Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley & Publisher for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review ❤️

Unfortunately I wasn't a fan of this book. I was expecting more fake dating, tension, buildup etc but it felt more about the ball itself.

Some of the sentences of what the characters said just felt quite off and things happened suddenly like a switch (e.g Penelope, FMC & MMC attraction etc) like different aspects popping up suddenly.

The book was quite short and felt it could have been a bit longer to explore themes and relationships in more depth and flow.

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“She smiled, and I found that I wanted to make her smile like that every day, forever.”

Bringing back all the cozy, witchy vibes from the Charming Cove world, we meet Emma, a witch hoping to prove herself to her coven, and Alaric, a vampire duke who avoids the public and paparazzi that follow him, like the plague. In wanting to impress her fellow witches, Emma strikes a deal to fake date Alaric in hopes of throwing the coven’s annual ball at his private estate.

This book was all the warm hugs and spooky vibes I was looking for the start of fall! It was fun to see Aria from book one in the background, but this can be read as a stand-alone too!

I honestly enjoyed this more than the first- the characters just were hitting a little sweeter for me and I look forward to going back to Charming Cove when book 3 comes out!

Also, I loved Emma’s familiar Penelope the skunk just as much as I loved Boris - Aria’s familiar. I can just picture her with her cute little pink bow- so sweet!


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This is the second book in the Charming Cove series and follows witch-in-training, Emma, and vampire duke, Alaric. In order to earn a spot at her coven, Emma is in charge of planning the annual Beltane Ball. The biggest problem is trying to convince Alaric to let her host it at his estate - his famously private estate. Lucky for Emma, Alaric needs a fake girlfriend to show his grandmother after a disastrous break-up. As the two spend time together preparing for the upcoming Ball, they find that maybe they have more in common than they initially thought. This is falling into the 'not for me' category. I didn't really connect with the characters or the writing style. I found Emma and her whole plot to feel more YA than I was expecting which just isn't my vibe. This YA-ish plot also clashed with the more adult romance elements. I wanted way more from Alaric than we got and I never really got a good handle on his character or backstory. I did really love the world of Charming Cove and all the different types of magic or magical creatures we get to see. Also, Penelope the skunk was far and away my favorite part of this book.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bonnie Doon Press for the ARC. Publication date was August 31, 2023

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The perfect read for spooky season!! This books reminds me of My Moms on s Date With a Vampire. I really enjoyed the ambiance and characters in this book!

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Perfect romcom to read in autumn <3

What striked me (as soon as I understood the 2 books were in the same universe) was the similarities with A Modern Witch's Guide to Magic (rich famous guy comes in town, quirky weak witch, competition vital to the MC, wrong preconceived negative opinion of the guy based on a past event). It didn't bother that much though because I LOVED AMWGTM and there aren't enough witchy romcoms out there.

BUT the MMC annoyed me, because of how similar he was to AMWGTM's and how soft he was. He's supposed to be an impressive, strong vampire, described as an "apex predator" even, and yet all we see of him is a cute grandson cooking breakfast and wearing tweed. My man needed to be shown in situations were his height, strength or intimidation ablities showed, even a little bit. I'm not saying we need to throw a damsel in distress in there........ but Alaric (still don't know how to accentuate this name) didn't get his chance to shine and stand up as a hot guy.

He is a real sweetie pie though. I don't think this should be advertised as grumpy/sunshine, the man smiles very regularly and jokes with her, he's a bit rude for like 10min and he's sweet the rest of the time. It's more an introvert/extrovert, snob/quirky situation. He's like a supportive great dane doggy (had to find a dog breed besides golden retriever and guard dog to show his vibe.. but there's also a great dane in the story).

What I like most in these books is the atmosphere, the witchy vibes are definitely on point and it's so cool to read about a rival to lovers, or in this case a fake dating scenario, while casting spells, discovering one's powers and interacting with a coven. The community in the town is so sweet and I loved that the characters from the first book played a part in this one. Those are the things that made me overlook the lack tension, the romance almost felt like a subplot because even though the 2 of them were very often together, everything they did revolved around the competition.

The smut situation is a bit complicated to describe as it's not a closed-door thing, clearly not, but it's also not a full-on smut scene. It's romantic, I think that describes it best. There's only one scene of that sort and it was nice, though the setting was questionable and it somehow did not really influence their dynamic afterwards.

I have to mention the slight miscommunication trope in there, not very dramatic and doesn't last very long but it is here. I was glad to see how it was handled but I definitely wish it had been another type of conflict.

Overall I still would give it 4 stars because the characters are really fleshed out, they're funny and loveable, the relationship between Emma and the MMC's family was so sweet and I absolutely love witches. Just for the community and setting alone, this book deserves to be read!

[review posted on Goodreads and another version will be posted on tiktok and instagram. will try to post it amazon if it lets me]

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I would like to thank netgalley and Bonnie Doon Press for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

An enjoyable second book in the series. Perfect for cosy spooky vibes.

