Member Reviews

American author, Mary Keliikoa's latest crime mystery tale, Don't Ask, Don't Follow (2024) is a standalone thriller. Lindsay and Beth Ralstron are very different sisters, as is their relationship with their father – a wealthy lawyer running for Portland’s Mayoral Office. On the night of the party at the law firm to announce his candidature, Beth spots Lindsay fleeing an Associate’s office who has been murdered. As the police investigate, Lindsay disappears and Beth tries to discover the news story Lindsay was working on. As Beth delves deeper, she discovers a potential explosive family secret and possible connection to the illegal adoption network Lindsay was pursuing. A solid drama-building thriller with a family secret, a sister who continues to ask and follow, that is an enjoyable three and a half stars read rating. With thanks to Oceanview Publishing and the author, for an uncorrected advanced review copy for review purposes. As always, the opinions herein are totally my own, freely given and without inducement.

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Beth doesn't believe her sister Lindsay could be a murderer- that she killed her boss at the family law firm- but Lindsay has disappeared and there are just so many questions. This is a twisty tale of family secrets and corruption, some of which Linday, an investigative reporter was working to expose. Some of the more interesting interactions are between Beth and her parents and this does strain credulity at spots. That said, it's well written and kept me reading for the answers Beth- and Lindsay- are seeking. Thanks to the publisher for the ARC. A good read.

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I’m a big thriller fan, I’ve read all different types of thrillers but this story was very different to anything I’ve read to date.

What caught my attention with this book is the title but what I didn’t realise was how addicting the book would be to read. I went in blind, not reading the synopsis or any other reviews, and within the first few pages I was hooked. The sisterly bond between Lindsay and Beth really pulled me in and played on my emotions, and driven more so by the fact Beth and myself had the same nickname growing up and the relationship between the sisters isn’t to dissimilar to the relationship and bond I share with mine.

Granted, it is a slow burn but there was lots of information to take in and whilst the twists weren’t jaw dropping, they were perfect for the story. Overall, the book is certainly a page turner, I was addicted and needed to know how the story would play out and the end certainly didn’t disappoint.

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Beth leaves her works party and finds her boss murdered and her sister Lindsay running away from the room leaving her phone behind with a message saying "Don`t ask , Don`t follow" which of course she does but Lindsay disappears and the police suspect Beth of the murder.
Beth find out Lindsay who is an investigative reporter is onto something that could destroy the family.
A great read you can`t put down with a twist at the end.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC and I give my honest review.

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What She Won’t Do For Her Sister

The novel opens with a flashback incident involving two sisters. The basic characteristics of these two sisters are present in their teenage years. Then, the timeline advances to the present with an office Christmas Party for the sister’s father’s law firm. He is the senior named partner but retired. Beth Ralston, his younger daughter, works as a paralegal. Her boss, Craig Bartell, approaches her during the party. He tells her they need to talk, but her father is summoning her. After giving up on the party, she returns to her office; Bartell's office door is shut. She notices that a file she was to summarize is missing from her desk. She thinks that Bartell may have taken it. She heads to his office. She sees her sister, Lindsay, leaving his office. She calls, but her sister ignores her and takes the elevator before Beth can catch her. Upon returning to Bartell’s office, she discovers that he is dead. The novel grows from this start.

This main storyline has one thread narrated by Beth Ralston. There are short sections where she is not the narrator, but this main storyline is seen through her eyes. There are many subthreads, such as Beth’s father running for mayor and the police investigation of Bartell’s murder. Beth does not believe her sister is guilty, so she starts by not telling the police that it was Lindsay she saw leaving Bartell’s office. Lindsay is an investigative reporter so that it may relate to her work. She doesn’t have anyone to help her because her sister has disappeared, her father is running for mayor, who deflects any of her questions, and her mother says that she has a migraine and goes to bed when confronted. After being released from the crime scene, she goes to Bartell’s nominally to retrieve Bartell’s cat, but she searches his office and finds a file underneath all the other files. It is labeled confidential. She takes it, the cat, and some cat supplies. This is how the rest of the novel proceeds with Beth’s illegal and questionable actions and not sharing some information with the police.

