Member Reviews

*Kindest regards to NetGalley for sending me an eARC in return for an honest review.*

Travel back in time to experience the love story of wee little Ellen and the brooding Mac in this sweet novel set in the Scottish Highlands. Ellen Mackintosh doesn't speak due to an incident in her childhood, but when her father sets to marry her off to none other than the giant, brooding Silas MacKenzie it becomes even more important to her that she find her voice. Silas MacKenzie has always believed that everything he touches breaks, and with that thought in mind absolutely doesn't want to get marry to the tiny yet gorgeous woman he finds himself betrothed to. But one look in those beautiful blue eyes and he's a goner. Follow along as these two find themselves amongst the chaos in this charming and heartwarming tale.

Not going to lie, I requested a copy of this strictly based off of the cover - it most definitely did not disappoint. I was looking for the Scottish aesthetic, and I found it amongst the pages of this adorable romance. The author did a wonderful job immersing the reader this world, giving us a look at both sides of the story. Although yes, it felt a bit like insta-love, it was also incredibly heartwarming and had me rooting for the two main characters the entire time.

Lady Len and the Mysterious Mac is technically the second in the Brides of Chattan series, but the first book doesn't need to be read to enjoy this one. The author gives us this story in dual perspectives and throws in a touch of spice to keep things interesting.

Goodreads rating: 4/5 stars. Review posted to NetGalley and Goodreads on 9/4/2023. This book is set to be published on 9/5/2023.

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Silas “Si” MacKenzie, son and heir to the Laird Kintail of Castle Leod, is back after being away for 17 years. Silas never wanted to be heir, but then neither did his father, who has been away in France nearly as long as Silas has been away. Alex MacKenzie is back now, but ill and it is clear that all is not well with the clan. The crops are poor, and the crofter's homes are in disrepair as is the castle. Si’s father hopes that having Si marry and take his place as heir will improve the clan’s morale and hopefully usher them into a more prosperous era. But his bride is not what he expected and his feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness threaten to overwhelm him. His bride is a tiny lass who looks delicate and fragile, making him feel like a huge hulking brute who is bound to break her, as he does everything he touches. But something about this wee lass calls to him and while he knows he should set her free, he can’t seem to let her go. Instead, he begins writing to her as a clansman named “Mac”, he never meant to deceive her, but when she responds, he finds himself enchanted, making it harder to do what he thinks he must; let her go.

Tiny and delicate in stature, “Wee” Ellen Mackintosh never wanted to marry, she wanted to be a nun, but her father wants an alliance with the MacKenzie clan, and as the eldest, it falls to Ellen to wed the Laird’s son. Ellen too suffers from feelings of unworthiness, but Ellen processes her feelings in a far different way, she is quiet barely speaking and she punishes herself for her perceived shortcomings. She feels conflicted in her feelings towards Silas, she wants to leave and become a nun, but at the same time, she is drawn to her giant of a husband. When letters come from a mysterious clan member, that too causes conflict in her. Can this wee lass find her voice and become the brave “Lady Len” or will she let her feelings of worthlessness destroy any chance of a happily ever after?

This was a well-written, nicely-paced story with likable, complex characters. This story is filled with wonderful characters, miscommunication, steamyish love scenes, great secondary characters, nasty villains, new ideas, assassination attempts, stupid decisions, regrets, and finally a hard-won HEA complete with an epilogue. Overall, I liked Si and Len and was rooting for their HEA, but at times I found the story a bit heavy and the repetitive use of miscommunication and misassumption became tiring. This book also has several triggers that might be upsetting to some readers (the publisher does offer content warnings on their website). This is the second book in the series, but I didn’t read the first book and had no problems reading this book (although, I now want to read the first book!). Overall, this was a very good, albeit emotional read. This is a book that I am happy to recommend and will be looking forward to reading more by this author.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that I requested and was provided to me by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.*

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'Lady Len and the Mysterious Mac' by Rose Prendeville.

