Member Reviews

I’ve never read a Sarah Hogle book before but was intrigued by the title and cover. It was a bit of an emotional roller coaster and a few times my heart would weep for Romina. A few surprises that kept everything fresh and interesting. I even laughed out loud a time or two which I rarely ever do when reading. I loved the whole cast of characters and hope to read more.

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This is such a cute, feel-good book. I loved the main characters and their back-and-forth chit-chat.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book for my honest opinion

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4 ⭐️ This captured my heart.

“You should stay single.” Alex molds his hands into a fist. “Female empowerment.”

✨ second chance romance
✨ Found family
✨ Family trauma
✨ past relationship trauma
✨ Witch/ logical human
✨Both obsessed with each other
✨ Forced proximity
✨ Tension
✨ Fake dating

My Thoughts:

The first half of this book was AMAZING, but the second half wasn’t my favorite. I did laugh at Alex and Romina’s interactions.

I loved:

It was definitely undeniable that Romina and Alex were meant to be. The second that they were in a scene together, it was heat!! I loved the tension and pull they had with each other, and how Alex made it clear nonstop that he was obsessed with Romina.
“True. I see all sorts of things I’d like to steal.” He regards me closely.

He needs his own section of love because he was so good. The lines this man said… WOW. I wanted this man to be in all my rom com novels. He was so attentive and funny, which was the highlight of the book.

I previously was obsessed with the banter that was in You Deserve Each Other, but this might top it. Romina and Alex were perfectly matched in humor. The sisters were also great with their banter. Trevor attempted to be good at his banter ( I will talk about it below in my dislikes).

The sisters
I enjoyed the differences in the sisters, and what each sister’s role towards the store was! I loved that each felt a different role and showcased support to the other sisters.

He was too much. I think he was suppose to be the humor of the book, but instead he was the annoyance. Everything was over the top for no reason, and at times I just wanted to focus on Romina instead of the stupid thing that Trevor was doing in the scene.

The surprise
I don’t dislike how it was presented or that Alex kept it a secret. I think between the fake dating, wedding and the showcase of the surprise, it made sense Alex kept it a secret. What I dislike was how casual it was presented, and even though Romina was upset that was never addressed fully. Alex was so attentive both in part 1 and 2 that it did not fit in his character to not understand his error and talk with Romina about it.

My favorite part was the flashbacks to past, however there was barely any. I wanted to see the build up of Romina and Alex’s previously relationship and feel why they fell in love. This wasn’t done, and instead I felt barely anything towards their past relationship. I couldn’t understand why they never got over each other.

Overall, I will buy this book. I definitely recommend giving this a shot if you liked Sarah’s previous books!

Quotes I loved (without spoilers):

“I’m not losing to that guy”

“Romina, I would’ve picked up the sun with my bare hands and moved it if you didn’t like the position of your shadow”

“It’s only bearable now because I badly want to make more memories with you rather than run from the ones that bleed.”

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This book was so sweet and felt a bit like a hug at times. I really enjoyed the second chance at love for Alex and Romina. The relationship between the sisters was quite enjoyable and I hope there are more of their stories to come.

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Old Flames and New Fortunes by Sarah Hogle
Pub date: April 23, 2024

ARC number 4! Thank you @putnambooks, @netgalley and Sarah Hogle!


Sarah Hogle is quickly becoming one of my all time favorites. The way she writes her dialogue is so good- I was legit laughing out loud at parts. I love her characters- flawed but still able to be rooted for. I loved the small town, witchy setting. Romina and Alex had conflict but it wasn’t outlandish. And, oh my, very well written spice (pretty open door)

I’m hoping (again) that this is the start of a series.

