Member Reviews

A cozy, magical book perfect for spring that you won’t want to put down!
The vibes and overall style of this book is perfection. It’s so cozy and easy to visualize everything.
I really couldn’t get the characters out of my mind. I enjoyed the setting and of course with a subplot of a wedding and also close sister relationships, it was a treat to read!
I felt a little overwhelmed with the pacing and storyline in the beginning of part 2, but it quickly smoothed out. There were 2 chapters that I skipped over that were spicy, but other than those it was the perfect read for me!
Thank you Putnam and Net Galley for the e-arc in exchange for my honest opinion and review.

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Hmm, not sure where to start. There was so much going on in this book. There are actually 2 parts and they feel like different books. The first part is fake romance story that was more romcom. The second part was second chance love that was very sweet and sentimental. The problem? Alex was two different people in each part. After part 1, I was not rooting for him. Then, he became a new person and got better in part 2. This is definitely set up to be 3 book story too. It’s ok, but I would wait til it’s at the library.

Thank you Putnam for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This was my first second chance romance novel and I think it might be my new favorite trope!
The book started out a bit slow for me, but once you get past the beginning in sucks you right in. It was so whimsical and laugh out loud funny. I love a little witchy romance. I really hope we get more books about all the sisters. I don't want to leave Moonville just yet!

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I enjoyed this second chance story more than I thought I would. But I don't think it would be one I would read again.

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I was SO excited to receive an ARC of Sarah Hogle's Old Flames & New Fortunes (out 4/2). If you read You Deserve Each Other, then you know that Hogle's dialogue sparkles with humor & revels in the ridiculous in the most delicious way.

This 2nd chance romance featuring a wee bit of witchy magic was by turns laugh-out-loud funny & feel-your-heart-actually-ache intense. With characters to root for, chemistry that sizzles on the page, and the set up for a delightful series about all three sisters, I'm 100% invested in Hogle's latest.

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I adore Sarah Hogle, Old Flames and New Fortunes was everything I hoped it would be. It's second chance full of steam, pining and some jealousy. Alex is a touch broody, but full of charm. Romina is whimsical and magical. I was completely captivated from the start, lost in Moonville, flower fortunes, and Trevor's shenanigans'. This book it complete perfection.

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The book started off slow, or maybe I just wasn’t in the right mindset. Then it rained today and it just seemed like the best time to relax and read. After about the 3rd chapter it all really got interesting. An old flame returns to Romina’s life, I was surprised we don’t find out her name until that 3rd chapter, and the lies and fun begin. There’s a few heartbreaking flashbacks but I feel like the star of the show for Part 1 is Trevor the fake boyfriend. Part 2 is filled with angst and a lot of steamy moments the flower magic never really takes a center stage acts like a backstory. I wished it was more predominant in the story it was like just getting to dip your toe in a pool for a little bit. The story sets up like there could be 2 more books involving the sisters. I would read them. This was a quick read for me giggling at Trevor’s antics and cheering for Alex and Romina. I was definitely recommend.

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There’s something so special about Sarah Hogle’s books in that I feel like each and every one of them was written just for me.

They weren’t, of course—and I can’t relate to most, if any, of Romina’s conflicts. But just like with Hogle’s other three romances, I held this book close to my heart after finishing it (okay, my phone, since it’s a digital copy), and as I am typing this review, I genuinely feel like I could float away.

All of the characters in this novel are so likable! Even Alex, whom I was initially on the fence about, since he seemed a bit cocky at first… but oh my goodness did I grow to love him. And Romina! Romina Romina… oh how you deserve the world and all the flowers that grow within it.

Not to mention how FUNNY Sarah Hogle is. All her books have me giggling and kicking my feet, which is an accomplishment for sure, since very few books have managed to elicit physical reactions from me. I laughed, I gasped, I cried, UGH I LOVE THIS BOOK SO SO MUCH.

Let’s address the “twist” which seems to have made a few readers… unhappy, to say the least. Did I love it? No, I can’t say that I did at first. But I appreciated it—how it made the story seem more alive, in a sense, made its characters seem more real and made Romina’s struggles feel that much more thought out, as opposed to a throwaway subplot akin to those I’ve experienced in many a contemporary romance novel. I adore how Hogle recognizes that a relationship is more than instant attraction; like a flower, it needs to be nurtured to properly bloom. And also, that romance is not all that makes up a romance! (But boy, are her MMCs the most romantic men I’ve ever read.)