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This is the second book of the Charming Cove series but it reads like a stand alone. It’s fun to see character appearances from the first book but it doesn’t add anything to the story.
Emma is quite likable and relatable. She’s an orphan and wants to find a place to belong. She’s also a witch.
Alaric is a reclusive, rich Duke who had his heart broken and doesn’t trust easily. He cares deeply for his grandmother. He is also a vampire.
This cozy romance novel includes fake dating, found family, humor, finding yourself and so much more. I loved the romance in this book but the real gem was the growth that Emma and Alaric underwent throughout the story.

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I voluntarily read an advanced copy of How to Fake-Date a Vampire by Linsey Hall. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC.

The best way I can describe this book is cozy fantasy romance. There is little to no angst, and everyone is perfectly pleasant. Which is great if that is what you are looking for. Unfortunately, I tend to like my books to have a little more up and down emotionally. While this was not my cup of tea. If you are looking for a low angst sweet romance with nice characters, this book is for you. I give it a solid 3/5 stars.

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How to Fake Date a Vampire was not at all what I expected going in, but I think it’s exactly what I needed. I usually read enemies to lovers or stuff with a lot of chaos and strife going on. This lovely tale was nothing but bubbly happiness. I can’t say I’ve read a story quite like this before, but I was legitimately crying happy tears at the end! It was such an adorable story, and I was so happy to have found it and imbued some serious joy in my life!

The book finds Emma, an orphan witch trying to find her place in a new-ish coven, trying to beat her rival apprentice for a spot as an official witch in the coven. The task? Find a place to hold the yearly ball and be given the honor of planning it, where a success will earn the witch the coveted spot. After an embarrassing couple of run ins with the newly arrived back in town vampire duke, Alaric, she asks him for use of his reclusive manor for the ball. He refuses, until his grandmother arrives and assumes she’s his girlfriend. The one he recently broke up with for selling his secrets. Worried about his grandmothers health, he begs Emma to pretend to be his girlfriend. In return, she can use his manor for the ball.

Emma at the beginning is very against nobles of any kind. Her orphanage shut down by Alaric’s father pulling funding and leaving her floating from foster home to foster home. She wants nothing more than a normal life and a family. Which is why she wants to be an official witch, to have a family in the coven. While Alaric is untrusting thanks to his ex, and wants to protect his grandmother from the secrets spilled. The two of them, despite a bit of bumping ideologies in the beginning, quickly find they get along famously. I loved that it didn’t rely on enmity between them to keep the plot going. Seeing them falling for one another was just too cute!

The family dynamics of Alaric’s grandmother, Vivian, his aunt Madeline, and her partner Harold, along with Alaric himself and Emma, are the most adorable thing. They all get along famously and it’s clear how close they are all growing over the course of getting to know one another and planning the ball. Emma also gains a familiar at the beginning of the book, a skunk named Penelope. She’s uppity and loves diamonds and find food, and all I can think of is flower from Bambi and it makes me want to squee every time she’s on page!

Emma finds her self confidence growing after finding Penelope, and with her and Alaric grow close and Emma begins to find her witch gift. Watching her come into her own is wonderful. Seeing Alaric begin to trust once more and let someone in despite himself is also heartwarming. It all leads up to a thankfully very brief miscommunication, which is resolved in the best way possible!

The ending of this was seriously the cutest thing. If you need an uplifting, joyous tale, full of magic and wonder, look no further! Family, love, self confidence, boat trips to adorable old nobles, lost loved ones remaining part of their lives, magical balls, adorable familiars, it’s got everything to keep you entertained and laughing. Or crying. But happy tears! I promise!

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How to Fake-Date a Vampire was a cute witchy read. Overall, it was really enjoyable.

This was a fast-paced shorter book that was easy to read. Technically this is the second book in the Charming Cove Series but can be read as a stand-alone. I plan to go back and read the first one and there will be a third one coming out in the future.

This book centers around Emma, a witch trying to find her permanent place among her local coven. She agrees to fake date Alaric a local Duke/Vampire in exchange for using his estate for a ball she is planning. Emma has a familiar, a skunk named Penelope. I think she was my favorite character in this book.

If you are looking for something light and romantic with cozy witch vibes this autumn pick up this book.

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4.5 ⭐️

The book is the perfect cosy autumn read, it has found family, fake dating and everything witchy.

It had me gripped right from the start. Emma and Alaric are funny and cute.

I've never wanted to be in a book more. The ending had me tearing up but it's because I just wanted it to be my reality.

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I ate Charming Cove #1 (The Modern Girl’s Guide to Magic) up by Linsey Hall, so was thrilled when I was approved an eARC of this second book on NetGalley. As we’re getting into autumn, I’m really enjoying my low stakes witchy/paranormal romances, and this book really hit the spot. It can be read as a standalone, and no prior knowledge of the first book is necessary.

To secure a place and prove her worth in her local coven, Emma must host a prestigious event in the witching world: the Beltane Ball. In comes Alaric, a vampire duke, who just so happens to have an estate large enough to host it. They strike up the bargain that Emma can host her event on his property if she agrees to be his fake girlfriend to fool his grandmother.

