Member Reviews

My Reaction: This was my first Sarah Hogle novel & I enjoyed it! Sarah’s way of describing settings makes you feel like you’re being wrapped in a blanket. This story evoked a lot of emotion from me that I didn’t expect - that’s a testament to the writing. The multiple storylines added to the character development. I enjoyed the flashbacks between Romina & Alex in high school + Romina’s lookback on her relationship with Spencer (even though I hate him) - it helped me better understand her. The magical realism was fun & light- it could actually be part of our world. It elevated the story to something more whimsical. We had some brief deeper topics such as love after loss & spotlight on women’s value being on childbearing. I enjoyed that once Alex & Romina got past the initial hurdle, there wasn’t second act break up. It was all about her getting comfortable in opening her heart to his child. I loved this – it was different than most romances I read.

The characters were SO much fun. I really hope we get a story about each Tempest sister because they’re each unique…. It feels like we will with a certain fortune a certain sister received. I also found Alex very swoony. Humans aren’t perfect, he certainly wasn’t, but I loved him regardless.

The ‘secret’ Alex withheld may cause anger with readers, however, this is an emotional story and we need to look at the situation realistically.
1) Alex thought Romina was in a relationship with Trevor. He did not owe her any information about his life.
2) Romina lied repeatedly as Alex tried to uncover the truth. She purposefully put him in situations where he was hurting with jealousy. I don’t fault her though & understand her feelings in trying to protect her heart!
3) As a reminder, books are here to make us think critically & evoke emotion. Humans make mistakes and we don’t always like the choices other humans make.

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Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

I really enjoyed the first 3 quarters of the book but it kind of lost me there towards the end. I liked this cast of characters as a whole but something felt a little off about the main characters. Can Trevor get a spin off? He had me laughing out loud.

I am a big fan of Hogle’s You Deserve Each Other but this one didn’t hit its mark for me.

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Sarah Hogle is the queen of soft boys and whimsy love stories with heart and soul and sometimes even a dash of magic ✨

At first, I was quite skeptical of this book. Actually I thought I was tripping. I couldn’t get a solid read on the world or the magic and the writing felt very scrambled to me. My notes from the first chapter just say “I feel like I just got slapped in the face by cottage core. But why is there a red Nissan with yellow rims? Is this set in the world of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?”

Turns out this is much less ridiculous story than I first imagined, set in current day in a novelty tourist town called Moonville somewhere in the depths of Ohio. The novelty is in its “love magic” and its unbelievably cutesy landscape, shops, and eateries (the bar is called Moonshine, the pastry place is Wafting Crescent—you get the point).

Romina Tempest and her sisters run are purveyors of this so-called love magic at their family store “The Magick Happens” a bookstore/magic shop that specializes in candles and flowers that influence the love lives of their customers.

All fun and adorable and good. Even if it the writing still felt a bit jumbled at times. But what was not fun and good was Romina fake dating her boss/friend Trevor in an effort to score investment money from his dad while making both of their exes jealous. Because, in a twist of fate, Trevor’s dad is in town to marry the mother of Romina’s high school sweetheart. Which puts her face-to-face with Alex (said high school sweetheart) for the first time in 11 years.

I don’t like fake dating on a good day. But you know what’s even worse than love interests that fake date? A main character that fake dates a side character in an effort to hurt the love interest. My stomach actually sank when I finally realized what we were in for, and I enjoyed very little of the high jinks and persistent, petty lying that ensued.

Thankfully that jig doesn’t last too too long though. And once it’s up, thus began the most achingly sweet second chance romance I’ve been privy to in a long while.

I get why people might not love Alex and resent the discovery that very nearly upends the story halfway through. But I disagree wholeheartedly. I fell so hard for Alex. He’s the softest softest boy who’s so clearly still in love with Romina from the get-go and just wants her to be honest with him.

Romina’s fake dating scheme bothered me to no end but her backstory had my heart bleeding. It was something I’ve never read about before or even considered. It was poignant and raw with the sharpest edges but I thought it perfectly complimented the healing journey that these two go on together.

This really is a story about old flames and new fortunes. Love that haunts you and love that heals you. And although there were bits that didn’t work for me, I loved loved loved how this story turned out.

