Member Reviews

My Darling Bride is a new stand-alone sports romance novel told in dual first person POV.
Emmaline Darling ends up stealing Graham Harlan’s Lamborghini when she needs to get away from her ex boyfriend. Emmaline runs a bookstore but Graham is a football star who had a near death experience on the field. He offers Emmaline an ultimatum after she steals his car. He needs her to marry him for his family inheritance or he will press charges. This is a convenient arrangement but sparks start flying between them but the marriage will come to an end soon and they will have to decide if they want the marriage to be real or not. This was a sweet romance that I’m sure many people will enjoy. It has tropes that will appeal to many people such as marriage of convenience, fake relationship and forced proximity. If you are a fan of Ilsa Madden-Mills then I’m sure you will love this book. It had a distinct feel to it of Mills’ charm. However, my only issue with this book was I didn’t personally feel the chemistry and that the relationship building and the sex scenes didn’t have a real impact on me. I will be giving this 3.5 stars rounded up to a 4 because it was enjoyable just not a new favourite romance for me. This could be a spoiler but I would say if you have triggers for heart conditions or near death experiences maybe avoid this because this triggered me a bit. Plus there were some discussions of CTE which got a bit heavy for me personally. Overall, I would say give this a read if you’re interested in it.

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If Madden-Mills’ other football inspired books are touchdowns, My Darling Bride is the two point conversion your team scores in the final seconds of a tied game to bring home the victory.

A delightful story, I absolutely adored the non traditional meet cute and found myself truly pulling for both characters throughout the story.

I loved both Emmy and Graham’s family, how they grew closer together other time, and how genuine the care felt between all the characters throughout the pages.

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On a normal day, Emmaline isn't a car thief. She's just a simple girl who runs a little bookstore and loves cats. But when she's stranded in a desert and needs to get away from her dangerous ex-boyfriend, she picks her only option: swiping the keys to a famous football player's lamborghini and speeding away.

Graham Harlan is in chaos. First he took a hit on the field that left him with a near death experience, and now he's promised his brother he’ll get married to secure the family inheritance. Trouble is he isn’t even seeing anyone. Then a mystery woman steals his car. With his usual stubbornness, he tracks her all the way to Manhattan and gives her an ultimatum: marry me or I'll press charges.

I really enjoyed the first few chapters, but then it kind of fell a bit flat for me that's why I've given it a 2.75 stars and I’m not really sure why it did.

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3.5 Stars for "My Darling Bride" by Ilsa Madden-Mills

"My Darling Bride" is a sizzling romance with an intriguing premise. Emmaline Darling and Graham Harlan's chance encounter in the desert leads to an unconventional marriage of convenience. The characters are well-developed, and their chemistry is undeniable. The story has depth, humor, and sparks of wit that keep you engaged. However, some parts of the plot felt a bit predictable, and the resolution was somewhat rushed. Overall, a delightful read for romance enthusiasts.

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Sports romance (football). Marriage of convenience. Bookstore setting.

Emmy and Graham have an interesting introduction. Just the standard “she steals his Lamborghini to get away from an abusive ex” then “he tracks her down to propose they get married so he can get his inheritance” storyline. They both have childhood traumas they need to work through, as well as some more recent. It was more drama than I normally like in a romance, but it was so well written.

The secondary characters were great too. Siblings, friends, coworkers. They all worked really well into the story. And I, obviously, loved the bookstore setting.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Watch for My Darling Bride to come out December 5, 2023.

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I really really enjoyed this book! I was hooked from the start- their meet cute was unique and helped add some comedic relief to situations that were somewhat serious throughout the story. I liked how Graham and Emmy were almost destined to be together with how their paths crossed. In addition to the main characters, even the side characters were interesting and likable! They all added so much to the story. I did not find it hard to keep all of them straight as they had individual personalities that were hard to forget. I am really hoping for a Jane x Jasper book next!

Overall, it was a light read even though it did sometimes cover serious topics. I do wish there was a little bit more time after the hero realized he was all-in (rather than just a short bit at the end and the epilogue), but I do understand the formulaic way of a romance book.

