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Thank you HTP Books, Graydon House, & Netgalley for an eARC of Good Half Gone by Tarryn Fisher!

Tarryn's books are always so twisty - And I truly never know what to expect when I pick up one of her novels. This book alternates chapters between past and present from the point-of-view of Iris Walsh - As a teen she saw her twin get kidnapped in broad daylight, but nobody believes her - Piper is presumed to be a runaway by the police. Iris has never stopped trying to find her, even though the case went cold years ago.

In present time, Iris becomes an intern at an isolated psych hospital on an island - And she gets a whole lot more than she bargained for.

The setting is CREEPY - atmsopheric - and I felt a sense of unease with each chapter. The audio on this book is an A+, too. As always, can't wait to see what Fisher comes up with next - The ending was great, but felt slightly abrupt (Could've used some more in my opinion, I was super invested in Iris!)

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First line: “911, what is your emergency?”

Summary: Iris has spent the last eight years searching for answers about her twin sister’s disappearance. With the police not believing that Piper was taken but rather a teen runaway, it becomes an obsession for Iris. Using her degree in criminal psychology, Iris takes an internship at the one place where she might find the answers. Shoal Island houses a psychiatric hospital and housed there is the person who may know more than he has revealed. As she begins searching she finds that maybe there is more to the hospital and its staff.

My Thoughts: This book was a wild ride from the very beginning and I was all in for every bit of it. Iris has seen her sister taken by several men, right before her eyes but the police do not believe her. She then devotes the next several years determined to learn what happened to her sister and prove that she was telling the truth.

Having just visited Seattle, I liked that the setting of the book was in one of my favorite cities. I could easily picture Iris traveling via ferry boat, the library where her Gran works and the waterfront where she eats fish and chips. And the setting of a psychiatric hospital on one of the islands surrounding the city is the perfect location for what transpires there. While the hospital seems to be a state of the art facility there are hints that something is not quite right there.

The story flashes back and forth between the past and current times. Iris slowly learns more about her sister’s fate through her research and police information. There was a point during the story when a big reveal happens that I had to literally stop the audio playback and think for a minute. It shocked me so much. But then the ending was absolutely scary. Everything comes to a head with a bang! The last chapter is a heart racing ride as Iris finally learns all she has been longing to find. This will be a book that will hold you from the beginning to the end. Definitely one of my favorite Tarryn Fisher thrillers.

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From the dark and twisty mind of @tarrynfisher we follow the seedy underbelly of society regarding human trafficking.
When they were fifteen, Iris Walsh saw her twin sister get kidnapped and nobody cared. Iris and her grandmother try everything they can to get the police’s attention, even investigating themselves, but by the time figure out she’s been trafficked, it’s too late. Now years later Iris has made it her life’s mission to track down the man responsible for taking her sister. It leads her to Shoal Island Hospital for the criminally insane where even more secrets lie…
I can always count on Fisher for a good #thriller and honestly the ending was not at all what I thought it would be so she definitely did a great job of providing that twist that no one but Fisher could have thought of. This showed how easily young teens can get taken before someone even notices or tries to find them. Go into this one blind and enjoy it!

CW: vomit, fire, human trafficking, ped*philia, kidnapping, sexual assault, drug use, addiction, parental neglect & abuse, verbal and physical assault, forced institutionalism, panic attack, grief, hospitalization, stroke, death

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GOOD HALF GONE had a great set up but ultimately fell short in execution. I loved the concept of the island hospital and the quest for justice, but there were too many indistinguishable characters and the plot was overly complex.

Thanks to NetGalley and Graydon House for the opportunity to read and review GOOD HALF GONE.

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Iris witnesses the kidnapping of her twin sister, Piper when they were fifteen. This singular event changed her life forever and gave her a goal at the same time. Iris spends her life after that working to find where Piper is. As events unfold over the years, her specific goals change but the overall goal remains the same - - what happened to Piper. Iris will form new theories and will create plans for how to prove what she think happened.

After receiving minimal help from the police over the years, Iris decides to take things into her own hands as an adult. She takes an internship at Shoal Island which is a high security hospital for the criminally insane housing some of the most evil and notorious murderers. Once Iris arrives there, she finds that the environment feels uncomfortable continually. The guards and employees are harsh and sometimes unforgivingly cruel themselves. Yet she carries on, determined because she thinks she can find answers there.

This book starts strong and does feel a little sluggish in spots here and there but for the most part, I felt it was a pretty strong entry. Ms. Fisher has a talent for catching me by surprise with some of her twisty writing and this was a very well thought out plot that I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to read and review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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I appreciate the opportunity I had to read an e-ARC of this novel provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I have been a fan of a handful of Tarryn Fisher novels before. Even when not the best, I always was entertained and enjoyed them.

