Member Reviews

Eva and her boyfriend Jose spent every dime they had to renovate his late grandparent’s rambling estate. Located in Spain’s Andalucian mountains, they nearly broke their backs converting the villa from a state of disrepair into a beautiful health and wellness retreat. With a sparkling swimming pool, fruit trees, a garden full of fresh vegetables, and an olive grove, it’s a hidden paradise. And it’s finally ready to open to the public, starting with a small test run on Easter weekend. Placing an ad on social media, Eva offers fifty percent off a four-day retreat for the first six people to respond. The slots are filled within hours. Delighted by the response, Jose and Eva look at the list of names who will be attending but are taken aback when they realize… not all of them are strangers.

Saskia was Eva’s best friend in college. She betrayed her back then by revealing her secrets, then running off with the boyfriend who left her when he found out. Carlos is Jose’s estranged cousin, one he’s never gotten to know because of a long-standing family feud. While Saskia seems thrilled to see Eva again and resume their friendship, Carlos makes it clear he isn’t there for a happy reunion. He’s angry and bitter that Jose inherited their grandparents’ beautiful — and now profitable — estate. When Saskia and Carlos quickly become a couple, Eva worries Saskia will spill her secrets again and cost her the relationship she’s built with Jose.

Then, there are the couples. Adrienne and her husband Sean sign up for the retreat to reconnect with each other and heal their marriage. However, Adrienne can’t take her eyes off Jose from the moment they arrive. Nathan and Bianca are a nice couple everyone instantly likes. But when Bianca reveals the town she grew up in and how her father died, Eva’s blood freezes. Is it possible Bianca knows what she’s hiding? Is Bianca at the retreat to finally get revenge? One thing’s for sure. Someone is.

From the very first day, calamity seems to befall the retreat at every turn. From a gate being left open and goats destroying the garden to Eva’s massage oils being spilled, constant mishaps are threatening the success of the retreat. But when Eva finds a note in her room labeling her a murderer and the accidents start to grow in severity, she knows someone at the retreat is out to get her for what happened years before. But she’s not alone. Jose has secrets too. By the end, what they’re hiding could cost them the retreat, each other, or — worse — their lives.

A fast-paced whodunnit filled with enough red herrings to keep a hunting dog chasing its tail, “The Retreat” by Karen King is as intriguing as it is engrossing. Not one of the characters is above suspicion in this book. The tension that exists starts off as Eva’s anxiety and perhaps paranoia, even as the first mishaps occur. Initially, all the characters are likeable (although Adrienne and her husband come across as snobby). But as things start to progress and tension fills every page of the book, each character starts to look like the culprit — even if the only thing they’ve done is behave nicely. Author Karen King does an impressive job of creating bucket loads of doubt and casting suspicion on everyone. She’s even better at hiding who the guilty party truly is until the very end.

Told from the alternating points-of-view of Eva, Jose, Carlos, and sometimes the culprit, “The Retreat” is packed with twists and dripping with suspense. It reels you in with the breathtaking descriptions of the villa and the mystery of who’s causing the accidents. It pulls you to the edge of your seat and keeps you there with the threatening notes Eva receives, as well as the unease starting to show in the usually cool, calm, and collected Jose. What happens toward the end will have your palms sweaty and your head spinning. When the true culprit is revealed, you’ll be right there with Eva and Jose, not believing you didn’t see it all along. But honestly you could have — if those red herrings didn’t have you chasing your tail too.

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A psychological thriller set in a remote farmhouse in the Spanish mountains.

The formerly dilapidated building has been turned into a wellness retreat complete with pool and vegetable gardens. José and Eva are ready to open their business after great expense and decide on a trial with just six guests.
However, in true thriller style we must suspend our disbelief at the coincidences as all the guests that turn up may or may not have connections to the owners.

There are plenty of secrets, not least those that Eva and José are keeping from each other.

Secrets have a habit of causing problems and at The Retreat those secrets could turn deadly as someone is out for revenge. But why?

The setting effectively creates a locked room mystery in whodunnit style.

Never has wellness been so stressful! Welcome to Relaxation, Recovery and Revenge.