Thanks to NetGalley, Ilsa Madden-Mills and Montlake for the ARC :)

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The way I laughed during this book. The way they met had me in stitches.

Graham is grumpy to the sunshine and that's just my favorite. I really enjoyed the way he treated Emmy, and FFS he bought her a bookstore. You canNOT compete with that.

Emmy reminds me of my sister, in which she had to parent her siblings and overcome a lot. I was immediately rooting for her to get her happy ending and I'm so glad she did.

Also, I would like a Jane and Jasper book-please and thank you.

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This book got better. It was a little all over the place in the beginning like the author was just throwing in all the funny but half way maybe a little more it became enjoyable to read. The title of the book fits perfectly. I'm not sure why but I enjoyed Jane the sister lol. Hoping her and Jasper get a book.

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This is a rollicking ride, complicated with many side characters and lots going on. There's family for Emmy and colleagues for Graham. Discussion on head trauma for football players was well handled.

Emmy's character has a bit of a transformation as her behaviour in the opening desert sequence with Graham isn't repeated and she seems a bit silly. This part of the novel feels a bit staged, but it all settled down when they were back in New York. Here we see her real grit, and how responsible she actually is. She's juggling work, family, health challenges, money and job worries and it's a grind.

Graham is generous, but conflicted. His great love is football, and his lack of support systems outside of the game gives him little perspective about his life options. He's also in denial about Emmy. There's so much character growth for Graham though, and he eventually works out what is important (just in time, more or less).

Tropes: sports romance, fake marriage, found family. This is warm hearted, includes some serious issues, but it's not angsty or misery porn. I loved both Graham and Emmy and their HEA. Recommended!

Thank you so much NetGalley and the author for the ARC.

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I'll be honest - I struggled through this book. I essentially skimmed for the last 25%!

It's like it was missing something - parts were either over-described and left nothing for the reader to determine, or not enough information was given.

I did like the medical representation and the family aspect. The first part could have been condensed a lot and started from when Graham proposes to Emmy.

Others will love this one - but it just wasn't for me!

Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC. Opinions are my own


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My Darling Bride is the second book I’ve read from Ilsa Madden-Mills. She writes about second chances, broken people trying to get back on their feet and there’s always a happy ending,
I’ve liked this book, it’s an easy read and I like her writing style, the snarky banter and the books/music references she throws in.
Get ready to enjoy Graham and Emmaline’s story. You’re in for a treat.
Thank you to the author and publisher for providing me a copy in exchange for my review.

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Wow, this book was amazing! Definitely my favourite book by Ilsa Madden Mills (OK, it might share the first place with Dear Ava 😉) I couldn't stop reading and laughing, I fell in love with both main characters (which rarely happens to me) and with all the side characters.
Can we PLEASE get a Jane and Jasper book??

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》ARC Review: My Darling Bride《

My Darling Bride is as darling as its title, featuring charismatic leads whose undeniable chemistry leads them into a most swoon-worthy romance.

》The Leads《

Emmy was a lovely lead. Her childhood was lost as she had to become a parent to her siblings at a much too early age. And yet she continuously persevered. I admired her greatly. If I had a caveat it is at times the tone and content of her dialogue contradicted her personality, like there was a slight disconnect. Nevertheless, I immensely loved to root for her, wishing she’d nab a much deserved happy ending.

Graham I really liked our male lead! His near-death experience on the football field irreversibly changed him, and we, along with him, went on a journey to see who would ultimately decide to become upon that significant change. He’s a bit grump, a lot hot, and absolutely wonderful. Even whilst guarded, his heart can’t help but yearn for Emmy and all the sunshine she brings into his shadowed days.

》The Romance《

Emmy and Graham’s romance is sizzling from start to finish. There is a bit of groveling needed at the end, but all in all, it’s a most worthwhile journey to take. Marvelous romancing and spicy smut along the way as well!

》The Ex Drama《

There is some ex drama, which may not be for everyone but overall it worked for me. Albeit, if I could nitpick one thing is I wish there was on page dialogue exchange between Graham and his ex to show the audience his rejection of her, instead of having to be told it through his conversation with someone else. I wasn’t overly satisfied with how that subplot was tied up. But I was very satisfied with how Emmy’s abusive ex was dealt with. I was glad Emmy had such a great support system with her wonderful siblings and friends.

