Member Reviews

Ilsa Madden-Mills is always a fave! She effortlessly combines heartshitting love stories with quirky, endearing characters and laugh-out loud moments. Throw in some sports, and I’m a goner! So I was super excited for My Darling Bride- a marriage of convenience sports love story with themes of identify and finding one’s true purpose. An engaging, if imperfect love story that had the pages turning.
This isn’t quite the run of the mill marriage of convenience since the marriage doesn’t happen until much later in the story, a situation born out of Graham’s need for a bride to get his inheritance. He sees the perfect opportunity to blackmail Emmy into being his bride after she “borrows” his fancy car and needs help sustaining her beloved store. Graham has many complications, some of which explain his perpetual grumpiness and workaholic (footballaholic) focus. But Emmy amuse and enchants him even when he doesn’t want her too….and turns out she also helps him see just what he’s missing.

This story certainly has its moments. Emmy is lovable heroine who tends to bend over backwards to are for others, a trait I certainly related to. She’s the heart and soul of this story, a warm and loving character that is so easy to root for. She has some heartbreaking trauma in her past, but despite that she’s still a girls ith the heart on her shoulder, a big breeze of loving freeze air and CLEARLY the balm grumpy Graham needs. Her chemistry with Graham is really cute- from the first meet-cute to the subsequent “is this more” moments in their fake marriage, they certainly have a sizzling attraction and one that deepens when they’re together on page.

Graham, on the other hand, is why I didn’t LOVE this story like I love most Ilsa stories. Parts of his journey were compelling- a man struggling with his identity, feeling defined only by his success as an athlete, is really compelling. And I loved the times when he’s protective of Emmy. His grumpiness can be endearing at times, and he certainly has his own set of struggles, but his feigned disinterest lasted a bit too long (like almost the end of the book). The pacing of their relationship didn’t always add up- they fall into hooking-up after only a few interactions, despite his misgivings, and they spend a lot of the book not together on the page. The side characters took up too much space, even though I liked them. And, I was disappointed in Graham’s actions many a time- and I felt like Emmy deserved better. I felt like their relationship didn't quite develop at a steady pace, which kept me from really buying into their connection.

All in all, I enjoyed it, but this didn’t quite sparkle for me like some other Ilsa tales. A great premise and worth the read, but not my favorite from my queen of quirky, heart hitting romance.

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I loved this book! So good!!
When Emmaline Darling she is stranded in the desert and needs to get away from her dangerous ex-boyfriend, she picks her only option: swiping the keys to a famous football player’s Lamborghini and speeding away.
Football star Graham Harlan is in chaos: he’s promised his brother he’ll get married to secure the family inheritance. Trouble is he isn’t even seeing anyone. Then a mystery woman steals his car. With his usual stubbornness, he tracks her all the way to Manhattan and gives her an ultimatum: marry me or I’ll press charges. Her choice is obvious, only neither of them expect the sparks that ignite between them.
I read this book in a couple of days. I loved these two, so funny! The chemistry between them is amazing. The dialogs are really good, witty and sexy. There are a few steamy moments that I live for. There’s aghast, emotions involve and cute secondary characters. This is an auto-buy author for me. Her writing is engaging and flawless.
The story is definitely addictive. I couldn’t stop reading it or smiling.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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3 stars

I wanted to like this one a lot more because the initial banter was great, but then the romance felt underdeveloped, and the plot was a bit predictable and by the end I was like this was fine but forgettable.
I feel if the story was more focused in the romance rather than the drama with the side characters, I'd liked it more. Still, this was a fun read.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A fun read, the story of Emmaline and Graham. She doesn't make the best first impression by stealing his car to escape a bad situation. What he wants in return is a marriage, but will she give him a chance?

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My Darling Bride

Graham is on a journey to get back into playing football following a terrible injury. He decides to go to the desert to follow a feeling. That’s where he meets Emmy for the first time. Their meeting isn’t exactly a magical meet cute but it sets them on a path to love and commitment. Can lasting love come from a chance meeting and a major misunderstanding?

Both Emmy and Graham have strong family ties. It’s central to the story and is pivotal in the final decisions made by the characters. Graham’s burning desire to get back to playing football after nearly dying during a game drives many of his decisions and actions. It was interesting to see how the author allowed Graham the chance to grow and discover things about himself and the world around him. Emmy doesn’t have a growth curve like Graham. This story includes a large six degrees of separation moment. It turns out that Emmy and Graham could have met each other many times but fate kept them apart until now. That was a nice addition to the story. There is a quirky bookstore that plays a pivotal role in the story. This story has lots of nice elements.