It's a good set up and all the characters are soon suspected of causing events that are damaging or could turn fatal. Are Eva and José safe or will their first holiday opening be their last?

I must admit I found the first two thirds slow paced and there was a lot of repetition of characters thinking over what had happened and voicing the same concerns chapter after chapter (great if you've a bad memory. It could be a wellness technique 🤔).

I partially guessed the outcome halfway through but there were more twists and turns in the final section than I anticipated and the pace really picked up at this point.

Overall, an entertaining read with an intriguing plot.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for access to the book.

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Full of secrets, lies and deception, The Retreat by Karen King is a fast-paced psychological thriller. It won’t have you jumping out of your seat or hiding behind the sofa, but it does have enough umph to keep you reading, to find out who is behind all the weird things that are going on here.

Jose and Eva have opened their home as a wellbeing retreat, and the first guests have received a discount to discover anything that needs changing, to enable any tweaks to be ironed out before Jose and Eva open properly to paying guests.

I can’t say I warmed to any of the characters, apart from maybe Eva and Saskia. However, to me, this is the work of a good writer. I don’t think we were supposed to actually ‘like’ any of them! It definitely kept me guessing the whole way through the book, although I did have my suspicions at various points as to who was sabotaging things throughout their stay.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review The Retreat by Karen King.

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Even though it was a little slow at the beginning, once it picked up the pace, I couldn't put it down.
I did have my suspicion, which in part were true, but when the real culprit comes out - and the real motivation- I was quite shocked!
Well written and entertaining.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #Bookouture for the ARC #TheRetreat by #KarenKing. This book is about revenge packed with drama, betrayal and lies. I enjoyed the non stop shenanigans and would recommend this book.

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I’ve never read anything by this author and was intrigued by the cover and title so thought I’d give it a go! Psychological thrillers are my favourite genre and so I was intrigued to see if this lived up to expectations!

Jose and Eva have opened a relaxation retreat in Spain and are giving six people a 5 day stay at half price! There are so many plans but everything seems to go wrong and there are multiple suspects as they all have the opportunity to do so, the motive behind it and also secrets which we start to find out as the plot progresses.

The pace of the book is quite slow and I think it’s written like this to give the readers time to decipher who’s behind the mysterious events which keep happening. It is written mainly from Jose and Ava’s narrative which I thought did slow down the overall pace of the plot slightly.

I would classify this book more as a mystery rather a thriller but it was still worth the read. Would recommend to others.


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Review for 'The Retreat' by Karen King.

Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Karen King, Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous

Publication date FRIDAY THE 13TH OCTOBER 2023.


This is the fourth book I have read by this author. I have previously read Karen's 'The Stranger In My Bed', 'The Mother-In-Law' , 'The Perfect Stepmother' and 'The Family Reunion' and I would highly recommend reading them all!!!

This novel consists of a prologue, 77 chapters and an epilogue. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

OMG!!! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! WHAT HAVE I JUST READ!?!?!? Karen King you are a writing legend!!!

Wow!!! Well fair play the first thing I must say is congratulations to Karen King on yet another HUGE success!! Absolutely blooming fantastic!! I never did work out what was happening and that is quite a feat considering it is quite hard to shock me now that I have read so many suspense and thrillers yet I never did see any of those mind blowing twists coming!! Anyway on with my review....

This book is fantastically written with vivid descriptions that absolutely grip the readers attention and puts them right in the middle of it all feeling the hair raise on your arms and feeling the sweat run down your back. The cover is absolutely stunning and if that doesn't make you want to get absorbed into this page turner the synopsis definitely will!!!