Okay I need to rave about this. 'Lady Len and the Mysterious Mac' was so sweet. Ellen is such an interesting character and hearing her story was just a highlight. Her love interest? Silas. Our mysterious Mac. Oh my god. I could SWOON over Si for hours. Tall? Buff? Kind to literally everyone? A great leader for the clan? Yes to all. This was such a good book and I sped through it - which isn't surprising for a speed reader but still - I would HAPPILY read another Rose Prendeville book.

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I'm afraid this never really got my attention., and after the first couple of chapters I was speed-reading it. It's not that the main characters are unsympathetic, but I found I couldn't really believe in their hang-ups - certainly not his, perhaps slightly more hers. So the whole story was a bit of a non-starter for me. I've reluctantly become used to US spellings cropping up a lot in this genre, but US usage (eg "gotten") is particularly out of place in this story.

My thanks to the publishers for granting me an ARC.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for providing an e-ARC and allowing me the opportunity to read and honestly review this story.
An absolutely frustratingly adorable romance, and I loved it!

I quickly fell into the story, and I'll admit the Scottish terms and phrases slowed me down a bit, but not by much, and I was still able to thoroughly enjoy reading about Silas and Ellen, or shall I say Lady Len and Mac?

My biggest problem with this story is how frustrating it was to see these two want to be together but not say anything to each other about how they feel for what feels like 80% of the book, but once the obvious big breakup of the third act happens and they realize how much they truly love each other, I was giddy until the end, and I thought the book ended well enough to keep me satisfied.

I didn't realize this was the second in the series, and now I cannot wait to go back and read about Jory and Fin. I also can't wait to see what else the author, Rose, will write in the future.

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I came across this one and was drawn in by the cover and I'm not ashamed to admit that. This is actually a second book in a series and while I haven't read book one, I don't think I missed anything. Yes, the characters from the prior book are included here but I was able to pick up the thread without missing a beat.

Ellen Mackintosh and Silas MacKenzie are our main characters and both are being pushed into a marriage they never really planned for. The day they meet is the day of their betrothal and they are very much the opposite of one another. Ellen is small and quiet and Silas is a giant but despite this, as they get to know one another, they begin to care about each other and also begin to see what is going on within the MacKenzie clan.

This was a quick and enjoyable read so if you're looking for a historical romance that has a touch of the Scots included, consider picking this one up. I'm also considering going back to read the first book (focus is on the cousins you meet in this book) to get caught up.

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I really loved the unique atmosphere of this romance book, as I don't read a lot of historical romances and especially not Highlander/Scottish ones. This was cool because it was set in the 1700s, a period I didn't know a lot about. The characters were interesting and I thought Silas was very sweet.
Unfortunately there was a lot I disliked about this from the beginning. I thought it was really weird how often Silas is described as "huge, big, massive, monstrous" etc, and by contrast Ellen is SO tiny, SO fragile, she's like a tiny happened so often that it was a weird comparison. This "trope" is really overdone in romance books and many readers are tired of being told how tiny and skinny the FMC is.
Ellen--I wanted to like her, because I think PTSD/selective mutism is really interesting and great representation to explore. However, she was so meek and passive for 85% of the book that even Silas kind of treated her like a child. I felt like I was reading some weird romance where she is a kid or something. Just uncomfortable. She acts so helpless and is constantly needing to be rescued (until the end of the book, I suppose). I know this shows her development, but I really wish she would have been more independent and stronger. She was just very weak and at some points, annoying.
Again, great premise and setting, but the execution failed for me.

