Member Reviews

Earl of My Dreams is Sylvie Sinclair’’s debut novel and is the first book in her Romancing the Rogue Regency romance series.

Earl of my Dreams begins at a house party where Sophie is determined to make a match between her cousin, Olivia, and Griffin, the Marquess of Keswick. The problem is, Sophie’s childhood crush, James, the Earl of Dearborn, has set his sights on Olivia.

Throughout the book, Sophie and James are oblivious to their feelings for each other, but when an old rival shows up and threatens James’s future, James and Sophie finally start to realize their feelings for each other.

I enjoyed watching James and Sophie realize their feelings for each other, and the antics they got up to trying to thwart each other’s goals.

There were several conflicts between James and Sophie, some humourous moments, a few steamy scenes, and a villain to make things interesting.

I’m always a little wary when reading a new historical romance author and was pleasantly surprised that Sylvie’s debut book was so enjoyable. I will be watching for future books and if her future books are as enjoyable as this one, I will be adding her to my list of favourites.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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A classic historical fiction, genuinely capturing English society with flawed amiable characters. Sigh. The plot, imagery, and pacing are all on point, giving details that add -fortifying the story on solid believable footing.
It has superior dialogue and sweetly charged tete-a-tete between the leading couple. There may have been internal squeals that made me blush at the electric energy and want to rush through the scenes to know what comes next.

It includes some of my favorite romance themes: unrequited love, second chances, a reformed rake, and a bookish leading lady. Such a promising launch to a series and showcases the author’s skills in their debut novel. Is it worthy of a read? Yes, yes, it is. Would I buy it? Sure, have you seen the cover art?
4.5/5-star rating.

Note: Spicy intimate scenes “R” rating. You can skip and still get the storyline.
Sponsored through NetGalley for an honest review.

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Earl of my dreams is a romance story with lots of very steamy parts, let me warn you! The love story between James and Sophie is something that began since Sophie was but a young girl. Everything that happens while they grow up left them so shaken that it took them the whole length of the book to reconcile with life and forgive themselves. Usually the traumas in the early life of the main characters is caused by third parties, most of the time at the hands of a male relative, specially in the case of the women but in this story is Lord Dearborn himself the villain and the questionable character who caused all the heartache and pain.
The rhythm of the story and the narrative is well done and even though there are not major historical moments happening at that time, it’s an enjoyable reading.
Congratulations to the author for the first novel. It takes lots of courage to put out there your works for other to judge! I personally can’t wait for the next book in the series! Olivia and Griffin’s story!!

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I really enjoyed this enemies to lovers period story. There are some explicit sex scenes, so it’s not one for younger readers, but these can be skipped without losing any of the story. I appreciated how the author added an epilogue, and look forward to reading the next in the series

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A 5 Starred Debut!!

Earl of My Dreams is a wonderful reminder of everything that I adore about HistRoms. Sylvie Sinclair's voice has that bit of magic about it - that made me pause and smile and savour the book all the more.

I thought it was a genius move opening in a house party setting. It gave a chance for the author to show off her touch at sparkling observations (a la Jane Austen and LM Montgomery) and a sense of the 'female gaze':
They were all young, single and dressed in the latest fashions with brightly-colored waistcoats , the more intricately folded the better. It was a bit like having a rainbow with them in the drawing room.
"They're not so bad, are they?" Olivia asked, ever the optimist
"They're awful, the lot of them" Emmy grumbled. "Not a hint of mystery, not a single secret to uncover, and I haven't heard even one interesting opinion between them, although they will insist on sharing their every though anyway" </i>

With so many eligible gentleman and ladies abound, budding romance and confusion go hand in hand. Here, I appreciated how self-aware the leads were, taking charge of their errors when it came to others' emotions. Amongst all the gay frivolity that is a London Season, we are reminded of the very real pressure of making a suitable match, and how the economic and emotional well-being of many is tied to the whims of their guardians. Believe me, the blurb is about half of what ultimately happens. Ms. Sinclair, again, shows her deft touch at keeping the plot from stagnating by making revelations at the right beats.