Yet ANOTHER huge success by Karen!!! This book has got to be one of the most heart racing books I've read in a long time!!! It had me hook, line and sinker from the first page and I could not put it down!!! Every time I said one more chapter it ended on a cliff-hanger and I just had to know what was going on!!! If you are going to read this then clear your day because it is truly unputdownable. I started this yesterday afternoon and finished it at approx. 2am, I read it in one sitting and although I'm knackered today it was 1000000% worth it!!! It really does make you think how life can change so quickly and how different decisions can change a life. It also makes you think how looks can be deceiving. It is filled with holidays, stunning atmospheres, lies, secrets, twists, turns and everything you could want from a psychological thriller along with some MASSIVE BOMBSHELLS which will leave you absolutely shocked!!! I for one was NOT expecting any of that at all!!! A true page turner, this book is absolutely compelling with an addictive storyline that kept me guessing throughout. I was continuously questioning who was doing what!! I absolutely loved the gorgeous surroundings of Spain and the villa. Karen's evocative writing talents ensures the reader is flown away on holiday where they can taste and smell the Spanish food cooking, feel the sun on their face and is left with their heart pounding! I just could not put my kindle down and I was absolutely gutted when I came to the end of the book! It genuinely felt like I had escaped rainy Wales for a few hours and was soaking up the sun and sea air in the beautiful Spanish villa, even with everything going on it was still a stunning area. The storyline was filled with suspense, drama, secrets, explosive twists and everything you could ask for in a page turner. Filled with suspense, explosive bombshells and tension this book is one must read psychological thriller!!

Clear your schedules and get ready to be whisked off to Spain for an intriguing, page turning who dunnit by an extremely talented author!!!

It is set over multiple time lines. When books show what has happened in the past and what is happening in the present I find it really helps the reader (if it is well done) understand why things are happening and what has lead to the present activities and decisions. It also shows the bigger picture.

The characters were very realistic and well rounded and again their personalities reflected the storyline and how they would act, etc perfectly. The descriptions gave a really good in depth view of how José, Eva and the rest of the characters were feeling and what they were thinking. The characters were complex and each seemed to be hiding their own secrets which leaves you questioning who is telling the truth and who can be trusted, if any of them. One moment I was all for one character and the next Karen managed to completely flip things on their head leaving me with no idea of what I was thinking!!! I love the fact that there are some sections of the books that tells us how an anonymous protagonist is feeling and what they are thinking as it gives the reader an insight into the reasons behind events. I really liked Eva and José's characters but whether this changed or not I will leave you to read this amazing book and work it out yourself. I will say that by the end of the book my opinions on certain characters changed from the beginning then the middle and then again at the end!!! Each of the characters were well developed, unique and thanks to Karen's fantastic evocative writing skills they all came to life before my eyes. I was absolutely shocked when the characters true personalities came to light and it took me a while to believe it even though I was "seeing" it happening myself. That is all I will say as I don't want to run the risk of dropping any hints or spoilers. However, whether you love or hate these characters, they all have their own strong unique personalities and they all bring the story to life playing their roles perfectly.

Yet another HUGE SUCCESS by this extremely talented author. This is EXACTLY why you are one of my favourite authors Karen and here is to your next success 🥂!!

Make sure you read to the very end of the book to read the first chapter of Karen's 'The Mother-In-Law' which I have actually read myself and it is just as addictive as this book and I would highly recommend reading it!!

Overall a page turning addictive psychological thriller that will have your heart racing and will blow your mind with the explosive twists.

296 pages.

This book is just £1.99 to purchase on kindle, free with kindle unlimited and £8.99 in paperback via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5 /5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

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Sometimes when we banish people from our pasts from our lives it’s a=fir a good reason,
Jose and Eva have worked hard to open their retreat. Their first batch of guests keeps them busy and threatened.
All manner of the things go wrong as readers discover more of the secrets Jose and Eva harbor.
It kept,me guessing but I did correctly assume who was the main culprit.
After what one character did to Eva no way would I have allowed that person back into my life.
I after reading this book felt like I needed a retreat but not at The Retreat.