If you’re into:
- second chance romance
- fake dating (not w/the love interest)
- cottage core galore
- quirky small town vibes
- sister witches
- a sprinkle of magic
- guys who fall first
- adorable children
- mild open door steam

Then you should definitely add this to your TBR for next April!! 😌🌷

Thank you to NetGalley and the Penguin Group at Putnam for the opportunity to read this book early! This review reflects my honest thoughts.

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My face actually hurts from how much time I spent grinning like a fool while reading this book. I even loved this book so much, I immediately did a second read through of it immediately after I finished it—TBR pile be damned. I have read a lot of great rom-coms this year. Seriously, some grade-A, magical memory making books but this one….this one has immediately surpassed all of them. It has every thing I look for: banter (oh gods, the banter was perfection), chemistry (it was oozing off the pages), characters that I immediately wanted in my own circle (I seriously loved every single character so, so much), a town that I would pack my bags up in a heartbeat to move to, no annoying miscommunication trope that gets drown out for 500 pages (miscommunication did take place in the characters past but gets resolved in their present), magical elements that really resonated with me, and love interests that I would die to ensure get their happy ending….seriously, Alex and Romina might just be my favorite book couple of all time. I want a book devoted to their high school relationship, their future and their ghosts in the afterlife. Have I mentioned that I love this book? It’s my new personality trait. (Review will be on goodreads and I’ll post to my Insta and tiktok pages as well upon release)

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Definitely a must read. I couldn't put the book down. I read the book in 24 hrs & could Definitely read again. I will be looking fir other titles from this author

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Romina and Alex were once high school sweethearts. They were torn apart, not surprisingly, through miscommunication and their own immaturity. They hadn’t seen each other in years and now Alex is back in town for his mother’s wedding. Romina is determined to avoid Alex and the heartbreak he’s sure to cause her.

Words cannot express how much I love, how much I feel when reading Hogle’s books. The magic in this one was almost peripheral which was fine with me. The sweetness of watching Romina and Alex find each other again was everything. The very beginning of the story threw me for a loop, though, the writing felt a little chaotic, almost frenetic. Looking back, I realize this just showcased the supporting characters’ personalities and Romina’s state of mind at the time.

Once Alex came on scene, things seemed to calm (much like he calmed Romina), and I was hooked. More so as each chapter unfolded to a very satisfying, very romantic end. I don't think anyone can write a romantic hero or invoke a romantic atmosphere better than Sarah Hogle.

Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam's Sons for this complimentary ARC. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I have very mixed feelings about this book.
I very much enjoyed the witchy theme and I usually like second chance tropes.
However, this book left me underwhelmed and I didnt really feel a connection between the two main characters.
It definitely wasn't a bad read by any means, just perhaps wasn't my cup of tea!

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I loved every second of this book. Sarah Hogle is always one of my auto-buy authors and when I saw this book I jumped for the chance to get to read it early. I was so pleased to get the honor to do so. Normally, I am not the biggest fan of second chance romance- but, this was AMAZING!! What I liked the most about this book was how downright ROMANTIC it was. From the setting, which was an atmospheric and delightfully drawn magical place, to our characters, who were real and full of emotion that gripped me and kept the pages turning. I really liked how vulnerable you can see Romina be about her feelings of wanting to be a mother. Personally, I never have felt the strongest urge myself to be a mom, but living those feelings through her got me in a place deep inside I did not know was there. Alex was delightfully stubborn and had some interesting intricacies. I liked how both of their personalities grew and shifted as they turned into adults. The chemistry, for me, was electric and I was often squeeing with delight when they interacted with each other. I liked all of our secondary characters a lot as well, which I feel like it is rare to enjoy all of the secondary characters, but the cast to round out this world and flesh out this story made it all that much better. The sisters give me Practical Magic vibes. Also, my jaw dropped when we find ourselves that large new piece of info about Alex. Did not see that coming at all, but definitely liked the twist a lot! I think the tempest quote at the beginning of the story was chefs kiss, and I loved all of the victorian flower meanings at the beginning of each chapter. Overall, I loved how swoony and romantic this book was. It was delicious and delightful and I loved every minute of it. I wish it would have never ended! I can't wait for the next Sarah Hogle release!