Thank you thank you thank you to NetGalley and Putnam for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Romina loves her magical town of Moonville, Ohio and her job creating flora fortunes. When Romina’s high school sweetheart Alex unexpectedly shows up in town for the first time in years Romina’s business partner Trevor convinces her to pretend they’re dating to get back at Alex. But Alex is exasperating and persistent trying to get to the bottom of Romina’s and Trevor’s relationship. Finally Romina admits she really isn’t in a relationship with Trevor and she and Alex admit their feelings to each other. But can Alex and Romina move on from their tumultuous past, or will they end up breaking each other’s hearts a second time?

There were so many things I loved about this book! First of all the supporting characters are a whoot and I keeping my fingers crossed this is the first of a new series following the sisters. Romina’s two sisters and niece are hilarious and a wonderful support system for Romina. The town of Moonville itself is its own character and a place I very much want to visit. The romance between the characters is sweet and tender but they do not shirk away from their past and communicating what they need from one another as adults. This book has a bit of everything and such a wonderful read!

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Old Flames & New Fortunes is a lovely second chance romance with some twists and magic. The setting was adorable and immersive and it makes you want to step into Moonville yourself! The characters had depth and the author takes you on a journey as they sort out their emotions. We also love a slow burn that is so satisfying when everything comes together. Overall, it had a very whimsical feel, witchy vibes, and characters who were real and relatable.

Thank you NetGalley and Putnam for this eARC!

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For all my girlies who have been trying to fill the void that The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Bandanna left - Sarah Hogle has FULLY come to deliver all the witchy, cozy, love-filled vibes, except this time… packaged in a charming second-chance romance.

Sisters Romina, Luna, and Zelda run a gorgeously witchy shop in a town that has a subtle undercurrent of magic that will welcome you right in. With the store stuffed floor to ceiling with candles, charm bags, floriography fortunes/meaningful arrangements, and fantasy books - they are in DESPERATE need for expansion. However, as they buy the lot next door - a whole heap of surprises await them. This kickstarts a long journey into setting up their next project and attracts some *unexpected* arrivals into town. 

I adored the writing in this. Old Flames and New Fortunes was a quick and easy read - exactly what I would expect from a contemporary romance. However, Hogle has a tendency to describe things in very unique ways - be it personification of the sky or noticing the small details of everyday life - the universal experiences of living that are never really voiced. Additionally, the dialogue! The dialogue and banter (especially between sisters, and niece) was so realistic while still being genuinely laugh-out-loud funny. The moments with them all was such a joy, almost viscerally so. You can certainly tell Hogle has had experience with some sassy, energetic, kids who love being involved in the adult conversations. 

Meanwhile, it wasn’t all fun and games - there was some genuine meaning and deeper themes in this cozy love tale. Troubled childhoods, the expectation on woman in regard to motherhood, abusive/manipulative relationships, healing and finding one’s inner self, loss and rediscovery, fear and doubt- all amongst others. There was a core and depth to nuanced issues that I didn’t expect. The characters felt so flushed out that I felt walking through their shoes was an enlightening experience. Even the side-character and the quasi-found family the shop provided felt explored, lovable, and really assisted in the setting.

The ONLY downside for me, and I enjoyed this book enough for it not to have ruined it, was the love interest and how I simply could not grow to like him. Romina is an absolute darling, such a soft and lovable character while Alex has, uh, a bit of an ego. Often that aspect of his personality was joked about in narration and by other character’s - however I, for the life of me, don’t understand how he got away with so much. I appreciated other facets of him, his past shyness, his grief, his family-life, his unconditional care towards our main character, but the arrogance and know-it-all nature so so so unfortunately knocked down some points for me. 

None-the-less, I would totally recommend this book and I would like to thank Netgalley and Putnam for the ARC copy in exchange for feedback! I will certainly be reading more Sarah Hogle and crossing my fingers for more Moonville in the future!

