Member Reviews

Romina lives in the town of Moonville, Ohio with her magical family. Facing a real need to expand their business Romina goes to a meeting with friend and business partner Trevor attempting to secure a loan. During this meeting they find out that his father is going to be getting married. Romina and Trevor also end up announcing that they are dating. Romina faces further complications when her high school sweetheart, Alex, witnesses her fake relationship with their friend Trevor. Despite initial hostility, the story takes a compelling turn as Alex and Romina are thrown together during wedding festivities.

I love the way the story unraveled the characters' history and addressing past trauma. The book delves into thought-provoking themes like life detours, choices, and hard issues women navigate. The exploration of witchcraft and flower symbolism adds an intriguing layer to this lovely story. I have really been enjoying books that use a light touch with witchcraft. I also really adored the relationship between Romina and Alex's mom. I don't know if we will get any additional stories from this world but I would love it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I will start with saying I am a huge Sarah Hogle fan, her plots are unique and her characters are witty and hilarious. I was so excited to receive the ARC for her new book!

Unfortunately this one was not for me. I wanted to quit in chapter 2 because I was already weirded out. I tried so hard to trudge through it but gave up at 45%. The plot has the female main character being an unironic witch, in the real world, and that was a little too weird for me. I absolutely loved her other magical book, Just Like Magic. But in Just Like Magic, there seemed to be an understanding from the author to the readers that the characters and the writing were intentionally ridiculous and chaotic, but to have fun with it. I didn’t get the light-hearted vibes in this book. This one felt like it was trying to take the magical premise too seriously, and it just felt awkward. Especially as Alex confronts her about her not believing in magic in the past. She doesn't give much of an explanation to what changed, but he still just needles her about it in kind of a mean way.

I usually laugh my way through all Sarah’s books, which is why I love them so much, but the humor and wit wasn’t there for me. The MMC, Alex, was just kind of a self-obsessed jerk. I kept waiting to like him and it’s not coming.

Sarah still remains an auto-buy author for me. Out of the 4 books of hers that I have read, 3 are some of my absolute favorite. I really hope this book lands better for other people!

Thank you NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I love fake dating troupes! And this one did not disappoint! You will want to read this book over and over. Stepbrothers, magical sweet little towns and old high school boyfriends! Throw in a car chase and what more could you want! I read this on the beach and smiled from ear to ear!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC! Will highly recommend this one!

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The most compelling aspect of this book for me was Romina's relationship with her sisters and niece. The dynamic between Trevor and the sisters (and just Romina) was also hilarious and had me laughing uncontrollably more than once (they are such good friends!). However, I just did not click with Alex's character, and therefore not with Romina and Alex's relationship either. This is obviously a personal preference but did, of course, impact my enjoyment of the book. I was also a little lost on the market plot, which I know is meant to be secondary to the romance but felt a little vague, piecemeal, and slapdash even when it was mentioned.

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Old Flames and New Fortunes tells the story of Romina (Romina!) a flower fortunist who is reunited with her high school boyfriend Alex more than a decade later. There's witchy sisters, magical flowers, fake dating, a car chase, and lots and lots of pining. Hogle packed this story full, maybe a little too full at times, but I can't help love how rich, and vivid it all is!

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This book has left me a little frazzled. It took me a little bit to get into it but once I did, I was absolutely locked in. I love the premise of magic revolving around Ro’s floral arrangements and the way magic was explained overall. The magical small town setting was a treasure! There were so many high moments and then a random reveal that felt like it came from left field.

I was so positive this was going to be a five star read for me and then this ONE moment just kind of snatched a star away. But all in all, a solid read with lots of swoony moments.

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Thank you to Putnam and NetGalley for the ARC.

I just didn’t love this one. I didn’t connect with either of the main characters. Not a fan. Some of their behavior made me cringe.

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This book had so many elements that drew me in, so I was disappointed that I didn’t love it more than I did! It felt like the story took a minute to find its rhythm, but there is sort of a frenetic energy to Romina, the magic shop, etc., so it kind of worked.

