Member Reviews

Really cute, fun read. I was able to read this book pretty quickly. I liked the story and the characters. I thought it was well-written. Nice story.

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The protagonist was actually aggravating, honestly. She was emotionally immature, which matched up with her age but not with any of their life situations. But the story was fun and light, and the romance was clean but sweet.

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I do enjoy a Rachel Van Dyken book, a wonderful mix of romance and humour that will keep you interested!
The main characters, Amanda and Preston are funny and relatable, a not so great experience leads to an awkward time as they evaluate their newfound ‘relationship’.
The storyline is heartwarming and fun, the romance is the icing on the cake!
The caring nature of the characters makes for great chemistry, you’ll be drawn in to see if they belong together! It seems that both Amanda and Preston have had considerable personal growth over the years, it’s a joy to laugh along with them!

Thanks to the publisher, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Adorable! Loved the characters, loved the banter, loved the off-the-wall situations that Amanda gets herself into. Cute and leaves me wanting to read more. I would love another Amanda-Preston novel!

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Okay why do i love this cover so much. Initially I hated it.. but when you finish the book it makes sense and it fits.
This story is about a chemistry nerd (Amanda) who gets her heart absolutly crushed at her high school prom and her being valedictorian doesnt take the loneliness or the pain away. However, this sotry is about the suprise kiss and dance given to her at her lowest point and love (Preston) that never got to bloom.
This book is about the pain of isolation, the loneliness, the pain of doing what others want and also the sweetness of a love rekindled many years later.

Love the skill this author uses in the world of romcom.

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This is a quick read. There are some humorous moments, but there's not much in the way of character development. If you enjoy light romance stories and chick lit, this may be a book for you to check out.

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This is a quick, light read, and is very fade-to-black kind of romance. Definitely had some good comedic elements, but overall not a lot of depth to the story or the characters. If you enjoy cheesy, light romance, chick lit, this is for you.

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Every now and then, a book comes along that makes you chuckle, roll your eyes, and ultimately fall in love with its quirky characters. Every Girl Does It by Rachel Van Dyken is one of those delightful gems that, while predictably romantic, manages to win your heart with its humor, wit, and charming storyline.
The tale revolves around Amanda, a lovable yet somewhat hapless young woman whose past mistakes have a peculiar knack for catching up with her. Eight years after turning down Preston's prom invitation in a rather embarrassing fashion, Amanda finds herself facing the consequences of her teenage cruelty. What follows is a hilarious dance of sarcasm, ego, and undeniable chemistry between Amanda and Preston.
Van Dyken's writing immediately draws you in, setting the tone with a laugh-out-loud opening scene that sets the stage for the delightful chaos that ensues. Amanda's character is endearing in her relatability, and her misadventures will have you sympathizing and giggling simultaneously. Her witty, carefree nature is infectious, making her a protagonist you can't help but root for.
Preston, on the other hand, defies the typical bad boy stereotype. His relentless teasing of Amanda is not only entertaining but also reveals his underlying kindness. As the story progresses, you can't help but appreciate his patience in dealing with Amanda's antics, knowing that she must somehow make amends for her past actions.
The supporting characters, particularly the hilarious duo of Bobby and Ashlyn, add depth to the story and keep the laughter flowing. The book's clean romance is a breath of fresh air, proving that a heartwarming love story doesn't always require explicit content.
Every Girl Does It is essentially a tale of redemption, wrapped in humor, and tied with a romantic bow. It's a story of second chances and personal growth, served with a generous helping of laughs. While it may not reinvent the wheel in the romance genre, it delivers a satisfying and entertaining experience from start to finish.

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I honestly wish I didn't waste my time reading this book. Neither of the main characters is likable. The premise is that she humiliated him in high school when he asked her to prom in front of an audience. Now, four years later, he's not the nerdy kid but a super hunky firefighter. She's had crap luck with guys. There's a lot of other things that don't make sense in the storyline. But the character bickering and misunderstandings do not come off as foreplay, which I'm assuming was possibly the intent of the author. Amanda comes off as a slightly unhinged, impulsive, and somewhat scatterbrained (and annoying) person. Preston, on the other hand, is over indulgent, blaise, and frankly a bit creepy with the wife comments and the random kisses.
This was an updated re-release that maybe didn't need to be dusted off and given new life.