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People who didn’t like this book, I am here to tell you, once and for all, YOU are wrong. Come at me, I don’t care. I have read 155+ books this year already, and this is absolutely at the top of the list for me. So I am here to tell the world, without a shadow of a doubt, if you thought anything negative about this book, you don’t know what you’re talking about, and this is a hill I will die on.

I really enjoyed You Deserve Each Other, I thought it was a delightful and quirky-ly written take on the miscommunication trope. Sarah’s writing style is absolutely unique, it flows more like poetry or song lyrics, it’s so beautiful to me.

Old Flames New Fortunes takes the second chance trope and throws it completely on its head. This book was so emotionally beautiful and reeling, that I had to take a break before part two. Romina and Alex were so heartbreaking, so soul wrecking, that I couldn’t even think about putting the book down. Their story grasped my attention and never let go. And the plot twist before part two?? Killed me, dead. The ending made me burst into tears of happiness, about how beautifully full circle the entire book had come. Sarah knows how to make you so emotionally invested, that you entire existence depends on her sweet and well thought-out characters.

So if you hated this book, you need to take a hard look at why you didn’t deserve Romina and Alex in the first place.

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Thank you to Putnam for giving me an arc but it is becoming abundantly clear that Hogle’s writing just isn’t for me. I thought the plot was cute, the blurb is what hooked me but I’ve read Hogle before and I didn’t necessarily feel wow’d. It felt forgettable, just like this one.

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I loved this everyday witchy book! It’s the sort of story and setting that you could pick up year round for some witchy, magical vibes.

Sarah Hogle writes romances that don’t follow the conventional formulas. Her writing is chaotic in the best way and funny and fresh.

Romina and Alex’s journey in this book is a veritable roller coaster and comes with a whole cast of lovable side characters. I had no idea what was coming next but enjoyed the ride and had quite a few laughs.

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This was cute. It has spring vibes which is great because it publishes in April of 2024! Thanks to @netgalley for the ARC.

Sarah Hogle’s characters definitely all have a maturity problem. Lots of running away from confrontation and problems and some miscommunication. In this book in particular, I found it a tad annoying. Romina runs into her old high school sweetheart and pretends to date her boss? And won’t own up to it. It’s all very childish.

But I forgive a little since there’s magic and every chapter has a flower theme! Definitely loved those touches.

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I dropped everything to read this, and am SO glad I did. I absolutely love Sarah Hogle's humor and how she approaches romantic tropes and traditional structure. Although her books are generally "light", she is still able to create fully fleshed-out characters with nuance, unique pain points, and an arc of earnest growth!

Old Flames and New Fortunes does a beautiful thing I haven't seen too much in the romance genre: it leans into the idea of magic having BOTH believers and nonbelievers. Hogle never seriously states, in one way or the other, that magic is REAL in this world, but she allows readers to come to their own conclusions through the progression of the story. I absolutely adored this, as it parallels well with the concept of True Love/Fated Mates and many other ideas about romance as both Book and Life genres that I myself have gone back and forth on.

As with her other books, her side characters are fantastic and support the overall comic relief that both hero and heroine also actively participate in. They don't feel like plot devices and have their own competing interests and desires that make them wholly unique.

Finally-- Alex and Romina. Oh my did I love their dynamic! One of my biggest pet peeves with second-chance romances is when the time passed between reintroduction doesn't change anything significant about the two love interests. But with both of them, the last eleven years are NOT simply time passed. They are changed, slightly damaged, and have a lot to unpack. This makes the payoff so much sweeter and, dare I say, magical!

The only reason I didn't give this a full 5 stars has to do with length. But part of this might be because of formatting issues with my netgalley copy. I can't wait to get my hands on a physical edition of this book and I caNNOT wait for more people to read this next Spring (which, for anyone who has access now, YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK THIS FALL. It's such an excellent Fall book tbh).