My biggest issue was with Alex. It felt like he didn’t know what kind of MMC he was supposed to be — this intellectual, observant, somewhat reserved guy we were told about from her past, or this weirdly arrogant, possessive, alpha male he acted like when trying to expose Romina’s fake dating plan. Let the record show that I am fine with either type of MMC; it just felt like he was a bit unrealistic and a grabbag of all our favorite tropes. Somebody should also note that he spent the middle 30% of the book trying to get Romina to drop her act and tell all her secrets when HE WAS HIDING THE BIGGEST SECRET OF ALL - and was so cavalier about it! I didn’t love that for her.

That said, when the fake dating scheme was thrown out the window, Alex seemed to chill way out, and I could enjoy his and Romina’s connection. I thought the second act of their story was well written, and I loved the flora fortunes, witch elements, and the sister relationships.

2.5 stars, rounding up to 3.

Thank you to NetGalley and Putnam for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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I started out really loving this book, the main character Romina is funny and sweet. I love the banter between the sisters and their friends/colleagues in the store. I even really liked the main male character and ex-Alex UNTIL part two of the book. He reveals a big secret like it's no big deal and is very caviler about it which makes me just plain angry. If this section had been handled differently I would have adored their relationship and the rest of the book but instead, it left me feeling like Romina is labeled as the problem and not Alex when honestly he has just as many issues.

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Honestly Sarah Hogle can write anything and I'll read it! I'm talking grocery list, pros and cons list, I would even come back from the dead just to read my obituary if she wrote it. She writes the kind of rom-coms that are so wonderfully effervescent you don't ever want to have to close the book.

Every character and detail in this book has such a rich energy to it and the way she makes seemingly unlikeable qualities so endearing is truly an art only she has mastered. This book is a cozy comedy I will definitely be reaching for again to recommend to all my friends!

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I adore Sarah Hogle’s witty dialogue and her characters are so interesting to me. I was extremely excited for this book, but it fell a little short for me. The only reason was —once the love interest showed up, I lost a little interest. Alex didn’t really win me over and I think I would have been so happy if there was a surprise romance within the story. Like a side character that is better for her and she finally realizes he’s the one who is right for her. Second chance romance aren’t my fav but I enjoyed Sarah Hogle’s debut novel You Deserve Each other. I thought this book was going to give me the same feels. It was still very cute, just a little slower than her previous work.

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I received this as an ARC, and all opinions are my own.
Rating : 3.5 Stars

I was over the moon when I received this ARC from NetGalley.
I have read 2 books from Sarah Hogle before, and absolutely loved You Deserve Each Other.

Going into this, I had no clue what to expect. I adored the witchy element that was brought in, and how they tied Moonville, OH along to make the small town more mystical. It had some really great tropes and some character development, and I loved the bickering of the sisters and family dynamics.

- Fake Dating
- High School Sweethearts
- Second Chance Romance
- Small Town

Overall I really enjoyed it, however there were moments of the story that felt a bit chaotic on events, and I also think it would have been deeper on character perspective if it were a dual POV.

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Thank you Penguin Group Putnam & Netgalley for this eArc in exchange for an honest review!

Hoyle has such a distinct voice in the romance genre! Her plot will not only make you genuinely giggle but will be full of heartfelt emotion - this is no different.

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One of the most fun and wholesome second chance romance books I've read omg 😭 I was legit laughing out loud at some of the scenes, and the wholesomeness level at the end is >>>

The trope is second chance romance whilst the FMC is dating her love's.. step-brother to be (the stepbrother is also having a second chance romance with someone simultaneously 😭)

++ witchy stuff (this book is about a flower witch!!)


TWs - death of parent (past), unpleasant household due to divorcing parents (past), domestic abuse (verbal) in a relationship (past) and the panic/grief following it, separation of a child and a parental figure (in the aforementioned relationship), financial issues in a business

-- ty to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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I received an ARC on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this story, but I don't think it will be a book I read again.

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I will always read everything this woman writes and it has never let me down!!! I loved all these characters so much. I think this is my favorite after you deserve each other!