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Ellen is a tiny woman who lost her voice years ago. Everyone believes she is a fragile, insignificant girl only good for marriage and the alliances it will bring to her family. They make her feel so helpless that even she believes she is good for nothing. That is until her wedding day...
Silas MacKenzie has returned home after years studying in Aberdeen. His big size and beard makes him a scary sight, but inside he is just a shy boy who is not ready to lead his clan. That is until he is forced to marry the beautiful Ellen.
Both of them have their own reasons to want out of their marriage, but their chemistry is too hard to ignore.
I really enjoyed this book. Ellen and Silas have a very sweet relationship and I love that little by little he helps her find purpose and her own voice.
This is book 2 of the Brides of Chattan series.
I had never read anything by Rose Prendeville, and that's a crime. I also can't believe how these books have escaped my notice.
The writing is beautiful and easy-flowing, even though the story is set in Scotland in the 18th century.
The thing I liked the least was that the characters were not on page together interacting as much as I would have loved. Also, I don't like illustrated covers for historicals, but that's just me. I just think this book deserves a badass cover.
ALSO, the spice is great and the hero is a virgin! Need I say more?

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I was immediately drawn in by Ellen and Silas' story! I really enjoy a story that starts with a marriage of convenience and then real feelings develop. Ellen and Silas had a particularly difficult time connecting because they both struggled with communicating with others and had a lot of insecurities. They are each perfectionists in their own way, who are too scared of disappointing everyone to want to be leaders. It was fun watching the break out of their shells. It might have been nice to see it a little sooner so they had more time to get to know each other. I always like to see main characters who struggle with mental health issues and get their happy endings anyway. In this book Ellen struggled with self harm, which I think it is a really difficult subject to take on in a historical. I thought the portrayal of the self harm was accurate, but as it was in a historical some of the resources like therapy I would have wanted the character to have access to weren't available. It might have been nice to have seen Ellen get advice from a nun that god wouldn't want her punishing herself as her "punishments" seemed partly religiously motivated. However, I do applaud Rose Prendeville for taking on a hard topic and creating a character we could love despite her struggles. If you like a marriage of convenience, shy characters, a virgin mmc (and female but that's less rare), or a Scottish romance this one is for you!

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This was going to be a pretty solid three star read, until the third act breakup, in which the MMC treated the FMC like a toe-rag for no apparent reason beyond the fact that he wanted to make her angry.

Both main characters had a lot of potential - both shy people who don't want to be at the center of attention but that end up being thrust into the lime-light anyway. However, they never quite live up to that potential though - Silas behaves like a toddler time and time again, and Ellen's mental and physical health issues are cured by essentially the power of love.

Great prose and a wonderful setting, as well as some fantastic secondary characters.

Recommended if you enjoy books where the MMC acts abominably and then pulls out a really great speech at the last second, but it wasn't for me.

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This heartwarming Scottish romance will satisfy even the most hard-core "Outlander" fans. I loved it!

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This was just one of the most adorable reads I’ve had in awhile. I’d love to find a Si for myself. I have a real soft spot for gentle giants with a heart of gold and he was no exception. Len was relatable to me, losing her voice when it’s the most inconvenient of times. Torturing herself over things she couldn’t control. With Si and Len together it was just a chef’s kiss of gentle adorable people trying to find each other even when they thought they didn’t want the marriage forced upon them.

Honestly, I would have loved some more rounding out of some of the side characters like Bram, Greer, and Angus. I’m hoping that there was a suggestion of another book with Bram and Greer. 🤞I’m definitely going back to read the first book!!!

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Super nice romance, more sweet than spicy, both characters are thrust together by their families and could not be more different. Ellen is delicate, shy, and very sensitive. Silas is too big and wrecks everything he touches. Both have bad views of themselves, and I love seeing how they learn to embrace their flaws and find happiness together. I loved the Highland settings and culture (shinty anybody? ) and while it starts off slow it picks up pace as you read. Both main characters really grow on you and I was excited to see the tiny sparks of chemistry that grew as they spent time together.
Thank you to the author for this arc!

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I cannot express how much I loved this book! I love a good historical romance. This was so well done that I wish there was more to the story! Len and Silas are so freaking cute! AMAZING!

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Thanks to Eridani Press, Netgalley and the author for an ARC of this book. I am leaving this unbiased review voluntarily.

This is the second book in the Brides of Chattan series and I devoured it in one sitting, just like I did the first one. We've got a marriage of convenience in this one between Ellen, an extremely quiet and shy young woman to Silas, a huge nearly-laird with a heart (and eyes) of gold.