My biggest issue is that the story is forgettable. It doesn’t happen often, but I forgot about this book almost as soon as I put it down. I remember that I thought it was a fast read but I couldn’t remember any of the details without reading my notes.

This is a contemporary romance that takes place primarily in New York City. It includes talk of football, bookstores, and near death experiences. I generally enjoy books from this author so I will definitely read more from this author in the future.

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This story was like a little piece of Ilsa
magic that is utterly irresistible from beginning to end!

Emmeline Darling is a beautiful bookish gal on the run from an abusive ex. Graham Harlan is a gorgeous but broody footballer who's at a crossroads in life after a near death experience on the field.

From one insanely hilarious meet cute, to a stolen Lamborghini, and an NFL player who needs to get hitched to gain his inheritance?!...let's just say you're in for one crazy fun ride with Garrett and Emmy!

I adored how Emmy and Garrett came together for a marriage of convenience but, watching them fall for each other was just so darn sweet and oh so steamy! I loved how family meant everything to both and the lengths they'd go to insure their happiness. The crazy shenanigans alone that came from Emmy's bookstore had me in complete stitches. Their families and friends are a riot! From Brody and Cas to Jasper and Jane, it's utterly impossible not to love these utterly endearing cast of characters!

The grand gestures Graham sprinkles throughout this story were positively swoony but damn if this man isn't a five alarm 🔥between the sheets! Trust me, when these two finally give in to all that slow building sexy tension, you'll be more than satisfied to sit back and watch them burn together! 😉🥵

What me love this story most though, was how the string of fate tied Garrett and Emmy together. I mean, who doesn't love it when fate steps it and paves the way for an unlikely pair to realize their HEA. When all the signs seems to be steering them together. Am I right?!😉❤️

What can I say other than Ilsa is back and better than ever! This was such a fun sweet, steamy and super swoony that read that gave me all the feels! One things for certain, you're definitely going to want to take a ride with Garrett and Emmy because this is one DARLING gem you won't want to miss!

Emmy is a beautiful bookish gal on the run from an abusive ex. Graham is a gorgeous but broody footballer who's
trying to find the meaning behind his dreams after a near death experience on the field. Graham and Emmy are two complete opposites, but

Watching a both trying to navigate this situation they find them something is very interesting. Watching them fight this insane chemistry they have developed this friendship. More importantly deny all the feelings that they’re developing and fight it tooth and nail is something to behold.

And the cast of characters that they surround themselves with their families are absolutely hilarious and just add to the craziness that is going on at the bookstore.

Their family was absolutely everything to them and they’d go to any lengths to make them happy. Enter the arranged marriage of Emmy and Graham where things just got a little more real than they were prepared for.

Oh the feels in this story. The fears of not just Emmy but also Graham, this story can get intense and hilarious at the same time. From how they meet to how he convinces her to marry him, it is sweet, hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time. While their chemistry is off the charts and their whole six degrees of separation aspect of their lives, they enter this agreement which they fully did not expect to take the turns that it did. I loved the laughs, the emotional moments and so much more between these two.

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I read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I've really enjoyed this author's past books. This one felt like it was a bit rushed? Like, I couldn't see the angst, or see Emme and Graham fall in love with each other. I don't know, maybe it's just me. It started off quite well, and then the characters got a bit distant.
2.5 stars

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I loved it! I'm hoping to go back and say more about it soon, been busy with the holidays, but I really enjoyed it, and marriage of convenience is my jam. It was a fun read, and Emmy and Graham were such opposites, but their romance was so sweet.

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Having read all of Ilsa Madden-Mills' books, I had been eagerly awaiting her next release and My Darling Bride certainly did not disappoint.
This Romance follows Emmaline and Graham where they meet in a motel outside Vegas which kick-starts a whirlwind journey of love.
Emmy has escaped from Vegas after her boyfriend proposed and then physically assaulted her. This led to Emmy ending things entirely and escaping his clutches. She witnessed plenty of abuse as a child and she will not go through anything like it again. Graham is a pro football player who was severely injured and stopped breathing for a few minutes during a game. He’s shaken up from the experience and goes on a road trip through the desert in his very fancy Porsche. The two meet at a rather dismal motel when Emmy is approached by a sleazy and insistent man (what’s new?) trying to get her into his room. Graham approaches at the perfect time where he’s dragged into the position of possessive and protective fake boyfriend for Emmy. Their chemistry is amazing and they part ways.
Emmy is warned that her ex boyfriend is tracking her through her phone and is quickly approaching the motel. Without thinking, Emmy goes to Graham’s room looking for help but with no sign of him she takes his keys and runs. Obviously a very expensive car, Graham is not overly pleased when his car was stolen from the motel, then the airport and crashed after that.
As reparation, Emmy agrees to a fake marriage to Graham after he finds her following the stolen car debacle and agrees to save her beloved bookstore/coffee shop and provide for her brother, sister and baby niece if she marries him so he can access his inheritance to help him brother and his husband who was cut out of the will for being gay and marrying a man.
I’m a sucker for fake marriage when almost straight away it’s definitely not fake. I also love Ilsa’s writing. I really enjoyed this. Just be prepared for discussions of domestic abuse and stalking. It’s not intense but to some it may be triggering.
Now I have to wait again for her next book!
Thank you for the eARC!

