Member Reviews

I'm a Tarryn Fisher fan and was excited to see another release. Iris saw her twin sister, Piper, get kidnapped when they were teenagers. Except everyone thinks that Piper just ran away and her case goes cold before the police really even search for her. As an adult, Iris wants to find answers. She signs up to intern at Shoal Island Hospital for the criminally insane to find the answers she's always been looking for.

I really enjoyed the plot of this story in the beginning, but unfortunately the ending just wasn't it for me. The eerie location on a remote island was a great setting. The author addresses some difficult topics like human trafficking and unsolved missing persons. The ending was just so far fetched for me that it took away from the entire experience. Still a great read and I really enjoyed reading up until the ending.

Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon House for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The story was good, but could have been better. However, the more I reflected on the plot, the more apparent it became that the story's brilliance might be a bit of a smoke-and-mirrors act. The central plotline is undeniably gripping. A mystery story with a tantalizing twist at the end is a winning formula, and the author executes it with finesse. But, and it's a significant 'but,' the narrative is marred by numerous plot holes that, when probed, leave me with more questions than answers.

One of the glaring issues is the character development of Iris. While the protagonist has the potential to be a captivating figure, it feels as though the author intentionally restrains her growth. This intentional limitation, while perhaps a stylistic choice, ultimately hinders the reader's connection with Iris and dampens the overall impact of the story.

The climax left me scratching my head in confusion. The decision to wait a year for the protagonist to take action seemed arbitrary, and the motive behind the delay remains elusive. The revelation that Iris's sister's body was moved years later added another layer of perplexity. Why go to such lengths, and what purpose did it serve in the grand scheme of the narrative? While I genuinely enjoyed the story, the disjointed nature of the plot and the underdeveloped characters left me grappling for a deeper connection with the narrative.

I would like to express my gratitude to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon Houseand NetGalley for allowing me to read this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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It was not clear when I requested that this was only the first two chapters of the book. There were also editing issues making the book hard to read. I hope to be approved to read the full book so I can give a more thorough review. I rated three stars because I enjoyed what was available to read but it wasn’t enough to base a full review on.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book. This book started out strong and then just got a bit unrealistic. The middle dragged a bit and the ending left a lot to be desired. Overall an ok read.

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I’m honestly not sure what to think of this book.

First, the good: I found Iris to be a compelling, interesting protagonist. And I thought the characters at Iris’ workplace, especially the patients, were authentic and believable.

But speaking of believable… For me, the last 20% of the book didn’t feel believable at all. It almost felt like a different book. And I spent much of the time reading that portion of the book with one eyebrow raised, as if to say “REALLY?”

Good Half Gone was an interesting read, and I’m glad I read it once, but I wouldn’t read it again.

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This book was such a surprise! I found myself invested in the story right away. The story moved like a freight train— it was incredibly fast-paced and very hard to put down. The writing was excellent, I loved the characters, and the twist was excellent.

5/5 stars

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Thank you NetGalley, Tarryn Fisher, and Harlequin Trade Publishing for allowing me to review this ARC!

Iris and Piper are twins and one day, while meeting up with friends at the movie theater, Piper is kidnapped. Years later Iris still doesn't know what happens to her, so she decides to change her life to pursue a man she thinks it responsible for her sister's death. This book was suspenseful, full of twists and turns. It is told in both past and present. I felt like the ending summed up perfectly and everything was explained that needed to be. Definitely recommend to those liking thrillers!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Graydon House for an ARC copy of Good Half Gone.

I really, REALLY don't like to leave all bad reviews, but this was all bad 😬 The only part I can honestly say I enjoyed was being done reading it. I felt no emotional connection whatsoever to any of the characters or the storyline, and the end just got more and more farfetched until it became downright ridiculous. Easily one of my least favorite reads of the year.

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Oh Boy.

I went into this one with the best intentions. I have considered myself a fan of the author, but the last three books have been rough for me. In Good Half Gone, we have twins Iris and Piper separated at the age of 15 when Piper is abducted. The police don’t take the case seriously, assuming Piper ran away. A year later, a newborn is left on their doorstep. Piper’s. Interesting, right? One would think. Unfortunately, the book is disjointed and hard to follow. Cliche after cliche. The big twist at the end was soap opera worthy at best.

There are parts of this book, entire paragraphs, that feel out of place, as if they don’t belong in the scene at all. There’s a fight scene in the first 20% of the book that was incredibly hard to follow. I hope there’s some additional editing done before this book goes public.

Thank you NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley. I have been dying to get back into my favorite headspace while reading a Tarryn Fisher book. Tarryn killed it in Good Half Gone! From chapter one my stomach was spinning as if I'd just stepped off the tilt-a-whirl. Throughout Good Half Gone I was submersed in emotions for Iris whilst experiencing them myself. The feelings of being lost and confused in a mirror maze, the curiosity of which characters are hiding behind the masks, the helplessness of feeling alone, the fight of never quitting and answer seeking. I loved the authenticity of the main characters which balanced the counterfeit "others" whilst kept my investigative brain activated. As always with Tarryn, I didn't want it to end, but it was an ending I appreciate. Beyond thankful for my Tarryn "fix"!

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Repeat post, I requested this book twice due to my first copy having some blips!

Check this out!!!