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It’s not often that I DNF a book, but here we are. The Retreat had me retreating from it. I made it halfway and thought, “this has to get better”, pushed to 60% but that is as far as I go. The market of thrillers seems to be saturated with these stories of revenge that take place in a remote setting - I’ve read quite a few and each one has its own quirk or twist to keep it interesting. This one seems to just be drawn out forever and is very repetitive. We get it - someone wants revenge on Eva and Jose, who have opened up this retreat for a trial run weekend. Yet somehow every person there is from their past. Little things go wrong. Who done it? We hear a lot about Jose’s garden and him cooking, and Eva giving massages. But not once did I feel intrigue or “thrilled”. Sorry to say this is a no from me, which doesn’t happen often. Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Select for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion. Pub date: 13 October 2023

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The setting of this book sounds divine. It is set in Andalucia, Spain. A wellness retreat in a beautiful setting, what could possibly go wrong? There are six guests and two hosts. All are harboring some sort of secret. Jose and Eva have worked hard to turn his grandparents' old homeplace into a dreamy wellness retreat. They decide to make an offer to potential guests for a large discount in order to have a trial run to see how things will run in their new villa with guests present. You will immediately see that there are some secrets floating around from each one's past. Someone has a secret that is worth killing for. First, there is sabotage everywhere that could be discounted as accidents, but we know better. Then Eva starts getting written threats. Eva has a secret that not even Jose knows about. Their guests are not unknown to their hosts as they soon realize. The tangled web of deceit on all sides will cause you to scratch your head at times.

If you like mind games, you will thoroughly enjoy this one. Karen King is one of those authors who loves to play mind games with her readers, which makes this book a thrilling read. Even though the setting is beautiful, there is something murderous going on marring the beauty. As I read this book, I suspected every single one of the guests at some point and time. So, don't let the beautiful cover fool you, relaxation is the last thing you will get at this wellness retreat, at least for this week. Kudos to Karen King for stringing me along until the end.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC copy of The Retreat! I really wanted to love this book but it fell short for me. The story line has so much potential and Eva is a very likable character. However, the internal dialogue and character interactions felt awkward at times. I never felt the suspense of the story and the ending fell a little flat and was predictable. I am new to this author so maybe the writing style is just not for me, but I am very thankful for the opportunity to read it!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the copy of The Retreat by Karen King.

This one sounded very promising and did have a good storyline, however I felt it was too wordy and seemed to drag on to get to the end. I do like the alternating perspectives it was written from as well as how the story progressed. I would consider trying more by this author.

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I have to say Karen King sets the location for this story beautifully. I was right there at the ‘The Retreat’ nestled in the lush vegetation of the Andalucian mountains. And what a twisty journey I had! The author’s excellent characterisation drew me immediately into José and Eva’s story and their dream to turn José’s grandparents’ run-down villa into a holiday and wellness retreat. The scene is set when, having decided on a trial run and offered a 50% discount to six guests, both José and Eva recognise the names of two people on the list who they worry will bring with them ghosts from their pasts. The couple, as people do, are keeping secrets. As are some of their guest. We embark on a suspenseful journey of sabotage and intrigue where suspicion abounds culminating in attempted murder. But who is the culprit? What is their motive. Is it a simple case of someone seeking revenge?
In psychological fiction we often have characters who are unlikeable. We might be engaging readers with a character who is likeable. Can we forgive a likeable character who does something which appears morally ambiguous? It’s a tricky question, one which Karen King poses perfectly keeping you reading right to that last page. I loved The Retreat and would highly recommend it!

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I enjoyed this one but wanted closure sooner as it seemed everyone had a motive for revenge! Jose and Eva have just opened their Relaxation Retreat in Spain and are giving 6 people a 5-day stay at 50% off to see how it goes. But nothing goes right! Everything is planned; there are garden-fresh meals, massages by Eva, poolside activities, and hikes up the mountain. But things keep going wrong; gates left open, red paint in the pool, art projects ruined, and a fire that could have been deadly. There are many suspects as they all have motives, many opportunities, and many secrets they are hiding. It's a fast-paced thriller that kept me guessing until the end!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Welcome to our little slice of paradise in the heart of the Spanish countryside! The setting is nothing short of perfect – a serene retreat where you can escape the chaos of daily life, immerse yourself in nature's beauty, nourish your body with healthy delights, unwind with soothing massages, and rejuvenate your soul through yoga and mindfulness exercises.

For José and Eva, this is a dream turned into reality, a haven they've lovingly crafted just for you. And before our grand opening, they decided to offer a sneak peek – a soft launch at 50% off for six lucky individuals from our social media family.