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I generally love Sarah Hogle’s writing and character development, and this book was no different than the rest, but the subject matter was not my favorite. In this book, we follow Romina, who can find magic in different plant and flower combinations as she enters a fake relationship to make her ex boyfriend jealous. My issue with this plot is that none of the characters seemed very committed to the bit, and I personally don’t love that brand of magic. I think we spent too much time learning about how the characters and the town were quirky for me to truly get immersed in this book, which is upsetting because i was really excited when I first started reading. Overall, I would recommend to someone that enjoys a magical book and doesn't want something with too much plot, but I don’t this this book is for everyone.

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I’m normally not a fan of second chance romances but add magic to just about anything and I’ll eat it up. Alex’s secret keeping took brownie points away from him in my opinion but who wants a perfect mmc. Overall I enjoyed it and will be recommending to all of my friends.

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This is a sweet and magical book, with wit and romance. It was a delight to watch Romina and Alex find each other again. There are enough interested and fleshed out characters for this to be a series, so I'll be watching and hoping for the next!

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A second chance romance with lots of humor, but may be too spicy for my liking.

I found the charaters witty and funny with a lot of heart, but it was hard to connect with them. Alex didn’t seem realistic at all, and their reasons for not being together were kind of flimsy. The multiple threads of the plot didn’t really come together cohesively.

Thank You NetGalley and Publisher for the eARC.

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A Sarah Hogle I'm conflicted about: who woulda thunk it? Look, I love the way Hogle writes: she's got a clear voice, charm, and so much wit. If you want to read something clever and incredibly written, she's your girl, and this book is no exception. Romina and Alex are well-fleshed out characters, with dimension, personality, and so much chemistry, but that twist. No spoilers, but it had me reeling, and frankly, if this was anyone but Hogle, I'd give this book a 2-star review and call it a day. Fortunately (for her, and for me), Hogle remains emotionally aware, thoughtful, and so fucking good at what she does, that I'll call this book good-but-maybe-don't-do-this-again. Read with caution and an open mind, and you'll be fine.

Not your typical Hogle. I still have some thoughts, but maybe on a re-read this rating will change. For now, the writing, chemistry, and wit will have to dictate my review, and not my aversion to male leads that are slightly more troublesome than I care for.

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This book is my favorite second chance romance of the year. I loved the magical ambiance of Moonville and the store that Romina shares with her sisters. It made me want to visit and look through Zelda's bookshop. Romina is such a strong character, and I loved her magical ability with plants. Her chemistry that she had with Alex was spot on and I was rooting for them the whole book. I also loved the banter between Romina and Trevor. Trevor is such a comedic character that I caught myself laughing several times throughout this book.

I am hoping that this is not a stand-alone and part of a series. The ending opened up the possibility for stories with the other two sisters. This is the first book I have read from Sarah Hogle but will definitely not be my last.

Old Flames and New Fortunes comes out April 23rd, 2024.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the opportunity to review Old Flames and New Fortunes. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

DNF at 28%

Another one bites the dust sadly. I was not connecting with either character in this one, and the MMC was especially meh because he was being a narrow minded, condescending prick. Not to mention the writing just seemed unpolished, but this was a pretty early arc, so maybe that will be improved before its release.

Bummed about this one because I really like You Deserve Each Other, but this one wasn't for me.

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Ever since reading You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle, I was so excited to see she had another book coming out! And a second romance at that! I adored the ambiance of this book, its a perfect spring and cozy vibe. And the fact that each chapter had a flower and its meaning was so perfect. I loved the sister and family aspects as well, and how close Romina was with her sisters. It was heartwarming and endearing to include that into the story.

I feel like the romance between Romina and Alex was lacking and I found it hard to connect with them throughout the book. Alex's character was a bit controlling and he held a big secret from Romina which made me lose connection for him.

Regardless, this was a fun and cozy read! I enjoyed the witchy and flower aspects interwoven into the story. Sarah Hogle's writing is easy to fall into and enjoy!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Yuck yuck - hate hate hate secrets in books. Miscommunication is one thing, but purposefully keeping information from someone is something I cannot handle. I loved our FMC to death - she was amazing - and the witchy vibes throughout (magic, anyone?), but the MMC was just a solid nooo. All other Sarah Hogle books have been top tier for me, easily enjoyed and quickly read, but this one was a struggle. If the MMC had been different, I think I’d feel totally different about the book, but he just ruined it fully for me. As a reader, it’s super duper important for me to connect with the characters so I can see where their actions, thoughts, and words come from… so this was hard. But it just wasn’t for me. Thanks for the opportunity to read.

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