Member Reviews

Enigmatic and enchanting. Hogle has done something special here. No one writes in this style. Engaging and charming and I cannot say enough good things

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Thank you so much to Putnam for the ARC! Unfortunately, this was not for me.

One of the biggest reasons was that the MMC kept a HUGE secret from the FMC for the majority of the book and it just rubbed me the wrong way. I ended up just fully disliking the MMC Alex and he did not have any redeeming qualities for me. Because of that, I could not feel the connection between the two main characters.

The plot itself was really interesting and I liked the magic shop element but beyond that I did not feel any connection to this book.

Thank you to NetGalley & Putnam Books for the ARC!

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I was a little skeptical at first going in because the first couple of chapters seemed like filler to me. The author just seemed to be using a multitude of descriptive words that didn't really add anything to the structure of the sentences. However, as I continued to read, my previous thoughts went away as we got a bit of insight into the main character Romina. Her connection to the magical realism world, and nature was right up my alley. Along with this, I absolutely adored the strong roles the side characters played throughout the book. We get a deep dive into Romina's relationship with her sisters and friends working at the town's shop. The banter, and deception was just hilarious.

Now I can't forget about Alex. Oh boy, where to begin. The chemistry between him and Romina was off the charts, definitely rooted back to their past history with each other. A perfect portrayal of second chance romance, branched from one of my favorite tropes, friends to lovers. Ugh honestly the scenes depicting Alex pinning over Romina is just adorable. The reader also gets a chance to dive into some small moments of their past relationship with a few flashback chapters.

Definitely the perfect read if you're looking for something light, fun and fast paced! Plus it's witchy elements makes it fit wonderfully into the fall season!

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Ugh. I was excited for this with the adorable cover and fun blurb!

BOY. Maybe I don’t mesh with Hogle’s writing too well..? I DNFd Twice Shy and actually didn’t get thru YDEO the first time around (tho I ended up trying it again and liking it) because I felt like my initial impressions of the characters were unlikable. It was the same instance here, except I truly was getting the ick from everyone, especially Alex. Why he act like that.

I got through about 35%, feeling no spark between Romina and Alex at all. Then I skimmed the rest and I’m glad, because it seems like a disaster. I will say that a lot of Romina’s character revolves around her wanting to have children which is not something I at all relate to, so it was exhausting to hear her talk about it all the time. And then the “twist”?? No thank you. The ending is abrupt and there’s just too much going on in this book. I’ll probably avoid any Hogle books for a bit.

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Unfortunately this was not my favorite book. I don’t mind the fake dating or second chance romance trope, however I felt that it wasn’t executed well here.

I absolutely did not find any romantic connection between Romina and Alex. Though there was a lot of banter between them, nothing stood out that made me believe they were each other’s first love. The romance between them was lackluster. The spicy scene seemed way too forced and came out of nowhere, like not in a cohesive way. Not to mention it happened right after he chased her down and wouldn’t leave until she got in his car. That left a bad taste in my mouth. The secret that Alex was withholding from Romina definitely made that bad taste worse. I had already felt like he had no redeeming qualities from the beginning and as the book went on, I disliked Alex more and more. There were also a lot of back stories that didn’t seem to fit in with the plot that threw me off.

I like the witch theme and the side plot with the magic shop, but there was a lot I was wanting from this book and it just didn’t deliver much.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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I love Sarah Hogle's writing. <i>You Deserve Each Other</i> is one of my favorite books. The second chance trope is one of my favorite tropes to read, even if it's rarely done correctly. I wanted to love this book and I was until 60% in when you learn that the Alex (MMC) withheld a major thing from the Romina (FMC). I could not get on board with Alex after that. He didn't give her a heads up and never apologizes. It's also one of my least favorite tropes in second chance romances.

I did like Romina. I liked Alex's commitment to getting her back once he realized she was single. I loved the witchy and flower aspects of the story. I liked her relationships with her sisters and friends. I would've loved this book without the twist.

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I received an arc of this book, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

This book was so fun! I must not have read the blurb fully, because I don’t normally go for second chance books, but I’m glad in this instance. I’m hoping there will be more books and it will be a series (the sisters, please!). I loved the hint of magic in Old Flames and New Fortunes. It wasn’t overpowering, but it was just enough to be charming. I ADORED the lush imagery and landscape that the author brought to the story. It had a very fairytale vibe to it. I want to be a character in a Little Golden Book in my next life!

I think Part Two was unnecessary and could’ve been combined with Part One, with Part One being pared down a bit. I kept wondering what was going to happen with 40% of the book left and the big conflict resolved. I didn’t care for that much.

Overall, I’d recommend this book! Three stars for the length and not much spicy time.