This is a perfect read for anyone searching for:
- HAPPY FOR NOW ENDING (I know some people don't like this, but I LOVED it)

Some content warnings:
Mention of previous abusive relationship and loss of a child, lying by omission

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I love when a second chance romance just hits. After You Deserve Each Other, I was so excited to see Sarah Hogle writing another book involving a trope I love but not a lot of authors can write how I like it. Romina and Alex were adorable. I loved the banter between the two. The town of Moonville, had Stars Hollows vibes which made it a great cozy read. I will be honest and say the twist in the back half of the book threw me off, and I have to knock a star off for it. I did not like how it played out especially knowing Romina's history. All in all a solid 4 star read for me!

Thanks Netgalley for the ARC.

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This book is about Romina, who works in a florist shop and uses her magic skills to help her customers in their love lives. One customer, who is also a financial backing for the shop, is getting married and Romina decides it is the perfect opportunity to showcase why her business should be purchased. So, she she pretends to date her co-worker Trevor in order to gain access to the wedding. She then learns that Trevor is soon to be the step-brother to Alex, her boyfriend from years ago who broke her heart. Romina decides she wants to show Alex what he has been missing, but then she also struggles with the fact that their connection is still present. Should she let go of the past? Give love a second chance? I liked this storyline except for the major secret that is kept through the majority of the book - in real life, it is hard to trust someone after something like that and just didn't work from me. Aside from that, though, I did enjoy the way the story flowed and I enjoyed the magical and flowery elements of the book, which was a fun twist to magic rather than typical tropes of Halloween-themed settings.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Sarah Hogle books never miss and Old Flames and New Fortunes is no exception. This whimsical novel will have readers flying through the pages and completely enveloped in the story. With such beautiful world-building I honestly never wanted to leave. Highly recommend for fans of romance novels that require a touch of suspension of belief.

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I don't love the second chance romance trope, but I thought this was executed in an interesting way. It was low key impossible to figure out the plot based on some of the summaries I saw, so I actually requested this book based more on author than description. While there are elements like You Deserve Each Other (tension, misunderstood hatred, etc.) this book also feels very separate in a way I really liked. Anyways, on to the review!
For characters, I think Hogle did a pretty good job. I liked the main two, but the others also just seemed really fun even when I didn't love them. There was no real villain, just a need for everyone to get over themselves and stop lying to each other. I didn't always like how Alex operated, but Romina didn't seem to care, so go off I guess?
In terms of relationships, my thoughts are mixed but also positive. Romina and Alex had INSANE amounts of chemistry, and I was swooning left and right, but they were pretty bad at communication. Spoiler alert, but they breezed over the fact that he heard about her child-related emotional damage and really didn't tell her he had a kid and let her find out abruptly at a wedding where she couldn't outwardly express anything??? Otherwise, though, WOW. I kind of hated Naomi's outlook on her relationship in YDEO, but Romina was actually pretty likable and I adored the tension between her and Alex.
With plot, the end of the book actually made me really mad in the sense that I wanted more. This was a couple whose relationship I got to watch from high school to a second chance, but I couldn't get more? Booooooo. When I turned the page to the acknowledgements, I was just really disappointed. That's both a compliment and not because while every book should make me want more, it shouldn't make me feel like it's unfinished even if it does give off series vibes (about the other two sisters, though, probably with Romina and Alex in the background). Otherwise, pacing was good, and the flashbacks were done well enough that they didn't consume the book, but they gave necessary background.
Overall, I'd totally recommend this book to fans of low fantasy and high romance, even those who didn't like other books from the author. The chemistry is off the charts, I just wish the book was 50-100 pages longer for some reason. Enjoyment level was a 10/10 until I was done, though!

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Ever since reading You Deserve Each Other way back in 2020, I’ve been a big fan of Sarah Hogle’s brand of chaos and romance, so naturally I immediately added her newest release to my TBR list. Unfortunately, this book was not for me in a variety of ways. A lack of foundation for the romance and strong characterization made Old Flames and New Fortunes fall flat for me.

In a small town called Moonville, Romina Tempest runs a magical shop with her two sisters, Luna and Zelda, with the help of Trevor, the now-owner. After purchasing the neighboring rundown lot, they’re in desperate need of a loan from Trever’s father Daniel. However, after a misunderstanding at what turns out to be Daniel’s wedding announcement with the entire family, everyone thinks Romina and Trevor are dating, which they decide not to clear up once they learn that both of their exes are there. The only issue? For Romina, her ex is Alex, the high school sweetheart who broke her heart eleven years ago and the one who she never really got over. Now, he’s the bride’s son so they’re thrown together constantly over this weekend, resurfacing old, intense feelings.