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Every Girl Does It by Rachel Van Dyken was a cute and super fun read.
I’ve read this author’s work before and she always keeps me so entertained.
The characters here were well developed and I was all in. I loved following Amanda’s story.
The character development was strong, and the premise was engaging enough to where I found myself binge reading. A great romance with an interesting storyline.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and 8th Note Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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this book missed the mark for me. I really loved the premise, but it didn’t work for me. My favorite part of the book is Preston: from start to finish, he’s just a big ole sweetheart, and I wanted to protect him with everything I have, he’s such a sweet, kind, loving person who doesn’t let embarrassment or social anxiety get in his way. My problem was Amanda. She’s. . . a very selfish person. I totally understood how teenage her didn’t want to go to prom with Preston, teenagers are hormonal and selfish and that’s just what happened, I felt bad that happened but I understood the feelings there. But adult Amanda is very self-centered, focused mainly on how difficult things have been for her, not sharing much empathy with anyone else. I didn’t really understand why Preston was so into her, he could’ve done better imo. This is out of the ordinary for me to dislike a heroine and like the hero so much, but I really just couldn’t connect or empathize in any way to Amanda.

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I love this story so much! I laughed through the whole book. Amanda is at her high school choir concert when Brad a complete netf ask her to prom. Having been put on the spot in front of everyone she tried to turn him down gently. After seeing the look on his face she has always felt guilty. Now four years later she runs into Brad and he’s defiantly not a nerd anymore. He’s also friends with her best friends husband. Which invite both Brad and Amanda to go to Hawaii with them. This is an entertaining, and hilarious, light hearted read.

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This author is one of my favorites, so I was expecting to love this book. It was an okay read for me. The main problem with this story for me is the main female character Amanda. I liked her in the beginning of the story but the more I read the more I didn't care for her or her actions. At first, she was cute, quirky and reckless, but then she became annoying and childish. I was hoping that along the way her character would grow and act more mature, but it didn't happen at all. I loved Preston from the very beginning, even when Amanda turned down his prom invitation. His character grew into someone confident, caring, sweet and funny and I thought his character deserved someone better than Amanda. Her actions towards him at times were rude, uncaring, hurtful and undeserving. This would have been a perfect story for me if Amanda's character was redeeming but I didn't care for her, so this book is most definitely a one-time read for me. With that being said, although I didn't love this story, I'm still looking forward to reading more books from this author.

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I'm not a huge fan of first person, I like to know what the hero is thinking too, but we don't get that in this book, so Preston was a pretty big mystery to me. Amanda and Preston have history together, he asked her to prom in front of the whole school and she turned him down. They meet again year later and Preston is no longer the nerd that he was and Amanda would totally give him the time of day now, except she is worried he is out for revenge. There are lots of parts of this book that are good and the premise is great, but Amanda's internal dialogue was exhausting, repetitive and just off-putting. According to the Author's Note at the beginning, this was her first book and for a first book it is pretty good, but she has come a long way and you can tell. 3.5 stars rounded down to a 3. Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy.

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Amanda turned down Preston's prom invitation 10 yrs ago. Now she regrets it when they meet again.

Preston and Amanda are terrific together. I love how cute they are... Their banter is great. Such a fun book.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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Initially I was pretty intrigued by the premise of "Every Girl Does It" and thought it had the potential to be a very entertaining and engaging story. However, the writing style just wasn't a good fit for me. I really struggled to form a connection to the characters or plot which pulled me out of the story.

While this book may not have been for me, I do want to state that this was just my personal experience and opinion. I do think others may find this book appealing depending on their personal preferences.

Thank you Rachel Can Dyken, Net Galley and 8th Note Press for providing me with a copy of this book!

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Really excited for this one! I’m not sure I ever acquired a title from this imprint before, but this looked like a great one to start! Our main character turns down a prom invitation and lives to regret it! Enter Preston who may have changed a bit and he’s about to let her know it! Add in a trip to Hawaii and you have one interesting read! I will be sharing much more soon…I apologize as I have been dealing with some health issues, but I just wanted to say how excited I am for this one and I know our readers will be as well!

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