James and Sophie's coming together is a slow burn that peels away many, many layers. This is HistRom at its finest - with all the breathless magic that comes with lingering touches, with fervent kisses on the palm, and the first utterance of one's Christian name.
<i>Her gaze riveted on the vein running from his wrist to his middle dinger, pulsing with each mesmerizing tap of his thumb. She wanted to touch him there, to trace it with her fingertips, and learn the texture of his skin. </i>

<i>He dipped his head, raising her hand to his lips, and her breath caught in her throat as he brushed a kiss on the centre of her palm. her pulse kicked up a frantic rhythm as he caressed her with his mouth, coursing the line of her scar with his lips until he reached the lace trim at her sleeve.
He pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting hers. And then he began to unfasten the buttons at her wrist</i>
I LIVED for these moments - their chemistry was a live crackling fire, their physical intimacy had the palpable emotionality that so few have.

Sophie and James were meticulously sketched as complex characters with their own motivations and struggles. And so when the angst came on full force towards the end, my heart ached for them and I just lapped it up.

For a debut novelist, the author shows amazing finesse when it comes to wit, pacing and emotions.

<i>My thanks to Netgalley and the author for the eARC.</i>

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2.5 stars

This book was the epitome of just okay. I didn’t hate it but didn’t love it. The characters were fine. I liked both Sophie and James, along with Olivia, Emmy and Griff. A couple of reasons why I couldn’t give this book a higher rating.

1. I didn’t believe in their love. It seemed slow yet rushed and when they became intimate and finally came to the “I love you” I felt nothing. The romance wasn’t all bad but just didn’t believe it. Like he wants to marry her but then changes his mind quickly then the end. Same with Sophie as well.

2. There is a villain that is introduced close to half way and I thought this was going to be their conflict and someone who would do anything to get in the way of their happiness but then he was introduced, start causing worry with the main couple, then he just gave up. It happened so quickly, resolved so fast I’m wondering why even bother adding this piece of conflict. A lot of conflict seemed weirdly pieced together and most of it was resolved way too fast.

Overall, an okay read. I’m happy Olivia and Griff are getting their own book and I’m a little curious about them but we will see if I pick up the next book or not.

*Received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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Ah this was a lovely and delightful book. I'm here smiling from how sweet Sophie and James are. Sophie is a person that never truly prioritizes herself and always puts her over ones ahead of herself. James is afraid of his feelings based on his previous relationship with his deceased wife. Together they are very sweet and give me all the feels. I can't wait for Olivia and Griffin's story. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Sophie once had a childhood crush on James, but hasn’t seen him in years and believes herself to outgrown her interest in him. When the now widowed James shows up at a house party with intent to court Sophie’s cousin Olivia, she tries to deter him since he’s outspokenly against a love match, while Sophie believes Olivia to be in love with someone else. This leads to Sophie and James arguing and getting in each other’s way, while still somewhat flirting and admiring each other. Sophie is so preoccupied with protecting Olivia’s interests that she doesn’t realize her own merit as someone to be romantically pursued. James has his own tragic past with his prior wife that cause him to avoid any sort of love or emotional entanglement. We don’t find out the details of this relationship until later in the book, but we know that this motivates him to avoid his feelings for Sophie. The thwarted matchmaking plot from the house party finishes up in the first half of the book, and then we move onto the London Season for the second half of the book and meet a new villain to complicate the story. I enjoyed seeing how protective James was of Sophie even though he was slow to realize his own feelings towards her. I liked that they had a shared history and a shared social circle, providing a nice set up for future books in the series.

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"Earl of My Dreams" is a solid debut novel from author Sylvie Sinclair. FMC Sophie is clever and likable, even if her devotion to her cousin seems a little much at times. MMC James is a mildly tortured hero who is (of course) never wanting to love again after a disastrous first attempt. This book begins at a house party and transitions back to London and the Season, There are moments that drag but not many, and overall, I found myself rooting for Sophie and James to figure it out. Mild quibbles - the "villain" gives up pretty easily (maybe he will get his own book someday?), and three years does not seem like quite enough time to achieve the change in self that James seems to have gone through. Sophie's doubts towards the end also seem misplaced and extend page count more than add to the story. All that said, I will absolutely be looking for Olivia's book, which should be up next!

4 stars. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary ARC of this book. The opinions herein are my own.

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Sophie decides that she is going to block James' courtship of her cousin Olivia because she doesn't believe he's courting her for the right reasons. Lots of banter and tension ensues. James also has a shady past that comes to light. I was more interested in Olivia and Griffins' backstory (happy to see they're the next book), but I still enjoyed the dynamic between Sophie and James. I think we need way more Emmy.

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A country house party offers an opportunity for Miss Sophie Everett to help her cousin Olivia find love, and she's not going to let James Halloran, the Earl of Dearborn, get in the way. James believes Olivia would be the perfect countess, a lady of beauty and breeding who will birth an heir and never touch his heart. But Sophie intends to keep him away, and suddenly sparks start flying in a different direction.