》The Ending《

The ending was so perfectly fitting for both leads, especially Graham. I was quite curious to see how his would develop and felt it was well earned for his character. The book did a great job exploring and relaying the effects of CTEs, not just on the individual but their loved ones. The author attended to that subplot with great care.

I loved this one. Each main player in the game was multifaceted, with both individual and intertwining arcs. I also really hope this book because an interconnected series because I spotted some intense chemistry between Jane and Jasper and would love to see where it goes!

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for providing me an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was so cute! Emmy and Graham were so sweet. The things Graham did for her!!!! 😍😍 I'm such a sucker for a "he falls first" trope and man did he fall. I also loved all the injury and CTE talk about football, that was nice to see in a romance book. I'd definitely recommend this book. Ilsa never disappoints!

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Ilsa Madden Mills is one of my one click authors. Don’t have to know what the book is about but know it will be amazing. My Darling Bride is definitely amazing!
Do you believe in chance? Do you believe in love at first sight? Graham is a pro football player who takes a nasty hit at the end of a game. He doesn’t believe in love and has no desire to be in relationship. Emmy works in a bookstore, and keeps her family going. Fresh out of a relationship a new one is far from her thoughts.
Throw in a stolen car, family, marriage, and Wilber and you have one story that will have you wanting more.

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4 to 4.5 star

I really ended up enjoying this one! Marriage of convenience isn't always my favorite trope, but I really loved Graham & Emmy! Also really loved their families! The story and banter was great! Now I'm hoping there are my books around these characters!

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This was a wonderful read to get me out of a reading funk. I loved the banter between Emmy and Graham, but what made this book is that you get both POV's which makes you fall even more in love with both characters. I enjoyed that both main characters came with their own bunch of fun unique family/ side characters that just blend together so well. I loved seeing old characters from the earlier football books pop in throughout the story and I am on edge waiting for Jane's and Jasper's book.

The whole "cream" situation at the bookstore, the "pig" and the story behind it, along with the pick a different flower situations melted my heart.

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I received an advanced reader's copy of My Darling Bride by Ilsa Madden-Mills from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Overall, I quite enjoyed this novel and it made for a quick, easy read. The main characters - Emmaline and Graham - were an interesting match. Their chemistry was hot, the banter was engaging, and the action moved along. All in all, this novel was well written and the plot was engaging and entertaining.

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I was so excited to see Ilsa Madden-Mills have a new book available on NetGalley! Emmy and Graham’s story was another great read by her and I loved their dynamic together.

Emmy was experienced a childhood with domestic abuse, so when her boyfriend put his hands on her… she fled. She got to a small town in Arizona and stopped to regroup and go home without Kian (her now ex-boyfriend). While stopped in Arizona she meets Graham. She acts as he is her boyfriend to scare off another hotel patron who has been making her really uncomfortable. Graham had experienced a concussion and heart issues after experiencing a severe tackle in the Super Bowl. He was trying to find his way back to football and good health when he met Emmy at this hotel. He said he’d protect her, and he meant it. He was a protector at heart, and this was a key theme for the two of their relationship moving forward.

Someone else G wanted to protect was his brother, Brody. He was ineligible to receive his portion of their inheritance because he married a man, not a female. G thought this was wrong, and wanted to marry to get the inheritance before his snakey half brother could. That’s where Emmy comes in… the perfect marriage of convenience. Emmy owes G for stealing his $400k Lamborghini. So she agrees.

The two of them have a great family that really make their journey hilarious and so easy to read. It was fun to see how each of them had people in their corners that wanted to push their marriage to be a real relationship, but also were wary the other didn’t break any hearts in the process. This book read really easy, and was a fun story. I hope Jane gets a book next!

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My Darling Bride is the story of Emmy and Graham who meet each other in the wackiest of ways. Emmy ends up stealing Graham's Lamborghini and thus the two get further involved with each other.

I enjoyed reading this book. I found both the main characters likeable and the secondary characters were endearing too. The story kept a good pace and I was keen to see what happened next and how it would all unfold.

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