The story was like an onion that Beth had to work through each layer. The tension is maintained as she is being followed aggressively and finds a GPS tracker on her call. As the novel proceeds, more dangerous threats appear. There were twists, turns, and one literary tsunami that changed my understanding of a primary tenant of this novel. These aspects kept my mind actively engaged to the end of the novel. The flow of the novel was quick, and I finished it faster than usual.

The background on Beth is quite extensive. Flashbacks provide the depth and length of Beth’s relationship with her sister. Another rich source is Beth’s relationship with her closest office friend, Mandy Perkins. That relationship has its ups and downs. How Beth handles these provides even more insight into her character. Her willingness to take risks to prove her sister innocent shows her loyalty. There is one B-storyline between Beth’s father and his campaign manager. This relationship makes it even harder for Beth to communicate with her father. These aspects enhanced my reading enjoyment.

Some aspects that can cause some readers to stop reading are not significant issues in this novel. First, there are no intimate scenes. Vulgar and rude language is at a relatively low level. There is some light impious language. Most of the violence is described after the fact. Lastly, this is standalone, so there are no references to actions in previous novels to hamper your understanding of this novel. Overall, this novel should not pose any problems for most readers.

The primary aspect in this novel that I did not like was that many of Beth Ralston’s actions would not or should not be accommodated by the police, but I understand that they were required to keep the novel moving along. The significant aspect I enjoyed was that each chapter was rich in detail, whether background or storyline threads. By the end, there were not any loose ends. The ending surprised me, but it does explain some of the issues I had with the novel.

My previous experience with this author is reading two previous novels. This one was close but not at the same level as the two earlier novels. She has earned a position as a Will-Read author. If the teaser interests you, I do recommend reading it. I am looking forward to reading her next novel. I rate this novel with four stars.

I received this novel's free prepublication e-book version through NetGalley from Oceanview Publishing. My review is based solely on my own reading experience of this book. Thank you, Oceanview Publishing, for the opportunity to read and review this novel early.

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Don't Ask, Don't Follow by Mary Keliikoa is a highly recommended suspense novel set in Portland, Oregon, that seeks to solve a murder and find a missing person.

Beth Ralston, a paralegal at her father's law firm, has had enough mingling at the office party so she heads back upstairs to her office to rack up more billable hours. She finds Craig Bartell, her boss, has been murdered and she sees a woman who appears to be her sister Lindsay, fleeing the scene. Beth is unable to catch her sister and, while she waits for the police, she discovers Lindsay left her phone in Beth's bag. The phone had an unsent message on it: "Don’t ask. Don’t follow."

Lindsay is an investigative reporter, so sometimes it is hard to reach her, but she never drops completely out of touch. In an attempt to find Lindsay, Beth begins to look into the material that Lindsay was investigating and trying to expose. It involves large scale corruption, secrets, and betrayal that may involve even her own family.

Beth is a determined, fully realized character who has a strong bond with her older sister that serves her well as she tries to find Lindsay. Since Don't Ask, Don't Follow is told through Beth's first person point-of-view, trusting and believing in her findings is important.

The information Lindsay was chasing also involved Craig and makes her question not only the information Lindsay was collecting but also their parent's truthfulness. It is clear as events unfold that someone is follow Beth and means her harm. The detective is also fast on the same trail and keeps encountering Beth while he investigates.

The plot does seem to slow down in the middle after it initially takes off at a quick pace. There are also a few plot points that require a suspension of disbelief, especially toward the end. The journey to the final denouement is interesting, full of action, and will hold your complete attention. Thanks to Oceanview Publishing for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.