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Review on my booktok and bookstagram.

This was so cute, with such good banter and I loved how protective he was. And then she was of him. Swoon.

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This fake marriage of convenience was anything but convenient right from the start.

Emmy and Graham had an outlandish start and they both tried very hard to hide their pain from each other behind snarky and sexually charged banter. Despite their adamant stubbornness to admit their growing feelings for each other, they stuck together and supported each other. Following their relationship development was fun and riveting, even though the reasons for their fake marriage were a bit feeble. I loved their families and friends, even the evil Holden and Divina, who both played integral parts in the story.

The book dealt with the dangers of recurring concussions in football in a realistic and believable manner. I don’t know much about it, but I was drawn in by Graham’s struggle and his loved ones’ feelings about it.

These two snuck into my heart and stayed there. I can recommend this if you like steamy romance that also deals with some difficult issues.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This author never fails to deliver!

"He's looking at you like he's going to eat you for dinner."

Emmaline Darling and Graham Harlan were fated! I loved how they met and the zingy chemistry between them. The attraction and tension between them was irresistible and electric! I adored the side characters (I really hope that there will be a book for Jane and Jasper!).

"The truth is that I long for him with every ounce of my being, and I can't deny it any longer."

Graham was so gone for her but didn't even realise it - or was in denial out of fear. I adored all his big (the bookstore) and small (the cat litter tray) gestures that showed what was in his heart. Emmy was a beautiful soul - giving and loving - and she thought on her feet well! This story was packed with heat, humour and emotion. Loved it so much!

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Mary – ☆☆☆☆☆
Emmy is hiding from her ex-boyfriend in a motel in the Arizona desert. Graham is trying to get his life back on track after a concussion on the football field. They meet when she needs him to pretend he is her boyfriend to drive the creepy guy away. After Emmy's ex shows up at the motel, she steals (borrows) Graham's car to escape her ex. Now the fun begins, Graham has an idea that will help Emmy redeem herself and help him out.

Turns out Emmy works at a bookstore and part-time she works at a bar that Graham's brother goes to. When Graham meets with Emmy, she thinks he is there to have her arrested. But he has other plans, a quick wedding so he can get his family inheritance and she will get a hefty sum in the end. Emmy thinks about her siblings and niece and accepts his offer, hoping she doesn't fall for him in the process. Graham doesn't think he is falling for Emmy but all he thinks about is her. So where will they land when the marriage is up?

As a fan of this author, I couldn't wait to read this one. It is filled with a rollercoaster of emotions that will keep you engaged in the story of Graham and Emmy. I loved Graham and Emmy. I hope there will be more about them and Brodie and Cass.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is a really enjoyable read with two very likeable and amusing characters and one of the more incredible fake marriage stories I have read in a while!

Emmy has just escaped from her footballer player boyfriend whose temper got the better of him, and is hiding out in a dodgy motel, when a rather gorgeous man arrives in a Lamborghini. Little did she expect the turn of events which follows – I will leave you to enjoy that by reading it!

As the two of them navigate the marriage they have agreed to in order to help Graham's brother, Emmy and, separately, Graham soon realise just how much they really like each other. We have the pleasure of being privy to both their thoughts and we just have to wait for the penny to drop with them.

Great fun and really well written, thank you, Ilsa Madden-Mills!

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What a fun fake marriage rom-com story. These two meet under odd circumstances. I mean grand theft auto is definitely the way to catch someone's eye. Quickly realizing that working together is the best option (of avoiding jail) and getting Graham his inheritance money.

Fake dating/marriage never ends as it begins. Emmy and Graham were good when they were together but they seemed to be apart more than they were together. When all is said and done will Graham and Emmy realize that they are meant to be together.

This book delivers fun, angst, romance and love. The supporting characters were equally as entertaining. Ilsa definitely laid groundwork for potentially another book.