This is my 994th review for Netgalley. Hold onto your panties folks, I saved this special review for a really special author, Ms. Tarryn Fisher.

I was first introduced to Fisher, many moons again and I have been head over heels since. I fell in love with Fisher’s writing style and had to read every single one of her publications, which I did (numerous times) . I loved each and every one of them and I was completely and totally obsessed.

I thought I did a pretty good job stalking this author via social media to see if she was working on anything new but I was surprised when I saw Good Half Gone, pop up on Netgalley. You little rascal, Fisher, you kept a great secret!

Good Half Gone, has blown any book I have read thus far out of the water. This is an all consuming, edge of your seat, nail biting thriller, that will have you holding your breath until the very last page.

Good Half Gone, releases March 19th and you do not want to miss it (I pinky promise)

Check out this teaser :

Iris Walsh saw her twin sister, Piper, get kidnapped—so why does no one believe her?

Iris narrowly escaped her pretty, popular twin sister’s fate as a teen: kidnapped, trafficked and long gone before the cops agreed to investigate. With no evidence to go on but a few scattered memories, the case quickly goes cold.

Now an adult, Iris wants one thing—proof. And if the police still won’t help, she’ll just have to find it her own way; by interning at the isolated Shoal Island Hospital for the criminally insane, where secrets lurk in the shadows and are kept under lock and key. But Iris soon realizes that something even more sinister is simmering beneath the surface of the Shoal, and that the patients aren’t the only ones being observed…

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Good Half Gone was extremely fast paced and drew me in from the start. I think my copy had some errors that made readability a bit hard, but overall I was pulled in by Iris’s matter of fact depictions of hers and Piper’s relationship and how her disappearance impacted her life. I enjoyed the past scenes more than the present, which I found confusing and hard to follow at first. It almost seemed disconnected from the story at first until I finally realized the connection and why Iris had targeted the Shoal Island Hospital.

There were a lot of layers to the story and Fisher did a great job developing her characters. I emphasized with Iris and her roles as mother, daughter, granddaughter, and sister. I think readers will easily be drawn into her plight and eagerly turn the pages to find out what happened. The ending was both shocking and so well written!

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing, and Graydon House for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

Really enjoyed this fast paced suspense novel with twists and turns I didn’t see coming!

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I am a huge Tarryn Fisher fan so I was super excited to get an early look at this two chapter teaser. It sucked me in immediately and I am impatiently awaiting the rest of the book!

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A good read overall, but I did feel as though some of the elements were a little far-fetched. I understand that this is fiction, but the ending was just a little too unbelievable.

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I love Tarryn Fisher’s writing! She’s been a favorite author since I first read her book. “ Mud Vein”. I was so excited and incredibly grateful that I was approved to read her most recent book early. “Good Half Gone” is about two twin sisters Iris and Piper, one day while they were teenagers Piper goes missing. From there it goes back and forth between the past and present and Iris trying to find out what happened. It took some time getting into cause you’re learning about what happened and what’s going on with Iris in the present days but man did it take off!! It was so twisty and good! I cannot wait for what else Tarryn comes up with! Thank you so much to for the opportunity to read “ Good Half Gone” early!

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OMG!!! 2 chapters is NOT enough…I CANNOT wait for the rest of this book. I hope I get the full one - this book can just begun but already created so much intrigue and I can just feel it’s gonna be twisty

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The first two chapters had me on edge and I can’t wait to dive into the rest of the book when it’s out!

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Apparently this was like a two chapter sampler of this novel and not the whole thing? Did I miss a memo? I went and looked back at what I requested and I don't see that being mentioned, so heads up. I guess this was fine (hence the three stars) but it's hard to rate something out of context.

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Never ever pick up this book if you want a light and easy read. Never ever pick up this book if you want a book that you read on a Friday night and never think about it again.
Also, never ever pick up this book if you want to read something that resembles anything normal.

This is not dark. This is not even pitch black. This is a black hole meets Vantablack dark.

If you are like me and have an inner psychopath who jumps for joy when it gets to read real crazies, this book takes it a step further, and then one more step further and then it feels gone so far away from what your normal book crazies are that it joyfully squeals weeeeee! and runs away into the wilderness. No sense of any normalcy to be seen or heard from ever again.

I dislike happy endings. This one has the saddest, the most heartbreaking happy ending ever. It is happy, yet there is nothing happy about it. Do you like books that grab your heart, and never let it go only to shatter it into a million pieces later? Yeah, this book does it and then feeds those million pieces into a vacuum cleaner and throws the said vacuum cleaner into a woodchipper just to make sure it is all destroyed for good and none of your heart is ever coming back.

Do I want to scream from all the rooftops about this book? Hell yeah/hell no, both at the same time.
Hell yeah, because it most definitely is one of the absolute best books I have read this year.
Hell no, because I can see most people not going for Vantablack black holes with the same joyful weeee! I had. This most definitely is not a book for everyone.

On a side note: I wonder where the author gets facts for writing? Where does she get all the emotions and all the experiences? Those are freakishly authentic. How does one who hasn’t lived through it can write it so life-like? Ok, this is me here hoping the author hasn’t lived through any of it.

Also, I have no idea what I am going to do now and what do I read next. What does one read after having read THIS? I’m afraid I have nothing, absolutely nothing on my TBR that could feel even like a remotely ok read after having read THIS.

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