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Oh the way I loved this book. This author has not let me down yet, and I don't see it happening anytime soon. I was laughing out loud and sobbing within a few chapters of each other -- what more is there to say? I love this author's voice and sense of humor. Some may find it over the top, but it's fun! The MMC, Alex, has a crush on the FMC, Romina since high school and finally works up the courage to ask her out, but they break up as they head off for the next chapter in their lives after high school, with a few misunderstandings getting in their way. Now reunited years later (while she's pretending to date her colleague so they can secure a loan for their business), he sets his sights on winning her back, with swoony lines like this:
"I need you to know I'm coming for you. Okay? Making my intentions unmistakable clear. I'm not going to play games. I know what I want and I'm not stupid enough to let you go twice."

We love a man who goes after what he wants! But he isn't aggressive in any way shape or form, letting Romina get used to the idea of them again. He pursues her in a steady, confident way that flusters her in delicious ways. Add in some delightful side characters and a unique setting (Romina works with her sisters at a store focusing on magical candles and flowers). I want to live in this world forever. 5 lush stars.

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A fortune florist, Romina, unexpectedly reunites with an old flame, but not before a little fake dating and forced proximity stands in their way.

Overall, I liked the second half of the book. The swoon-worthy trope of second-chance romance is what dreams or fortunes are made of. However, the first part of the book is super slow. I’m glad I finished because the story Romina and Alex was a chef’s kiss!

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I read this book as an ARC and it was so cute! It has the witchy main character, cottagecore, sisterhood, small town, second chances and a sprinkle of spice!
A feel-good magical book with characters you root for..

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A little magic, a little romance, lots of tension and regret. Lovers to enemies to lovers with some fake dating sprinkled in. What’s not to love? This book is centered around Romina and Alex former high school sweethearts turned enemies. Neither one will admit they never fell out of love with the other. Sweet and a little sexy.

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Old Flames and New Fortunes has a lot of tropes fake dating, second chance romance, and witchy elements. While it was a cute story and a decent read I was really hoping to like it a lot more than I did. The main relationship I didn't feel all that invested in and they amount of side characters at times was a little confusing and had to go back to keep reminding myself who they were. Some things also felt a little drawn out and maybe weren't entirely necessary to the story. I would recommend this book if you like rom-coms its definitely worth the read and while for me it was a 3 star read I'm sure there are others who will enjoy it more. I want to thank NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Damn, Sarah Hogle never misses. This book made me weep actual tears AND laugh out loud, sometimes in the same chapter. The stuff about longing to be a parent is so good, these characters are zany and wonderful, Hogle is an unmatched talent in contemporary romance.

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I'm so sad I didn't love this one! my favorite thing about Hogle's past works have been the tone of her books. they've been funny, silly, and light. this started with that tone, but quickly just started feeling so sad and depressing. what happened in Romina's last relationship was just devastating to read about and took away all the fun.
I really didn't care about Alex or Romina & Alex's relationship. nothing negative to say - just complete disinterest.
my favorite thing about the book were Romina, her sisters, and the magical shop. I honestly just wish this was a general fiction story focused on the sisters & the shop!

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There's something in Sarah Hogle's writing that makes me fall for the characters right away.

"You Deserve Each Other" is one of my faves, so when I saw this new book, I knew I had to read it. And, of course, it didn't disappoint. Romina and Alex are amazing characters, and I loved how the story unfolded. Infinite stars!

Thank you so much, NetGalley and Penguin Group for sending me this ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley, Sarah Hogle and Penguin Group for the ARC.

Small-town romance, fake dating, second chances and witchy magic? I couldn't sign on fast enough. Romina Tempest uses her witchy magic to create florologist fortunes. Alex, her high school sweetheart comes back to town after a decade and throws her into a panic-driven situation in which she ends up fake dating her best friend....who is also Alex's soon to be step-brother.

Unfortunately for me, the plot is the positive point. I found the main characters to be bland, Alex was downright condescending, pretentious and unlikable. He also kept a MAJOR secret for the entirety of the book. It's seemingly explained away by saying "he never had time" to tell Romina but that is not accurate.