The review will be published on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

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This is a well written, well paced, character driven thriller that grabbed me from the first page and didn't let go until I had read it straight through. The constant intrigue, not knowing who to trust, and the unexpected twists made this an enthralling read. Highly recommended

Thanks to NetGalley and Oceanview Publishing for an advanced reader copy

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Thank you NetGalley and Oceanview Publishing for the copy of Don't Ask, Don't Follow by Mary Keliikoa. I had no idea where the story was going and that reveal blew me away! If you love family intrigue and long-held secrets, this is the perfect book for you! 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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Beth Ralston finds her life spiraling out of control when she discovers her boss murdered and her sister Lindsay, apparently, fleeing the scene. Beth is a paralegal working in her father's firm and her sister is an investigative journalist. When her sister disappears after the murder, leaving only her cell phone with a message saying "Don't ask. Don't follow," Beth is determined to ignore her sister's message and find her.

As Beth tries to track down her sister, she learns that her sister was investigating a possible black market baby selling scheme. Poor women were told that their babies died after they gave birth at a special clinic. A DNA report seems to indicate that Lindsay's genetics don't match their parents which makes Beth wonder just how long this baby stealing racket has been going on.

As she checks out the adoption agency and some of the women she could track down, she's sure that she's being followed. Her father, who is busy running for mayor, tells her to back off and let Lindsay get out of her own mess. He tells her to avoid the police detective who is investigating the murder claiming they had run-ins at a trial that prejudices him against her father.

Not sure who to trust, Beth finds herself discovering all sorts of things about her family and learning who she can really trust.

I enjoyed this fast-paced thriller.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book. This story gripped from the first page to the last. Very suspenseful and kept me guessing.

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Don't Ask, Don't Follow by Mary Keliikoa is a heart-pounding thrill ride of a book that grabs you from the very beginning and doesn't let you go.
Keliikoa unravels a tale of secrets, greed, dysfunctional family, exploitation, trust, and power, using a fast pace and a relatable and sympathetic main character in Beth Ralston to reel the reader in. The book is well-written, meticulously crafted, and gripping, and it's difficult to put down once you get started. The discoveries Beth makes in her search for her sister and the killer of her boss are meted out in order to maximize suspense and enjoyment.
I am thrilled to have received a copy of #DontAskDontFollow from #NetGalley.

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Thank you ThrillerBookLoversThePulse & Oceanview Publishing #partner, for the advanced e-copy of Don’t Ask, Don’t Follow in exchange for my honest review.

Somehow this is the first book I’ve read by Mary Keliikoa but it certainly will not be the last. I’m not sure how I haven’t heard of her before now, but I won’t be making that mistake again…I’ve already added her other books to my tbr as I wait to see what she writes next.

This book grabbed me from the get-go with quite an explosive beginning and kept me engaged and guessing all the way through! It is a complex, layered tale that is full of secrets, and a cat and mouse game unlike any other and I was so not prepared for where it ultimately headed, the twists coming hard and fast at times, keeping me on my toes all the way up to the very end.

I love a good sister story and while this one is told all through the one sister’s point of view, I found that bond of sisterhood to be such a deep motivating factor on Beth’s part. The character development of both sisters, all told through Beth’s eyes, was done so well that I really felt I knew both of them, as well as the other characters. This makes it quite easy to become more emotionally invested in the story, which I found myself doing, feeling as desperate as Beth was to know what happened to Lindsay.

If you enjoy a suspenseful, addictive read, that is equal parts thriller and family drama, this one is for you!

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4.5 stars rounded up to 5

Don’t ask. Don’t Follow. Beth is used to those words from her older sister Lindsey. But once Beth finds Lindsay fleeing the scene of a murder, those words will serve to push her to continue searching for her missing sister. What lies ahead is a treacherous path filled with family secrets and lurking danger.

I really enjoy family mysteries and complex sibling relationships and Don’t Ask Don’t Follow delivered on both fronts. I felt for Beth and her deep rooted desire to belong and to be loved. And I truly enjoyed her journey from a workaholic rule follower to someone impulsive and driven by her love for her sister.

Anyone who consumes a lot of thrillers will probably put the pieces together faster than Beth (shoutout to all Sherlocks out there) but to me that didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the story overall. If you enjoy character driven murder mysteries, you will definitely want to check out this one!

A huge thank you to @thrillerbookloversthepulse Oceanview Publishing and NetGalley for my ARC!