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Thank you Penguin Group Putnam & Netgalley for this eArc in exchange for an honest review!

I will try to keep this relatively spoiler free but expect minor spoilers.

4 stars!

I went into this book expecting it to be a cute Fall read about magic and second chances. While it did touch on those things I don’t think it was in the way I expected. (It also was set in the Spring).

I enjoyed uncovering the history of Alex and Romina and how they ended up getting together and what happened to draw them a part. I do appreciate the sisterly bond that was depicted in this book and the importance of having a good support system around you. Romina was strong willed and she knew what she wanted. I felt so bad learning about what happened with her ex, she deserved better. It was also interesting to learn about the flowers and what different types mean.

As for what I didn’t like…

I typically love Hogle’s writing and enjoyed her previous 3 novels. However, something shifted with this book. I feel as though she was trying a new writing style or trying to alter hers and I don’t think it worked for me. This book took me a while to get into because I simply could not connect with the characters. I was confused about Romina’s magic and really just did not like the side characters. Trevor and Morgan did not add anything for me. I don’t understand Morgan’s purpose in the story at all actually.

While by the end of the book I was enjoying reading about Alexromina I think the lead up is what lacked. It took way too long to learn what happened between them and by the time we did the arc just felt flat.

Hogle does a great job of creating characters who are unique. They’re meant to be typically unlikeable in the sense that they’re not perfect characters who you often see in romance books. However, this book seemed to err too far on the side of unique and less on substance. I feel like Trevor was way too apparently meant to be the comedic side character, Alex had no dimension aside from being a roofer, and Romina was unrelatable(at least to me).

I think maybe this book simply wasn’t my cup of tea but this does not mean it’s a bad book! Take my review with a grain of salt, I still very much enjoyed reading it.

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Sarah Hogle delivers magic in this delightful and poignant second chance fake dating romance, with 'Old Flames and New Fortunes'.

Flora fortunist Romina Tempest is shocked to see her first love Alex King for the first time in eleven years, five minutes after fake dating Trevor, Alex's soon-to-be stepbrother and her and her sisters' business partner.

This book was so well-written and plotted with two well-rounded characters who stole my heart. Romina and Alex had such a spark, even in present day after all the enmity. I loved their banter, teasing and connection. Romina was sharp, kind and knew what she wanted. Alex was self-assured and a bit cocky, but he was caring and pursued Romina in a manner that focused on her needs and fears. He could see right through her, just as she could see through him.

I went into this book with trepidation as I've read a spate of second chances with the same formula that stresses me: constant flashbacks right up until the 80% mark where we finally learn why they broke up. Plus I also was clued in from other reviews to a certain plot development. So I kept putting this book pushing this down my TBR pile to avoid the stress.

But this book didn't stress me out as much! Hogle carefully balances the heart ache with lots of sweet moments, and, thankfully, minor flashbacks so as not to disrupt the pace. My heart broke along with Romina and Alex when they finally talked about their split. But this time around you could see how much more mature they were, communicating their needs and fears and accommodating the other's needs. The plot development I was worried was also skilfully handled and it was related more about Romina's heartbreak from a toxic ex-partner, than it was about anything else.

'Old Flames and New Fortunes' is a masterclass in how to tell a second chance story where you just know that the couple have sorted their issues in order to have a clean slate. Filled with a magic and a dash of whimsy, this book cast a spell over me and I can't wait to return to Moonville to see how Luna and Zelda's stories play out.

Thanks to GP Putman/Penguin and NetGalley for the ARC.

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As an Ohioan myself it is fun to read books set in my state! I loved the local mentions. I also thought that the romance between Romina and Alex was really sweet and I would definitely read more books set in this world!

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Sarah Hogle has this innate ability to weave endearing characters into every story she writes, and this one is no different. Her strength remains in punchy, hilarious dialogue, as seen through growing tension and intimacy between Romina and Alex. This book's ensemble is full of memorable characters that I hope to see again in future books. The floral education is slightly intense, but it did, in fact, grow on me as I kept reading.

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