Romina's magic could've had a better role. It had a lackluster bit part and she just created what I envisioned as little posey boutonniere-type arrangements that would give someone luck. Aside from that, her relation to her magic, or her ability to grow flowers and "infuse" them with magical intention was really left floundering.

There was a LOT of detail, or attempt at setting building that just made it feel chaotic and one-dimensional. The reader wasn't able to engage with either scenery or characters, in my opinion.

I think this one is a pass for me. I finished it but it was a struggle.

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I enjoyed this book but I don't think that I loved it. This book follows Romina who is a witch specializing in flower fortunes. I thought this was really fun because we got a lot of glimpses into the meaning of each flower. She comes back into contact with her high school sweetheart while she is fake dating his soon to be step brother. They obviously have unresolved feelings for each other and the book focuses a lot on them healing and coming back together. I liked Romina, she was a calming presence in the book and I loved how passionate she was about her family and her work. Alex was alright. His personality was bit much for me at times. He seems like a good dude but he has these moments where he is super cocky and I don't think he likes admitting that he's wrong, especially if it's someone he doesn't want to admit it to. The plot twist wasn't one that I enjoyed but I never really enjoy that type of surprise. The main character kinda talked about how this surprise was a deal breaker for her normally but because it's Alex, it's not a deal breaker. Fair but weird. Overall though, the characters were fun and the story had good development. I would read the rest of the books I think that this one is setting up.

Thank you to NetGalley, Sarah Hogle, and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow wow wow! I am truly obsessed with this book - I’ve already preordered a physical copy so I can keep this on my shelves forever. This book shot right to the top of my all time favorites romances.

I want to live in Moonville. Sarah Hogel created such a magical, cozy little town that I could see and feel as I read; it felt so lived in and real.

The antagonistic start to Romina and Alex’s rekindled relationship was incredible- the tension was perfect and paid off in an incredibly romantic way.

My life is officially on hold until I read all of Sarah’s backlist!

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i finished this in practically one sitting. i loved romina and and alex, but they were really the only thing driving this book for me. the flora fortune plotline wasn’t particularly compelling and none of the side characters or their storylines interested me. beyond finding out what happened between romina and alex in the past, their banter was bantering in the present and i feel like their story was reasonable, leaving their reconnection believable (which sarah excels at, as we found in you deserve each other)

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I loved the magic. Wish there was more of it. The romance just didn't work for me, mainly because I didn't like Alex. He was overbearing, rude, and a bit of a stalker. Romina was wishy-washy and annoying.

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I received a copy of Old Flames and New Fortunes in exchange for an honest review. Thanks Putname books and NetGalley.

3.5 stars. a solid 3 for spice. Romina is healing from a terrible breakup. Things are going well for her. She works as a magical florist who weaves spells with bouquets in her family witchcraft shop. When her best friend, Trevor, is put on the spot for not being able to hold a relationship, he and Romina pretend to be a couple and immediately meet his new future step brother... who is Romina’s high school boyfriend. Their breakup has been a ghost in her life. He’s convinced her and Trevor are faking it and things get funny. But she also is forced to face some seriously deep thoughts.

I would put this book in the same category of contemporary fiction romance as Emily Henry. It was cute, It made me laugh, but it also made me cry a bit. It's a bit heavy for a light and cute romance, but there's a lot of charming humor as well.

I do love how the author integrates magic and witchcraft into the story in a normal and healthy way. It does sound like she has personal experience, which is fantastic. She did also mention Tamora Pierce (my favorite author) so I obviously was charmed by that. I do however wish there was some type of trigger warning for the child issue Romina faced because I think that could be incredibly difficult for someone who had no clue that would be there.

I usually rate 0-5 spice, with 3 being multiple vanilla, if descriptive sex scenes.

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Sarah Hogle always hits it out of the park and this one was her best yet! I loved the magical second-chance storyline! Romina is the best and I loved watching her and Alex figure it out. So good!!

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