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There’s a lot of new thrillers getting us very excited over at @thrillerbookloversthepulse and one of these is the upcoming new thriller #dontaskdontfollow by 🤩🤩

𝑫𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒂𝒔𝒌, 𝒅𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘… this was the secret code between Beth and her sister Lindsay… usually preceding Lindsay getting up to some shenanigan or two…

When Beth discovers her boss murdered, followed by a glimpse of Lindsay pegging it down the hall, she discovers an unsent text on Lindsay’s phone reading “𝑫𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒂𝒔𝒌, 𝒅𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘”…

From there, Keliikoa delivers a suspenseful, and brilliantly paced, cat and mouse chase. I thought Beth’s character development was great, and the twists certainly kept me guessing.

A brilliant character-driven thriller with family drama aspects, I highly recommend you add this one to your TBR!

4.5 stars rounded up!

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This is a story of a family and family secrets. It wasn’t so much action as a slow ride to the conclusion of the story. It captures my attention from the first page. I would definitely recommend this book. It is the first I have read by this author and I definitely will try her again. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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thriller, sisters, suspense, secrets, investigative-journalist, lawyers, law-enforcement, lies, betrayal, corruption, family-drama, family-dynamics, family-expectations, crime-fiction, local-law-enforcement, murder, murder-investigation, paralegal, family-business****

Fast paced intrigue with strong characters and many astonishing surprises.
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from Oceanview Publishing via NetGalley.

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The perfect mix between fast pace and slow burn thrills that will make you stay up past your bedtime! I really liked the writing style of this book.

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This book was @thrillerbookloversthepulse  feature pick and after finishing it, I see why it was chosen! Thank you to @oceanviewpub and @netgalley for my ARC!

Beth grew up in an upper class family and is currently working as a paralegal, although her father is waiting on her to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer. Currently content with her life and with driving her Honda, Beth can relate more to her sister Lindsay than anyone else. Lindsay isn’t making the big bucks either, but she’s an investigative reporter and her next story might blow everything open.

At the law firm’s company party, Beth waits for her plus one, Lindsay, but she doesn’t show. During the party, Beth finds her boss tragically murdered in his office and swears she sees Lindsay running out of the building. Then Beth sees a message from Lindsay, “Don’t ask, don’t follow” - the same sisterly code they followed since they were kids and Beth would cover for Lindsey sneaking out of the house.

The reader is taken on through Beth’s journey of protecting her sister throughout an ongoing murder investigation while also trying to get to the bottom of what happened to her boss and where Lindsay has gone.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Follow is a slow burn psychological thriller with unexpected twists, shocking family secrets, and a reveal that made my jaw drop. I enjoyed Beth as our main character and I found her to be a smart, relatable person who I was rooting for throughout the story. This is the first book I’ve read by Keliikoa and it won’t be my last!

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I really enjoyed this thriller about two sisters - one trying to save the other. All the characters were seemlessly woven together. And as every thriller needs, a twist at the end that was not one that had imagined. Four stars.

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Pub: June 4, 2024

Happy #thrillerthursday and #fridayjr ! I don’t know about you, but I am so ready for the weekend.

Predictive text time: Don’t ask, don’t follow or else…. _________

✨Review ✨

One of my favourite things about bookstagram is getting introduced to new-to-me authors! Don’t Ask, Don’t Follow was my introduction to Mary Keliikoa. At first I wasn’t sure how all of the different plot pieces were going to come together- we have murder, kidnapping, family drama, sisterhood, adoption scandals, religion, the dynamics of a law firm… but Keliikoa smoothly connects everything in a refreshing plot that’s easy to follow without sacrificing on the twists and red herrings.

It’s been a while since I’ve read a thriller told in first person. It was a delightful surprise to read this narration style and a reminder of how fun it can be to experience a story in “real time” through the POV of a good lead character like Beth.

I look forward to reading more of Mary Keliikoa’s books!

Thank you to @thrillerbookloversthepulse @oceanviewpub & @netgalley for the gifted copy to read and review

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