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i don't really know what to say because the revelation that was thrown in here felt like experiencing whiplash because there was little development on the mmc's end. with the fmc, there were hints, but it didn't have to go down like it did here. in addition, there is promise of communication later on that turns into a lack of communication without warning to the fmc which was later played to be due to insecurities to little substance. hogle should've spent more time on why romina and alex were each other's person instead of going down this route. i will say she can write emotionally resonant scenes, but it was a bit lost here.

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This was so adorable and genuinely funny with some downright swoony moments. And I loved, loved, loved the hint of magicalness. Also loved the chapters being named after flowers and how the meaning of each flower was tied into the chapter. And how cute is that cover?!

(Slightly spoilery remark ahead.)

There was no third act break-up but I would have preferred that to the reveal at around 60%.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! I didn't love the first third. I thought there was too much backstory and it felt a bit like I was being beat over the head with some of the points that were being made. Also the plot was slow. Once we met Alex, I think the pace quickened and it got much better.

I thought the exchanges between them were really sweet, and Alex's character is sooo smooth. This is definitely a kick your feet and giggle type of romance novel. I like that this book includes storylines for some of the sisters and friends (maybe we will get a Zelda x Morgan story someday?)

The only other complaint I have is probably a personal preference. Some of the metaphors were a little goofy and didn't land well for me. I feel like it was trying to be quirky and I just didn't love that.

Overall I did enjoy this, after pushing through the beginning. It was a cute story, even if I did feel like some points were being thrust upon me.

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DNF. I think the problem is that I just don't enjoy Sarah Hogle's writing. It's not that she's a bad writer but, except from "Twice Shy" which I really loved, I just haven't been able to get into any of her other books. I really think it's a question of taste and Hogle's style just isn't mine.

I trudged through about 40% of this story but just couldn't connect to the characters or care about what happened to them.

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I read Just Like Magic and thought it was adorable and just finished You Deserve Each Other by this author I and found the petty shenanigans (mostly) entertaining. For some reason, this one just didn't feel quite right and I think it's because I never warmed to Alex. I loved the sisters, the flowers, witchy vibes, their shop, etc. and was here for all that. However, something about Romina and Alex's romance just felt off to me, and the whole kid thing from her past vs. her struggle with Alex felt flimsy I guess. This one was just okay and I'm thinking there will be two more books for the other sisters and I'm hoping I enjoy those ones.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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As a fan of Sarah Hogle's books, I was super excited to get an ARC of Old Flames and New Fortunes. It was nice to go back to one of Hogle's previous tropes...second chance romance! I thought Hogle did a wonderful job of creating initial tension between Romina and Alex. I adored the couple and was rooting hard for them. Once Romina and Alex got together, the story lost some of its mojo. I wish the slow burn was a little bit longer. Towards the end, the story started to get a little too mushy/cheesy. Overall, this was a fun and solid read! I loved the secondary characters and the town setting (especially as a fellow Ohioan). I'm hoping there will be a spin off with Miles, Zelda, and Luna. Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC.

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Anytime I see a book with the second chance trope, I have the biggest urge to run the other way. However when I saw Sarah Hogle was releasing one? I immediately jumped to read it !! How could I not??? She did after all bless me with You deserve each other. And I was honestly enjoying this book so much. Like the humor and magic witchy vibes was just EVERYTHING. I almost never laugh out loud in rom coms but I found myself doing several times during this book. But that changed at about the 60-65% mark when Alex revealed something 😭 Unfortunately I am not a fan of that particular trope…like at all and just ended up not liking Alex because of it. I was already holding a grudge against him for how cocky he was but the big revelation just iced over the little warm feelings I had toward him. It just left me so bitter especially considering how Romina felt about that matter and after everything she’s been through. No one is more disappointed by me that I didn’t enjoy this 😭 I wanted to love it so bad

Thank you netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review

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thanks so much for the arc! i was apprehensive about starting this book because i did not like hogle's last book at all. but this was a solid read - i loved the premise, the characters, and the overall plot, and this definitely was better than her last two books. love to see growth!

i think there was something lacking in the second half - it almost feels like the pay-off wasn't worth the build-up. i don't know if its bc i felt something was lacking in the dialogue... or it felt kind of rushed? the last third of the book definitely felt a little disjointed. i feel like this often happens when authors try to circumvent the third act breakup.

also... there are almost too many metaphors/similes. in the first half/world-building part that is okay, but in the 2nd half it can be a little distracting to parse through a simile when the plot is moving forward.

overall though, i really enjoyed this book. finished it in a day. can't wait to read the sequel!!