This book is a mess. The story is dull and nonexistent until the last 20%, the plot twists nonsensical, the characters all mostly one-note and unmemorable.

Huge swaths of this story feel so half-baked and jerky that I questioned at times if the book was actually complete. I did use my Spotify subscription to finish out the last 20% of the novel at well over 2x speed, and my e-ARC matched the final copy. This book almost certainly needed at least one more round of a developmental edit.

It was a struggle to push myself through this one. Some of the early chapters in the past kept things somewhat interesting but quickly fizzled out. The resolution we wait for comes so quickly at the end that it’s completely numb and unsatisfying.

I genuinely can’t identify a single thing I enjoyed about this one, which is a real shame. I likely would have DNF’d this around the 30% mark had I not been provided a copy for review.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #HarlequinTradePublishing for the book #GoodHalfGone. This book is about a twin that was abducted years earlier and the search her sister is doing to find her. I loved everything about this book-the abduction, the baby, the lengths he sister is willing to go to find her and the amazing plot twist at the ending. Highly recommend.

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When Iris & Piper were fifteen, Piper was abducted fr0m the movie theater that they were both at, and never seen again. The police wasted precious time, time that should have been spent looking for Piper, instead chalking her up as just another runaway. By the time they decided to believe Iris, it was too late. Even though the case went cold, Iris never gave up. In fact, it became an obsession with her. She even went so far as to use her criminal psychology degree to intern at the isolated psychiatric hospital on Shoal Island, where secrets lurk in the shadows and are kept under lock and key. But Iris soon realizes that something even more sinister is simmering beneath the surface of the Shoal, and that the patients aren’t the only ones being observed…

This started out as a bit of a slow burn, but it really started to pick up the pace once Iris started her job at the psychiatric hospital, where she was convinced Piper's killer was. It ended with a dramatic conclusion with a twist that I did not see coming. There were several big reveals at the end that kept me on the edge of my seat. The first half of the book was more of a mystery, with what happened to Piper and was she still alive or not, while the second half was definitely more of a thriller. This is perfect for anyone who loves a good mystery or thriller.

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This mysterious psychological thriller was an emotional twisted journey of getting justice for a loved one. In this case, we have twin sisters who we learn have not had the easiest of lives.
I was really excited about this story and overall I enjoyed it.
Iris’ raw determination to stop at nothing to find her sister Piper was truly gut wrenching and that premise was well executed. Nothing is what it appears, and the answers will surprise you.
However, some of the plot twists and certain elements of the story that took place in the story made it unbelievable.(I’m talking from professional experience in similar facilities.)
However, the creepiness and the mystery surrounding what she was up against made up for it.
You decide.
3.5 stars!

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Good Half Gone was a gripping, dark, twisty and cleverly written psychological thriller that I had such a hard time putting down! This was my second Fisher book, my first being The Wives which I LOVED, but this one definitely did not disappoint! It was full of well timed and “didn’t see that coming” twists that kept me engaged and on the edge of my seat until the very end. As others have mentioned, it gave “Shutter Island vibes” which I loved. The dual timelines were a plus for me and I enjoyed the characters as well. I’m excited to read more books by this author and can’t wait to see what’s next!

Thank you HTP Books, Graydon House and NetGalley for an early digital copy for my honest thoughts and review!

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

Once again Tarryn Fisher excels, this time weaving a melancholy but captivating tale about a set of twins (being raised by their fiercely devoted Grandma, my favorite character) who are violently torn apart on what seems an average get-together for the teens on a basic weekend outing.

Unfortunately for both twins, and for the remaining family, the police are terribly lackadaisical when it came to prioritizing the teen's kidnapping, despite the fact that the entire abduction was witnessed by the girl's sister. The failure of the police to view the situation as a real crime early on caused clues to be forever lost in what could hardly be called an 'investigation". The police department's unwillingness to perform even a basic investigation caused irreparable damage by creating an emotionally devastating, festering wound in the remaining family.

The twin left behind becomes the heroic Good Half Left by devoting her youth to finding out what happened to her sister, and by doing so, she began to finally grow beyond the shadow of her sister's loss.

As always, the author draws us skillfully in to yet another wonderful novel, one you are almost physically incapable of putting down until you have greedily consumed every word.

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Tarryn Fisher has a hit with this one. It's got a lot going on and maybe not every thread is perfectly pulled together, but the plot is fast paced and the shocking parts make up for any imperfections. It's well balanced between flashbacks, Iris's time working on the island, and her family life at home and the complications of the story.