I really struggled with Alaric being a vampire at all in this book. Changes to classic vampire myths can be interesting if done well, but all that was special about Alaric was that he sometimes spiked his own drinks with blood. I struggled a lot with noticing any differences between humans and vampires apart from that; they age the same as humans, they don’t look vampirish, and where was all the angsty biting? I think I would have enjoyed it more were he human and the politics of a witch x human romance were really played up.

Miscommunication tropes hit when they’re done well, but I feel like in this instance it was quite rushed. I also found it difficult to follow, with both characters being set on their opinion of the relationship, only for that to change entirely pages later with very little explanation.

I did overall really enjoy this read. It’s light-hearted, has a few laughs, and I was happy with the ending. I would recommend picking it up for the Halloween season.

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Does anyone have that ache, when you smile for so long that your face hurts after a while? That's how I felt during this book. I loved this book so much, it is so beautiful, cozy and so fluffy, it makes your insides warm. That's how I can describe it.
There was no part in which I felt bored or where I wanted to rush or skip a paragraph to get to the good part, everything about it was good and interesting. This is the first book I read with a witch trope, so no question I am going to take a look at Linsey's other books because I think I found a great author.
It was quite hilarious as well. Penelope cracked me up, I think she's my favorite character.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone who's in a reading slump; as it is not a long book and it's not on the heavy side, it has this warmth that makes you feel so joyous.

I am very grateful to Netgalley and Linsey Hall for providing me with a copy of this.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the digital reading copy!
I really wanted to love this book, and it did have its moments, but by the end it was a firm 2.5 stars for me.
To start with the positives: I loved the setting, and Charming Cove really lives up to its name. With witches, vampires, familiars, and other magical beings roaming a contemporary town, it provides a fun atmosphere that is easy to enjoy.
Unfortunately, even a vibrant environment couldn’t save the story. The romance should have been the saving grace, but it felt more like a subplot and fell very flat, and I really didn’t buy the reason the two characters (who were obviously into each other for most of the story) refused to give into their feelings for so long. The plot about the coven ball was decent (though I’m not convinced it was strong enough to essentially become the main storyline) and I liked seeing Emma try to prove herself to the witches, but there was nothing overly exciting about the ordeal that kept me wanting to turn the page, and I kept finding myself getting bored. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good low-stakes fluffy romance, but when the characters feel shallow, the actual romance development takes a backseat, and the chemistry between the main couple is lacking, it makes becoming invested in the story very difficult.
I also have questions around the vampire lore - we never see the vampires act like vampires, or have mention of any particularly vampiric activities, so what exactly separates them from being human? A bit more clarity on the supernatural mythology could have added more authenticity to the world. I think I wanted more drama sprinkled throughout as well, since a big deal was made about the Duke being famous and everything, but we really didn’t see his alleged celebrity status affect his life all that much. And while the dual POV gave a nice insight into both characters’ psyches, I also think it highlighted how two-dimensional his personality felt when compared to Emma’s.
How to Fake-Date a Vampire is a simple, sweet story with a pinch of magic and a dash of small-town romance, but ultimately one that pales in comparison to other books in the fantasy rom-com scene.

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Brilliant! Completely enjoyed reading this one, I love a good contemporary but add a vampire and that is the key to a brilliant success! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book.

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I thought this book was fun and did a great job of creating a magical realm that was a counterpart to our non magical world. I thought the there was great chemistry with the Duke and would recommend!

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Overall, a quick and easy read. Must admit though, if I was in my 20s instead of 60 I would have enjoyed this more. A bit too much teen/young adult angst for me. Would still recommend.

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This was a cute one, I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.
What to expect:
- Vampires & Witches
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Fake Dating
- Magic
- Paranormal & Supernatural
- Grumpy Sunshine

I read this as a standalone, this is part of a series that I think is interconnected standalones. It is also set in modern days, I was a tiny bit confused as I hadn't experienced the world building from the first book BUT I think you can pick up wherever as it does end up piecing together very easily.

We follow Emma our FMC, a Witch who wants to prove herself in the witches' coven. She ends up in a fake dating situation with Alaric who is a Duke and a Vampire.
I really enjoyed this, I recommend this to people who are beginners to Fantasy Romances as this is very easy to read. This was a nice read for the beginning of Autumn/Fall.

Thank you Netgalley and Linsey Hall for the eArc, I cannot wait to read more!

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I really enjoyed this book. A fun easy to read bit of escapism. The characters were interesting and well written and a different storyline. Recommended.

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She wants to throw a ball at his castle he wants to make his grandmother happy but compromising will not be as easy as the Duke first thinks. In the end both of them will have wishes come true that they didn’t even know they wanted. This was such a cute book I got it yesterday and couldn’t wait to read it. What’s not to love about a reclusive Duke who is really a vampire and an independent woman who shatters his preconception of what women want. I really thoroughly enjoyed this book and found it funny and swoon worthy. I want to thank the publisher and Net Galley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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