Typically I start a review with what I liked about the book but honestly, there wasn’t really anything I enjoyed about this book…I don’t even think it was necessarily bad but I just genuinely didn’t care for the characters or the plot (what of it that we had) or the romance. As usual, these are my thoughts, you might feel differently, etc.

The biggest issue I had was with the romance. I’m very much a person who cannot get into romances unless the couple has a decent foundation. Other than a couple random flashbacks, I don’t think we got enough explanation for why Romina and Alex’s dynamic/hatred is so intense now, eleven years later. It seemed like a pretty typical high school break-up to me; even that I’d excuse if there was a little more detail but there was such a disconnect between that and their anguish now that I could not get into their dynamic at all.

Their current dynamic of petty hatred felt akin to that of Naomi and Nicholas from You Deserve Each Other, but again, there we had a lot of explanation for why they both act the way they do. Here, the two of them broke up, and I cannot emphasize this enough, eleven years ago because essentially they didn’t want the same things as teenagers. Again, there are a few flashbacks but they really did nothing to set the scene for what I would’ve assumed to be an epic romance, so anytime Romina or Alex would talk about back then or how the other has changed or how they haven’t, etc, I would be pulled out of the story even more.

The fake dating part of the story takes up a little less than half of the book, maybe? The rest is Romina and Alex relearning each other and falling back in love, so you can understand my frustration with the book when the majority of it just had no foundation whatsoever.

I think the worldbuilding of the book also felt very disconnected as well. Romina and her sisters are witches; Romina is a flora fortunist, meaning she makes customized bouquets that will nudge people in the right direction. The first chapter or so lays the magic part on really thick, in an info dumping way. I say this only because supposedly the town they live in itself is supposed to be magical but we see that in action maybe once or twice. Otherwise, it’s a focus on Romina and her sisters’ powers, but inserted into random parts of the story in a way that didn’t feel cohesive to the story at all. I would say almost in a way that felt like it was added into the story later because you could’ve taken all of the magical parts and the book would’ve been exactly the same.

The last point I’ll talk about isn’t necessarily an issue with the book but one that made Romina’s characterization harder for me to relate to was the fact that her character is very much centered on the fact that she wants children and to have a stable, loving family one day. This is something not super relatable for me, which is fine! It’s just that much of her internal narration (when not thinking about Alex) is intensely spent on how she wants children; by this, I mean pages-long monologues that occur multiple times throughout the story. Again, this is not an issue with the book, but I’m bringing this up because I think some other readers might also not be into this part.

In the end, Old Flames and New Fortunes was not a very cohesive book to me. There was such a disconnect in the romance’s dynamic as well as in the worldbuilding that I struggled to find anything that I liked. You may enjoy this one more than I did, especially if you liked the dynamic of the romance from Hogle’s debut, or honestly you may not if you’re not into books that center around wanting to have children.

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I just love Sarah Hogle!!! I went in with super high expectations since You Deserve Each Other is one my favourite all-time books and I loved this so much! The town, the characters, the writing, was all done so well. Such a great second-chance romance for all romance lovers!

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Hogle’s novels are always a hoot, full of crazy antics, and hilarious characters. Its what I love most about her writing.

I will say it’s best to keep romance expectations low on this one and focus on the wackiness and absurdness of everything. Hoyle wrote into fruition the all time book boyfriend in Wesley Koehler (From Twice Shy) but honestly in this, I loathed Alex as the MMC. I thought him too self righteous and selfish. This kicks off with a fake dating trope between Romina (MFC) and Trevor (soon to be stepbrother of Alex). It bugged me that Alex got all jealous when he had no right to be. Plus in the beginning not only did he not respect Romina’s choice in profession he also openly made fun it. Yeah like no babe, red flags all around.

Then there was that twist that just made me want to smack Alex upside the head, especially considering what Romina has been through and what she had already told him about her past!

Romina and the side characters were great though. Trevor especially was giving golden retriever vibes. Hoping this is going to be a series following the other sisters with how it ended!

4/5 ⭐️

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