and ended up together, especially after the rollercoaster of a relationship they started with.

Overall I have to give this book a 5/5 stars. The ARC is still in the early stages of the manuscript stage so changes may happen before the book is available for the general public. This book may appeal to people who like Supernamtral Romances Thank you Netgallory for the ARC!

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Thank you to Linsey Hall for this amazing ARC! These are all my own opinions listed below.

How to Fake Date A Vampire was the best addition to the Charming Cove Series.

I love Emma and Alaric. Emma is a fierce, funny FMC. I love the aspect of her not being perfect and Alaric starting to fall for her anyway. The way they meet is just, *chef's kiss*.

This book made me laugh out loud--at one point people were staring at me in public. I enjoyed it more than The Modern Girl's Guide to Magic, which made me love the series even more. It takes a lot to make a sequel better than the first.

The familiars in these stories are probably my favorite part. I love the banter between them and the main characters.

This novel was written well and flows quickly. If you are looking for a funny, quick, cozy read---then this series is for you. It was perfect for Fall!

I am SO looking forward to the third installment that comes out in December.

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This was just okay for me. I preferred the first one in the series. Storyline was cute, the writing wasn't my favorite and it dragged on in some points, also very minimal conflict so if that is important to you then definitely check this out.

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I really sped through this one! I have been getting very much into the vampire / twilight / witchy / spooky books these past couple of weeks as the weather changes - and this book gave me all the vibes I wanted.

It wasn’t missing anything, but it felt like a good book to me. Nothing absolutely mind boggling, but also by no means was it bad. I found that the story was a little slow at some parts, and I wish Alaric had more ‘vampirisms’. BUT I am also just an abolsute sucker for anything fake dating so I will be happily recommending this book to my friends and audience!

Easy to read, get into, follow, and overall enjoy!

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Title: "Enchanting Charades: A Witch and Vampire Tale"

Emma Willowby wasn't born in Charming Cove, but she was determined to find her place within the Aurora Coven, the most prestigious group of witches in the magical world. When the opportunity to organize the Beltane Ball, the most important event in the witch community, arose, Emma knew this was her chance to prove herself. The challenge was to select the perfect location for the party to outshine the competition, and her choice was the residence of the enigmatic Duke of Blackthorn, Alaric. However, there was one significant obstacle: Alaric had never allowed anyone to enter his house.

Desperate to secure the location, Emma sought an audience with the Duke. Their encounter led to an unusual arrangement—Emma would agree to fake date the Duke in exchange for free access to his house for the Beltane Ball. It seemed like a straightforward deal, but what could possibly go wrong when making an agreement with a vampire?

I needed a break from my usual reading routine, so I picked up "How To Fake-Date A Vampire" for its paranormal ambiance, the beloved fake dating trope, the intriguing mix of witches and vampires, and the promise of a good laugh.

Linsey Hall, a new author for me, delivered on all fronts and then some.

The characters were all wonderfully portrayed. Emma and Alaric had layers that were gradually revealed as the story unfolded. I found myself drawn to them as individual characters and even more so as a couple. Their differences often led to comical situations; Alaric, ever the composed vampire, contrasted brilliantly with Emma's chaotic and mischievous nature. Yet, their sweetness together, their attentiveness to each other, and their efforts to help one another made them a delightful pair.

The engaging and mysterious storyline, combined with its fast pace, made it nearly impossible to put this book down. The smiles it brought to my face made me willing to skip my beloved tea breaks.

This was another cozy read for autumn.

Thank you so much Net Galley for sending me this eARC!

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I read this book in one day as I just found myself speedy through it. I loved the the male lead wasn't the typical arrogant wealthy man and that the female was very relatable in what she wanted to achieve and be in life.

This was a great book to read and one that has made me want to read more from the author.

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I picked this book up mostly because of the cover, which is beautiful, but I ended up not connecting with the story. It was a really quick and easy read though. Perfect for a reading challenge.

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Emma and Alaric agree to fake a relationship. He'll keep his grandmother happy and she'll be able to host her coven's annual ball at his estate. If all goes well, Emma will become a full-fledged witch and he's grandmother will be none the wiser to the spectacular failure of his last relationship.

How to Fake-Date a Vampire was cute and cozy. I really enjoy fake dating books with lots of forced proximity, and this one delivered. Emma's longing for a family and Alaric's devotion to his complemented each other well. And I liked all of Emma's witchy adventures, particularly the way she came into her power.

While Alaric was a vampire in name, there was nothing vampirish about him. I actually had to remind myself that he was a vampire at a few points. Considering 'vampire' is in the title, I would have expected something more from his character, but his character was essentially a human which was disappointing and the reason I didn't rate this higher.

Overall, a fun book, but if you are looking for a witch/vampire romance, this isn't it.

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Another great semi-cozy read. I love the by-play between characters and how the town of Charming Cove keeps on being somewhere I want to live! It's a great romantic comedy and I can't wait for what comes next!

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