The response was overwhelming, and our chosen six have arrived! Let's meet our intriguing guests:
Saskia - Eva's long-lost best friend, estranged for years due to an unfortunate falling out.
Carlos - José's enigmatic cousin, the so-called "black sheep" of the family, shunned by his father's side.
Adrienne & Sean - Adrienne, who shares a connection with one of the owners, brings her partner Sean along, forming a duo with secrets of their own.

A diverse and captivating group, isn't it? But as the days pass, peculiar events begin unfolding around our villa. The story unfolds with a hint of the classic board game "Cluedo." Twists and turns, accusations and suspicions, and an air of uncertainty pervade the retreat. Trust is in short supply, and the identity of the puppet master behind these strange occurrences remains elusive.

Like a well-crafted mystery novel, you'll find yourself guessing, changing your mind, and accusing everyone in your thoughts. It's a slow-burning tale that's expertly penned, captivating your attention and leaving you craving more. I devoured it over two nights, unable to put it down. If you're seeking a gripping mystery without the gore, this one's a gem.

Karen King's storytelling prowess shines through, and I'm already anticipating my next journey through her literary world.

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Hahaha well before going to a retreat I'll check on the owners and their past 😅 😂 damn what a ride this was hahahaha!!!!

I wanted to read this author long ago and I was so excited when I got this arc from the publisher. And I'm not disappointed!!! I really wasn't expecting this end and all those twists were like nah wait hahaha like when you're reading, and something happens so you go back a few lines to make sure you understood 😅 Love that feeling.

Now I won't lie, I think the book could have been shorter but it didn't bother me. I enjoyed this book, a lot and I'll definitely read more books by this author really soon!!!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the chance to read this ARC book and give my honest opinion. This
engrossing story captured my interest from the beginning and kept me guessing throughout the book. The characters were well written, and the story kept getting more mysterious. The Retreat, a villa in Spain will be a culinary and wellness place for relaxing and reconnecting but a trial run proves to be almost deadly. From a body in the pool to many other unexplainable happenings and a near death experience it will keep you guessing because all the supposed strangers at the trial run have connections to the owners. It has a very satisfying epilogue and I highly recommend the book.

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I found The Retreat to be an OK read. I did enjoy it but it didn't grip me as much as I was expecting from the description. It was quite a slow burner which did make it difficult in parts.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC.

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The Retreat is a suspense novel by Karen King, a new author to me. I stumbled upon the book through NetGalley (thanks for the early copy) and was intrigued by the description. A couple opens a B&B retreat in their Spanish home, one the husband inherited from his recently deceased grandparents. They open for 6 people to test run the operations, and it seems many of the guests have connections to the owners, tho the owners don't know it at first. Great concept, one that requires readers to look the other way at the volume of coincidences (totally cool with this, it's what we enjoy reading). Overall, the plot was well-paced but I felt the dialog was too stilted... often awkward. It only threw me off a few times, and I think maybe just one more thorough read could've made it shine even brighter. I liked the author's vibe, and I'll read another book by her. Loved that it was set in another country than my typical reads.

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Title: The Retreat
Author: Karen King
Pub Date: October 13, 2023
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was my first read by this author. Although it was a little slow to start, it turned out to be a fun whodunnit that kept me guessing.

When Jose and Eva inherit his grandparent’s house, they decide to renovate it and turn it into a beautiful peaceful wellness retreat. Before officially opening to the public, they offer a trial run for 6 people, offering a big discount to help promote it and make sure everything is set up to run smoothly. To their surprise, it turns out that everyone that signed up for the trial stay is somehow connected to either Jose or Eva and one of them is not there for a vacation.

Since all of the guests have a history of conflict with either Jose or Eva that includes secrets that yhey don’t want revealed, they find themselves trying to figure out what motivated them all to sign up for the trial. Crazy unexplainable things start to happen and Jose and Eva wonder if they are in danger and which one of the guests is there for revenge and to sabatoge their new beautiful retreat. Can they figure out who is behind it all before it’s too late?

Thank you to @netgalley and @bookouture for this ARC.

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