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I enjoyed the beginning of this book and how it was developing, but then it went off course. I just felt like the story was far fetched and predictable. I couldn’t see this single mother, who lost her sister, staying on an island for work, with the guy she thinks stole or killed her sister. It just didn’t add up to me, and felt very unlikely. And then when they revealed who killed her sister it was so obvious to me. Tarryn Fisher has written some great thrillers, this one was just not my favorite of hers. I hope to read what she puts out next.

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Thank you to @netgalley @graydonhouse for the ARC and for the ALC of this book - I appreciate it!

Told in a format that flips between past and present by chapter, readers meet Iris, who witnesses her twin sister Piper’s abduction, but no one believes her. The case quickly goes cold and Iris spends most of her life seeking for answers to her sister’s disappearance.

Focusing on themes of challenging family dynamics, neglect, parenting of grandchildren and hospitals for the “criminally insane” - Fisher takes readers on a wild ride!

What I really appreciate in Tarryn Fisher’s books is the fact that she jumps right into the story from the beginning - details unfold as you read more and can connect some of the dots, rather than laying an overwhelmingly detailed foundation. This book was no different and I think that aided how quickly I read this book and that I enjoyed it as well!

There were a few points in the book that felt a bit stale and not super necessary to the plot overall, which would be my reasoning for dropping a star in my rating. However, I felt that this book was very well done, kept my interest & is a great thriller!

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Damn this book is a Rollercoaster ride & one you won't regret going on. Taryyn hit it out of the park with her newest thriller!!!!!!!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon House, for the free e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I will open my review with the fact that I am a HUGE TF fan! Her writing and psychologically suspenseful stories are some of my most favorite reads. This one did not disappoint!

Twins Piper and Iris are 6 minutes apart and that is pretty much how they live up until the point that Piper is kidnapped right in front of Iris. Expectedly, Iris cannot get passed losing Piper and trying to find her. The man that Iris believes is responsible is locked up in a state mental institution and that is where Iris is headed for answers.

As far as Tarryn Fisher books go, this is a great one. My only beef is that this one is soo short!?! I wanted more from the story, the girls and the family. Where is Piper? Was Iris right? What happened to Iris? It was too much of a cliffhanger for me unless...there will be a second installment which would be a first for this author. Anyway, this is still worth the read and highly recommend!!!

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been a longtime fan of the author, she has written some of my favorite bat shit crazy thrillers so I knew I was going to be in for a wild ride here. I just wasn’t prepared for how bananas and off the rails things would get in the end and I can’t say I was a fan. There was a lot to like here though, you have a strong opening that hooked me and at first the timeline switches made sense for me. You also have a great setting with a remote island housing an institute for the criminally insane, that was actually probably the strongest aspect for me, so creepy and atmospheric. Where things went too far for me was in the very last bit, way too over dramatic and unbelievable in the vein of a bad soap opera. I just couldn’t get past the big twist, it just read as silly. Like I said before though I’m a huge fan of the author so I absolutely will read her again this was just a bit of a miss for me.

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I have enjoyed other books by Tarryn Fisher, so I was excited to see she had a new one coming out. Good Half Gone did not disappoint! When Piper and iris Walsh are fifteen years old, Piper is kidnapped, never to be seen again. The police act like Piper is a runaway, but Iris knows she was abducted and has made it her main focus to find out what happened. The storyline goes back and forth from the past to the present as we learn new details about Piper's and Iris's lives.

This book is full of odd, suspicious characters and eerie and creepy settings. The overall mood is dark and somewhat depressing, and yet I truly enjoyed Iris, her family and her tenacity and strong will to find out the truth. Iris has had to deal with quite a few shady characters throughout her life. Who can she trust? The storyline kept me turning the pages. Much of it is moderately paced until closer to the end when things really take off. The last quarter of the book was thrilling, suspenseful, heart-pounding and eye-opening. Wowee! Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon House for the digital ARC of Good Half Gone.

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I was completely shocked at the end. I wasn’t sure I would love this but I could not put it down! It left me wondering who I could trust and I devoured it!

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Another page turner from Fisher. Iris has never been able to convince the police that her twin Piper was kidnapped so now she's determined that she'll get the truth by working at the hospital for the criminally insane where she thinks the villain is held. She's worked hard to get where she is but she'll give it all up for answers. Well, what she finds is twisty and nasty. And she should not be as trusting as she is of certain people. No spoilers from me but know that this has some twists you might see coming and others you won't. Thanks to the publisher for the ARC. Perfect for travel.

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