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Emmy and Graham’s story is one that is has you laughing one second to crying the next and you will love it. When Graham suffers a major injury during his Super Bowl game he sees his life flash before his eyes and when he wakes up there’s this desire to find the things he saw especially the beautiful girl who brought him peace. Emmy has found herself in a quite the predicament while running away from her ex and when her path collides with Graham’s nether one of them will be the same. I adored Graham because he may have his own flaws but he is such an incredible guy willing do whatever he can for his family and when Emmy comes in his life like a hurricane you know she will be one of those he comes to care for, but they have a long road ahead. Emmy has been the caretaker for her siblings as long as she can remember and she is incredibly kind where I would probably carry resentment, but she works hard and does what she has to. I instantly loved the banter between these two because it was chaotic and hilarious all at once. The insecurities they both carried from their past still haunted them both, but will they be able to help each other heal to find their happy ever afters? An incredibly fun and emotional read I devoured.

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I’d say the first half is incredibly long and the actual romance starts rather too late. No, it’s not slow burn. Rather it’s more of a more banter than know the characters and watch them know each other.

Well, the writing is good but for romance I expect to know the main leads and more of their interactions.

I like the cover and the title. And yes, if you like fun banter and fun characters this one is for you.

Thank you, Montlake, for the copy.

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Thank you NetGalley, Ilsa Madden-Mills, and Montlake for this e-ARC copy of My Darling Bride in exchange for my honest opinion and review!

Read if you love:
-Sports Romance (pro football player x bookstore manager)
-Marriage of Convenience
-Forced Proximity
-Witty Banter/ Rom-Coms
-Hilarious Meet-Cute

TW: abusive ex (off page, but evidence shown/discussed)

While this story plot was a bit.. I mean WAY over the top, it was still hilarious and enjoyable! If you are loving all the Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce vibes - you must read this heart warming read!

While in the desert, Emmy Darling finds herself running from her abusive ex (also a football player). While escaping, she decides to impulsively high jack Graham's lambo and run for it. Graham is a man who just had a near death experience, is on a road trip recovering. His path collides with Emmy. After a few hilarious accidents bringing the two together... he hunts her down and gives her a proposition... Marry him, or he is pressing charges.

Begrudgingly she agrees, and this marriage of convenience is meant to help them both. She stays out of jail... and he gets to receive an inheritance that will help his brother gain the ability to pursue to dreams. The problem is... what happens when the lines blur and lines get crossed?

Both of our main characters are a bit broken. But sometimes the best things in life come unexpectedly... and those things are just what we need to finally heal and be made whole.

This is a feel good romance that every romance reader needs!

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He's escaping a near death experience that left him mentally altered, she's escaping an abusing boyfriend that left her past reeling in her mind. He saved her from a creep and in return, she stole his car. His very expensive car. You'd think he'd be pissed, but instead, he asks her to marry him. While there is a little humor involved (mostly from the side characters,) this is more of a drama than comedy. Both of their pasts have been turbulent and neither are in the right headspace to start a relationship for reals. Good thing this is a marriage of convenience. There are some darker (or heavier) subject matters including domestic abuse (past tense.) Wonderful cast of characters. Graham and Emmy have much to overcome to get their happily ever after. Might break your hearts a little, but in the end, it's all good. There is some steamy moments, of course. Alternating POVs. Just a good story about allowing yourself to love (and ultimately being happy) no matter what you think your past may dictate.

*I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley.

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Emma Darling is stranded and needs to get away from her ex boyfriend so she swaps keys of a famous players Lamborghini.
Graham has literally come back from death and needs to get married to secure inheritance for her baby brother but with whom. So when it's Emma who steals his car he tracks her down and gives an ultimatum to marry him or he'll press charges.
But what happens when sparks fly? Can they take a chance at love?
I love a good marriage of convenience, it's my favourite troupe. The reason for their fake marriage though common was deftly done . The meet cute was funny and adorable. Graham did little things for Emmy but what he lacked was saying them out loud and he did that in a grand manner in the ned redeeming himself.
I finished it in under 24hrs and thoroughly enjoyed it .

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Emma line and Graham meet by chance in the desert.
They agree to get married, and their lives are changed and never the same. Emmaline runs a bookstore and is a cat lover .Graham Harlan life is in chaos.
He plays football and gets injured and has a near-death experience, to secure the family inheritance he needs to get married . All of a sudden Emmaline steals his car and when he finds her he tells her marry me or I’ll press charges. Guess what she picked?
This is a cute story with
Fake Marriage
Sports romance
Steamy 🔥🔥☄️
Thank You @netgalley and

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