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This was my first book by Sarah Hogle, and I enjoyed it fairly well. It’s a story about reconnecting with an old love, with some fake dating thrown in. I wasn’t expecting magic to have such a primary presence in the book, but I appreciated that the MMC was apprehensive about the magical aspect of things. It made the story feel more realistic to me.

I liked the overall theme the story followed, and I think the author did a nice job explaining details of the scenes, so you could really picture the settings in the book. I could imagine the cozy, magical, small town of Moonville perfectly as I read. The story did drag a bit at times, though. It’s divided into two parts, and I felt like it should have been wrapping up around the time part two began. The MMC wasn’t painted in a very likable light for the majority of part one, so it made it a little difficult for me to root for him in part two. The supporting characters were all very entertaining, though.

Overall, I enjoyed this magical romance story. The characters were fun, the setting was cozy, and I always love a happily ever after. I also love the beautiful cover art, which is what initially drew me to the book.

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"Old Flames and New Fortunes" effortlessly captures the charming and magical essence perfect for fans of "The Ex Hex." It mixes second chances, single dads, and a touch of witchy wonder. Romina is relatable and determined, and her friendships are heartwarming. The mix of favorite story elements—single dad, second chances, witches—adds an irresistible allure.

With a whimsical setting, relatable characters, and a touch of magic, this novel offers an enchanting escape from the everyday. While the male main character might not win the hearts of all readers, the captivating female characters and the town's magical atmosphere more than make up for it. So grab your favorite blanket, a cup of tea, and let this book's magical embrace sweep you away into a world where old flames flicker to life and new fortunes await around every corner.

Thank you NetGalley, Sarah Hogle, and the publisher for providing me with this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I’m normally not a romance reader but I’d heard good things about this author’s previous book so I decided to pick it up. I was definitely pleasantly surprised and will add her other books to my TBR for the future!

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Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP for providing me with the ARC of Old Flames And New Fortunes by Sara Hogle.

Within the enchanting boundaries of Moonville, Ohio, exists a haven for romance orchestrated by flora fortunist, Romina Tempest. With her magical creations, she weaves love into the lives of others.

However, that little haven is interrupted when Romina's colleague, Trevor, devises a fake relationship between them to save his reputation. She quickly identifies this as an opportunity to present her business proposal to Trevor’s influential father while he is caught up in wedding preparations.

Unfortunately, things take an unexpected turn as Trevor's newly acquired step-brother happens to be none other than Romina's former high school flame, Alex King, who shattered her heart eleven years ago.

Caught in a dilemma, Romina finds herself compelled to pretend to date Trevor in order to project an image of stability and secure the shop she desires.

This messy scenario forces Romina and Alex to spend time together. Reluctant to allow Alex back into her life, Romina guards her heart, while Alex is determined to expose her charade.

Will they be able to resist each other or or is it finally time to confront the past?

I was thrilled when I received the ARC for this novel. As someone familiar with Sarah Hogle's work, I knew I was in for a treat. Just like her previous work, "You Deserve Each Other," this book managed to surpass all my expectations.

Sarah Hogle possesses an extraordinary talent for crafting stories that blend humor and romance flawlessly. I found myself laughing uncontrollably countless times. She effortlessly weaves serious themes with comedic moments and offers insightful thoughts that resonate with the reader.

Enter our protagonist, Romina, a kind-hearted soul who has endured the pain of a devastating breakup, leaving her wary of love. It's impossible not to empathize with her personal struggles and root for her every step of the way.

On the other hand, we have Alex, an absolutely charming MMC who had me grinning from ear to ear like a giddy schoolgirl. His unwavering adoration for Romina is heartwarming. He is the embodiment of the ideal book boyfriend.

When Romina and Alex come together, sparks fly. Their banter is electric, their shared history adds depth, and their chemistry is palpable. Every encounter adds to the simmering tension that had me eagerly turning the pages.

Not to be overlooked are the supporting characters who bring even more life to the story. Trevor was a delight. His antics were just hilarious, while Luna, Zelda, and little Aisling are remarkable in their own right. The dynamic between these characters was brilliantly portrayed.

Sarah Hogle has truly outdone herself with this novel. "Old Flames and New Fortunes" will captivate the hearts of romance readers, immersing them in the beauty and symbolism of flowers, magic, and second chances. I can't wait for this title to grace shelves on April 1st, 2024. Add it to your TBR. Believe me, you won't want to miss this one.

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Sarah’s “you deserve each other” is one of my all time favorites, so I had really high hopes for all her work. This book just didn’t do it for me. It took me forever to get through and wish there wasn’t all the “magic” aspects of it. The first couple chapters felt like someone was just trying very quickly to get their thoughts out on paper and it left me even more confused.

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