This is the first book in the Romancing the Rogue series, and the debut novel of Sylvie Sinclair. She sets the scene with likable background characters who are sure to become leads in their own stories.

I thought this book was a strong first impression. The beginning quarter of the tale gave me Anthony and Kate Bridgerton vibes with a combative but not-quite enemies tone. Sophie and James have a childhood history and I really like how their past came into play later in the story, when Sophie opened up to James. The author also did a good job of making all the "extras" come together in an interesting way, like when a seemingly disposable character is reintroduced later to help drive the HEA. The only thing I didn't care for was some prolonged drama at the end when the characters are going to get exactly what they want, but then suddenly the heroine thinks: “he doesn’t really want to marry me, so I should just agree to this other awful, arranged marriage for no good reason.” Ugh, why are you being an idiot, girl? Other than that, I would definitely read this author again.

Tropes: Frenemies-to-Lovers, House Party/Forced Proximity, Matchmaker/Matchbreaker

Steam: 2

* I received an ARC and this is my honest review.

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This book had the perfect setup for a great story. There’s Sophie, her cousin Olivia and their friend Emmy. Emmy’s brother is Griffin, and James is Griff’s best friend. The girls are all supposed to score a husband:

<i>Heaving a resigned sigh, she turned to Olivia and muttered, “At this point, I think Aunt Augusta would be pleased if I married anyone, earl or not.” Her cousin nodded. “True.” “My mother likely feels the same way about me,” Emmy said wryly. “Hence, the fresh order of dandies she had brought in from London.” (…)
“They’re not so bad, are they?” Olivia asked, ever the optimist. “They’re awful, the lot of them,“ Emmy grumbled. “Not a hint of mystery, not a single secret to uncover, and I haven’t heard even one interesting opinion between them, though they will insist on sharing their every thought anyway.” She clucked her tongue. “Honestly, it’s a wonder women are still marrying men at all.”</i>

Then Sophie learns that James has decided to pursue Olivia because she’s amiable and pretty, but he had no intention of offering Olivia a love match. But Sophie is convinced Olivia and Griffin belong together:

<i>Olivia would ignore Griffin then Griffin would tease her then she would snap at him then go right back to ignoring him again until the cycle repeated itself. They were the epitome of grace and charm with everyone else, but with each other, they bickered and provoked like a pair of misbehaving children.</i>

So she’s angry with James, who doesn’t offer love to Olivia, and she tries to have him stop pursuing Olivia. Sophie used to be infatuated by him so he could argue that she’s jealous because she wants him for herself. (The author could have had immense fun with all the assumptions and confusion!) What follows is James trying to get Sophie off his back by tricking some lord to badger her with endless talk about vegetables, which of course she isn’t interested in. And Sophie returned the unwanted ‘favor’ by letting slip to some silly girl that James is on the hunt for a wife, so this girl relentlessly follows him around. By this time I was thoroughly enjoying myself by the main characters trying to play this game of almost throwing random people at each other’s paths in a bid to stop them from achieving their goal. But unfortunately, this ‘chess game’ suddenly stops and the whole story takes another turn with another character arriving. The revenge storyline behind this was a bit unrealistic because the main characters could just have solved this quite easily by not making a fuss about it. And Sophie endlessly questioning her self worth was quite annoying. The secondary storyline - whether Olivia and Griff belong together - was altogether abandoned. You don’t know how Griff feels and what happens with Olivia’s manhunt. And Emmy was a fun character but you don’t really get to know her either.
So although the book started very promising and had very nice banter with witty conversations, it didn’t follow through, which was disappointing.
I received and reviewed an advanced copy of this book and I am grateful for this opportunity. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I really liked this book, filled with passion and intrigue, the characters are amazing, captivating, even made me shed a tear or two, the plot is very captivating, you will not drop the book till you finish.Earl of My Dreams is a must read!

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Wow. For this to be a debut novel, I’m shocked. From the witty banter to the slow burn that keeps you wondering till the very end. 👏🏻 a Bridgerton meets Lynn Painter novel with a strong, yet kind and selfless main character you can relate to. I enjoyed every minute of this book and loved the back and forth perspective as the characters developed throughout the book as well as the perspective of duty and obligation that so many had in that era. I’m dying to get my hands on Griffin and Olivia’s story! And hopefully see more Sophie and James in the background!

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