These two initially seem like they are never going to get it together. The author writes sensitive characters with more than a couple of challenges to overcome within themselves before they can truly be the person they want to be. So Ellen gradually comes out of her shell and Silas stops blaming himself for everything, but not before uncovering a nefarious plot and saving Silas' father and clan.

It's a lovely romp through historical Scotland and I enjoyed every minute - perfect pacing and well-written with lovable characters and a heart-warming HEA.

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A marriage of convenience historical romance between shy, quiet Ellen and large, stoic Silas. The character development of both Ellen (Lady Len) and Silas (Mysterious Mac) was beautifully done and exemplified how the two found themselves with each other. There were definitely some infuriating parts of their journey but it was well worth the outcome.

TW: self-harm and attempted SA

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I am a complete sucker for marriage of convenience storylines. And this one checked all the boxes. Both Ellen and Si both had their faults, but I just loved seeing their intereactions and how they grew to care for one another and became stronger individuals through their love. Ellen especially showed alot of character growth. It was fun seeing her befriend those around her while fixing up the chapel.

I will say that I wish their was a disclosure in the synopsis mentioning attempted sexual assault and self-harm. This is disclosed within the book, however, I know it can be a trigger for many so I wish there had also been something noted in the synopsis. Personally, I wasn't a fan of the nettles self-harm parts but they were not graphic and I can see why it was included in the story.

Overall, it was an extremely fun read that I just didn't want to put down. The characters and the setting itself just pulled me in. In many ways it felt like a more lighthearted and sweeter version of Outlander. I only wished it had been longer because I didn't want to stop reading. Although I am looking forward to picking up the first in the series. While the books are standalones, there were still mentions to the characters from the first book that left me curious to know more.

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Love breaks through!

Petite Ellen Macintosh is to be handfasted to Silas MacKenzie. All Ellen wanted was was to enter a nunnery. Now she’s was standing outside the betrothal ceremony having fled from Silas MacKenzie’s side. Si is a veritable giant of a man, but that’s not why Ellen has run.
Ellen has lost her voice for many years. She mutters under her breath but no-one pays any attention to her. Now she’s standing outside the handfasting ceremony. Marriage will follow in a few hours.
The last thing Silas wants is to be married but his father’s insisting on it, and on naming him as his heir. Silas is to take the clan’s oath of allegiance a short time after. As no-one has chased after his tiny wee bride-to-be, after a long time, he does it himself. And when he gazes into her clear sapphire blue eyes, he knows he’ll protect her forever.
Another charming and touching story with a number of moving parts that add comedy, concern, and danger. Ellen moves from being dismissed by all to a determined force, and Si discovers there’s more to his father’s illness than old age.
Ellen and Si! Each have serious doubts about their abilities, more negative than anything else. Each would rather be somewhere else, until they discover that they complete each other! Sigh! The letter writing antics add that extra touch!
Read in one sitting and immensely enjoyed!

A Victory Editing ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)

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Another first for me, Rose Prendeville is an author I will look for again. Although this is the second book in this series, I found it unnecessary to have read the first. The characters from there feature in Lady Len and the mysterious Mack so we do learn of the connections between the two stories. Silas has come home from his studies in Aberdeen at the behest of his father, who believes he is dying and want Silas to be chosen as the new laird of the clan. He also wants Si to marry, Ellen is the chosen bride, quiet, sickly and full of self doubt. The journey the pair make negotiating their various insecurities is quite enchanting. I loved the side characters too, this book is an easy read but also well written. There are lessons that each of them learn and ends very satisfactorily. For a refreshing and sometimes humorous read I recommend this series and thank Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read and review this book.

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I really wanted to like this because the cover is adorable but I just didn't. The writing was not good and kind of confusing at parts. They just didn't spend enough time together for me. Also he got mad at her for teaching the kids to read and to me that didn't align with his character and made me confused.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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