Member Reviews

This book was SO GOOD! It kept me guessing throughout the whole book and I loved every second of it! I was able to finish the whole thing in a sitting and I can't wait to read more by this author

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I feel like I would have enjoyed this novella but I had problems with downloading so I never got the chance to give it a go which is a shame. It sounded rather promising

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This novella sucked me in and would not let me go. After reading his short story collection, I was a bit leery about reading this, however am glad that I did. For me, it was really obvious from very close to the beginning who the killer was, however it was interesting to see it play out. This novella was very fleshed out and told in three parts which really worked well for this story. There was the killer, Dolores, and Benji telling the story from their perspective. It was very graphic and brutal, however for a reason. I would really like to read more from this author.

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This short novella packed a big punch. You definitely need to check the trigger warnings because it is very graphic.

I can’t really say much about the story because it’s so short but it’s a story about a serial killer targeting the woman of this town and a retired woman that starts trying to solve the case.
I thought I had it figured out but the twist took me completely by surprise and it made me think back on the whole book because it puts it in a completely different perspective.

Thankyou to @netgalley for the arc for review, I’m a little bit late in reading it as it is already out.

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This was a very good read and had all the elements to be a good horror thriller. The characters were diverse and the story line made it to be an interesting one! I will definitely read more from this author soon

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An intense, gruesome horror novella that might seem like a traditional murder story at first glance but goes into some pretty decent insights into shifting morality, obsession, the danger of being marginalised in today's world, and weirdly, and in a very messed up way, a coming of age arc steeped in violence.

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This was a fastphase, horrible and horrific horrorstory that made me gasp quite a lot. I did not see the ending coming, but the story had me glued to the book and all the details were pretty brutal. Good writing for sure!

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Wow okay I really liked this book!!! Such a quick read and still had so many layers to it. A killer on the loose, a retired woman fed up with her husband, and a high school senior-what do they all have in common?

The pacing of this book was perfect and, even though I don't read a lot of mystery, I was caught totally off guard by the ending. The characters were appealing and I loved how it shifted from all 3 POVs. Overall a really great book and I'll be recommending this!! Thank you to NetGalley for the e-ARC. 4.5 rounded up to 5.

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This book fit exactly into my favourite style of book. Including multiple perspectives adds a more personal feel to the story.

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This was like reading an episode of "Criminal Minds" (one of my fav shows)! It was a roller coaster of a book with an explosive ending! This is a perfect book for Halloween and one I would HIGHLY recommend! I will definitely be reading more books by E.C. Hanson! Special Thank You to E.C. Hanson, Big Swede Publishing, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a thoroughly enjoyable read ,
Hooked from page one and didn't put it down until I finished .
Really enjoyed the different chapter first person narratives .
Nice twist at the end no spoilers*
Great pace , twisted in some parts and kept you turning the pages .
This is the second E.C. Hanson book I have read and will be checking out more .
I shall be doing a review of this on my you tube channel at the end of the month .
Great stuff

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**Book Review: "The Stepney Green Killer"**

"The Stepney Green Killer" is a novella that weaves together three distinct perspectives to create a multifaceted narrative. The story revolves around a series of gruesome attacks on women by an unknown assailant, prompting a retired individual to take matters into her own hands and a high school student to embark on a chilling senior project. While the plot initially appears disconnected, the threads eventually intertwine in unexpected ways, leading to a suspenseful and surprising conclusion.

One of the notable strengths of the novella is its utilization of multiple viewpoints to convey different angles of the story. The characters' perspectives provide insights into their individual motivations and emotions, adding depth to the narrative. Particularly engrossing are the chapters that delve into the world of Dolores, the retired wannabe detective who becomes captivated by the unfolding events. These segments offer a unique lens through which readers can view the mystery and its developments.

The mystery element of the story is effectively maintained, holding readers' attention as they attempt to piece together the puzzle alongside the characters. A twist at the end of the novella adds an element of surprise that may catch readers off guard, offering a satisfying payoff for their engagement.

However, it's important to address the book's shortcomings. The novella has faced criticism for its gratuitous violence against women and the general vulgarity present in its content. While the mystery plot explores dark themes, the way in which it portrays violence and victimization has raised concerns. Some readers have expressed the view that the book fails to handle these themes sensitively, potentially re-traumatizing victims instead of offering a thoughtful exploration.

The novella attempts to incorporate a feminist moment toward the end, but this effort is deemed insufficient by critics due to the disturbing content that precedes it. The narrative's initial focus on offensive and provocative writing undermines the impact of any positive message that might emerge later on.

Despite these concerns, "The Stepney Green Killer" does have its merits. The characters' development and interactions, particularly between the high school student Benji and retired detective Dolores, are engaging and offer an element of human connection amid the darkness of the plot. The suspenseful buildup, unexpected twist, and exploration of human psychology maintain a level of intrigue throughout the novella.

In conclusion, "The Stepney Green Killer" is a novella that combines three perspectives to unravel a mystery with unexpected connections. While the storytelling approach is commendable and the mystery plot keeps readers engaged, the book's gratuitous violence and vulgarity have been points of contention. While the novella does attempt to convey deeper messages, they are overshadowed by the disturbing content that precedes them. Readers who are drawn to dark and suspenseful narratives should approach this book with caution, as its content may leave an unsettling impact.

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The Stepney Green Killer by E.C. Hanson.
A killer starts attacking women for no apparent reason. A retiree begins to conduct her own investigation. A high school student needs to complete his Senior Project to graduate. How is it all connected? Even they don't know until it's far too late.
Told by the killer Benji and Dolores. I did like this book. Different. 4*.

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I’m going to set my official rating as three stars even though my actual experience was lower. I didn’t notice the content warnings at first, and don’t want to punish the book when it’s (somewhat) my fault for accidentally choosing content that I was unlikely to enjoy…

On the positive, the three perspectives came together well to tell a multifaceted story. I particularly enjoyed the chapters with Dolores. The mystery element kept my attention, and there was a bit of a twist at the end that may catch readers by surprise.

That said, I can’t overlook the gratuitous violence against women, and just general vulgarity. I think it’s possible to depict women as victims in ways that don’t re-victimize them, but this book fails to accomplish that. The author attempts to create some kind of feminist moment toward the end, but the effort feels hollow considering the content of the first hundred pages. Also, the writing oftentimes feels offensive for the sake of being offensive, and that’s not a style I typically enjoy.

Overall, I’m not sure what to make of this book, and it left me with some mental images that I’d prefer to unsee. I think there is a decent story here, it was just told with too much vulgarity and violence for me.

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